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Training Bra

Page 2

by J. W. McKenna

  Later, when she went to bed, it felt good to remove her bra entirely and slip on her nightshirt. She slid under the covers and sighed, wishing she could afford one of those fancy bras.

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  * * *

  Chapter Two

  The next day, Marti strolled by the shop and felt an urge to stop and look into the window. The store hadn't opened yet so she felt comfortable peering through the glass at the display racks. Her bra, the softer one she had tried on last night, was comfortable today, but it wasn't the same and she knew it. Her breasts seemed to miss the new bras she had tried on. It would be as if she had made a secret date with Steve Harris but the nerdy copier repairman had showed up instead. That made her giggle.

  She pulled herself away and went to work. Forget it, she told herself. It's not in your budget.

  Don't forget—you get a pair of panties for free! That's worth twenty dollars easy! Sometimes more!

  Marti nodded absently and went into the lobby and up the elevator. Steve wasn't in yet, so she had time to settle in and start on her reports before he strolled in at nine-fifteen.

  “Hi, Marti. Any messages?”

  “Not yet, Mr. Harris. But I have that quarterly report you wanted.”

  “Oh, good.” He took it and went into his office, closing the door behind him.

  Maybe I should ask for a raise, she thought. Then I could afford to buy the right clothes! But it scared her to be so bold. She knew it was a common problem for women. Thinking back, she realized it had been more than a year since her last raise. It was past time.

  She stood and knocked on Steve's door before her mind could tell her to stop. She wasn't even sure why she was doing this, it was so out of character!


  She peeked in. “Uh...” She panicked. “Would you like some coffee, sir?”

  “Oh, yes, that would be nice.”

  Marti retreated and went to fix his coffee, cursing herself. Why had she chickened out? Or more importantly, why had she even come up with this bold and crazy idea in the first place? She gave his cup an extra dollop of honey, trying to please him and returned to the office.

  “Thanks,” he said, reading the Wall Street Journal and barely looking up.

  Marti stood there, trying to run away and force herself to stay at the same time. He glanced up.

  “Is there something on your mind?”

  “Uh ... Well ... I know I've only been your secretary for a short time, but I've been at the company three years now, and I think I'm overdue for a raise, uh, Mr. Harris, sir.”

  “Didn't you get one a while back, when they had step increases for all the secretaries?”

  “Uh, yes, I did. But that was a long time ago.”


  “I hope I've been a good administrative assistant for you, Mr. Harris.”

  “Yes, yes you have.”

  “I hate asking, but costs have gone up and ... well, it's hard to make ends meet.” She felt that was enough of a hint that she might be forced to look for another job. Not that she ever would! She liked it here, despite the dull nature of her job. She doubted she'd find a more interesting job anywhere else. She simply hoped that Mr. Harris liked having her around as well.

  “I'll have to check around, see what the other execs are doing about this. It might be time to revisit this.”

  “Oh, thanks, Mr. Harris!”

  He held up a hand. “Nothing's been decided yet, but I will look into it, okay?”

  “Okay. Thank you!” She left quickly, her body shaking with her audacity. How did she ever get up the nerve to do that? But she was very pleased with herself.

  At lunchtime, Mr. Harris had another meeting with a client, leaving her free for a good ninety minutes. She had a quick soup and salad at a café around the corner and strolled around the neighborhood. It wasn't long before she found herself standing outside the boutique shop once again. For some reason, she felt she and that odd little man had a budding friendship developing, so she went in to say hi.

  That's all, she told herself. Just say hi.

  “Well, hello again!” he greeted her when she stepped inside. As before, the shop was deserted. She felt sorry for the poor guy.

  “Still not much business?” As soon as she said it, she wished she hadn't.

  “No, but I'm not worried. Introducing a brand new design is dicey, no matter what the industry. I equate my efforts to the Fosbury Flop.”

  “The ... what?”

  “Fosbury Flop. Named after Dick Fosbury, the first high jumper to lay on his back as he went over the bar.”

  “Ohhh,” she shook her head, thinking he was declaring his bra design flops! “I thought they always did it that way.”

