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Page 17

by Karen Stivali

  “Ah yeah, grip me like that with your pussy, oh, fucking hell, Kim,” he gasped.

  He trailed a heated kiss down her neck, latched on to her shoulder where her blouse had shifted to expose her flesh, and sucked. He bit and sucked harder, drawing her flesh into his mouth.

  It hurt Kimberly, but in a good way, and combined deliciously with the climax about to detonate. “Nate, Nate, oh, it’s here, another one.” She bucked her hips to his. Again she tried to move her arms but couldn’t. It was like having a slab of concrete weighing her down.

  He upped to an even more frantic pace as her orgasm took over. Her body shook and convulsed but, thoroughly trapped, she could do nothing but let it ravage her system. It felt amazing, the complete surrender to an animalistic force, her husband sating such a base need and taking her with him on the fantastic ride. She allowed him to run the show, gave him all that he needed to make it the most amazing experience.

  “Ah yeah, me too…” He released her neck, flung his head back and gritted his teeth. “Jesus Christ, thank the good Lord… Oh Kimberly…” He froze at the hilt, his body quivering as though it had too much energy stored and it was about to release in a fierce explosion.

  Suddenly his cock pulsed and Kimberly felt heat filling her, once, twice, three times, great spurts of power filling her pussy. She twisted beneath him, reveling in every sublime sensation of his body succumbing to ecstasy.

  “Ah yeah,” he moaned, shoving deeper still and releasing a long low breath. “Ah, yes, yes, yes.” He kissed her, gentler this time, his tongue softer.

  She raised her head from the metal floor and kissed him back, unwound her legs from his and pulled in a deep breath.

  “Was that good for you?” he asked, searching her face.

  “Yes, it was ama…” She paused.

  Nate glanced to the front of the van. “We’re stopping!”

  “Shit.” Kimberly twisted and tugged her arms.

  He lifted immediately. “Quick, straighten yourself up.”

  Kimberly struggled to her feet. Wetness slid between her legs, coating her inner thighs. “My panties,” she said, lunging for them but banging against the bench when the van jerked to a complete halt, off balance from having her wrists cuffed.

  “Here,” Nate said, grabbing them and holding the leg holes open.

  She placed her palms on his head and managed, though a little wobbly, to put her feet through. She yanked them up and pulled her skirt down while Nate hurriedly tucked his cock away for the second time that evening.

  “Your hair,” she said to him. “Flatten it down or something.”

  Nate frowned and with both hands smoothed the tumble of dark strands, but it wasn’t easy with his wrists cuffed. It didn’t look much better when he moved on to straightening out his sweater.

  Kim tucked her own hair behind her ears and did up the top button on her blouse. When the cotton brushed against the flesh Nate had sucked with such enthusiasm she was reminded of the mark that would surely be on her shoulder.

  They heard a door shut at the front of the van. Felt the shake of its slam rattle through the cage.

  They sat on the cold benches opposite each other and waited.

  Chapter Four

  Kimberly fought to regain control of her breath. It appeared Nate was doing the same—his chest shifting rapidly, the square outline of his pecs pressing and receding against his sweater. His face was flushed, his hair, despite his attempt at control, as wild as if he’d taken a walk in a storm.

  Once more she straightened her blouse and worried at the severely ironed-in creases on her skirt. She clamped her legs together and was again aware of the moisture between her thighs. Nate’s cum, her own arousal, all sat sticky and warm, coating the gusset of her panties, reminding her only too vividly of what they’d just done.

  She stared down at her cuffed wrists. Scarlet grooves laced her skin where she’d fought against the metal in the last throes of passion. It hadn’t hurt at the time but it felt a little tender now. She hoped their arresting cop wouldn’t put two and two together when he opened the door and guess that they’d been up to more naughty shenanigans en route.

  A voice came from outside, seeping tinnily into their now humid space. She couldn’t catch what was said, it was muffled and distant. She looked at Nate to see if he’d had more luck deciphering the words.

