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To Fight A Fate (Southern Sanctuary - Book 11)

Page 21

by Jane Cousins

  “Sure.” Dimity directed a steely look at Riya. Hmmm, why did she sense an epic wardrobe tantrum in Dimity’s near future. “Riya can help me pick out a few outfits.”

  Silently Riya damned Marcus, who didn’t appear to have the slightest clue of the wasps’ nest he had just kicked over. Although, as she stifled another yawn, Riya had trouble getting her full glare potential on. She was weary after her all night session. Since Marcus couldn’t sleep he had re-directed all his focus on to her. After defiling the desk, and both leather sofas in his office they had moved their little mistake party upstairs to his apartment. Taking her basket full of snacks and wine with them.

  It had proven a fun, but tiring night. Just thinking of it made Riya want to yawn again. Of course Marcus looked hyper-alert and focused but he too had to be flagging. They could both use some sleep. Except that wasn’t in the cards for Marcus unless he hopped on a plane.

  Heavens, he was a semi-immortal Warrior, one who could take care of himself. So why was she getting concerned? Maybe because he had all those silly control issues for one. Thinking that the fate of the world rested solely on his shoulders. Driving himself night and day. And yes, he supposedly delegated work to his mysterious crew of hackers, but Riya knew for a fact he double checked their work constantly, making sure nothing was missed.

  Honestly, the man needed to learn some life - work balance skills. Yes, he had a lot on his plate. The rubies. The hunt for Sek and Mot. Trying to locate Apep’s sarcophagus. And a million other things. But no one was driving Marcus to perform to such extreme levels except Marcus.

  The rest of Maat’s Elite Guard appeared to have a variety of interests besides their assigned roles and hunting down Supernatural threats. Four of them were mated now, but their work here at Maat Tower hadn’t appeared to suffer. Vaughn perhaps being a temporary exception, since he was on Hadleigh and soon-to-be-here baby hovering duty.

  But even the single twins, Dash and Flynn, appeared to have plenty of time between butt kicking sessions to play video games and keep the team’s fleet of planes and vehicles in tip-top shape.

  Only Marcus was driving himself to such lengths. And okay, perhaps he couldn’t get sick like a mere mortal. But his thinking could become impaired due to lack of sleep and stress.

  And if his guard was down, and he had all those hired contract killers on his ass, who knows what might happen. The Fire and Ice Demons had intended to double team Marcus to contain and torture him. Who knows what the other hired contractors were capable of.

  Hmm, but how to manage the man without making it seem like she was managing him? Control freaks loathed giving up control, hah, just look at her mother. Whoa, there was the answer staring her in the face. Riya just needed to be underhanded and tricky. Her brothers and her had learnt practically from the nest to manage their mother. Her brothers! Honestly, she must be tired, she should have thought of this earlier.

  Discreetly, Riya turned her phone on. It wasn’t like she was interested in Rafe’s report on how the new ultra-violet filters for the cameras would work anyway. Head bent, she searched for… yes, perfect. She had the ideal distraction for Marcus, better still, he’d be able to grab some sleep on the plane ride there. Now she just had to convince him… Riya bit back a gasp of surprise as the phone was snatched from her hand.

  Glaring at Flynn sitting next to her, Riya chanced a look around the room, no, everyone, including Rafe who was giving the report was pretty much glazed over. Reaching to retrieve her phone was futile as Flynn leant away from her, nudging Dash on his other side to grab his brother’s attention, holding up the screen. Both grinned Riya’s way, flashing her the thumbs up signal. Oh, looked like she had some willing allies. The Flyboys were on board, meaning she had transport organised.

  The only thing left would be to convince Marcus to relax and switch off his tablet for one night once they got where they were going. She could only imagine the stink he would kick up. Probably right up there with the one Dimity was going to chuck when she realised that Riya was bailing on her for twenty-four hours. Hmmm, perhaps if she recommended that Dimity take some personal time to commune with each available outfit until she’d narrowed it down to her top three favourites. Yes, that should keep her busy.