  “Not until Fosbury did it in the nineteen-sixty-eight Olympics. Won the gold medal. Everybody made fun of him until that day and afterward, everybody copied him.”

  “So you think your bras are so revolutionary, they'll be copied?”

  “Let's hope not! I'll have a big fight on my hands! No, I just mean, I firmly believe my design will become the successful standard that every woman will want to wear.”

  “Well, they were comfortable ... but they are quite expensive.”

  “I know, but don't forget, you get panties for free!”

  “That's a bit strange,” Marti said, feeling bolder to speak her mind. “I mean, why not just sell them separately and let the women decide?”

  “I may do that later. But the combination is so comfortable, I just had to get women to start wearing my panties and bras together!” He clapped his hands together and it made Marti laugh at his enthusiasm.

  “By the way, I'm Dave,” he said, sticking out his hand. “I'm so glad you've come back to see me again.”

  “I'm Marti. Glad to be back. Although I haven't decided if I can afford them yet. I'm just a poor secretary.”

  “Maybe you should ask for a raise,” he said and she stared at him.

  “How did you...”


  “I just did, this morning! How did you know?”

  “I didn't, I was just trying to come up with a way you can afford my bras. But I'm sure you deserve a raise.”

  “Yes, yes, I do, dammit.”

  “Well, good—and I'll bet you'll get it.” He paused and looked at her slyly. “Since you're here, would you like to try on another bra?”

  “Well, I really shouldn't...” she said.

  “It's okay, I fully encourage my customers to come back again and again until they're convinced they just can't live without my new designs.”

  She smiled. “Well, since you put it that way.”

  “This time, I'll let you select a couple of models to try on.” He waved toward the racks.

  Marti went down the row, picking out an everyday white one and a sexy red one that she just had to see on. She wanted to try on a couple more, but she resisted and took the two bras to the dressing room. Dave, as before, stayed by the counter. She liked that—in most stores, the female clerks wanted to come into the dressing room and fondle customers under the guise they were “doing a fitting.” Marti didn't like strange women telling her how to fit her bras.

  She eagerly stripped off her blouse and bra and slipped on the red one first. As soon as it was nestled against her breasts, it felt heavenly. She admired the fit in the mirror, turning back and forth to see how it held her up effortlessly.

  “How does it fit, Marti?” She heard him approach but he stayed well away from the curtain.

  “It's ... very nice,” she said. “Good fit.” That was an understatement. Once again, she wanted to stroll around and get the feel of it when she moved. “Mind if it walk around in it?”

  “Of course! I wish you would!”

  Marti pulled on her tan blouse, which did little to cover up the red bra underneath. At that moment, she didn't care. She buttoned it up and stepped out to show off her figure to Dave. He nodded his head.

  “Looks ver

y good. Turn around, please.”

  She did and heard him approach. “Now if you'll allow me, I'd like to check the fit along the back, okay?”

  She nodded, suddenly trusting this man and forgetting her earlier thoughts. After all, he did design them. And he had to be gay! She felt his fingers at the back of her blouse, adjusting the fit of the bra and tugging at the straps. He turned her around and stared at her chest. “That looks good. You notice how it seems to form-fit to your body?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “That's part of my unique design. Even hard-to-fit women can find a good bra in here.”

  “I'm going to walk around a bit,” she said and Dave immediately stood to the side and nodded.

  She strolled around the store, enjoying how she felt completely supported and comfortable. Forget wonder bras, this was a miracle bra. Too bad that name was already taken. She didn't want to take it off. Something about the redness of it was very sexy. It made her feel like a new woman.

  “I'd better try on the other one.”

  She returned to the dressing room and peeled off the bra. Her breasts had seemed to nestle into it and they ached a little when she removed it and her nipples tingled again. Marti bent over and fastened the white one to her and stood up. This one felt like it was made for a long day at the office.

  “Does that one feel good too?” Dave's voice came right outside the dressing room.

  Without thinking, Marti pulled aside the curtain and asked, “What do you think? I mean, it feels good and all...”

