Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst

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Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst Page 91

by Robert M. Sapolsky

  Amin, Idi, 414

  amino acids, 712

  Among the Believers: An Islamic Journey (Naipaul), 13

  amygdala, 30–44, 59–62, 73, 125, 143, 144, 193, 454, 518, 531, 545

  aggression and, 31–34, 44

  papers published on, 605

  basolateral (BLA), 36–40, 129

  childhood adversity and, 196, 201

  faces and, 85, 89, 388, 395, 408–9, 416, 418, 614, 628–29

  fear and, 34, 36–40, 42, 44, 85, 87–90, 97, 129

  as part of networks, 40–44

  punishment and, 610

  removal of, 32

  stress and, 128–29

  testosterone and, 100, 102–4

  urban living and, 296

  Andaman Islanders, 317, 318

  Andreotta, Glenn, 657, 658n, 658, 660, 670

  androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS), 216–17

  anger, 62

  anhedonia, 197

  animal cruelty and animal rights, 508, 617

  dog-meat market, 510, 510

  Harlow’s studies and, 191n

  animals, 10–11

  compassion in, 523–26

  conformity in, 456–58

  emotional contagion in, 523–26, 569

  morality in, 484–87

  sensory triggers of behavior in, 83–84

  see also specific types of animals

  antagonistic pleiotropy, 329

  anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), 46, 59, 516–19, 528–34, 547, 559–60, 569, 622

  anxiety, 143

  amygdala and, 34–35, 40, 44

  apes, 10, 11, 45

  apologies, 638–40

  Arab Spring, 653

  Arafat, Yasir, 577

  archaeology, 305–9, 608

  Archer, John, 101

  Ardrey, Robert, 316

  Arendt, Hannah, 202, 475

  Ariely, Dan, 491

  Aristotle, 120n, 488

  Armistead, Lewis, 409

  arousal, 43–44

  Asch, Solomon, 461, 464, 470, 474

  Ashworth, Tony, 665, 666

  Asia, 277–78

  atheism, 626

  athletes, 396, 397, 502–3

  Atlantic, 668

  Atran, Scott, 574–75

  Attachment and Loss (Bowlby), 189

  attachment theory, 189

  attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 76

  auditory stimuli, 6, 83–84, 89

  authority, 449, 450, 455–56

  obedience to, see obedience and conformity

  autism, 114

  mirror neurons and, 539–40

  automaticity, 50

  autonomic nervous system, 22, 26–27

  Axelrod, Robert, 346, 348, 372, 574–75, 634

  Baader-Meinhof Gang, 33

  baboons, 17, 123, 131–32, 162, 172, 191–92, 196, 207, 295, 303, 337, 338, 429, 648–52, 648, 650

  “Garbage Dump” troop of, 648–50, 649

  hierarchies and, 426–27, 427, 428, 436–39, 442, 455

  Balkans, 300, 618, 663

  Banaji, Mahzarin, 464

  Barash, David, 382

  Bargh, John, 565, 566

  Barnum, P. T., 52

  Baumeister, Roy, 91

  Baumgartner, Thomas, 517

  Baumrind, Diana, 202–3, 208

  BBC Prison Study, 467–68

  BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), 129, 143, 195

  beauty, 88, 443

  Beckwith, Jonathan, 384

  bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), 43, 102, 143

  Begin, Menachem, 16n

  behaviorism, 8–9, 82–83, 188–90

  Bell, George, 662

  Belyaev, Dmitry, 377–78

  Ben Ali, Zine El Abidine, 653

  Benchley, Robert, 387

  Benedict, Ruth, 502

  Berkowitz, David, 225n, 593n

  Bernhardt, Michael, 656–57

  Berreby, David, 399

  Better Angels of Our Nature, The: Why Violence Has Declined (Pinker), 306, 309n, 616–19

