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Fueled by Lust: Lucien (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 25

by Celeste Prater

  “I now remember why. I have been away for so long, I had forgotten about the euphoric energy gathering of this species. I wish Protonecis had some special tricks I could avail upon myself. Other than gray dust and some barren trees, there is not much to hold my attention.” His eyes slipped over to hers and he winked.

  Tana felt herself blushing and rambled out the first thing that popped into her head.

  “Uh, with all the technology I’ve seen since I got snatched, I’d think that someone might help you with terraforming your planet. You know, force it to grow pretty grass and trees. I’m guessing here. Saw it on a TV show once.”

  Bellator’s eyebrows rose and he glanced back to Ulixes. “You hear this, Ulixes? She is indeed a very perceptive and intelligent female. I was not wrong in my initial assessment. Messor is the catalyst for evolving technology. If not for them, this very planet would still be wallowing in the ancient Roman period. The Messorians were dabbling with the very concept of regeneration prior to my…abrupt departure. The sinking mud has become quite a taxing problem for them. Could you imagine our home world with luscious vegetation and carpets of grass?”

  Ulixes’s eyebrows rose. “Yes, it would revitalize the citizens. It has only been decaying for the last century. There should be ample opportunity to hasten its return. Only the inner court has seen any attention to regrowth. Are you saying that you’re not averse to returning home after all?”

  Bellator smiled and waggled his finger. “Non, Ulixes. You are jumping to conclusions. I was merely making an observation. I have yet to make up my mind. There are many factors at play.”

  Tana kept her ear to the conversation, but her eyes had snagged sight of a very tall, and apparently pissed, Insedi stomping down the long ramp. For someone that only viewed her as the energizer bunny, he sure did like keeping an eye on her. Interesting. Quickly, she turned to Bellator and linked her arm with his. She surprised him as much as she surprised herself.

  “Ulixes, would you be kind and show me and Bellator how to get into the palace? I’d like to rest for a bit and I’m sure Bellator has a lot of things to think about now that we’ve arrived.” Shit. He’s faster than I thought. She could hear Lucien growling as he stepped over the scattered warriors.

  “Ulixes, please take Tana inside. Her room has been prepared.”

  “Absolutely. Tana?”

  “Sure. Coming, Bellator?” She tugged at the king’s arm, but Lucien leaned forward and quickly unlinked them.

  “Second thought, why don’t you take Bellator and I’ll take Tana. I’m sure he has many questions for you.”

  “I do not.”

  “Well, you should.”

  “Ah, Lucien. You are persistent. This is a good sign. Very well. Come, Ulixes. You can tell me of the degenerate Senator Masionus. I believe he was the one that dumped me on Messor with nary a farewell.”

  Bellator snapped up her hand, placed a soft kiss to her fingers, and winked. “I hope to see you soon, Tana. Perhaps the emperor will allow us to dine at the same table. One can only hope.”

  Tana gave him a legitimately genuine smile before he sauntered off with Ulixes. She was particularly enjoying how Bellator could make Lucien’s jaw muscles clamp so tightly.

  Looking around the grounds to avoid the intense stare she was receiving, Tana noticed almost all the warriors had departed. The quietness seemed to suck the last bit of energy right out of her body. She wished she could lie down and get a jolt of whatever they’d been channeling. She turned back to Lucien.

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Of course.”

  “First, I appreciate you getting me off that planet. I’ll always be grateful for that. Now, how damn long will it take for you to get me off this one?”

  Chapter 29

  Lucien didn’t think his stomach could actually turn over on itself, but he was rethinking the possibility. From the set of her jaw and the unwavering stare, she was serious. He’d gotten exactly what he’d been after and he felt like puking. She wanted nothing more to do with him. Success had never felt so empty. So why couldn’t he leave well enough alone? Snatching her hand, he began dragging her back to the palace.

  “In time. First you must rest. You’ve been through a lot, Tana. We’ll talk again in the morning.” He slowed his pace when he realized she was having a hard time keeping up with his long strides. He needed to get her locked behind a door and put up for the night before he did something stupid. He’d send her a lavish dinner and then spend the remainder of the night convincing himself that her leaving was a good thing.

