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Escaping the Cataclysm

Page 32

by Keith Robinson

  No one knows anything about what happened to Goliath. It was always so difficult to figure out what he was thinking or what he was feeling, I have no idea if what happened to us had any impact on him. Then again, being a genetically altered human who’s DNA is part animal, I’m not even sure if salvation is possible for him. Only God knows. Maybe he’ll surprise us and turn up someday.

  As for Jeffrey and I, it has been a long road. I wish I could say that everything returned to normal once we got back, but life isn’t like that. In the past couple of years, we seem to take two steps forward and one step back. Actually, I shouldn’t say that. It has been more like three or four steps forward and one step back. The changes I’ve seen in him have been profound. Sure, he still makes mistakes, as we all do, but he’s trying, and with God’s help, all things are possible.

  It took me some time to begin to trust him again, but now that God is the center of our marriage, we’re discovering an intimacy that goes deeper than anything we’ve ever experienced. So even despite our occasional setbacks, I believe that our relationship is stronger now than before…before our jump through time.

  When I first had the idea to go to Jesus to ask for Jeffrey’s healing, I had simply hoped that he would be one of the multitudes that Jesus had healed during His ministry. When we arrived and saw how crowded the room was, I remembered the story of the man being let down through the roof. I only hoped to copy that story. Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined that Jeffrey would be the paralytic in the biblical account!

  Furthermore, in the back of my mind, I held the hope that perhaps Jesus would heal my…my womb as well. But when He looked at me, I knew that God had something else in store for Jeffrey and I. Something greater.

  When we returned home, Jeffrey expressed to me his desire to adopt! He told me that watching those children on the streets of the city in Midgard made him realize how hopeless the lives of orphans could be unless someone intervened. Also, he didn’t want women to feel the need to abort their children because they didn’t want them to grow up unloved. And so, not only have we adopted one beautiful little girl that we’ve named Joy, but as of next Monday, Jeffrey and I will be opening an orphanage! Although I can’t have children of my own flesh and blood, God has given me many children to watch over and nurture.

  God truly is a miracle-working God. Each day, I watch as He draws Jeffrey closer and closer to Him. Not long after we returned from the trip, we started attending church together. Before, I couldn’t even get Jeffrey to set foot in the place unless there was a wedding or a funeral. What’s more, he has even begun taking classes to learn more about God. He especially loves the apologetics classes, as I knew he would. We read books together and enjoy discussing what we’re learning. We had always shared similar hobbies and activities, but our new passion for God’s Word and for sharing the Gospel has brought us closer than ever before.

  Our travels in the pyramid taught me many things. I realize now that although we escaped the Cataclysm of Noah’s day, there is a greater Cataclysm to come: when this world perishes and God makes a new heaven and a new earth. I am grateful to God that, through faith in Jesus, I, and now Jeffrey also, will escape that Cataclysm as well.

  Because of the pyramid, the accounts in the Bible, especially in Genesis, have become so personal and meaningful to me now. When I hear people compromise Genesis or doubt the truth of the Scriptures, I can’t help but get frustrated and angry. Yet, I have to remind myself that I did the same before we went on our journey. Jeffrey and I continue to study and teach others what we learned about the true history of the earth. We teach about the Ice Age, the Ark, the Flood, what happened to the dinosaurs, the formation of geologic structures, and so much more.

  There are so many proofs out there for the truth of God’s Word. If only people would take the time to seek, they would find the answers. But then again, the truth is staring them in the face every day. God’s creation proclaims His glory, and it can be seen in the lives of His followers. Once people accept that God’s Word is true, then, and only then, are they able to truly make sense of the world. More than all that I have witnessed and learned, I now understand that the greatest proof that God exists is His Word.

  To God be the glory!


  I can imagine that many who read Escaping the Cataclysm will ask, “Do you really believe this stuff? Demon-gods, genetically-altered humans, time travel, gravity control devices, dinosaurs living with humans and going on the Ark, and a literal Noah’s Flood? This stuff can’t be real.”

  Well, let me reiterate what I wrote in the foreword of this book: what I have presented is merely one idea of how things could have happened, and although some of my ideas and conclusions sound a little far-fetched, they are based on research (see the footnotes). So, when you begin to consider the ideas logically, they make more sense than one might initially think. I would like to offer you, the reader, a little insight into why I included these particular ideas into my plot.

  Before I go any further, let me make it clear that I do not believe that time travel is possible or will ever be possible, at least not on this earth. That part of the story is purely fictional.

