Nyangatom, 314
Obama, Barack, 402n–3n
obedience and conformity, 35, 449, 451, 455–75, 477
in animals, 456–58
brain and, 459–61
modulators of, 469–75
alternative actions, 474–75
nature of authority, 470
nature of victim, 473
qualities of person being pressured, 473–74
stress, 474
what is being required and in what context, 470–73
roots of, 456–59
studies on, 461–69
by Asch, 461, 464, 470, 474
BBC Prison Study 467–68
Hofling hospital experiment, 464n
Milgram’s shock experiment, 461–62, 464–66, 468, 469, 470, 471, 473, 474
Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE), 461, 463–68, 475
object permanence, 176
Ochsner, Kevin, 529
O’Connor, Sandra Day, 590, 592
olfaction, see smell
olfactory bulb, 24
On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society (Grossman), 644–47
operant conditioning, 37n, 82
optimism, 102–3, 643
organ donation to strangers, 18
Organization of Behavior, The (Hebb), 138
Otzi, 307, 307
ovulation, 88, 122n, 402
oxytocin and vasopressin, 107–17, 133, 134, 135, 530
ASD (autism spectrum disorder) and, 114
and behavior to out-groups, 116–17, 135, 389, 614
contingent effects of, 115
dark side of, 115–17
genes and, 227, 258–59
papers published on, 603, 604
prosociality vs. sociality and, 113–14, 116, 117
Pääbo, Svante, 365
pain, 559–60
aggression and, 91
amygdala and, 41
empathy and, 86, 133, 169, 180, 395, 522, 523, 527, 532, 533, 540, 545–47, 550–52, 560, 568
two types of, 698–99, 698
pair bonding, 109–12, 337
tournament species vs., 354–58, 360, 383
Paisley, Ian, 577n–78n
Palestinians, 575
Panglossian paradigm, 383
Papez, James, 24
parasites, 232n
parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), 27
parents, parenting, 202–9
attachment, 189n
authoritarian, 203
authoritative, 203
communal child rearing and, 371
conflict with offspring, 358–59
mother-infant bond, 189–90
mothers, 109, 115–16, 188–94
breastfeeding, 189n
permissive, 203
Parkes, A. S., 298
Parkinson’s disease, 693
Parks, Rosa, 652
Pascual-Leone, Alvaro, 146
pastoralism, 282–83, 288, 379
religion and, 283, 304
pattern separation, 149
Pavlovian conditioning, 37n
Paxton, Joseph, 518–19
peaceology, 647
see also war and peace
Pearl Harbor, 653–55
pedophilia, 597, 598
Peel, Robert, 586–87
peers, 164–67, 204
periaqueductal gray (PAG), 41, 42, 59, 527
Perkins, Marlin, 332, 426, 427
Perry, Gina, 466
personality traits, 439
compliance and, 473–74
genes and, 236
repressive, 63n
perspective taking, 419, 522, 523, 617
Peterson, Dale, 316
Phelps, Elizabeth, 67, 85
phenylketonuria, 246
pheromones, 84, 90, 340
phobias and amygdala, 36
Piaget, Jean, 176–78, 181, 479
Pinker, Steven, 306–9, 311–15, 319, 321, 541, 616–20
pituitary gland, 99, 108, 125, 621, 708–9
Planet of the Apes, 387, 388
Plants and transposable genetic elements, 232
play, 204–5
playback experiments, 338, 352, 428
Plomin, Robert, 239
PMC (premotor cortex), 47, 166–68, 535–36, 540
PMDD (premenstrual dysphoric disorder), 121–22
PMS (premenstrual syndrome), 121–24
Poe, Edgar Allan, 62
political orientations, 88, 90, 444–55, 476–77
biology and, 452–55
genetic influences on, 455
genetics as viewed via, 224n, 237n
implicit factors underlying, 446–52
affective psychological differences, 450–52
intellectual style, 447–49
intelligence, 446–47
moral cognition, 449–50
internal consistency of, 445–46
right-wing authoritarianism (RWA), 422, 446–47, 450, 451
polygamy, 339, 366
polygraph tests, 516–17
density of, 297–99
heterogeneity of, 299–301
size of, 296–97
Porter, John, 632–33
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 34, 78, 150, 152, 153, 195, 645, 646, 656n
poverty, 195–96, 249, 294, 295, 441, 576, 614
prairie voles, 110–11, 113n, 116, 229, 525–26, 530
Predictably Irrational (Ariely), 491
prefrontal cortex (PFC), 46–51, 54–61, 63, 65, 72, 74, 75, 79, 85, 88, 103, 129, 130, 157, 168, 416, 433, 434, 460, 535, 545
empathy and, 527, 531
moral decision making and, 479–82, 487–89, 492, 505–7, 513, 515–19
punishment and, 609–10
prehistoric and indigenous cultures, 305–26, 307, 310, 318, 320, 322
racial, 89, 392, 416
see also Us/Them dichotomies
premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), 121–22
