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Fueled by Lust: Lucien (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 7

by Celeste Prater

  The beautiful voice he strained to hear drowned in a cacophony of battle cries from his warriors. Their urgent calls to him only fueled the latent aggression of the Nawiens. The rattling of bars and deep, agitated howls joined the others. His warriors’ thoughts drove into his brain with demands to know why he’d cried out. He immediately slammed his barriers into place.

  Lucien watched helplessly while a slaver loped down the corridor with a blue-jeans-encased, well-rounded ass bouncing on his thick shoulder. The long legs attached were a whir of activity while she tried to kick herself to freedom. If the expression on the male’s face indicated anything, it was the torment his back was taking at the hands of the female he gripped tightly with one arm while the other tried to hold on to his metal rod.

  Reaching through the bars, Lucien stretched as far as he could in an attempt to grab the slaver when he halted in front of his cell. He clawed at the air for any opportunity to snatch him, but he was too far away. Lucien knew he had only moments to succeed. The look on the male’s face was evident. He’d had enough of the female and was about to exact his revenge. Lucien cursed his inability to mist.

  The blue bastard flipped his charge off his shoulder, and Lucien twisted to catch the back of her head before it could hit the ground. Her back struck hard against the floor and a rush of breath left her lungs. A swath of fiery red hair spilled out around her face and shoulders. The strands felt like a wash of silk against his palm. Huge green eyes fringed with thick lashes blinked up at the ceiling while she gasped desperately for air. Lucien slipped his hand from under her head before the slaver could kick him away.

  Jumping to his feet, Lucien roared to the ceiling and tore at the bars when the end of the bastard’s rod turned red and tilted downward. He watched in horror as she weakly lifted her cuffed arms in defense, yet was unable to stop the tip from grazing along the side of her green T-shirt and connecting with her hip.

  Lucien froze when her back arched violently from the ground. Her pale, creamy complexion turned bright red and her white teeth clenched in agony. Within moments, she slumped flat to the ground and stilled.

  Falling to his knees, Lucien narrowed his eyes and stared at her chest. Relief suffused every pore when he registered the faint lift and fall of her breasts. She was breathing.

  Looking up, Lucien locked eyes with the slaver. He seared every feature of the ugly face into his brain and knew without a doubt he would kill him one day. It was a foregone conclusion. Lucien couldn’t tell if the bastard smirked at him, or if it was a natural movement of his thin lips, but it only pissed him off further. In that moment, he promised himself it wouldn’t be an easy death.

  Slumping to the floor, Lucien clung to the bars when the slaver opened the cell across from him and dragged the unconscious woman inside. With a flick of the device attached to his belt, the cuffs separated. He left her on the floor, latched the door, and walked away. Lucien took great pride in staring at the ripped flesh and streaks of blood traveling down the male’s back. She’d gotten her pound of flesh, but at a price.

  As his muscles twitched to regain normalcy after his herculean efforts, Lucien lay on his side and stared at the shadowed figure in the other cell. He wished he could pick her up, place her on the bunk, and cover her. She was going to get cold on the floor. The reverberating clang of the main cell door snapped him from his narrowed focus. The corridor quieted for several moments before Eryx’s voice rang out in alarm.

  “Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Tell me now before I go mad.”

  Lucien rolled to his back and took several calming breaths before he spoke.

  “I’m not hurt. He never touched me.”

  Eryx’s voice lowered. “May I enter your thoughts?”


  Emperor, what is the female to you?

  Lucien frowned. What do you mean? I was only worried for her safety, nothing more. He swallowed and realized how parched his throat was. When Eryx didn’t respond, he rolled to his feet and shuffled to the sink. Cupping his hand, he drank deeply of the cool water and bathed his heated face. He stopped when Eryx’s concerned voice returned.

  Are you sure, Lucien? Your barriers fell just as you yelled out the last time. I heard your thoughts. We all did.