  Rafe thankfully wrapped up his report. Better still when Vaughn enquired if there was any new business and everyone kept their mouths shut.

  The meeting was officially over, what a relief. Riya was just about to make a speedy exit and corner Marcus in his office when Hadleigh’s phone beeped, signalling an incoming text.

  “Oh, thank the Goddess.”

  “Good news?” Riya hid a grin as Vaughn helped to lever Hadleigh up off her chair.

  “The best. That was my Mum, Gaia is headed for the hospital, she’s just gone into labour.”

  “You’re not a little bit put out that she’s going to be the first to give birth to a Sanctuary baby in almost fifteen years?”

  Hadleigh rubbed absently at her back. “I cannot count the ways I could care less. And maybe with this victory under her belt she’ll take a chill pill and relax.”

  Riya shook her head in wonder. “You’re kidding, right? This is only the first milestone. The race is just getting started. First smile. First to sit up. First tooth. First step. First word.”

  “No.” Hadleigh looked vaguely horrified.

  Riya couldn’t help but laugh. “And you know the family. The betting books will be getting a red hot work out.”

  Hadleigh emitted a brief growl before managing to shake it off. “That outfit we talked about for tomorrow night?”

  “I’ve got something in mind that should be perfect. It just needs some finishing touches. I have it covered. Enjoy your yoga class tonight.”

  Hadleigh waved her off. “Got to go, Lump is using my bladder as a punching bag.”

  Excellent. Now Riya could track down her man… what? Not her man. Her current mistake. Temporary. Brief. Momentary. Fleeting. Transient. And an array of other words that meant the opposite of commitment.

  She and Marcus were just passing the time. That’s all it was. She wouldn’t be in his world for very long. She had a life, a business and a home to get back to. This was all just a short-lived adventure, that was all. And okay, even to her it sounded like she was protesting too much. Shit, was she beginning to have feelings for the workaholic, judgemental jerk?

  Though Marcus wasn’t really a jerk, was he? His intentions were always good, he just had trouble shifting between his focus on data and relaying that information back into the real world without sounding like an automaton. Or a jerk.

  * * *

  “I can’t believe you are strong-arming me like this.”

  “Me?” Riya’s eyes widened in surprise. “All I did was walk into your office.”

  “Flanked by Dash and Flynn. Pure intimidation tactics.”

  “You’re intimidated by Dash and Flynn?” Riya looked dubious as she absently tightened her seatbelt as the plane took off.

  “Well, no.” Marcus looked vaguely amused. “But the intention was there nevertheless, can you deny it?”

  “I can and I will, Charming. No court in the land will convict me. All I did was walk into your office and say - I have some tickets, grab your go bag, we’ll be staying overnight, and you stood up, your tablet in one hand, your go bag in the other. You didn’t look particularly afraid for your life.”

  “I was stunned by your sheer audacity, coupled with lack of sleep and blinded by the sight of you in that outfit.”

  “What’s wrong with my outfit?” Riya looked down at her short faded denim skirt, dark green fitted t-shirt with a beer slogan across the chest and her navy ankle boots.

  “You look like a grid girl for a NASCAR meet.”

  “Aw, shucks, the way you shower a girl with compliments. Casual is mandatory where we’re going. Please tell me you have jeans in your bag?”

  “I do. I’ll change before we get there, wherever there is…?”

Riya chuffed a small sigh. “Dallas. We’re flying to Dallas. Where you are going to take the night off. No work. No problems. We’re going to have some fun.”

  Marcus pressed a button, reclining his seat all the way back. “I don’t know about that. I will concede to getting some sleep on the plane ride, but I have a very long list of things that need my attention-”

  “Nope.” Riya held up her hand to stop him, with her seat also now tilted back it was almost like they were in bed together. “Not only will you not do any work for the next twenty-four hours you are not allowed to talk about how much work you have on your plate. This little excursion is for rest and recreation.”

  “I would protest that I’m being kidnapped but I’m too tired.” Marcus covered his mouth to hide a yawn, it had been a very strenuous all night session with Riya.

  “Kidnapped? You came along like a little lamb.”