  First, when one begins with a biblical worldview of human origins, one begins to realize that God likely created Adam and Eve to be highly intelligent. In Gen 2:19–20, it states that Adam named all the animals and birds. Contrary to evolutionary thinking, there is no reason to believe that our earliest ancestors (Adam and Eve) were dumb brutes. After all, they were created by God as full-grown adults with speech capabilities and a communicable language. The instant they were created, they were able to speak with God, each other, and the serpent.

  With that assumption, let us now consider how much a person can learn in a lifetime. Even with just an average lifespan of eighty years or so, a person can earn multiple degrees, learn dozens of languages, and master numerous trade skills. Now multiply that by ten! If one takes Genesis literally (which we really have no reason not to take it literally), then people before the Flood lived to be over nine hundred years old! Granted, at least the first several generations were probably forced to expend nearly all of their energy just surviving. Still, one would think that after several hundred years from creation, after cities were established, learning would increase greatly.

  If you are somewhat of a skeptic about the intelligence of ancient man or are simply interested in more information about this fascinating subject, I would highly recommend the book The Puzzle of Ancient Man by Donald Chittick. Although his book deals with post-Flood populations, I believe that we can get a hint of what the pre-Flood world’s technology looked like by studying the technology of the cultures that appeared shortly after the Flood.

  Next, let us consider the controversial question: who were the Nephilim? It is beyond the scope of these notes to answer this question in detail. Many books and articles have been written on the subject. I will, however, try to give a brief summary of the various beliefs. If you are interested in more information, I would recommend visiting the Answers in Genesis website ( or

  Below is the main passage in question from Genesis 6:1–5 (NIV):

  When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. Then the LORD said, “My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years.”

  The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.

  In order to determine who the Nephilim were, one needs to determine the identity of the “sons of God.” This is precisely where the
difficulty lies. The three most prevalent views are as follows:

  They were fallen angels (demons) that bred with human women and had children, who were called the Nephilim.

  They were men who were possessed by fallen angels and bred with women.

  They were the godly line of men from Adam to Seth who fell away from God and had children with women who served false gods.

  The article on the Answers in Genesis website discusses each of these views at length. Based on my research, the idea that the sons of God were fallen angels appeared to be the most commonly held belief and had the most potential for storytelling!

  Before I leave this particular topic, let me end with a quote from the AiG website that puts this in perspective: “It is not crucial to biblical authority, since each side in this debate, for the most part, is using the Bible as authoritative to make their case.”1

  So, if one accepts that the “sons of God” were demons, then a couple of questions come to mind. What kind of interaction would they have had with humans? What kind of knowledge and technology did they have? We might find a hint to the answer to the first question in Genesis 6:1–5 passage quoted previously. In reference to the Nephilim, it says, “Those were the mighty men of old, men of renown.”

  In my research, I came across a book that connected this passage with ancient legends and myths of gods and their children. The stories of Perseus and Hercules spring to mind. Certainly in those stories, they became “men of renown.” Other cultures also have stories of demi-gods (half-human, half-god) that accomplished amazing feats. Could there possibly be a connection between the demi-gods of mythology and the Nephilim?

  To further strengthen the connection, it is interesting to note that many of these same cultures have stories of giants. Norse mythology calls them the Jotun, the Hindus call them the Daityas, the Greeks had the gigantes (from which we get our modern word giant), just to name a few. Is it coincidence that so many ancient cultures had so many similarities in their myths, or were they based in part on reality?

  In his book Flood Legends, Charles Martin makes this statement, “Since the late 1800s, mythologists have come to see myth as not wholly fictional, but instead as embellishments of truth. In other words, a ‘complex’ myth may, in fact, have a perfectly ‘reasonable’ footing in ‘reality.’”2 It is this idea that helped spark my vision of the pre-Flood world.

  Add to all of this the idea that if demons really did set themselves up as gods, they might use some of their advanced knowledge of genetics to begin toying with humans. It stands to reason that they would know at least as much as modern humans do about the manipulation of genes. If this idea were true, it might also explain some of the other strange things presented in some of the ancient myths such as medusa, elves, mermaids, unicorns, etc. Perhaps the demons knew how to successfully mix the DNA of different creatures. After all, some of our modern Dr. Frankensteins are currently working on this possibility. (Just do a quick internet search on the topic and you may be surprised by what you find.)

  Let me reiterate once again that this particular line of reasoning is purely speculation. However, when one takes all of this into consideration, it begins to paint the very interesting picture of the pre-Flood world that I have presented in Escaping the Cataclysm.

  Flood Legends

  When I set out to write novels dealing with real scientific issues, I invariably end up with topics I wanted to discuss, but just couldn’t find a way to include it into the plot of the novel without bogging down the story. One such topic is the existence of flood legends.