  He shrugged and shook his head, obviously none the wiser as to why they hadn’t been immediately taken out of the van and charged.

  She swallowed, her mouth dry, and thought of how much she’d like a drink of water. “What do you think is going on?” she asked when everything outside appeared still and quiet.

  “I’m not sure. It sounds like our cop has gone into the station though.” He tipped his head. “I can’t hear anything else.”

  “What time is it?”

  Nate twisted his wrist and glanced at his watch. “A little after nine.”

  “Oh dear, it’s getting late.” She thought of how her parents didn’t like phone calls after nine. They said it made them panic, think that it was some kind of emergency.

  Did this qualify as an emergency? She guessed it did. She and Nate had been hauled to the police station and would be in need of bailing out soon. Goodness only knew how they’d find the money for that. She hoped her parents would cough up and then wouldn’t mind a bit of a wait until they repaid them.

  “Not too late,” Nate said, scrubbing his cuffed hands over his face, his stubble making a sandpapery sound that went straight to Kimberly’s core, reminding her of the feel of him against her cheek, the hollow of her throat, her bare shoulder.

  “I’d have thought cops would have more exciting stuff to do this time of night,” he said, looking at her with a frown. “It’s a Friday, for God’s sake. The bars will be filling up in town, no doubt some fights kicking off.”

  “Yes, they should catch real criminals, not us.” As soon as she said it she regretted it and wondered if Nate’s mood would switch. Their passion had swept away his anger, the longer she could keep it like that the better.

  But instead of producing a frown, he grinned broadly. “It was worth it though, wasn’t it?”

  She clenched her stomach and looked at the face she wanted to wake up to and go to sleep with every day for the rest of her life. “It was amazing.” She glanced away, remembering how they’d writhed with abandon on the hard strip of floor. A sudden thought hit her. Imagine if the van had stopped and the door opened without them realizing? She’d have died of shame. Goodness only knew what criminal act they would have been charged with. “But what if—?”

  “If he’d caught us fucking?” Nate interrupted.

  “Well, er, yes.” She shifted on the seat.

  Nate moved next to her, reaching for her shackled hands. “I would have become aware of the van slowing.”

  She did her best to curl their fingers together. She’d always loved the way his hands were so big in comparison to hers. It made her feel small and feminine. “I really don’t think you would have, Nate. You looked completely lost to it.”

  He touched his lips to her temple.

  She leaned into him.

  “I guess I was,” he whispered, his lips moving against her skin. “And can you blame me?”

  “What do you mean?”

  He pulled away a little. “Having you like that, beneath me. Cuffed and completely at my mercy. Damn, it was so hot, I could get hard all over again just thinking about it.”

  Kimberly squeezed nearer so her shoulder, hips and outer thigh pressed against his body. Sometimes she felt she just couldn’t touch enough of him at once. “Have you ever thought about doing it like that before?”

  “What, with handcuffs?” He sounded a little surprised.

  She hesitated and then said, “Yes.”

  “Truth be told, no, I haven’t. Thought that kind of thing was for kinky couples.” He paused and gave a small huff as if amused at the twist in his own sexual preferences. “B
ut since it turned me the hell on, I guess that puts me in their club now, eh?”

  Kimberly giggled. “They say it’s only kinky the first time.”

  “Naughty girl.” He nudged her with his elbow. “But what about you? You ever thought of doing it, you know, with cuffs on?”

  She shrugged. What could she say? She’d thought of that and a whole lot more since the Spice Rack had arrived. Her brain had literally been spilling over with scenarios of what might be in those innocuous little jars.

  “Kim,” he said again, a probing lilt to his voice.

  “Yes, I have.” She turned to him. If the truth was being laid on the table, she may as well say it now. What did she have to lose? “Yes, I’ve thought of cuffs, silk ties, ropes…maybe.”

  He raised his brows. “Go on.”

  “That’s it.” She averted her gaze to the floor.

  “No it isn’t. I know you too well, or at least I used to. What else has been going on in that pretty little head of yours?”