  Bible, 11, 624–25, 625, 660

  Bingham, Hiram, 409

  Blakemore, Sarah-Jayne, 161

  Block, Ned, 242

  Bloom, Paul, 484, 545, 546, 562

  body, interoceptive information about, 90–92, 528, 529, 566

  Boehm, Christopher, 322–25

  Bok, Hilary, 599

  Bokassa, Jean-Bédel, 367

  Boko Haram, 631–32

  bonobos, 111, 122, 317, 325, 365, 525, 614

  Boroditsky, Lera, 558n

  Bouazizi, Mohamed, 652–53, 653, 660

  Bouchard, Thomas, 235, 239, 244

  Bowlby, John, 189–90, 222

  Bowles, Samuel, 309, 321, 364, 405, 512

  Boyce, Tom, 195

  Boyd, Robert, 350

  Brady, Joseph, 436

  Braille, 144–46

  brain, 6–8, 11, 21–80, 154, 679–706

  amygdala in, see amygdala

  anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) in, 46, 59, 516–19, 528–34, 547, 559–60, 569, 622

  autonomic nervous system and, 22, 26–27

  bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) in, 43, 102, 143

  changes in size of regions in, 150–52

  conformity and, 459–61

  damage to, 53, 149, 590–91, 597, 601–2, 609, 705

  directions in, 54n

  frontal cortex in, see frontal cortex

  fusiform face area in, 80, 85–86, 88, 114, 122n, 388, 402

  hemispheres and lateralization of, 30, 30

  hippocampus in, see hippocampus

  limbic system of, see limbic system

  locus coeruleus in, 43

  malleability of, 53

  mesolimbic/mesocortical dopamine system in, see dopamine

  neocortex in, 23

  neurons in, see neurons

  neurotransmitters in, see neurotransmitters

  nucleus accumbens in, 64–65, 103

  obedience and, 459–61

  periaqueductal gray (PAG) in, 41, 42, 59, 527

  plasticity in, 137–53, 172, 188, 223

  prefrontal cortex in, see prefrontal cortex

  premotor cortex (PMC) in, 47, 166–68, 535–36, 540

  size of, and social group size, 429, 430

  social rank and, 434, 475

  temporoparietal juncture (TPJ) in, 55n, 114, 178, 275, 480, 527, 531, 533, 535

  triune model of, 22–23

  brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), 129, 143, 195

  breast-feeding, 189n

  British Empire, 415

  Brooks, Stephen, 656n

  Brosnan, Sarah, 484–87

  Brown, Andrew, 381

  Brown, Donald, 271

  Brown, Stuart, 205

  Brown v. Board of Education, 415

  Bucy, Paul, 24

  Buddhists, 19, 544–45, 551, 624

  bullying, 199–200, 292–93, 431

  Bush, George H. W., 632

  Bush, George W., 403, 443, 454

  bystander effect, 94–95

  Cagots, 401

  CAH (congenital adrenal hyperplasia), 215–18

  Cajal, Santiago, 681, 684, 688

  calcium, 140

  Calhoun, John C., 285, 298

  California Caverns, 160–61

  California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT), 48n

  Calley, William, Jr., 656, 657, 658n

  Camp David Peace Accords, 16n

  Cantor, James, 597

  Carnegie Medal, 520

nbsp; Carrion, Victor, 195

  Carter, Sue, 110, 112

  Caspi, Avshalom, 254

  catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), 256–58

  categorical thinking, 5–9

  causation, 599–600

  compulsion and, 593

  multifactorial, 602–3

  cave paintings, 556, 556, 557

  CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), 61

  Ceauşescu, Nicolae, 201

  cells, 703, 703

  red blood (RBCs), 680, 680, 681

  Chagnon, Napoleon, 312–14

  Champagne, Frances, 221

  charitability, 115, 370, 548–50

  Charlie Hebdo, 554

  cheating, 324, 449, 492, 514–20

  reciprocal altruism and, 344–53

  Cheney, Dorothy, 337–38

  Chestnut, Joey, 431

  Chicago riots, 472

  Chicago Seven, 396n

  childhood, children, 7, 8, 21, 174–222

  adolescence, see adolescence

  class differences and, 207–9