  Although many people are not aware of it, there are legends about a worldwide flood in nearly every culture of the world. In the book Dinosaurs by Design, Dr. Duane Gish says that there are over two hundred and seventy such stories. To view a chart listing several of these legends with their corresponding biblical similarities, visit and search for the article entitled, “Flood Legends” by A.J. Monty White, Ph.D. Below is a summary of just a couple of these accounts.

  In the Chinese flood legend, the only people to escape the flood were Fuhi, his wife, three sons, and three daughters, the same number of people in the Genesis account of Noah. In the Hawaiian story, Nu’u and his family built a great canoe and filled it with animals. After the flood, only he and his family were the only humans to survive.

  Despite the fact that these legends have numerous differences, they also contain many similarities. Many critics point to the differences as proof that the accounts were describing different events. However, although this makes sense of the discrepancies, it does not explain the similarities. How could so many stories from all over the world share key similarities unless they had a similar source?

  A sampling of similarities within the various stories includes:

  Man in transgression

  Divine destruction

  Favored family

  Destruction by water

  Humans and animals saved

  Universal destruction

  There are several more similarities in addition to these.

  So, if the legends did have a similar source, then why the differences? The answer lies in the account of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11. After God confused the language at Babel, the human race scattered all over the earth with those with whom they could communicate. As the Flood account was retold over the years, some of the details became altered and changed.

  For more on this topic, I highly recommend the book, Flood Legends: Global Clues of a Common Event by Charles Martin.

  I hope you have enjoyed reading my novels as much as I enjoyed writing them. If you have been intrigued by some of the scientific research I have presented, I highly encourage you to do your own research. There is only a limited amount of real information I can present in a novel. Hopefully it was enough to whet your appetite for more. To this end, I have included a list of suggested websites, books, and DVDs that deal with the topics presented in Escaping the Cataclysm, as well as numerous other fascinating topics on biblical authority and the creation/evolution debate.

  My earnest prayer is that this information would be a stepping stone that would either strengthen your faith in Christ if you already believe, or help lead you toward the conclusion that the Bible is true and it can be trusted. Then, I pray that you would make the greatest and most important decision of your life by accepting Jesus as your Savior!

  Keith A. Robinson

  November, 2010

  Hodge, Bodie. “Who Were the Nephilim?” Answers in Genesis. July 9, 2009. (accessed December 13, 2010).

  Martin, Charles. Flood Legends: Global Clues of a Common Event. Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 2009.

  Suggested Materials

  Websites — The official website of Answers in Genesis, one of the largest Creation ministries in the world. — The official website of the Institute for Creation Research. — The official website of the Discovery Institute, the “think tank” for the Intelligent Design movement. — This website contains the complete, FREE online edition of In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood (7th Edition) by Dr. Walt Brown. — This website contains the complete, FREE online edition of Evolution Cruncher by Vance Ferrell. This paperback is based on a 1,326-page, three-volume Evolution Disproved series. — This website has lots of great material, including the entire video A Question of Origins available to view for FREE online. — Lee Strobel was a former atheist and has now written several books investigating the Christian faith, including The Case for the Creator.

  Books and Magazines

  Noah’s Ark: A Feasibility Study by John Woodmoorewrape

  Noah’s Ark: Thin
king Outside the Box by Tim Lovett

  The Young Earth: The Real History of the Earth—Past, Present, and Future by John Morris

  The Puzzle of Ancient Man: Evidence for Advanced Technology in Past Civilizations by Donald E. Chittick, Ph.D

  The New Answers Book 1, 2, & 3 — Ken Ham, General Editor

  Answers Magazine: Building a Biblical Worldview — especially Vol. 3 No. 2, April–June 2008 and Vol. 3 No.4, Oct–Dec. 2008

  DVDs and Videos

  Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution, Vol. 1, 2, & 3 with Dr. Jobe Martin — Exploration Films

  Unlocking the Mystery of Life — Illustra Media

  Icons of Evolution — Illustra Media

  The Privileged Planet — Illustra Media

  A Question of Origins — Eternal Productions (This entire video can be viewed online for FREE at

  For a list of other products, visit the Answers in Genesis website mentioned above.


  I am grateful to so many people for their assistance in mak- ing my first trilogy a success. However, first I would like to give thanks to the ultimate Source of my inspiration. Thank you, Father, for the many blessings You have bestowed upon me. Thank you for the privilege of serving You.

  To Mom, Kevin, Tim Chaffey, and Terry Cave—Thanks for all of the time and effort you put in helping me refine the manuscript. A special thanks to my fellow “time traveler” Tim for helping to keep my theology sound in the midst of a complex plot.


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