  “Coercion then. No man in their right man could resist when you wear a skirt like that. Those legs and that smile, you had me in the palm of your hand the moment you walked into my office.” Marcus reached across, lifting a lock of glossy raven hair, caressing the silky texture.

  Riya smiled his way smugly, even as she felt her eyelids grow heavy. “Good to know for the future, Charming. Deprive you of sleep and wear a short skirt if I want to get my own way. So noted.”

  Marcus smiled as Riya’s eyelids fluttered shut and her breathing deepened, damn, the woman was beautiful.

  Hmm, a future with Riya teasing, laughing and tricking him, trying to get her own way all the time. Why did that sound like fun? By The Sands, he must be more over-tired than he thought if he was considering such fanciful notions. Riya and him? A future together? Oh sure, she was smart, independent, funny and sexy. But long term the woman would be a complete time suck. There would need to be dates, and outings. They couldn’t just stay locked in a bedroom for ever. No matter how much his stirring cock liked that idea.

  Hmm, Marcus moved closer. Inhaling the scent of blood oranges, tiare flower and geraniums. Wrapping an arm around her, Marcus closed his eyes, wondering idly how the feel of Riya in his arms had so quickly come to feel so right?

  His common sense was screaming at him to release her, to push Riya away before he grew too attached to her. He liked her now, and that was dangerous territory in itself. He didn’t have the time for anything more than a hit and run relationship, or a steady diet of short term mistakes. Riya knew that. He knew that.

  No, it would be fine. When Dimity was sufficiently settled, Riya would return to Haven Bay, to her job, family, and kid. And there wouldn’t be any reason, or time, for them to keep on seeing one another. See, no relationship, no attachments here.

  Marcus sighed, breathed deeply and slid into sleep, unconsciously tightening his hold on Riya as he did so.

  Chapter Fifteen

  In their premium assigned box, Dash, Flynn and Marcus were on their feet, roaring their approval. Riya rolled her eyes, her brothers were such show offs. She’d been afraid that Marcus might be a little too high-brow to enjoy the Nitro Flame-Out Spectacular. But from the first exploding monster truck, he’d been glued to his seat, his gaze never shifting from the action.

  Honestly, boys and their big toys. And set those toys on fire and her brothers had the audience in the palm of their collective hand.

  The crowd roared their approval as Blade and Whip raced around the outer track on jet propelled BMX bikes. Dipping, leaping, their bikes coughing fire balls at one another as they twirled and somersaulted around the arena.

  Taking a sip of her beer, Riya leaned back to scan the packed stadium. The crowd was an eclectic gathering; families, a lot of men, and an even larger number of pretty young women. Most wearing little in the way of clothing given the warm summer evening. And the majority of young ladies sported streaked hair, indicating their preference for one or other of her brothers.

  The biggest sponsor of the show was a hair dye company, whose products did their best to imitate the dragon stripe of colour each of her brothers had been born with. Riya could only thank the Goddess, that the hair stripe was a male dragon thing.

  Given the stadium was awash with smoke, churned up dust and the odd spot fire, the only way to tell her brothers apart in their black stunt outfits was by the colour of their helmets, which matched their unique hair stripe.

  “You’re not enjoying the show?” Marcus settled back into the seat next to Riya, grabbing his beer and drinking deeply.

  “This is just a bigger, flashier version of what they used to do riding up and down our street on their skate boards and bikes when we were kids. They were always adding bigger and more dangerous obstacles. Then times all the chaos by a factor of a thousand when we entered puberty and they came into their fire powers.” Riya pointed off to the side where the spotlights were now highlighting three skateboard ramps. On cue a technician moved in and began setting things alight. “My brothers love their fire.”

  “And, like you, they’re fireproof?” Marcus watched as two of Riya’s brothers, dressed in their black stunt outfits, one sporting a green helmet, the other a purple one, began to weave their skateboards up and down the first ramp, gaining speed and momentum before they commenced leaping back and forth between the two other ramps.

