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Fueled by Lust: Lucien (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 11

by Celeste Prater

  * * * *

  Tana wouldn’t have believed it if she hadn’t seen it with her own two eyes. She’d known the Insedi would be powerful, but to actually see one move that quickly and take down someone as broad and thick as Royce in a matter of seconds was simply amazing. The fierce bellow that had spewed out of Lucien’s mouth was enough to put anyone into instant cardiac arrest.

  Royce lay on the ground with his arms and legs splayed out while he fought to breathe. He blinked rapidly, but Tana knew he wasn’t seeing the sky. Blood ran freely from a cut below his eye and his lower lip was double the normal size. She wouldn’t be surprised if he’d swallowed a few teeth.

  If Eryx, Haemon, and Keos hadn’t yanked Lucien off the stupid bastard, Tana knew he’d be staring at his ancestors instead of little birdies and bright stars circling his head. Lucien had gotten in two solid punches before the cuffs snapped together. He managed three downward pummels and a choke hold before he was pulled free. Eryx was talking him down before the Dar Kan had even risen from their perches.

  Plopping down on a log, Tana stared in awe at the defender of her honor. Lucien’s eyes were wild and his teeth were bared. His fists were still gripped into two tight hammers and sweat coated his bulging muscles. She saw his body quivering to return to the battle. He was stunning in his fury. She wanted to feel bad for being the cause of the trouble now scurrying across the field in their direction, but she could only focus on her fluttering breaths and her heart beating rapidly against her breastbone.

  The surroundings narrowed and all she could see was him. He was the most powerful, forceful thing she’d ever laid eyes on. She sucked in a breath when he swung his head to the side and captured her gaze with his. His emerald eyes darkened and his lips parted as he huffed for air. He pushed away from Eryx and headed straight for her. She stood and waited for him to come and take her away from everything. He was her protector. She felt it down to the marrow in her bones. His long strides quickly ate up the distance between them. He lifted his bound arms high in the air and opened them enough for her to slip into the comforting circle of strength. She slid her cuffed hands up his soft, slick skin and felt every ridge and dip of his massive frame until she reached his face. She cupped his strong jaw and looked him in the eye.

  “Oh, Lucien, what have you done? I’m not worth this trouble.”

  He dipped down, clamped his fists under her ass, and pulled her up his body until they were eye level. She didn’t know how to interpret the emotion emanating from his beautiful eyes. She’d never had a man look at her this way before. His voice sounded gravelly and strained.

  “No one will ever speak to you that way and not feel my wrath. I’d do it all over again. You’re…priceless.”

  Tana buried her face against his neck as Lucien swung violently to the left and took the brunt of two glowing rods to his back. Despite his effort to protect her, she felt the bite of the charge and gladly suffered the agony with him before blessedly drifting away.

  * * * *

  Lucien woke to searing pain screaming across his back and his face steadily scraping across the rough bark of the tree he was lashed to. When had the sun set? He strained to look over his shoulder. Lucien saw nothing but blue bodies clustered around Nox Ton as he raised a short rod with flayed ends and brought it back down. Gritting his teeth, Lucien took the blow and refused to cry out. If Tana was close-by, he didn’t want her to know the extent of what he endured.

  With each strike he could feel his flesh tear and rivulets of warmth travel his skin. He opened his mind and the cries of his warriors slammed into his brain. They were begging for permission to attack. Even with cuffs and no hope of surviving an uncoordinated battle, they were willing to die for him. He was only able to issue a soft command and hoped they sensed his resolve. No.

  Eventually, the pain subsided into a heavy numbness as he listened to the smack of the jagged metal against his flesh. He stopped counting the blows after he reached fifteen. He called out to Eryx.

  Where’s Tana?

  Eryx’s voice trembled with fury. She was taken away by the females. One of them looked worried for her and made the others carry her to the compound. I don’t believe she’ll suffer any more consequences.

  Lucien flinched when the rod struck untouched skin and fought to keep his breath even.

  What consequences? What did they do to her?

