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Taking Charge (Like a Boss Book 1)

Page 10

by Serenity Woods

  I don’t know why you’re so upset, I sign. This was what you wanted. It’s going to make so much difference to you.

  It’s underhand, he says, his hands making short, sharp gestures, his face furious. And it’s wrong.

  Will you stop being so fucking righteous? What does it matter how you got on the trial?

  It matters, Colette. His face is bitter, twisted. It matters to me. I told you not to do this. You knew how I felt about it, and you went and did it anyway.

  I did it for you. I have to bite my lip hard to stop the tears coming. I got a temp job there, and I worked hard all week so I could have access to the lists.

  I didn’t ask you to, he begins, and then he stops and stares at me. Wait a minute… His face turn thunderous. What do you mean, so you could have access to the lists? Are you telling me you put my name on there without their permission?

  I stare at my feet, as miserable as it’s possible to be. When I finally raise my gaze to his, I twist inside at the horror on his face.

  First thing tomorrow morning, we’re going to their offices and explaining what you did, he signs.

  I shake my head. I’m not doing that. The thought of standing before Sebastian and Elenora and admitting that I added my brother’s name to the list makes me want to curl up and die. Elen will think I was only friendly with her to get to the list, and Sebastian will think… Oh God.

  You are, Liam insists. I’m not going on my own.

  I won’t go, I tell him. And you can’t make me.

  Want to bet? My baby brother is unusually determined. He’s about two inches taller than me, and while not as big as Sebastian, he’s a big guy, and I have visions of him hefting me over his shoulder firefighter-style and carrying me all the way to the office.

  “Liam, please,” I say aloud, and then I stop as the intercom on the door buzzes.

  Liam’s gaze flicks to it as the red light flashes, and his gaze comes back to me. I walk over to it and snap, “What?”

  “It’s me.” Sebastian’s deep, gravelly voice is unmistakable. “Can I come in, please?”

  I stare at Liam in horror. Holy fucking hell. How did he find me? I’ve covered my tracks very carefully. How can he have found out where I lived?

  “Colette?” His voice is grim. “Let me in.”

  Who is it? Liam asks.

  One of the directors from Hearktech, I reply.

  He gives a sharp nod. No time like the present. Let him in.

  I know I have to. I press the button and lean against the wall, wishing I could sink through the floor and disappear.

  We wait in silence. Liam stands in the middle of the room, his arms folded, his face grim. I bend over, hands on my knees, feeling nauseous. I can only imagine how it’s going to feel being the focus of Sebastian’s fury. Whenever he looked at me, his eyes were always hot—the thought of them being icy cold makes my bottom lip quiver.

  Then I straighten and lift my chin. I did this—I made the mistake. I didn’t mean to hurt Sebastian or Elen, or Liam, for that matter. I’ll have to face the music and just know that I did it with good intentions.

  It doesn’t stop my knees from shaking, though.

  There’s a knock at the door. I open it slowly, and find Sebastian there, leaning against the doorjamb.

  He’s wearing jeans and a short black jacket over a gray sweater, the first time I’ve seen him in civvies. He looks mouthwateringly handsome, and for the briefest of moments my mind fills with images of his mouth on mine, his hands on me, him moving inside me, murmuring in my ear, trying to persuade me to stay.

  Then I blink and come back to the present. He doesn’t smile, and my heart pounds faster, and not in a good way. I’m sure he’s furious with me, and any moment now he’s going to start yelling—or, even worse, he’s going to subject me to the cold hardness of his sarcasm, which will crush me like a bug.

  He runs his gaze down me, taking in my leggings and old baggy sweater. I wish I hadn’t worn them, then I’m glad I have—maybe he’ll think he’s had a lucky escape.

  “Come in,” I say, and step back.

  He passes me, leaving me surrounded by the subtle aroma of his aftershave as he enters the room. I close the door slowly, turn, and take a few steps forward, then stop and shove my hands into the big pocket on the front of my sweater.

  We all look at each other for a moment. I finally lift my gaze to Sebastian’s, not sure what emotion I’ll find there. To my surprise, I don’t see anger, or hurt for that matter. His expression is carefully blank.

