Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer, 119, 121, 334, 384
Hubbard, Ruth, 384
Hughes, Robert, 556–57
Huizinga, Johan, 204
Human Being Died That Night, A (Gobodo-Madikizela), 629–30
Human Rights Caucus, 632
Hume, David, 56
hunger, 301
economic decisions and, 92, 449, 566
judicial decisions and, 448, 449, 566, 583, 643
Hunter, Kim, 387
hunter-gatherer societies, 291, 315–25, 318, 372–73, 407, 499, 616–17, 620
gods in, 297, 623
Hadza, 317–19, 318, 498, 620
!Kung, 319, 320, 324, 373n
Mbuti, 317, 318, 373n
violence in, 319–25, 322
hunting, 323–24
Huntington’s disease, 53
Hussein, King, 576–77, 670
Hutu and Tutsi tribes, 372, 469, 570–73
hyenas, sex reversal system in, 120
Iacoboni, Marco, 539, 540
Ibn Saud, 367
Ibrahim, Meriam, 397
icons, 553
imitation, see mimicry
immigration, 277, 562
Implicit Association Test (IAT), 116, 388, 389, 416, 582
imp of the perverse, 62
impulse control, 77, 103, 142, 592–93
inbreeding, 339
India, Sepoy Mutiny in, 391n
indigenous and prehistoric cultures, 305–26, 307, 310, 318, 320, 322
individualistic cultures, 97, 156, 206–7, 273–82, 474, 501–3
Indonesia and the New Order, 13
competitive infanticide, 334–36, 354, 367, 383
faces and, 391–92
moral reasoning in, 483–84
mother-infant bond, 189–90
status differences recognized by, 432–33
stress in newborns, 193
influence, social, 274–75
Innocence Project, 581
Insanity Defense Reform Act, 587
insects, eusocial, 333
Insel, Thomas, 110
insular cortex (insula), 41–42, 46, 59, 69, 398–99, 454, 531, 560–61, 10
insulin resistance, 359
integrative complexity, 447
IQ, 157, 215, 246, 249, 582, 617
political orientation and, 446–47
interoceptive information, 90–92, 528, 529, 566
Iran, 415
Iraq, 632–33
Irgun, 16n
Irish Republican Army (IRA), 468, 555, 577
irrationalities, recognizing, 642–44
Islam, Muslims, 372, 396n, 553–54, 624, 626
isomorphic sensorimotor response, 86, 395, 522
Israel, 16n, 575–77, 640
Jordan and, 576
kibbutz system in, 371
Palestine and, 575
Is Shame Necessary? (Jacquet), 502
Jackson, Andrew, 285
Jacquet, Jennifer, 502, 503
James, LeBron, 397
James, William, 56, 90–91
James-Lange theory, 90–91
Jamison, Leslie, 542–43, 546
Japan, Japanese, 413
in World War II, 413, 640, 653–55, 668, 669
Jews, 372, 396, 464
in Holocaust, 572, 574, 576n
Jindal, Bobby, 397
Johnson, Mark, 558
Jones, Steve, 362n
Jost, John, 400, 450
justice, sense of, see fairness and justice
justice system, see criminal justice system
Jyllands-Posten, 553–54
Kagame, Paul, 572n
Kahneman, Daniel, 93, 512n, 643
Kamin, Leon, 240, 384
Kant, Immanuel, 481
Kaplan, George, 294, 295
Kaplan, Michael, 147–48, 295
karaoke and “My Way” killings, 555
Kass, Leon, 454
Katchadourian, Herant, 502
Kaufman, Irving, 396
Kawachi, Ichiro, 294
Keeley, Lawrence, 306–11, 313, 315, 317, 321, 325
Keizer, Kees, 96
Kelling, George, 95
Keltner, Dacher, 533–34
Kendler, Kenneth, 238, 239
Kennedy, Anthony, 171
Kennedy, John F., 403
Kenya, 191, 208n, 283n, 370n
Mau Mau rebellion in, 630
Kerry, John, 443
Kidd, Kenneth, 280–81
Kiehl, Kent, 54
Kikuyu, 630
Kimberly-Clark and corporate shaming, 503
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 652