  “Fine. I need to figure out how the hell I’m going to make a miraculous reentry to my old life, anyway. Maybe you can dump me on some deserted island and make an anonymous call to the coast guard to come pick me up. No, that doesn’t make sense. They’ll wonder why whoever called didn’t just rescue me.” She giggled and chills ran across his skin.

  “It’s not like someone would just swing by an island and go, ‘Oh, hey you. Hang tight. I don’t give rides to strangers, but I’ll go call someone for you.’ I know. Maybe Maxim can rent a boat and just happen to find me while he’s out deep-sea fishing. Yes, that sounds more plausible.”

  Lucien pinched the top of his nose and willed his head to quit pounding. He didn’t want to hear any of this. The complete end to whatever control he ever thought he possessed was plowing up on his rear and he knew he was going to get knocked over and annihilated. He ignored every Insedi he passed as he pulled her down the long corridor to the guest quarters stairway. Her sensuous voice was crawling up his spine and caressing his neck. He had flashes of her delicate fingers massaging his scalp under a waterfall and gripping it tightly as she took her pleasure. He fought from groaning. Her continuous stream of conversation wasn’t helping. Why did her voice have to be so mesmerizing?

  “You know, I think I’ll take a long vacation after I’m rescued and just tour the countryside. Whoa! Slow down a bit. That’s a lot of stairs. Good. Thanks. Wow, this place is gorgeous, Lucien. Hey! I’m coming, quit tugging on me. Anyway, I’m sure I’ll get a ton of back pay and maybe even a bonus for not dying out there. Who knows? Don’t worry, they won’t hear a peep out of me about you guys. I don’t want to end up in the loony bin.”

  Flinging the common room doors open, Lucien was happy to see it empty of occupants. As he continued to drag her down the corridor, he tried to pay attention to her words, but his core energy was playing havoc with him. It was twisting and fighting to break free as his palm slid along hers. She was gripping his hand as if she trusted him implicitly to lead her where they needed to go. Something as simple as her confident hand in his and the beast knew its mate was there.

  Swinging the guest bedroom door wide, he pulled her in and kicked it shut with his boot. He quickly released her hand, but couldn’t stop the trembling of his muscles. She was looking around with her sweet lips opened in surprise and that innocently intrigued look she got when encountering something new. When she turned toward the balcony windows, that’s when he saw it.

  The small burlap bag she’d fashioned to carry the toiletries he’d brought her was hanging across her shoulder. She’d fashioned thin straps to push her arms through and carried it like a knapsack. The image of her gleefully presenting the carry sling for the swords and her tears over the simple items he’d brought slammed into his brain. She’d returned to the camp with the warriors to retrieve his gifts, even after he’d treated her so harshly. When she wiggled her shoulders and slipped it down her arms, he promptly lost all ability to think rationally.

  Lucien bent down and scooped her off the floor. Gods! She felt so good in his arms. Depositing her next to the bed, he cupped her face and brought his lips reverently to hers. Her hands clamped onto his biceps and he felt her trembling. Pulling back he stared into her eyes and his heart broke. Shimmering pools of liquid green frantically searched his face. One crystal tear slid down her cheek and he felt as if his world had shattered. Her hushed words were pu
shed through trembling lips.

  “Don’t do this to me, Lucien. I want this so badly that I’m liable to forget how much you hurt me. I might not survive it this time.”

  “No, no, no, sweetness. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m so sorry. Let me explain.” He leaned in to kiss her tears away and she pushed gently, yet insistently, against his chest.

  “Stop. Please stop. You’ll destroy me. Please go. Can you do that for me? I can’t think straight right now.”

  When her gaze dropped and she squeezed her eyes tight, Lucien knew he’d waited too long. It was truly over. He’d crushed whatever feelings she may have had and they were never coming back.