  Staggering to the bunk, Lucien dropped heavily to the mattress and slumped back against the wall. What, my legati? What did I say?

  Lucien sat in stunned silence upon hearing the response.

  Mine. Mine. Mine.

  Chapter 8

  Lucien blinked a few times and stared into the dimly lit cell across from his. She was moving. He’d been waiting for what felt like hours for some sign of life. Now that he was thinking clearly and had taken the time to study her features, he’d realized that she was human. Obviously, the slavers had traveled as far as Earth to grab their prey. She certainly wouldn’t have been aboard a craft. Would she? Why would the slavers have traveled that far out? It was unnerving to think of this species running amok across multiple galaxies.

  Pushing aside the disturbing thoughts, Lucien anxiously watched as she slowly lifted her hand from the floor. She gently touched the hip that had taken the direct hit from the slaver’s rod and a soft hiss escaped her lips. He knew she’d wear a bruise there for days, since he still carried one on his arm.

  Bitter rage rose up in Lucien’s chest and he clenched his teeth to restrain it. After Eryx’s announcement of what had spilled from his thoughts, Lucien was still trying to come to grips with the persistent need to protect this female. A quick image of the slaver grabbing her sturdy boot and unceremoniously dragging her into the cell threatened to send him into madness.

  Taking several deep breaths, Lucien willed himself to calm. Even with Junia he had never displayed emotion this intensely. Shaking his head at the absurdity of his actions, he laid blame on the situation. How could he not feel angered and violent? He’d been on edge from the moment the ship had knocked him off his feet. Being caged and watching helplessly as another needlessly perished was not a normal occurrence. It only made sense that witnessing a female treated in such a rough manner would push him to the breaking point. Yes, that makes perfect sense.

  Slipping silently from his bunk, Lucien approached the bars and watched in despair while she struggled to turn to her side. A strange sense of pride washed over him to see her fight through the agony and lift herself to her feet without crying out or shedding one tear. She was fiercely determined to rise no matter how many times her arms gave out or her feet slid from beneath her. He was expecting her to drop exhausted to the bunk, yet was surprised as she shuffled over to the sink and splashed water on her face.

  Lucien fought a smile and lost when she grumbled harsh curses against the “blue bastard” between quick sips of water captured in her small hand. She leaned on the sink for few moments then pushed her way over to the bunk. Pulling the thin blanket around her shoulders, she turned and plopped down on the mattress. Fascinated, he watched her fuss with her lovely hair for a few moments before she sighed in exasperation and let it fall back in place. Why hadn’t he noticed earlier that she had such a beautifully shaped face? He wasn’t prepared for her head to lift and deep pools of green to pierce into his very soul. His breath caught and held when elegantly arched brows rose and her full, pouty lips opened in surprise.

  Lucien stood very still and watched as her gaze slowly lowered to his chest and continued down the length of his body. He knew he should back away and move into the furthest shadows when his cock flared to life and grew thick against his thigh. Instead, he moved closer to the light in order to satisfy a sudden barbaric urge to prove his virility.

  When teasing fingers of vitality brushed against his skin, Lucien felt his lips part in surprise. His core energy surged forward and demanded acceptance of the gift. It felt like home. The heady scent of her desire wafted to his nose and he greedily drew it into his body. Lucien grabbed the bars to keep from dropping to his knees. She smelled exactly like the fragrant Lathyrus
flowers growing freely outside his bedroom window. The soft red petals matched her gorgeous hair. He breathed deeply of the intoxicating scent and freely accepted the surge of new energy into his core. He wanted more. He wanted her. Chills traveled over every inch of his skin when her eyes returned to his and a husky, sensual voice caressed his ears.

  “Are you human?”