  in collectivist vs. individualist cultures, 206–7

  compassion in, 527–28

  culture and, 202–10

  in cultures of honor, 207

  developmental stages in, 174–87, 177, 479

  empathy in, 179–81

  hospitalization in, 189

  marshmallow test and, 185–87

  media violence and, 198, 206–7

  neighborhood and, 205

  parenting and, see parents, parenting

  peers in, 204

  play in, 204–5

  Us/Them-ing in, 391–92

  childhood adversity, 194–201

  abuse, 193–94, 254

  by stepparent, 367–68

  biology and, 194–97

  bullying, 199–200, 431

  observing violence, 197–98

  poverty, 195–96

  resilience and, 200

  in Romanian institutions, 201, 201

  serotonin and, 254–55

  child labor, 508, 615

  child soldiers, 156n, 630–31, 631

  Chimpanzee Politics (de Waal), 444

  chimpanzees, 111, 269–70, 270, 316, 317, 325, 365, 717

  conformity in, 457–58, 470

  observational learning in, 523–24

  trust and, 393

  Us/Them and, 389

  yawning in, 457n

  China, 414, 415, 654

  Chomsky, Noam, 384

  chromosomes, 223

  Chuck E. Cheese’s, 342n

  Churchland, Patricia, 541

  Cinderella effect, 367

  cities, 296, 298–99

  civilizing process, 617

  Civil War, 409, 662

  Battle of Gettysburg, 554, 644

  Clark, Kenneth and Mamie, 415

  class, see socioeconomic status

  Clay, Henry, 285

  cleanliness, 564–65

  climate, 302–3

  Clinton, Bill, 640

  cognition, 617–18

  adolescence and, 159

  cognitive load, 49–50, 416–17, 546

  empathy fatigue, 534–35

  emotion and, 54–58

  empathy and, 528, 531–35, 552

  frontal cortex and, 47–50, 159

  stages of cognitive development, 176–79

  cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), 61

  Cohen, Dov, 285, 286, 287

  Cohen, Jonathan, 47, 58, 609

  Cohn, Alain, 491

  Cohn, Roy, 396

  Colburn, Lawrence, 657, 658n, 658, 660, 670

  Coles, Robert, 181n

  Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (Diamond), 302

  collectivist cultures, 97, 156, 206–7, 273–82, 474, 501–3

  Coming of Age in Samoa (Mead), 122

  compassion, 15, 522, 523, 542

  acts of, 542–45, 551, 614

  effective, 545–46

  in animals, 523–26

  in children, 527–28

  self-interest in, 547–50, 642

  wealthy people and, 533–34

  see also empathy

  compatibilism, 586

  competition, 2–4, 15, 16

  moral judgment and, 495–500

  COMT (catechol-O-methyltransferase), 256–58

  conditioned place preference, 103

  confidence, 102–3, 237

  confirmation biases, 403

  conflict monitoring, 528–29

  conflict resolution, sacred values in, 575–79, 643–44

  conformity, see obedience and conformity

  congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), 215–18

  consequentialism, 504–7, 520

  consolation behavior, 525–26

  contact theory, 420, 626–30

  cooperation, 3, 4, 15, 547, 633–35

  moral judgment and, 495–500, 508–9

  optimal strategy for, 345–53

  punishment used to promote, 635

  starting, 353–54, 508–9

  corporate personhood, 411n, 503

  Correll, Joshua, 86

  corruption, 267

  Corry, Stephen, 315

  cortex, 29

  Cotton, Ronald, 641–42

  Craddock, Sandie, 124

  CRH (corticotropin-releasing hormone), 125, 129, 132, 708–9

  Crick, Francis, 714


  abortion and, 190–91

  broken window theory of, 95–96

  income inequality and, 295

  in 1970s and 1980s, 311

  organized, 395–96

  urbanization and, 296

  Crimean War, 662

  criminal justice system, 171, 253, 398, 502–3, 580–600, 608–12

  adolescents and, 170–71, 589–90, 592–93

  brain damage and, 590–91, 597, 598, 601–2, 609