  I realize that he might not know who Liam is, so I gesture toward him and say, “Sebastian, meet Liam, my brother. Liam, this is Sebastian Wright.” I sign the words. “Liam’s deaf,” I tell Sebastian. “I’ll translate what he says to you.”

  Sebastian lifts his hands. No need, he signs. Pleased to meet you. He holds out a hand, and Liam’s eyebrows rise as he shakes it.

  I stare at Sebastian, mouth open. He knows sign language? He must have learned it while they were developing the ALD. I’m filled with a surge of emotion that makes tears prick my eyes, but I swallow hard to keep them back. This is far from over.

  I’m guessing you know what Colette’s done, Liam says.

  Yes, Sebastian signs. Elen discovered the extra name last night.

  “What made you connect it to me?” I whisper.

  “Liam Holmes?” Sebastian’s lip curves up at the corner. “Colette Watson? You told me that Conan Doyle was your favorite author.”

  I close my eyes briefly and curse myself. I’m so dumb.

  My brother takes a big breath and lets it out slowly. I want to apologize, he says to Sebastian. My sister only did it for me. I applied for the trial and was turned down, and I was really upset, because this new ALD looks fantastic, and I can’t wait for it to come onto the market. She knew how disappointed I was, and that’s why she tried to get me on the trial. She did it for me. I understand if you’re angry, but I hope you can just take my name off and we can forget all about it. Liam’s face is hopeful, a tad scared. Even in his casual clothes, Sebastian looks rich and powerful, and I have no doubt he has friends in the police force who would have no qualms in scaring the shit out of us.

  Sebastian holds up a hand to stop him talking. Don’t worry, I’m not going to take any legal action. We both exhale in a whoosh. Sebastian ignores me and concentrates on my brother. I’m sorry you weren’t picked for the trial in the first place. As I’m sure you know, we had several thousand applicants, and the participants are picked randomly because it’s the only fair way to do it.

  Liam nods. Of course, I understand.

  But when it comes down to it, Sebastian continues, I’m the director of Hearktech, and I’m running the show. I’m happy for you to stay on the trial, if you would still like to take part. I don’t condone what Colette did, but I don’t see why you should be punished for it. We want people who are going to work hard with us to get the device working properly, and you seem like the kind of guy who would give us a hundred percent.

  We both stare at him.

  I couldn’t… Liam says, but his hands falter.

  Please, Sebastian signs firmly. We’d be glad to have you.

  Liam doesn’t look at me, but he lifts his chin and nods. Okay. Thank you.

  Sebastian nods back. Would it be possible for me to have a word with Colette in private?

  Of course. Liam grabs the jacket from the peg by the door. I’ll go out and get us a coffee. He glances at me, then slips through the door and lets it close behind him.

  Sebastian walks over to the window and stares out across the street. I study his back, my heart hammering. I have no idea what he’s going to say.

  I want to walk over to him and slide my arms around his waist. I want to beg him to forgive me, and tell him yes, I’d like to go to dinner with him, to talk with him, to tell him everything that’s in my heart.

  But his back is stiff, and I know he will never forgive me for lying to him. Instead, I can only
wait to see how mad he is, and hope it’s over soon.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I turn from the window, and observe Colette from across the room.

  Does she have any idea how sexy she looks today? Those skin-tight leggings emphasize her long shapely legs, and the bubblegum-pink sweater makes me want to pull her into my arms and crush my lips to hers.

  I don’t, though. I stay at the window, and perch on the ledge. “Come here,” I say, and beckon a finger at her.

  She twitches, and I can imagine her fighting inside as to whether to obey me. The rebellious part of her doesn’t want to. But she’s as drawn to me as I am to her, and in the end, her feet find their way over to me. She stops a few yards away and folds her arms.

  “Just do it,” she says, somewhat irritably. “Just get it over with.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “Get what over with?”

  “The shouting. The sarcasm. The punishment. I know I did wrong. For God’s sake, don’t draw it out.”