King, Mary-Claire, 228
King David Hotel, 16n
Kipling, Rudyard, 381
Kluckhohn, Clyde, 271
Klüver, Heinrich, 24
Klüver-Bucy syndrome, 24–25
Knutson, Brian, 70, 75, 275
Kohlberg, Lawrence, 182, 184–85, 449, 479, 488, 519
Koreans, 115, 259, 275
Korean War, 647
Kramer, Heinrich, 606–7
Kreipe, Heinrich, 410
Kroeber, Alfred, 271
!Kung, 319, 320, 324, 373n
Kusserow, Adrie, 208
Kuwait, 632–33
lactase persistence, 379
Lakoff, George, 558
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, 221n, 230, 332
Lange, Carl, 90–91
language, 175, 557
grammatical gender in, 558n
metaphors, 557–58
see also metaphorical and symbolic thinking
moral context and, 491
unconscious effects of, 92–93
Lantos, Tom, 633
Lavater, Johann, 515n
L-DOPA as dopamine precursor, 693
leaders, 425–26, 436, 442
choosing, 442–44, 476
lead exposure, 196n
learning, 139, 141, 523
observational, 523–24, 537, 538
pattern separation, 149
social, conformity in, 456–57
LeDoux, Joseph, 36, 37, 38n, 41n
Lee, John, 554
Lee, Robert E., 284–85
legal system, see criminal justice system
Leigh Fermor, Patrick, 410
Lenski, Richard, 380
Leukotomies (aka lobotomies), 9
Levitt, Steven, 190
Lewontin, Richard, 381–82
Libet, Benjamin, 594
lie detectors, 516–17
limbic system, 24–30, 65, 84
frontal cortex and, 58–64
hypothalamus, 25–28, 100, 708
interface between cortex and, 28–29
Lincoln, Abraham, 652
lions, 352
Lipton, Judith, 382
Little Rock Central High School, 640
Liulevicius, Vejas, 369
liver, 703, 703
Lobello, Lu, 639–40
lobotomies, 9 (aka leukotomies)
locus coeruleus, 43
Lømo, Terje, 140
London taxi drivers and hippocampal expansion, 151
Lorenz, Konrad, 10, 83n, 316, 470
love, 15, 19, 44
loyalty, 395, 449, 450, 451, 456
lying, 63–64, 512–17, 557, 564, 568
Lying (Harris), 513n
Maasai, 208n, 284, 310, 310, 319n, 324n, 630
Macbeth effect, 564–65
Maccoby, Eleanor, 203
MacFarquhar, Larissa, 18
MacLean, Paul, 22–24
Madoff, Bernie, 403
Mafia, 284, 395–96
Magritte, René, 556–57, 556
Maimonides, Moses, 548
Malleus Maleficarum (Kramer and Sprenger), 606–7
malnutrition, 187, 200, 219, 239
Mandela, Nelson, 468, 578–79, 652, 670
mandrills, 355, 357
MAO-A (monoamine oxidase-A), 251–55, 257, 264, 605
Maori, 253n
Marcus, Gary, 541
market integration and economic game play, 498, 499
marshmallow test and impulse control in children, 185–87
Martin, John, 203
Maslach, Christina, 463
Massery, Hazel Bryan, 640
maternal behaviors, 109, 115–16
aggression, 118–19, 121
math skills, 266–67, 267, 406
Mau Mau rebellion, 630
Mayr, Ernst, 354n, 362
Maze Prison, 468, 555
Mazrui, Ali, 302
Mbuti, 317, 318, 373n
McCarthy, Joseph, 451n
McClintock, Barbara, 231
McDonald’s, 620
McGaugh, James, 38n
McGuinness, Martin, 577
Mead, Margaret, 122
Meaney, Michael, 195, 220–22
Medina, Ernest, 657
meditation, 19, 544, 545
Meinhof, Ulrike, 32–33
Méliès, Georges, 398
Melzack, Ronald, 699
memory, 38n, 138–42, 147, 150
spatial maps and the hippocampus, 151
menstrual cycle, 144n
ovulation, 88, 122n, 402
premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), 121–22
premenstrual syndrome (PMS), 121–24
meritocratic thinking, 167
metaphorical and symbolic thinking, 553–79