  Dave stepped forward and ran his hands underneath the cups and along the sides to the back, nodding to himself. “Yes, although you might want to try a thirty-six D, just to compare. If you'll allow me, I could measure you.”

  Marti nodded absently, lost in the sensations. Her breasts were so very comfortable for the first time in her life. Dave pulled out a cloth tape and measured around her breasts and underneath. She just stood there, not worrying any longer. Her new-found friend seemed completely trustworthy.

  “No, I think that's the right fit after all. A D-cup might leave gaps.”

  “This one feels really good.”

  “Perfect. Then that's the one you should get for everyday wear.”

  “Can I see the panties?” She blurted before she stopped herself.

  “Of course.” He went to the counter and selected a couple of pairs. “I'm less up to speed on panty sizes. What size do you normally wear?”

  “Uh, size six.”

  “Okay, here you are.” He handed over a pair of white French-cut panties that were made from the same smooth, sleek material as the bras. They were almost sheer and seemed delightfully naughty, but perhaps not very practical. “Why not just make them out of cotton?” she asked, not paying attention to the fact that she was standing just outside the dressing room wearing only her bra and skirt.

  “Through experimentation with test subjects, I found that the panties worn with the bra make you feel like a new woman. Of course you could wear regular cotton panties with your new bra, but why not get the whole experience?”

  Marti nodded. “Well...”

  “If you've already asked for a raise, I'm sure you'll get it,” Dave said. “So why not treat yourself to a bra that's more comfortable than anything else you have?”

  She was convinced. “Okay. I'll take this one.”

  “Great! And if I may suggest, why not wear both out?”

  Her head bobbed up and down, her mind captivated by the idea. “Yes, I think I will.”

  “Good! Go ahead and change and I'll ring you up.”

  Marti retreated into the dressing room and sat on the bench. She slipped her panty hose down and off and tucked them into her purse. She hoped Mr. Harris wouldn't be upset if she didn't wear hose in the office, but she just was dying to find out if the panties felt as good as the bra did! Unwrapping the package, Marti took out the sleek, low-cut panties and held them up. Wow, they looked good!

  She bent down and slipped them on. Even going up her legs, they felt delicious and sexy. She stood and tugged them into place. Like the bra, they fit perfectly, although they were so sheer she could easily see her bushy pubic hair. As she stood there, admiring herself in the mirror, she could understand why the inventor had wanted women to wear them together. They seemed to have a symbiotic relationship with her body. She had to see how they looked without the skirt in the way! Quickly unzipping the side, she eased her skirt to the floor. For several minutes, she stared at herself in the mirror, turning around to admire the back and the sides. Dave, thankfully, left her completely alone.

  Finally, she pulled on her clothes and exited the dressing room, her old bra and pantyhose tucked safely into her purse.

  “How do they feel?”


  “Good. I'm so glad. Please tell your friends. I'll give you a ten-percent discount on your next purchase if one of your friends mentions your name when they buy a bra.” He glanced down at the cash register. “Your total will be one-oh-eight, twenty, with tax.”

  Marti tried to disguise her shock at how much she was spending as she handed over her credit card, but her new bra and panties told her she had made the right decision. He swiped it and handed it back and she signed the slip and was on her way.

  “Come back and see me again,” he called.

  She waved and left, enjoying the feel of the warm spring air on her legs. There was a bounce to her step that wasn't there before. She was practically giddy with joy and she couldn't stop smiling. The panties and bra did seem to work well together. She liked the way her panties caressed her bottom and slid against her clit. Returning to her desk, she sat and glanced around at the other secretaries, noticing perhaps for the first time how unhappy they looked. If only they could find a bra and panty set like she had!

  When Steve came in a half-hour later, she looked up and smiled. He nodded at her and did a double-take.

  “You look ... great. Did you get your hair done or something?”

  Marti smile broadened. “No, I'm just in a good mood today.”