  I tip my head to the side. “Are you under the impression I’m mad at you?”

  She lifts her gaze to mine, then, and blinks several times. “Aren’t you?”

  I run my tongue along my teeth. “Tell me one thing,” I say softly. “And be honest this time. Did you sleep with me to get Liam on the trial?”

  She stares at me for a moment, then shakes her head. “No.”

  Relief washes over me, so strong it’s like a tidal wave, leaving me reeling. I stay as still as I can, though, barely able to believe it. “Is that the truth?” I persist.

  “I didn’t need to. I knew I’d get access to the list eventually. I didn’t need you.”

  “It didn’t cross your mind at all? Not even that first time, in my office?”

  She hesitates and looks away. “In the beginning, I thought that if you liked me, it might help at some point. But that’s not why I slept with you.”

  “Why did you sleep with me?”

  Her gaze comes back to mine. “Do you really have to ask me that?”

  “I do, actually. I nearly drank myself into a coma Saturday evening thinking I’d lost you. Then I discovered that you came to the company because you have a deaf brother and you wanted to get him on the trial. It’s so fucking brave of you that it makes me want to rip off all your clothes and kiss you senseless, but I have to make sure, first.” My hands grip the window ledge, and my heart bangs on my ribs. “What happened between us this week—the way you made me feel… has it all been a lie?”

  Colette lifts her hands to her face and covers her mouth. She shakes her head, and her eyes glisten. “No. It hasn’t. I’m crazy about you, you silly man. Can’t you tell?” I can’t think what to say to that, so I just shake my head. “Did you…” Her voice is little more than a squeak, so she tries again. “Did you give Liam a place on the trial for me?”

  “No. And I’m not breaking any rules in doing so. Participants are chosen at our discretion. He seems like a nice guy, and judging by the atmosphere when I came in, he was angry with you for what you’d done. For that, he deserves to be a part of it.”

  She moves closer to me. Her beautiful blue eyes are filled with warmth. “I didn’t know you understood sign language.”

  “That’s why I wanted you to come to dinner with me. So we could talk and learn stuff about each other.” I get to my feet and close the distance between us. Cupping her face, I stroke a thumb across her cheekbone. “I thought I’d lost you.”

  “And I thought I’d driven you away. I’ve been so stupid.” A tear spills down her cheek, onto my thumb. “I’m sorry I lied to you.”

  “Why didn’t you just ask me whether Liam could be a participant?”

  “Once I’d slept with you, it seemed wrong,” she admits. “I couldn’t use our… relationship, or whatever you want to call it, to get him on the list. So I had to do it secretly, and that meant I couldn’t go out with you…”

  “And what about now?” I lift my thumb to my mouth and taste her tears. “Is there any reason you can’t go out with me?”

  She sucks her bottom lip as she eyes my mouth, then returns her gaze to mine. She gives a slow shake of her head.

  I put my arms around her, and lower my lips to hers. We exchange a long, sweet kiss that carries with it the heartfelt relief I’m feeling, and then she rests her cheek on my chest, and we hug for a while.

  I close my eyes briefly, and think about how I felt when Elen revealed what Colette had done. Suddenly, everything had made sense—why she was such a bad secretary; her interest in the ALD; and why she’d been so reluctant to get involved with me, even though I was convinced she liked me. The only thing I’d feared was that I was mistaken, and she didn’t return my feelings for her. I could forgive her for all of it, except for pretending to like me.

  “Do you want a job?” I say eventually.

  She laughs and pulls back, wiping her face. “You’re kidding me? I’m the worst PA in the world.”

  “Not a secretarial job, obviously. But Elen wanted me to ask whether you’d like to work in marketing. She thought you had exceptional talent. I have to agree.”

  Colette gives me a mock punch. “I don’t know if it’s a good thing to work with you day in, day out. I won’t be able to keep my hands off you.”

  “That’s what I’m banking on.”

  She smiles and looks up at me, puzzlement in her eyes. “Are you really not angry with me?”

  “Sweetheart, I think what you did for your brother was incredibly brave. I could see the way you were torn between wanting to stay on Thursday night and feeling that you ought to go, and I knew it had to be something powerful to keep us apart.”