dark side of, 570–74
pseudospeciation, 372, 570, 572–73, 574, 632–33
real vs. metaphorical sensation, 565–68
sacred values in conflict resolution, 575–79, 643–44
Metaphors We Live By (Lakoff and Johnson), 558
MHC (major histocompatibility complex) and individual recognition, 340–41, 370
mice, 35, 110–12, 133, 134, 247, 250, 524–25, 555–56
Middle East conflict, 575–77
Milgram, Stanley, 461–62, 464–66, 468, 469, 470, 471, 473, 474
Milk, Harvey, 92n
Miller v. Alabama, 171, 589
mimicry, 390
empathic, 102, 522–24
mirror neurons and, see mirror neurons
minimal group paradigm, 389–91
Minsky, Marvin, 603, 605
mirror neurons and supposed functions, 166n, 180n, 536–41
autism and, 539–40
empathy and, 540–41
social interactions and, 538–39
Mischel, Walter, 186–87
Mitchell, David, 657
M’Naghten, Daniel, 586–87, 598
Mogil, Jeffrey, 133, 524, 544
mole rats, 120, 352
Moniz, Egas, 9
Money, John, 215
monkeys, 4, 35, 36, 47, 48, 50–51, 55, 67, 68, 70, 71, 73–74, 82, 104, 109–10, 123, 148, 172, 221, 429, 535, 557
baboons, 17, 123, 131–32, 162, 172, 191–92, 196, 207, 295, 303, 337, 338, 429, 648–52, 648, 650
“Garbage Dump” troop of, 648–50, 649
hierarchies and, 426–27, 427, 428, 436–39, 442, 455
deception in, 513
“executive,” stress in, 436
Harlow’s experiments with, 189–90, 190, 192
kinship understanding in, 337–38
langurs and competitive infanticide, 334–35
moral judgments in, 484–85, 487
sex differences in behaviors of, 213–14, 214
social rank and, 433, 434
tamarins, 110, 213, 355, 357
monoamine oxidase-A (MAO-A), 251–55, 257, 264, 605
monogamy, 339, 366
morality and moral decisions, 478–520
in animals, 484–87
applying science of, 504–20
automaticity and, 50
in children, 181–85
reasoning in, 182–83
competition and, 495–500
consequentialism and, 504–7, 520
context in, 488–503
cultural, 275, 493–503
framing, 491–92
language, 491
proximity, 491
special circumstances, 492–93
cooperation and, 495–500, 508–9
cultural differences and, 275
deontology and, 504, 505, 520
disgust and, 398, 454, 561–65
doing the harder thing when it’s the correct thing to do, 45, 47–48, 50, 51, 55, 56, 63, 64, 74, 75, 92, 130, 134, 513, 515, 614
dumbfounding in, 483
honesty and duplicity and, 512–20
in infants, 483–84
internal motives and external actions in, 493
intuition in, 478, 479, 481–83, 507–8
“me vs. us” and “us vs. them” in, 508–12
obedience and, 471, 473
see also obedience and conformity
political orientation and, 449–50
punishment and, see punishment
reasoning in, 169, 478–81, 487–88, 507–8, 542
in adolescents, 167–69
in children, 182–83
in infants, 483–84
runaway trolley problem (killing one person to save five) and, 55, 56, 58–59, 117, 482, 488–91, 505–7
self-driving cars and, 612n
saving person vs. dog, 368, 371
and sins of commission vs. omission, 490
and tragedy of the commons vs. tragedy of commonsense morality, 508–11, 533
universals of, 494–95
utilitarianism and, 505–7
virtue ethics and, 504, 520
Moral Life of Children, The (Coles), 181n
Moral Origins: The Evolution of Virtue, Altruism, and Shame (Boehm), 323
Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives Think (Lakoff), 558