  and causation vs. compulsion, 593

  cognitive biases in jurors, 582

  and diminished responsibility for actions, 587

  free will and, see free will

  judicial decisions, 448, 449, 483, 583, 643

  neuroimaging data and, 582, 599

  and starting a behavior vs. halting it, 594–95

  and time course of decision making for action, 592–93

  crises, cultural, 301–3

  culture(s), 7, 11, 21, 266–327

  adolescence and, 155–56

  changes in, over time, 276–77

  childhood and, 202–10

  collectivist, 97, 156, 206–7, 273–82, 474, 501–3

  crises and, 301–3

  definitions of, 269–71

  differences in, 271–73

  gender-related, 272

  diffusion and, 621

  egalitarian, 291–96

  of honor, 207, 283, 284, 501

  American South, 207, 284–88, 501

  honor killings in, 288–91, 290

  human universals in, 271–72

  hunter-gatherer, 291, 315–25, 318, 372–73, 407, 499, 616–17, 620

  gods in, 297

  Hadza, 317–19, 318, 498, 620

  violence in, 319–25, 322

  individualistic, 97, 156, 206–7, 273–82, 474, 501–3

  learning in, 457

  long-lasting effects of, 267

  math skills and, 266–67, 406

  moral judgments and, 275, 493–503

  pastoral, 282–83, 288, 379

  religion and, 283, 304

  prehistoric and contemporary
indigenous, 305–26, 307, 310, 318, 320, 322

  religion in, see religion

  sensory processing and, 276

  similarities in, 271–72

  stratified, 291–96

  stress responses and, 274–75

  violence and, 272

  Cushing’s syndrome, 151n

  Cyberball, 165–66, 529–30, 559

  Dalai Lama, 544

  Dale, Henry, 692

  Dalton, Katharina, 123

  Daly, Martin, 367

  Damasio, Antonio, 28, 56, 61, 97, 507, 538

  Darden, Chris, 396

  Darkness in El Dorado: How Scientists and Journalists Devastated the Amazon (Tierney), 312n

  Darwin, Charles, 230n

  Darwin’s finches, 379

  Das, Gopal, 147

  Davidson, Richard, 544

  Davis, Richard, 574–75

  Dawkins, Richard, 330, 333, 361, 362

  DeCasper, Anthony, 210–11

  deception, 512–17

  Decety, Jean, 180, 532

  decision making, 38–39, 46–47

  De Dreu, Carsten, 116–17

  De Kock, Eugene, 629–30

  Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence (Wrangham and Peterson), 316, 317

  Dennett, Daniel, 607, 668–69

  deontology, 504, 505, 520

  depression, 143, 437, 602–3

  childhood adversity and, 196–97

  5HTT variant and, 246

  Descarte, René, 28

  Descartes’ Error (Damasio), 28

  despotism, avoidance of, 324

  DeVore, Irven, 384, 427, 651

  De Waal, Frans, 271, 444, 457, 484–87, 525, 526

  diabetes, 379–80

  gestational, 359n

  dichotomizing, 392

  see also Us/Them dichotomies

  Dictator Game, 497, 498

  Diallo, Amadou, 86

  Diamond, Jared, 302

  Diana, Princess of Wales, 401n–2n

  disgust, 411, 560–65

  adolescents and, 160n

  insular cortex and, 41, 46, 69, 398–99, 454, 560–61

  interpersonal, 399

  moral, 398, 454, 561–65

  political orientation and, 453–55

  Us/Them and, 398–99

  dishonesty, 512–17

  Disney, Walt, 84

  DNA, 108, 147, 223, 225–33, 261–62

  as blueprint for constructing proteins, 712–14

  exons and introns and, 230–31

  mutations and polymorphisms and, 714–17

  noncoding, 226

  Dobzhansky, Theodosius, 328

  dog(s), 112

  deception in, 513

  dog-meat market and, 510, 510

  feral Moscow, 378, 379

  scenario of saving person vs., 368, 371

  doll studies, 415

  Donohue, John, 190

  dopamine (mesolimbic/mesocortical dopamine system), 30, 64–77, 84, 103, 151, 275, 390, 555–56, 692

  in adolescence, 162–64, 163


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