  * * * *

  Tana knew she should have kept her eyes above his chin, but never in her thirty-two years had she ever seen such a striking figure. One look from those thickly lashed, emerald-colored eyes and she’d felt an instant pull that begged her to lift herself from the mattress and reach out to him. Disturbed at the unfamiliar emotion, Tana willed herself to remain planted on the bunk. Her breath caught when he moved out of the shadows and closer to the bars. With a gorgeous mane of jet-black hair falling past his broad shoulders and framing a strong, excruciatingly handsome face, she wondered if he was even real. Was he an apparition? Tana tore her eyes away from his before she started whimpering. His upper body was bare except for a silver necklace dangling between his massive pecs. Her gaze refused to stop its descent. She drank in the sight of his tapered waist, spectacular abdominal muscles, and thick thighs encased in formfitting black pants. He was magnificent.

  In stunned surprise, she watched a prominent bulge expanding beneath his trousers. Holy Mother of God! He had more than enough thickness and length to make a woman pass out just from the expectation. When her pussy throbbed and reminded her that it hadn’t seen any action in almost a year, she instantly looked up and asked him what she doubted was true. He was too beautiful to be human. The slow lift to his sculpted lips revealed white, even teeth and a compelling dimple in his right cheek. A shiver slipped up her spine at the deep, heavily accented voice that responded in her native language.


  He’d instantly snagged her curiosity. The same curiosity that’d gotten her in this mess in the first place, she figured.

  “Either you are, or you’re not. Which one is it?”

  “Both. I’m Insedi. Half-human and pure energy.”

  Snorting, Tana leaned forward. “You know? A month ago…well, that’s how long I’ve been awake, anyway…I would’ve laughed and called you crazy. But after being snatched up by a bunch of blue assholes, it doesn’t sound so farfetched. So, how can you only be half-human, and where did you learn English? Have you been to Earth?”

  “You ask a lot of questions.”

  Tana shrugged, lifted her palms, and looked around the cell. “Well, it’s not like I have anything better to do.” There was that dimple again. Fascinated, she watched his eyes search her face.

  “True. You said you’ve been awake for a month. What did you mean?”

  Tana shivered at the lilting, unhurried rhythm of his rich voice. There’d been some thought before the words had left those beautifully sculpted lips. This wasn’t an uneducated alien barbarian standing before her. She briefly flicked her eyes to his groin and confirmed he wasn’t jacked up for a go-round in the sack any longer. When his lips twitched, heat flushed her cheeks. He’d busted her. Time to divert.

  “You didn’t answer my question.” She cocked her head to the side and waited for his response. The small smile never left his lips.

  “Which one? I believe there were several.”

  Exasperated, Tana rose from the bunk and approached the cell door. “Okay. You want to play games? Fine. But I’m not in the mood. Forget I said anything.”

  A winged brow rose and his eyes narrowed. “There are no games, mellis. You can’t expect me to answer them all at once. You should be specific.”

  Tana felt heat rise up her chest from his “placate the unruly child” tone. She knew full well her face was next. It was a normal side effect of being a natural redhead and she couldn’t help it. He was pissing her off, and she was having a hard time controlling the temper that usually followed. Her uncle had repeatedly warned her it would ruin her career or get her killed one day. Well, the career was obviously shot and she was probably going to die on this godforsaken planet anyway, so what the hell? She gripped the bars and let her feelings rip loose.

  “First, I don’t know what you just called me, but it better not be your alien word for ‘bitch.’ Secondly, are you purposefully being an ass, or does it come natural? I’ve had to listen to those fucking blue aliens bark at me in what sounds like gutter Russian for entirely too long. I finally hear English coming from someone other than the two assholes that got snatched with me, so excuse me for being excited for some new conversation. Beavis and Butthead are only interested in finding out my bra size and if all of my hair matches. Let’s get something straight, buster. Playing games ended the moment I woke up in a vat of jelly and had to cough the crap out of my lungs for thirty minutes. I take back every question I asked, because right now I don’t give a shit if you’re half-human or full monkey. You, sir, can kiss my ass.”