premenstrual syndrome (PMS), 121–24
premotor cortex (PMC), 47, 166–68, 535–36, 540
Price, Tavin, 555
Prinz, Jesse, 546
prisoners, 464, 468
IRA, 468, 555
judicial decisions on, 448, 449, 566, 583, 643
Prisoner’s Dilemma (PD), 92, 116, 345–46, 372, 393, 557, 633, 634
prison experiments:
BBC, 467–68
Stanford, 461, 463–68
progesterone, 117–19, 124, 158, 211, 708
prostate gland, 329
proteins, 709, 711–17
amino acids in, 712
DNA as blueprint for, 712–14
shape of, 711–12
Provance, Samuel, 652
Prozac, 694
psilocybin, 693
psychopaths, 44, 54, 97
PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), 34, 78, 150, 152, 153, 195, 645, 646, 656n
puberty, 158–59
see also adolescence
Punisher’s Brain, The: The Evolution of Judge and Jury (Hoffman), 609
punishment, 2, 38, 39, 56, 57, 62, 66, 182–83, 297, 484, 609–11, 635–37
antisocial, 272, 292–93, 496, 497
free-riding, 496, 497
third-party, 297, 636
purity, hygiene, and moral judgment, 563–65
quantum mechanics, 583n
Rabin, Yitzhak, 576–77, 670
race, 406–8,
faces and, 85–87, 89, 391–92, 398, 408–9, 418–19, 614, 628–29
stereotypes and racism, 89, 392, 416
Raine, Adrian, 54
Rakic, Pasko, 147–50
Ramachandran, Vilayanur, 541, 594–95
Ramón y Cajal, Santiago, 681, 684, 688
Ramses II, 366–67
Rand, David, 511
Rapoport, Anatol, 346
rats, 37, 71, 82, 103, 127, 142, 146, 148, 151, 193, 205
population density and, 298
ravens, 428
Rayburn, Sam, 515n
Reagan, Ronald, 587
reappraisal strategies, 60–61, 160, 453
reasoning, 617
moral, 169, 478–81, 487–88, 507–8, 542
in adolescents, 167–69
in children, 182–83
in infants, 483–84
see also morality and moral decisions
see also cognition
reciprocal altruism, 324, 342–54, 372–73, 499, 547
indirect, 324
in single-cell amoeba, 344n
red blood cells, 680, 680, 681
reciprocity, 15, 523
reconciliation, 3, 15, 18, 525, 614, 637–42, 670
truth and reconciliation commissions (TRC), 638–39, 642
Red Queen scenario, 344
Reicher, Stephen, 467–68
religion, 88, 304–5, 547, 553, 617, 621–26
aggression and, 624–26, 625
atheism and, 626
Bible in, 11, 624–25, 625, 660
commonalities in, 621–22
and fairness and punishment, 498–99
in hunter-gatherer societies, 297, 623
Islam, 372, 396n, 553–54, 624, 626
pastoralism and, 283, 304
Theory of Mind and, 622
violence and, 624
Religion, Brain and Behavior, 622
Reparations for slavery, 638, 640
repressive personalities, 63n
reputation, 95, 106, 393, 548, 634, 635
revenge, 15, 501
reward, 39–40, 65–70, 548
adolescence and, 162–64, í163
anticipation of, 70–73, 70, 72
arbitrary markers and, 391
pursuit of, 73–76, 75
Ricard, Matthieu, 544–45
rice farming and culture, 278–79, 278, 281
rights revolution, 617
right-wing authoritarianism (RWA), 422, 446–47, 450, 451
risk taking, 103, 131 (see also dopamine, and DRD4)
in adolescence, 160–64
Rivers, Mendel, 658n
Rizzolatti, Giacomo, 535, 538–39
RNA, 225, 226, 230, 233, 713–14
Robinson, Peter, 577
Roof, Dylann, 641
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 640
Roper v. Simmons, 170–71, 589, 590, 592
Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel, 396
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 305, 309, 325, 616
Rozin, Paul, 399, 562
Rudolph, Wilma, 596
runaway trolley problem (killing one person to save five), 55, 56, 58–59, 117, 482, 488–91, 505–7
self-driving cars and, 612n
Russell, Jeffrey, 606
Rwanda, 570
genocide in, 571–72, 573, 619
Hutu and Tutsi tribes in, 372, 469, 570–73
Sabah, Nayirah al-, and supposed atrocities during the Gulf War, 632–33
sacred values, in conflict resolution, 575–79, 643–44
Sahlins, Marshall, 318
Saleh, Ali Abdullah, 653
Samoans, 122
Sandusky, Jerry, 597
Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, 561
San Francisco earthquake (1989), 301
Santayana, George, 669–70
Saud, King, 367
Saypol, Irving, 396
Scalia, Antonin, 590
scapegoating, 531
schadenfreude, 15, 413
Schiller, Friedrich, 443
schizophrenia, 234, 235, 239, 582, 586, 593, 607
Schultz, Wolfram, 68, 71
Science, 133, 246–47, 251, 266, 278, 300n, 313, 322, 495, 524, 546, 549, 574–75, 636
Scientific American, 298
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, 694
self-confidence, 102–3, 237
Semai, 313, 502n
Semang, 317, 318