  With great difficulty, he moved his palm from her cheek and stepped back. “I’m sorry, Tana. I shouldn’t have done that. You’re right. I’m not good for you. Please forgive me.”

  Lucien made his way to the door. The pain radiating through his chest was unbearable. He froze when she called his name. He couldn’t turn around. One more look at her abject sadness and he’d be on his knees. He took a deep breath.

  “Yes, sweetness?”

  “I want to leave tomorrow as soon as possible. Use the boat idea or not, it doesn’t matter. Just as long as my feet are back on Earth, I’ll take it from there.”

  He cleared his throat. “Of course.”

  Slipping through the door, he closed it, and leaned back against the panel. Taking several deep breaths, he looked down to his chest and wished the pain he felt had a handle so he could pull it swiftly from his heart.

  * * * *

  As soon as the door closed behind him, Tana felt her legs melt and her butt landed hard on the mattress.

  “Crap! What did I just do?” She’d sent him away. What if he’d really meant to apologize? What if he really did love her? Gripping the mattress, Tana forced herself to stay put. “No. Don’t be stupid. He was just looking for a last fuck before you left. That’s it. It’s not like there’s a ton of women rolling around this damn place.”

  Flopping to her back, she stared at the tall ceiling. Think, Tana. You heard Ulixes. They rely on sensual desire when they’re not at home. You must have been zapping the hell out of his sorry ass the second you saw him. No wonder he’d had an erection that day in the cell. He said all the right words and you just kept pouring the juice on. She jumped when a soft knock sounded on the door.

  Oh, shit. Why would he come back? Images of him spanking her ass for being a bad girl sent trembles down her spine. Tana knew she looked like a complete dork as she leapt from the mattress and almost tripped over her own feet as she shot to the door. Pressing her head against the wall, she tried to calm her breathing. Despite knowing this was a stupid move, she pulled the door open anyway. Her shoulders immediately slumped.

  “Oh. Hi, Kallon. What are you doing here?” His smile made her rethink her disappointment. He was so damn sweet.

  “I normally wouldn’t bother you this late, but I saw the emperor practically dragging you up the stairs and then moments later he was walking back down with the saddest face I’ve ever seen. I thought I’d check on you.”

  “He looked sad?”


  “How sad?”

  “Gut-punched sad.”

  “Oh. Did he say anything to you?”

  “He asked me to find Maxim. The warrior isn’t responding to our mind calls.”

  Tana tilted her head and motioned him in. She dropped into a chair next to the balcony and slumped down. She’d lost all willpower to keep herself erect. Kallon sat in the one opposite her and gave her an expectant look. Well, at least she didn’t have to muddle through this on her own.

  “I know why he’s looking for him. I suggested Maxim find me on a deserted island so I can be rescued and get my life back. I’m leaving in the morning.”

  “You don’t seem too happy about that.”

  “I know and it’s kinda freaking me out.” Tana sat up and rubbed her palms on her jeans. “He tried to apologize to me and I made him leave.”


  “Because I don’t know that I can trust him anymore. He pushes me away one minute and then he blows my mind with how passionate he seems to be about me. I’m completely confused.”

  “Maybe he is, too.”

  “He used me, Kallon.”

  Tana’s eyes widened at the look of shock crossing Kallon’s features. He sounded incredulous.

  “Impossible. The emperor is the most honorable male you will ever meet. What makes you think this way, Tana?”

  “I know how the Insedi get their energy. He was cut off from his planet and I was the next best thing.”

  Kallon leaned forward and grasped her hands. His eyes were pleading. “Oh, Tana. That couldn’t be further from the truth. He didn’t need your energy. Everyone got super charged before they left. He could have survived for months on that planet before he would have been driven to that extent. And even then, he would have asked permission. If he said things to you that initiated your desire, it would have been strictly because he felt deeply for you.” Kallon scooted closer and his eyes were positively sad while he revealed more of his beloved emperor’s past.