  “Yes, they’re fireproof.” Riya smiled as the two began to fight for supremacy. Though the audience hadn’t realised it was all for show just yet, gasping in delight as they somersaulted and flipped, trying to be the one to reach higher into the night sky with nothing more than the aid of their skateboards.

  “What about producing fire?”

  “Not me, I went down the Fate Weaver path.” No point in mentioning that female half-dragons only came into their flame when they found their mate. “But my brothers can, though they can’t sustain it for more than a few seconds. From about the age of twelve onwards they coughed, burped, hiccupped, sneezed, and unfortunately, farted fire. My mother used to chase them around the house hitting them with a fire extinguisher went they got out of control.”

  The crowd held their breath as the rims of the skateboard ramps suddenly blazed to life with high flames. But that didn’t deter her brothers. For their big finale they grappled with one another, throwing themselves high into the air, skateboards falling away as they spun and tumbled, arcing across the night… the crowd holding their breath as the two skidded down the sides of the closest steep ramp on their metal knee guards, sending up sparks.

  They’d barely finished bowing to the deafening applause of the crowd when six dirt bikes thundered out of a far gate and began to circle the track. The riders battling to be in front. Kicking out at each other, doing somersaults, jumping over one another.

  “Can they fly? Can you?” Marcus shifted his attention to Riya, who coughed slightly as the last sip of beer went down the wrong way.

  “No. No wings. But my mother would swear the Ten are part cat, they have nine lives and always somehow manage to land on their feet.”

  “Has it been scientifically documented?” Marcus was intrigued.

  “Not scientifically, no. But my brothers have launched themselves off innumerable garage roofs, trees, cliffs, and rock faces since the cradle, it’s an instinctual thing. Some innate understanding of aerodynamics and their bodies that allows them to slice through the air or to buffet against it to slow their descent. We all inherited the ability.”

  “Wow, I bet your parents have more than a few grey hairs bringing up eleven kids.”

  “There’s twelve of us, actually. My brother Jules also followed a different career path. And as for my parents? My father is pretty indulgent. And my mother believes kids learn by doing. Who do you think held the ladder so they could climb up to the roof in the first place?”

  Marcus chuffed a laugh. “And what about you. Were you up there too?”

  “The first couple of times, sure. I don’t mean to brag, but I can fall really, really well. But I found it repetitive and a little boring. You jump, you land.
The Ten never got tired of it, they just climbed higher. Buildings. Mountains. Now they do it for a living, only there is a lot more fire involved.” Even as Riya finished speaking a series of flame walls flared into life around the dirt track. “Case in point.”

  “I can’t help think they’re a little bit crazy, even if they are fireproof.” Marcus shook his head, watching Riya’s brothers zoom around the arena on their motorbikes.

  “Trust me.” Riya muttered as an open air jeep roared out of one of the large stadium doors, setting off in pursuit. “They haven’t even begun to scratch the crazy surface, just you wait.”

  Marcus’s attention was drawn to the jeep, noting the figure standing in the back, strapped to the roll bar. “Is that…” A stream of fire shot out of the flame thrower. Before he knew it, Marcus was on his feet, along with the Flyboys and the rest of the stadium, roaring approval.

  Riya just shook her head, smiling. They weren’t even at the half way mark of the show, Marcus hadn’t seen anything yet.

  It was nice to know she hadn’t been wrong about this little excursion. They’d managed to get a few hours sleep thanks to Flynn taking the scenic route. And it was readily apparent that the last thing Marcus was thinking about right now was work as he downed the last of his beer and signalled the staff member assigned to the series of premium boxes to bring four more for the group.

  Hmm, Riya shifted her attention back to the arena just in time to watch Axel’s bike go up in flames, the crowd gasping, and then cheering as he managed to tumble through the air and somehow land on the back of Scald’s bike. Marcus cheered along with the crowd. Seeing him relaxed and laughing, it didn’t make Riya feel smug, like she thought it would.

  Oh, sure, clearly she’d been in the right to demand Marcus take a break from work. The man was in a rut of him own making. But watching him laugh, smile, and relax, it made her feel… happy.


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