  Taking a deep breath, Tana felt her shoulders drop in relief. That had felt fantastic. Pushing away from the bars, she marched back to the bunk and plopped down in a huff. Pain scraped like razor wire through her hip and she failed to suppress the resulting grimace. Realizing that he hadn’t budged or changed his facial expression at her justified tirade, Tana turned her head away and pretended indifference. It was the round of raucous laughter beating a path down the corridor that made her look up. An unfamiliar, deep voice rose above the sound.

  “In the slang section, Cato termed this as ‘getting your ass handed to you.’”

  She was completely surprised when a huge grin split his face. He was devastatingly gorgeous. How was it even possible for his looks to improve? Shaking his head, he peered through the bars in the direction of his tormentor.

  “Shut up, Sotarios.”

  More rumbles of laughter ensued. He glanced back, studied her for several unnerving minutes, and then pushed backward into the shadows. His sensuous voice wrapped around her like a comforting embrace.

  “Mellis means sweetness.”

  Tana rolled onto the mattress and pulled the blanket over her head. Her brain buzzed with questions, but finally landed on just one before she finally drifted into a fitful slumber.

  Who the hell is he?

  * * * *

  Rolling to her back, Tana blinked up at the ceiling and tried to remember where the hell she was. The encroaching shadow monsters from her dream had vanished and been replaced with a brightly lit metal room. Of course, she was still in her cell. Nothing had changed. Groaning, she rose to a sitting position and stared at her boots. Regret coated her skin like an oil slick. She could have been sleeping in the halfway decent room the blue freaks had given her if she’d only behaved yesterday. What the hell had she been thinking? Even if she had made it to the damn container, how would that have gotten her off this fucking planet? She considered herself lucky she wasn’t six feet under alien dirt right now. No more heroics, Tana. Work and live. Simple.

  Upon hearing water pouring loudly into another liquid source, Tana glanced up. Squinting, she realized the sound was coming from the cell directly across from hers. A wide, muscled back, black-as-night hair resting against tanned skin, and a drool-worthy masculine ass encased in formfitting trousers reminded her that she wasn’t alone. When she realized the gorgeous body was standing beside the toilet, Tana gasped and jumped to her feet.

  “What are you doing? Stop!” She felt like a fool as soon as the words left her mouth. Her face heated from the casual glance thrown over his broad shoulder.

  “One, I’m relieving myself. It’s a very normal activity first thing in the morning. Two, I don’t have a spigot. There’s no turning it off. Cover your ears if you’re embarrassed, mellis.”

  Swiveling around, Tana stared at the wall and snorted. “I’m not embarrassed. You just surprised me. That’s all.” She was relieved when the sound stopped and she heard water running from the sink. Moments later, his steps fell heavy against the floor and his voice moved closer.
  “Your face reddened. You’ve never experienced that with your mate?”

  Confused, Tana frowned. “My mate?” Understanding hit her quickly. “Oh! No. I’m not married.”

  “Not even with your…what do you call them? Oh yes. Not even with your boyfriend?”

  Tana crossed her arms. “I don’t have a boyfriend. I’ve had boyfriends. I just don’t have one right now. Shit! Why am I even talking about this? It’s not like I’ve never heard someone urinating before. I’m not that naïve. I’ve just never been around a strange man while he did it. Okay?”

  “But I’m not a stranger to you. We met last night.”

  Rolling her eyes, Tana looked to the ceiling and sighed. “Are you going to tease me until I get mad again? I’m really not up for it right now.” Tana swore she heard him chuckle under his breath.

  “That’s not my intention. We’re just having a conversation. Isn’t that what you said you wanted? To hear words in English?”

  Dropping her arms in defeat, Tana sighed. “Yes, that’s what I said. But it seems we keep having strange conversations that get off track very quickly.”

  “Fair enough. What do you want to talk about?”

  Tana turned her head at the sound of the main cell door opening. It was quickly followed by the familiar sounds of harsh language and grunting of the blue freaks serving breakfast to a captive audience. Disgust resonated in her clipped words.


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