  “Lucien has been without a mate for a very long time. If the rumors are correct, it was for much longer than the six years since her death. Junia was the only female in his life, so if he’s feeling something for you, he’s probably scared to death. To know that he’s pushing you away tells me that he’s fearful of hurting you somehow. He would sacrifice himself before causing you harm. You need to think hard on what transpired between you two. The answer lies in there somewhere.”

  Tana stared for several moments into Kallon’s eyes. She saw nothing but honesty and true respect for his emperor. This loyalty could only be earned by someone that rightfully deserved it. She felt lightheaded at the thought that Lucien could actually love her. That everything he’d said was true and she’d tossed him out without allowing him to explain. She squeezed Kallon’s hands and leaned forward.

  “You know? This extremely good advice you just dished out could very well apply to you, Kallon. Did you think of that? Don’t we make a pair? Maybe I’ll go talk some sense into Ulixes and you take a crack at Lucien, and we might actually get our shit together.”

  Kallon’s bark of laughter was welcome. She shoved at his shoulder and he gave her hair a quick tug.

  “Well, hell, Tana. I think you might be on to something.” Standing, he pulled her up from the chair and wrapped his arms around her. She put her head on his big chest and patted his broad back as he rocked her in his arms. It was the exact thing she’d needed and she was sure the same applied to him. His deep voice rumbled against her cheek.

  “Get some rest, sweetie. I’m sure things will be clearer in the morning, for all concerned. I’ll come get you for breakfast. Talk with him afterward and I’ll do the same with Ulixes. We need to be honest with them, as well as ourselves. We can’t expect them to guess at our thoughts.”

  “You’re very wise, Kallon.”

  “I’m glad you think so, because I feel like a complete blathering idiot as soon as I’m five feet away from Ulixes.”

  Tana snorted and squeezed him hard. “I know exactly how you feel. Hey, Kallon?”


  “Thank you for being my friend.”


  * * * *

  Tana scurried to the door as soon a she heard the soft knock. Cracking it open, she smiled at Kallon.

  “Good, it’s you. I don’t know about you, but my stomach is about to cave in on itself. I was so freaked out thinking what I wanted to say to him today I couldn’t eat the food they sent up last night.”

  Kallon chuckled and stepped back from the door. “Well, then hurry up. We’re running late for breakfast. I got sidetracked on the way up. I found Keos leaving the palace with a busted lip and a cut under his eye. He wouldn’t go to the clinic. Just grinned at me and said he deserved it. Something about a boot. I swear, those elite gua
rds are the strangest of the bunch.”

  Tana laughed and linked her arm around his. “They’re funny, too. They kept me sane. I haven’t seen them since I left the ship. Where was he off to?”

  “I believe he said something about a hunt. If they’re not fighting each other, they’re usually on the mountain looking for kruthka. That’s a beast about the size of an Earth cow, but meaner.”

  “After what I saw those guys kill, then they’re not going to have any problem bringing about ten of those back. Remind me to tell you that story some time. When you see the horn, you’ll understand why their craziness comes in handy.”

  “Deal. I’m not sure who will be at breakfast, but I’ll introduce you as soon as we get in there. Don’t be nervous. Everyone will be very excited to meet you. The ladies are going to love you, Tana.”

  Kallon walked her through a double set of doors and her eyes widened at the sight in front of her. Lucien sat at the end of a long table with a beautiful brunet practically attached to his side. Two other couples sat to each side of the table, but they were just blurry blobs on the edge of her tunnel vision. Her heart was in her throat and pounding to get out.

  Tana didn’t know whether to leap over the table and shove the curvy woman out of her chair or haul ass back to the room. What was he thinking? It was so cruel she was finding it hard to breathe. She knew Kallon was pulling her closer to the group and he was introducing them, but she couldn’t take her eyes off of Lucien. Then he smiled.

  She squinted her eyes and knew something wasn’t right. The dimple was deeper and his hair was longer. What the hell?

  “Tana, this is Prince Drusus. The emperor’s son.”

  Trying to keep from dropping in relief, Tana let out a loud, hysterical laugh and then promptly clamped her mouth shut. The gorgeous blonde sitting next to an equally gorgeous man started laughing.


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