  Kimberly swallowed. She was sure she could taste sex. His and hers. It wasn’t unpleasant. “I suppose I just like the idea of being at your mercy. You holding me down like you just did. Ravishing me, not caring about creaking beds, banging headboards or groans and curses reaching little ears.”

  He kissed her temple again, shifting his feet on the floor. “I miss the way we used to fuck too. We used to just go for it, any time, any place.”

  She caught his gaze. “And we were as loud as we wanted to be. I used to love how you…” Her words trailed off as she remembered a Sunday morning not long after their honeymoon. She’d just finished polishing the living room, tidying up after a lazy Saturday evening lounging in front of the fire. Suddenly Nate had come up behind her, tipped her over the back of the sofa and proceeded to fuck her with vigor. He hadn’t said anything, just come into the room, taken what he wanted, given her a rich, satisfying orgasm in the process, and then left. Gone back to sorting out his tools in the yard.

  She’d felt so utterly desired. So completely owned by him. It was every emotion she wanted and needed. Their closeness, both emotionally and physically, had been deep and profound.

  “Baby.” He trailed his finger down her cheek, having to lift both hands from hers in order to do so. “Tell me.”

  “Ages ago, before we had Sophie and got into the habit of being quiet, under the duvet. We used to, you know, fuck in the day. You’d just grab me and I’d know by the look in your eyes what you wanted, and I was always more than happy to give it. To be there for you and let our lust be free. I liked the control you had over our lovemaking back then when we didn’t have to be Mommy and Daddy. Anything went, we could make love for hours or just go for it in a few spare minutes. I found it such a turn-on that I didn’t always know when you’d decide to…fuck me.”

  He was quiet for a moment, as if processing her words, then said, “I liked being able to have you naked and panting for it whenever my mood struck, believe me I did. But it’s a bit hard to do that now.” He shook his head. “Hell, we just kissed in the kitchen earlier and she came trotting in without us noticing.”

  Kimberly rolled her eyes. “Yes, I know.”

  “But,” he said and then paused.


  “Next week. Thursday and Friday.”


  “I’ve booked those two days off, remember, to paint the hall.”

  “And it sure needs doing.”

  “Yeah. But how about—”

  A sudden creak and a bang snapped them apart. Kimberly stared at the doors as they swung open. The cool of the night floated in along with the scent of the sea. They were near home.

  The same officer who’d picked them up stood there, hands on hips, the orange glow of a security light framing his stocky build.

  “So how are you two lovebirds doing in there?”

  Nate stood, his hands hanging down but his muscles tense. Kimberly hoped he’d be able to keep his temper in check.

  “Ready to get out of here,” Nate snapped.

  “I should think you are. It’s a rocky ride in the back of these things.” The officer unlocked the door and held it open.

  Nate reached for Kimberly’s hand, tugged her up. “Come on,” he said.

  She walked to the doorway and the officer held her elbow as she stepped to the ground. Nate jumped down beside her, landing with a thud.

  “I really don’t see what justification you have for arresting us,” Nate said firmly. “My wife wasn’t wearing a seat belt but that’s hardly an arresting offense. Can’t you just let us off with a warning? Because this whole situation is—”

  “Ridiculous,” the officer interrupted, lifting his bushy eyebrows.

  Nate faltered. “Er, yes, ridiculous.”

  “And we really are very sorry for everything,” Kimberly said hurriedly. “Really, really sorry. I promise not to distract my husband again, ever.” If only she could make him see they were good and decent people. This was a one-time slip.

  “I think that would be very wise, ma’am.” The officer reached into his pocket and produced a set of keys. He then undid both Kimberly and Nate’s cuffs.

  They both rubbed their wrists. Kimberly knew she’d have circumferential marks for several hours. But it wasn’t the policeman’s fault, and in all honesty she didn’t mind the lines. They would remind her of passion whenever she looked at them.