Moral Tribes: Emotion, Reason, and the Gap Between Us and Them (Greene), 508–9
Mormons, 367
Morozov, Pavlik, 368–69, 487
Morse, Stephen, 598–600
Moscone, George, 92n
Mother Teresa, 535
motivation, “you must be so smart” vs. “you must have worked so hard” and, 595–96, 598
Mubarak, Hosni, 653
Muhammad, controversies surrounding cartoon images of, 553–54
multifactorial nature of behavior, 602–3
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, 18n–19n
Muslims, Islam, 372, 396n, 553–54, 624, 626
Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom, 332
Myth of Mirror Neurons, The (Hickok), 540
My Lai Massacre, 464, 655–58, 657, 658
“My Way” killings in the Philippines, 555
Naipaul, V. S., 13
Napoleon, 624
Native Americans, 619, 657
natural abilities, 596
“you must be so smart” vs. “you must have worked so hard” and, 595–96, 598
Nature, 262, 352n, 485, 491, 526
Nature Neuroscience, 220
Nauta, Walle, 28–29, 54
Navarrete, Carlos, 402, 408
Nayirah testimony conce
rning supposed atrocities during the Gulf War, 632–33
Nazis, 10, 403, 414, 465, 469, 470, 506
Eichmann, 464, 475
Hitler, 1–2
Holocaust, 572, 574, 576n
Nelson, Charles, 201
autonomic, 22, 26–27
parasympathetic, 27
sympathetic, 26–27, 37, 43, 60–62
remapping of, 144–46
Netanyahu, Benjamin, 575
neurobiology and neuroscience (see brain)
neurons, 11, 37–38, 175, 680–87, 681, 686, 704
action potentials of, 683–87
axons of, 681–82, 681
myelin sheath around, 157–59, 175, 705, 705
plasticity of, 144–46
BLA (basolateral amygdala), 37–39, 143
circuits of, 680, 694–706, 700
neuromodulation in, 694–95, 695
and sharpening a signal over time and space, 695–98, 696, 697
dendrites of, 681–82, 681
glia cells and, 680
mirror, supposed functions of 166n, 180n, 536–41
autism and, 539–40
empathy and, 540–41
social interactions and, 538–39
neurogenesis, 147–50, 152, 341
pain types and, 698–99, 698
plasticity of, 137–53, 172, 188, 223
axonal, 144–46
resting potential of, 682–83
reuse of, 569
synapses and, 138–43, 145, 146, 175, 687–94
LTD (long-term depression) and LTP (long-term potentiation), 140–42
von Economo (aka spindle neurons), 46, 569
neuropeptides, 108
neuropharmacology, 693–94
neurotransmitters, 27, 31, 37, 139, 223, 689–91, 690, 707–8
acetylcholine, 27, 692, 694
dopamine, see dopamine
GABA, 119, 692
glutamate, 139–41, 143, 692
hormones and, 707–10
norepinephrine, 27, 43, 253, 692
serotonin, see serotonin
substance P, 560
types of, 691–93
New Guinea, 310, 310
Newton, John, 659–61, 661, 670
New Yorker, 18, 79, 148n, 639
New York Times, 151, 541, 555
Nichols, Shaun, 600
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 404
Nigeria, 413, 631–32
Nike, 503
9/11 attacks, 619
Nisbett, Richard, 275, 284, 285, 286, 287
Nixon, Richard, 624n
NMDA glutamate receptors, 139–40
Nobel Prize, 9, 10, 83n, 231, 643, 688n
Norenzayan, Ara, 297, 623, 625–26
norepinephrine, 27, 43, 253, 692
Nottebohm, Fernando, 148
novelty, 161–62, 168, 450
Nowak, Martin, 350
Ntaryamira, Cyprien, 571n
nucleus accumbens, 64–65, 103
Nurture Assumption, The (Harris), 203–4
Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst Page 93