  Son of a bitch, Lucien! I felt that one to my balls. Don’t worry. Nothing was done to her. She was clutching you when you turned into the rods. Its power must have passed through you and affected her as well. You both dropped like a stone.

  Shit! I shouldn’t have held her.

  Lucien, they’ve stopped.


  Be prepared, they’re going to release the binds. We’ll come to you as soon as they allow us.

  Lucien felt his arms drop and he pushed his shoulder against the tree to keep from falling to the ground. Hands wrapped around his bicep and turned him around. Nox Ton pointed wildly to the field and back at him while spewing a string of unintelligible words. Lucien got the message. Don’t do it again. At least they hadn’t gutted him.

  The leader turned and gestured toward his warriors. Eryx and Haemon sprinted across the grass and caught him before he slumped forward. Shoving their shoulders into his armpits, they led him to the back of the line and practically dragged him toward the building. He seriously wished his legs would get with the program. He at least had enough sensation to stand upright by the time they got to the stairs. But that also meant his back had awakened from its shock. He tried to still his trembling hands. Several guards held them back as the others filed into the cell chamber and entered their cells. By the time Geleon’s cell door closed, Lucien felt confident he could move without assistance.

  Release me. I have to make this walk on my own.

  Eryx and Haemon didn’t question him. They were warriors. They understood.

  Once they were housed, Lucien stepped into the corridor. Jaw locked tightly, he pulled himself up to his full height and refused to let the pain rule his body. Glancing to the left, he narrowed his eyes and stared at Royce. The big man was hanging onto the sink and flushing blood from his mouth. His eyes peeled wide when he looked up. Good. Stark fear permeated every molecule. Lucien doubted he’d ever speak with Tana again. His message had been received.

  Lucien made eye contact with each warrior that he passed. He needed them to know that he was truly okay. He required cool heads with no thoughts of retribution. Not this day, anyway.

  He expected jeering from Basilius and was surprised the male had his back against the bars. Perhaps he was hoping his inaction would cause Sotarios to stop making strange sounds during the night. It was unlikely.

  Sweat broke out on his forehead by the time he reached Ulixes. The male looked like he wanted to rip the bars apart. He understood that helpless feeling. Relief suffused his body when he saw Tana lying prone on her mattress. She was breathing, and either asleep or still knocked out. He didn’t want her to see the beating he’d taken. She’d blame herself and it was the last thing he wanted.

  Once the cell door closed behind him and the cuffs were released, Lucien let his shoulders drop a notch. He made his way to the sink and quickly removed Royce’s blood from his hands. Grabbing the blanket, he stuffed it into the sink bowl and saturated it with water. His back screamed its discontent when he lifted the damp material and swung it around to drape across his back. The coolness helped to take the worst of the sting away. Plopping down on the mattress, he opened his mind.

  Okay. Ask whatever you need to get this event out of your mind. I’m going to live, that’s all that matters. And yes…I’d do it again.

  Expecting a flood of questions or admonishments, he was surprised by Geleon’s lone, thoughtful voice drifting through his mind. He could sense the others were present.

  You did exactly what we were thinking. You just beat us to it.

  Lucien dropped his chin to his chest and chuc

  Goodnight, my warriors. Tomorrow is a new day.

  Lowering himself to the mattress, Lucien rolled onto his stomach and panted through the agony of assuring the blanket covered his injuries. Tana didn’t need to wake to that sight. Thankful the blanket was dark and wouldn’t reveal the bloodstains, Lucien heaved out a breath and dropped into a dream of soft hands caressing his face.

  Chapter 13

  Oh, thank God! You’re awake. I thought you were dead there for a minute. I couldn’t tell if you were breathing or not. Are you okay?”

  Tana watched Lucien rise up into a sitting position. He blinked a few times then scrubbed his face. A light beard dusted his jaw. It made him sexier, if that was even possible.

  “I’m fine. Are you okay? I’m sorry I had you anywhere near those rods. I heard you took a jolt as well.”