  Even so, she clasped her hands behind her back. What was going to happen next? Would they go in for fingerprinting? Everyone would see her marks then. So would her parents when they came to bail them out. Hell, this was a nightmare of colossal proportions.

  “Your car is on its way here,” the officer said, slamming shut the doors on the van. “Not the state pound.”

  “Oh, okay,” Nate said. He glanced at Kimberly then back at the policeman. “That’s good then.”

  “Yes, especially as the wobble in the chassis seems to have repaired itself.” The officer hooked both sets of cuffs back onto his belt. “But probably best to still get it checked.”

  “Er, well that’s great news. I have no idea what happened there, but yes, I’ll be sure to get it checked.” There was a sparkle of hope in Nate’s voice. “First thing in the morning.”

  Kimberly glanced at him and then the officer, who was studying them with his arms folded, rocking back slightly on his heels. “So,” he said, “what are you waiting for?”

  “What do you mean?” Kimberly asked, trying and failing to keep a wobble of hope from her words.

  “Get out of here. I can’t be bothered with the damn paperwork. You didn’t hurt anyone, but let this be a warning.” He fired a glare her way. “Ma’am, you keep your belt on, understand?”

  “Yes, yes, Officer, of course,” Kimberly said.

  “And you.” He nodded at Nate. “You make sure your focus stays on the road at all times, without exception. Pretty lady or not in the car. The road and other drivers are your priority, okay?”

  “Absolutely.” Nate nodded vigorously.

  “Good.” The cop frowned as the beam of car headlights lit his face. “Ah, here’s Officer Dermot. Now get out of my sight before I have you in for loitering.”

  “Sure thing.” Nate grabbed Kimberly’s hand and pulled her away from the van, toward their approaching car.

  “Thank you, Officer. It won’t happen again, I swear,” Kimberly called over her shoulder

  “I’ll be looking out for you two, so make sure it doesn’t.”

  Nate tugged her a little quicker until they were off the forecourt of the station. Within seconds their car pulled up and a young, gangly officer unfolded from the driver’s seat.

  “I believe this is your car, sir,” he said to Nate.


  “Keys.” He held them up.

  Nate grabbed them, opened the passenger door and ushered Kimberly in.

  By the time he too had climbed in, both officers had entered the station.

p; “Let’s get the hell out of here,” Nate said, pulling away.

  “Yes, before he changes his mind.”

  Once they hit the main road and passed the sign for Harbor View, Nate blew out a long, low breath. “Damn, I didn’t see that coming. He didn’t seem like the sort to have a compassionate side. I thought we were in for it and I was dreading explaining to Derek how we’d got into that situation.”

  Kimberly laughed, a burst of noise full of coiled-up nerves letting loose. “That had been going through my mind too. What the hell would you have said?”

  “Well, definitely not that his daughter was sucking my dick and that’s why I was having trouble steering.” Nate laughed, a deep, hearty sound that rumbled up from his chest. He too was letting out a bundle of tension.

  Kimberly giggled harder and for a moment the car was alive with the sound of their hoots and cackles.

  Eventually Kimberly’s laughter faded. She reached across and rested her hand on his arm, aware of his biceps tensing under her touch. “Nate?”

  “Yes, baby.” He kept his eyes on the road.

  “Before, in the police van, what were you going to say?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “About next week. You said Thursday and Friday and were about to suggest something other than just painting the hall.” A bubble of pleasure popped in her stomach. She hoped with all her heart he was going to suggest something sexy and sweaty. Something that would take her to a wild and sumptuous plane of ecstasy once again.

  “Ah, that.” He nodded slowly and threw an infuriatingly smug grin her way.

  “Nate.” She squeezed his arm. “Tell me.”

  He laughed again. “I was just going to suggest that we take on the challenge of another spicy task.”


  “Yeah, tonight has been fun. Let’s try a hot chili one and see where that gets us.”

  “Hopefully not arrested.”

  “No, but love on the move has certainly been an adventure.” He pressed his hand over hers. “And I’m looking forward to lots more, though hopefully not ones that risk me getting a criminal record.”


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