sensorimotor contagion, 86, 395, 522
sensory stimuli, 6–7, 15, 81–98
amygdala and, 40–41
in animals, 83–84
auditory, 6, 83–84, 89
cultural differences in processing, 276
haptic (touch), 565–66
hormones and, see hormones
interoceptive information, 90–92, 528, 529, 566
real vs. metaphorical sensation, 565–68
and sensitivity of sensory organs, 96–97
subliminal and unconscious, 84–90, 93–96
language, 92–93
temperature, 566
visual, 6, 84
Sepoy Mutiny, 391n
September 11 attacks, 619
Seromba, Athanase, 572
serotonin, 134, 692
aggression and, 76–77, 250–55
genes and, 227, 246, 250–55, 264
psilocybin and, 693
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, 694
SES, see socioeconomic status
sex, 11, 39, 43, 65–66, 95
oxytocin and, 110
sex differences, 266
cultural, 272
dimorphic, 366
and hormones in prenatal environment, 211–19
math skills and, 266–67, 267, 406
obedience and, 474
in monkey behaviors, 213–14, 214
transgender individuals and, 215n
sexual selection, 330–31
Seyfarth, Robert, 337–38
shame, 502–3
Shariff, Azim, 623
Shepher, Joseph, 371
Sherman, Marshall, 554
Shermer, Michael, 495
Shweder, Richard, 271, 494
Sigmund, Karl, 350
Silkwood, Karen, 652
Simpson, O. J., 396, 408n
Simpson, Varnado, 656n
Singer, Peter, 481, 491
Singer, Tania, 544
Skinner, B. F., 82, 190
Skitka, Linda, 447–48
slaves, slavery, 278n, 399, 508, 615–16, 619, 640
on British ship, 661
Newton and, 659–61
Small, Meredith, 202
smell, 6, 24–25, 84, 89–90
kinship and, 340–41
Snowden, Edward, 652
SNS (sympathetic nervous system), 26–27, 37, 43, 60–62
Sobell, Morton, 396
Sobhuza II, King, 367
social capital, 291–93, 496
social group size, 430
brain size and, 429, 430
fairness and, 498, 499
social identity theory, 459
sociality, 113–14
social sciences, 4
social status, 88
social-dominance orientation (SDO), 422, 440, 450
unstable, 35, 88, 430, 433–34
see also hierarchy; socioeconomic status
sociobiology, 331–33, 374–76, 380–84
socioeconomic status (SES), 195, 207–9, 249, 292–93, 425, 431, 476
air rage and, 295–96
Cinderella effect and, 367
empathy and compassion and, 533–34
health and, 293–95, 441–42
inequality in, 292–94, 421, 431, 450
poverty, 195–96, 249, 294, 295, 441, 476, 614
sociogram, 274
sociopaths, 179, 182–83, 517, 618
Söderberg, Patrik, 322–23, 322
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 465
somatic markers, 61–62, 507, 538
Son of Sam murders, 225n, 593n
Sophie’s Choice, 62n
South, American, 181n, 207, 284–88, 501
South Africa, 578–79, 629, 639
spandrels, 381–82, 382
Spanish Civil War, 662
spatial maps, 151
Spence, Melanie, 211
Sprenger, Jakob, 606–7
Stalin, Joseph, 369, 487–88, 535, 618
Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE), 461, 463–68
Star Wars, 472, 472
Steele, Claude, 89
Steinberg, Laurence, 164, 166, 592
stress, 115, 423
acute, 125–27, 143
aggression and, 131–32
amygdala and, 62
chronic, 125–27, 143, 151, 197
conformity and obedience and, 474
cultural differences and, 274–75
fight or flight response in, 26, 125, 133–34, 149n
frontal cortex and, 62
hippocampus and, 78
hormones and, 17, 36–37, 124–34, 708
inverted U concept of, 127–28, 128, 142, 143
in newborns, 193
positive, 127–28
rank and, 435–37
selfishness and, 132
sustained, 136, 143
executive function and judgment and, 13031
fear and, 128–30
pro- and antisociality and, 131–34
stroke, 28, 149n
subliminal and unconscious cuing, 84–90, 93–96
language, 92–93
Suharto, 13
Sullivan, Regina, 192, 193
Suomi, Stephen, 221
Supreme Court, 170–71, 403, 589
Brown v. Board of Education, 415
Roper v. Simmons, 170–71, 589, 590, 592
Suu Kyi, Aung San, 652
symbolism, see metaphorical and symbolic thinking
sympathetic nervous system (SNS), 26–27, 37, 43, 60–62
sympathy, 15, 18, 168, 522, 523, 542
see also empathy
Szyf, Moshe, 221
tactile information, 144–46
Tajfel, Henri, 459n, 389–90, 470
tamarins, 110, 213, 355, 357
Taylor, Shelley, 133
temperament, 439
temperature sensation, 566
temporoparietal juncture (TPJ), 55n, 114, 178, 275, 480, 527, 531, 533, 535
Territorial Imperative, The (Ardrey), 316
terrorism, 624
terror-management theory, 452
Tetlock, Philip, 447
Behave: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst Page 94