  “I’m good. It wasn’t as bad as the last two times I got zapped. I think your thick skull took a majority of it.” She smiled when his brow lifted.

  “My thick skull, huh?”

  “Yes. Promise me you won’t ever do that again? It’s not like I haven’t heard Royce’s crap before.”

  Lucien stood and she watched him try to suppress a grimace as he pushed the blanket off his shoulders. He wadded it into a ball and tossed it on the mattress. She knew he was hurting. Two rods to the back wasn’t something to take lightly. She wasn’t prepared for his response.

  “No. I can’t make that promise, Tana. Just because he was used to getting away with it, doesn’t mean it should be allowed. Besides, I don’t think you have to worry about that any longer. He got the message.”

  Tana snorted. “I’m sure he did. Okay, I’ll admit that it was pretty nice seeing you beat his ass. I just wish you hadn’t gotten hurt in the process.”

  He gave her one of those dimple-revealing grins she found adorable.

  “I’ll live.”

  “Good.” She watched appreciatively as he strolled across the cell and grasped the bars.

  “It seems late in the morning. Did I sleep through breakfast?”

  She shook her head. “No, they haven’t brought it yet. This is unusual. I was sure they were going to come get me earlier so I could help. I guess I’m still in trouble or they’re punishing all of us for yesterday.”

  Lucien’s eyes darted to the right and then she heard the main cell door squeak open. Damn, he had good hearing.

  “Well, we’re either going to eat or go to work hungry. It’s a toss-up.” Tana groaned when her cuffs slammed together.

  “Shit. Looks like I’m going to be hanging clothes on an empty stomach.”

  * * * *

  Tana glanced over her shoulder. A frown marred her forehead.

  “Why did they turn right? We always go left. I’ve never been this way before.”

  Lucien gave a quick shrug. He was wondering the same thing as they trudged behind the other prisoners. Were they being moved to another location? But why? His stomach churned thinking of all the possibilities. None made any sense. Neither did the five Dar Kan females lined up along one wall of the corridor they’d just entered. He watched them hand large white cloths to each prisoner as they passed. His curiosity grew when they gestured to a door leading to the left. A guard stood to each side, but none had entered ahead of the first prisoner. He noticed that they released the cuffs as soon as the prisoner passed through the doorway. Was this a new group cell?

  Tana walked inside and immediately swiveled around as soon as he stepped into the large room. Her eyes were wide with fear.

  “Shit! Lucien. It’s a community bath.”

  Pipes lined the perimeter of the tall ceiling with a showerhead extension dropping every ten feet over a short stall. Small bathing cloths were piled on top of the walls and what looked like bars of soap. More pipes extended to the center of the room to allow for those that couldn’t find an empty slot to bathe. Fortunately, there were more stalls than bodies.

  Tana’s frantic face turned to the door when three guards entered and began directing each prisoner to stand in front of a stall. Lucien grabbed her arm and pulled her to the enclosures at the end and away from the current activity. He stepped to the one next to hers. His gut clenched at her panicked expression.

  “I’ve always bathed at the main compound with the females. Why would they bring me in here?”

  “I don’t know. Whatever happens, we’ll protect you.”

  “Ah, crap! They’re making them undress. I don’t need to see this.”

  Lucien looked over and found her staring hard at the floor. He tried to comfort her.

  “It looks like they’re collecting the clothes so they can be washed. We are turning a bit rank. This doesn’t seem like a punishment. Perhaps they’re just sick of smelling us. Just think. We’ll finally have some clean clothes.” Water gushed out of the pipe extensions and Lucien knew they were running out of time. He started slipping his boots off.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Step to the side of the stall, Tana. Get your clothes off while the others are busy dealing with the guards. Wrap up in the towel and then give your things to me. I’ll hand them over when they pass by and block you with my body while you bathe. Hurry.”

  He was proud of her for not arguing. She swung around the side of the short wall and within seconds her boots slid forward. He wrapped the towel around his waist and sidestepped to stand in front of her. Glancing around, he saw everyone was busy testing the water or handing over their clothes to notice.