  “Can we start again?” she says.

  I kiss her nose. “Definitely. I’m taking you to dinner this evening, and we’ll have a proper conversation. And maybe you should put a toothbrush in your purse, because you’ll be staying the night at my place.”

  Her lips curve up. “Oh, I will, will I? Don’t I get a say in the matter?”

  “Nope. You need to get used to the fact that I always, always get my own way.” I don’t bother keeping the smugness out of my voice.

  Her eyes turn sultry, and her gaze slips to my mouth. “You’re quite bossy.”

  “Comes with the territory.”

  “Will you always be like this? Taking charge?”

  “Generally? Of course not. I have great respect for women.” I touch my lips to hers. “But in the bedroom? Oh yeah.”

  She lifts onto her tiptoes and whispers in my ear. “I was hoping you’d say that.” And then she presses her lips to mine, and I lose myself in the kiss.

  Like a Boss – the new series of Sexy Shorts from Serenity Woods!

  Follow Harry’s story in Taking Over, Like a Boss: 2

  Kindle US, Kindle UK, Kindle CA, Kindle AU


  Chapter One – Gabriella

  It’s a bright spring afternoon, and, for the first time in months, I don’t feel as if the world is coming to an end.

  My mood might be due to the beautiful pink blossom from the cherry trees blowing across the lawns like confetti outside the conference room. Or it might be the new suit I’m wearing that I bought for today, because I wanted to look smart for the Japanese investors.

  Or it might be the fact that the guy sitting at the far end of the table hasn’t taken his eyes off me since I walked into the room.

  I know who he is: Harrison Grant, one of the four directors of Hearktech, the telecommunications company I work for. Harrison is, quite possibly, the most gorgeous guy in the history of the world, ever. Maybe in the history of the universe. He’s around six-foot-two, and even though I’ve only seen him in a suit, I just know that beneath his crisp white shirts his body is so tanned and toned it would make a girl’s fingers itch to touch it. And his face… oh, his face. Movie-star handsome, and with a pair of warm brown eyes that have creases at the corners because he’s always smiling.

; But I’m not interested. Yes, he might be god-like and have featured in my dreams every night since I started work at the firm, and his sex appeal might be like strong cologne, making women turn and inhale when he walks past, and he might be filthy rich, with an emphasis on the filthy, judging from what I’ve heard in the lunch room, and… wait, where was I? Oh yes, I’m not interested. For a hundred reasons that I remind myself every night when I lay in bed panting and sticky in the darkness from yet another Harrison-induced fantasy.

  Recently, my life has been turned upside down and inside out, and I’m not looking for a man right now. I have plans, and none of them involve staying here and dating, even if the guy happens to be a descendent of Apollo. I’m working hard and saving my money, and I’m going to leave this crappy city behind and travel the world until the memory of everything that’s happened here has become a distant blur.

  Besides which, I’ve met Harrison’s type before. Men who look that good are mostly arrogant, self-obsessed, and convinced every woman they meet is going to fall ass over tit for them. Annoyingly, they’re usually right, and because of that they go through women like ordinary men go through socks. They use them and discard them, and as much as it pains to me admit that being ‘used’ by a guy like him in a sexy way might feature in some of my fantasies, there’s no way I’d ever hand my heart to this sort of man.

  Until today, I was convinced that Harrison Grant wouldn’t have looked at me twice. I’ve been working at the company for three months, for Christ’s sake, and I don’t think he’s even been aware I’ve existed. And then today I walked into the conference room to find his eyes fixed on me, making me feel as if he can see through my new suit to my lacy underwear.

  “Are you okay?” The question is whispered by Colette Holmes, the marketing assistant who started here just before me. The two of us are at the back of the room, waiting to hand out a series of documents to the attendees. “You look kind of… dazed.”

  “My ears are burning,” I mumble, flicking a glance across to Harrison. He’s still watching me. He’s supposed to be paying attention to the presentation on the screen. I have a feeling he hasn’t looked at it once.


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