  “Well, it brightens you right up.” His eyes traveled down until they rested on her breasts before he tore himself away. “You're practically glowing.” Suddenly, he seemed to realize what he had said. “Uh, well, carry on.” He turned red and hurried into his office as Marti laughed silently behind her hand.

  He noticed! He noticed my new bra! Well, maybe not the bra itself, but he certainly noticed something was different about me! What a wonderful purchase I made!

  Her good mood seemed to last the rest of the day. Even Darlene, the grouchy secretary who guarded Mr. Henderson's lair one office over, noticed. While Marti was getting herself a cup of coffee, Darlene came by and frowned at her.

  “What's got you so giddy today?”

  “Oh, nothing,” she said before she remembered Dave's offer. “Well, to tell the truth, I found the most amazing bra!” She quickly filled Darlene in on the odd little shop run by the “bra engineer” not far from the office building.

  Darlene, a blowsy forty-something woman with frizzy red-blond hair, seemed unimpressed. “Yeah? I've heard a dozen promises from bra manufacturers over the years, not one of them was worth a damn.”

  “Then you owe it to yourself to try on one. That's all. Just try one on.” She winked and returned to her desk.

  The day seemed to sail by. At five, she gathered up her purse and popped in to Steve's office to see if he needed anything before she left. He looked up, startled, and waved her inside.

  “Yes, Mr. Harris?”

  “Uh, Marti ... About this afternoon. I hope I wasn't being inappropriate...”

  “Oh no, Mr. Harris! Gosh, a girl loves a compliment, you know.”

  “I know. It's just that, you know, with everybody being so ‘PC’ now, sometimes a compliment can be misconstrued...”

  Marti almost laughed out loud at his discomfort. “Mr. Harris, I know you are a good man and you would never mean anything
suggestive! I must confess that I was very pleased by it. I mean, what girl doesn't want to be noticed now and then?”

  He smiled. “Well, that's good. I just don't want there to be any misunderstandings.”

  “Of course not. And, for the record, you can compliment me anytime and I won't complain!”

  She shook her head. The whole incident was being blown out of proportion. But she was secretly pleased that Mr. Harris was flustered by her new-found attractiveness. She almost wanted to tell him “it's the bra” but didn't dare.

  “Well, good night then, Marti.”

  “Good night, Mr. Harris.”

  She left, amazed at how quickly things had seemed to change in her life. The bra put her in a wonderful mood and her boss had noticed her new look! What more could a girl ask for? She had a sudden image of herself splayed on her back across Steve's desk, her skirt hiked up and panties discarded, while her boss thrust himself between her thighs...

  Marti had to grab the wall by the elevator to keep from falling down.

  “Are you all right?”

  She looked over to see Mary, another secretary, looking at her with concern in her eyes.

  “Yes, I'm fine. Just stood up too fast, I guess.”

  Mary nodded and said, “That's happened to me before. Better take it easy.”

  The door opened and they stepped inside, followed by two other secretaries. “I will,” Marti said, trying to figure out how she might put in a plug for her new bra and failing. “I will.”

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  * * *

  Chapter Three

  Her good mood continued at home, through two glasses of wine and dinner in front of the TV. Even her loneliness seemed distant that evening. She remained in her work clothes, enjoying the feeling of her undergarments against her body. Later, when she pulled off her bra and panties and slipped into her T-shirt, Marti slept soundly and woke up the next morning completely refreshed.

  After her shower, she wondered if she might wear her Stunners bra one more day. It had been warm out, but she hadn't perspired too much, had she? Marti picked up the sleek white bra and gave it a tentative sniff. Whew! It smelled a bit sweaty after all. Damn! She would have to wear a different bra and panties and she felt a shiver of disappointment that she quickly shook off. She'd have to wait and see about the raise before she could afford any more bras, that was all there was to it. Marti found another comfortable bra, although it didn't support her as well as she needed, but she couldn't bear to face one of her Iron Maidens that she usually wore to work. A pair of French-cut cotton briefs looked good on her, but left her feeling a bit let down after being caressed by her “space-age” panties. She giggled when she thought of a female astronaut wearing a pair in the space shuttle!


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