  “Okay, I’m good. Here’s my…holy shit, Lucien! What the hell happened to your back?”

  “Don’t worry about it, sweetness. I’m fine.” He reached back and took the wadded clothes from her trembling hands. “Get behind me. They’re coming.” She darted behind him and Lucien sensed her move close to his back. The Dar Kan snatched the bundle, stuffed it inside a large pouch, and didn’t give Tana a second look before he walked away. The guards left the room and Lucien released his held breath. He was immediately surprised by the feel of her warm palm pressing against his bicep. He could barely hear her words above the pounding water.

  “Oh, Lucien, they beat you. I’m so sorry.”

  “You have nothing to apologize for, Tana. I chose to take that action and I’d do it again. Hurry, now. We don’t know how long before they’ll return for us.”

  From the corner of his eye, he saw her hand reach out and place her white towel over the edge of the wall. He grabbed the front of his towel when he felt it slipping from his hips.

  “No. Lucien. Let me take it. I want to bathe your back. There’s dried blood all over it. The wounds need to be cleaned. Please. Let me do this.”

  Lucien swallowed hard and removed his hand. The towel slipped away and joined hers. She placed her hands on his biceps and backed him up until he was close to the spray. He kept his body angled so no one could see her. She began dabbing gently at his back.

  Lucien shook his head. “It’s okay, Tana. Go ahead and pull me all the way under. I can handle it.”

  She tugged at his arms until he was directly under the showerhead. The water was starting to heat and steam drifted lazily around them. He clenched his teeth, not from the spray against his back, but from knowing her beautiful body was inches from his. He wished he could turn and wrap her in his arms. He ached to hold her and failed miserably in reining in the need for her. His cock grew along his thigh and rose hard against his belly. He was thankful the wall was tall enough to at least block the sight from the others.

  “Does it feel good?”

  Lucien felt his eyes widen. “What?”

  “The hot water.”

  “Oh. Yes. It feels wonderful. Thank you.”

  “The spray’s removing the blood. I won’t need to scrub it so hard. Lean your head back and I’ll wash your hair. Is that okay?”

  Lucien swallowed. “Yes. That’d be nice.” He tilted his head back and groaned when she ran her hands through the strands until it was saturated. He sens
ed her reaching for the soap and stifled a moan when her fingers began massaging his scalp. His dick slapped up against his belly and demanded equal treatment.

  Too soon, she was rinsing the soap away. He lifted his head and started to move forward to give her more room to bathe. She grabbed his arm and he froze.

  “No. It’s okay. We can share. Hold on. Let me do my hair real quick and then I’ll wash your back.”

  Lucien grabbed a bar of soap from the wall and scrubbed his chest and arms. He shuddered when her soapy hands landed on his shoulders and moved slowly down his arms. She slid them back up then gently patted his wounds before drifting down to the top of his buttocks. She hesitated, as if expecting him to stop her with a single word. He clamped his jaw tight.

  Silent permission granted, her palm slid slowly over his skin, and she explored every inch. He could feel the hard beads of her nipples slide across his back. Reaching forward, he gripped the base of his cock before he came all over the wall. Fuck! She could touch him like that all day and it wouldn’t hurt his feelings in the slightest.

  Her Lathyrus-scented desire wafted to his nose and he inhaled until his lungs could take no more. His core screamed for the offered energy and scrambled to acquire it. His strength grew, and with it, his libido. He growled in frustration that he couldn’t swivel around, snap her up into his arms, and bury himself inside her. A gasp escaped his lips when her hand slid around his hip, pushed his hand away, and clasped his cock in a firm grip. Soft lips pressed against the back of his arm before she began a slow up and down stroke against his flesh. Her fingers barely wrapped around the beast, but that didn’t deter her. He dropped his chin to his chest so the others couldn’t see the look of utter destruction crossing his face. He grabbed the wall and tried to stifle his groan.

  “Ah, sweetness, that feels so good. I love that you’re touching me. Don’t stop.” Her reply was a whisper of nirvana.


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