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Training Bra

Page 5

by J. W. McKenna

  “Dave,” a tall redhead interrupted. “Do you think I need the 36-C or the 38-D?”

  “Uh, try both.”

  “But the dressing rooms are full!”

  “Maybe you could go into the corner there.” He pointed.

  The woman turned and hurried off, two bras dangling from her hand.

  “Wow, you really need some help.”

  “Yes, I don't suppose you'd like to earn some extra money?”

  That actually appealed to her and not because of the money. She imagined she could buy more bras at a discount.

  “I'm not exactly dressed for it.”

  He waved his hand. “I don't think the women care. Just jump in!” He turned to another demanding customer.

  Marti wasn't sure what to do but just by being there, she helped. She determined that the biggest problem was lack of dressing rooms so she went into the back and found a white painter's cloth left over from Dave's pre-opening remodeling. It was still clean and dry, so she dragged it out and hung it up between racks about neck high. This gave the women a place to step behind and quickly change into their bras.

  The move helped quite a bit in getting women from the try-on stage to purchase. The bras and panties fairly flew out the door. Dave stayed behind the counter, ringing up orders while Marti helped women with their fittings.

  By five-thirty, they were both exhausted and the store had nearly sold out of Stunners. Dave quickly closed the doors and found a thick marker and wrote: “Close for restocking” on some cardboard and placed it in the window.

  “There, that oughta hold them for a little while.” He turned and surveyed the nearly wrecked store. An empty rack had been knocked over and the painter's cloth had fallen down. “That was a good idea you had,” he said pointing at it. “I'm going to have to double the number of dressing rooms, I can tell.”

  “Or triple,” Marti said.

  He turned back to her and seemed to notice for the first time she wasn't wearing one of his bras. “Hey, what's up?” he asked, pointing at her chest.

  “Oh, I, uh, just needed to wash them,” she lied, not willing to tell him she'd spent most of the afternoon having orgasm after orgasm to BDSM scenes.

  He nodded. “Sounds like you need another set.” He went to the counter and pulled out a red bra, size thirty-eight D. “I saved this for you as soon as you volunteered to help,” he said, thrusting it into her hands. “You've earned it.” He went to the rack of panties and selected a size six in red. “This too.”

  She took them, her heart full of gratitude. “Thanks!” For two and a half hours of work, she had just earned herself a hundred dollars worth of Stunners!

  “Want to try it on?”

  She nodded, suddenly missing the sensation of his bras and panties against her skin. She hurried to the dressing room and stripped down. She put them on and loved how they looked. And they fit perfectly! Already she could feel that warmth spreading from her groin to her breasts, making her hot and wet.

  “How's the fit?” Dave pulled aside the curtain and stepped into the tiny room.

  Marti turned toward him and put her shoulders back. “Good. What do you think?”

  His hands roamed over her breasts, tugging and stroking her. She felt faint and leaned back against the wall. She didn't want him to stop so she closed her eyes and lost herself in his stimulations. She felt his left hand at her panties, checking the fit. He had never done that before! Unconsciously, Marti moved her legs apart. Her pussy was on fire and ached for a man's touch.

  When his fingers touched her clit, she stiffened and opened her eyes. From his look, she could tell at once it wasn't an accident.

  “But you're gay!” she cried.

  His right hand suddenly slapped her left breast, at the same time his fingers pressed hard against her clit, and something happened to her. Instead of being angry, his actions made her swoon. She would've come if she hadn't already come five times that day.

  “Who said I was gay?”

  She looked into his eyes and saw a steeliness there she had never felt before. “I ... I just assumed...”

  “Because I chose to design women's bras?” He shook his head. “That's like saying all male interior designers are gay. Or all hairdressers.”

  His hands continued to stroke her and Marti felt helpless to stop him and wasn't sure why. Perhaps because it felt so good, or perhaps because her mind was filled with images from the internet.

  “What ... what is it about these bras that make women so ... crazy?”

  He smiled, his fingers rubbing against her hard nipples, making them stand up even more. “That's a trade secret. But they do make women feel sexy, no? And isn't that what women want?”

  “Yeesss,” she breathed, more because of what he was doing than because of what he was saying.

  “That's why I sell them together. I want women to wear them together at all times. They are more effective that way.”

  “But ... they seem a little ... uh, dangerous.”

  “Do you feel you are in danger?”

  “Noooo,” she moaned, her hips moving in rhythm to his fingers. She knew she would soon come again and she didn't want him to stop.

  “I don't think ‘dangerous’ is the right word. I think it's more like, suggestive. Compelling. That's all. And a woman can take them off at any time, right?”

  Marti nodded, unable to form words now. Her eyes were closed and her legs splayed out and shaking as she waited for her orgasm to hit her.

  Suddenly, he slapped her left breast again and her orgasm exploded within her. Her legs gave out and she sank to the narrow bench behind her, her mind flooded with endorphins. Her head buzzed. She heard his voice right next to her ear.

  “How long has it been since you've felt a man's cock in your pretty pussy?”

  The question didn't even sound outrageous. “Seven months.”

  “Good. Stand up and turn around. Brace yourself against the back wall.”

  Without questioning him, she obeyed. She felt her panties being pulled down and off and she lifted her leg to help him. For a moment, she started to question her blind obedience, but when she started to turn around, Dave slapped her bottom, causing her to gasp and press against the wall, her breasts suddenly tingling with pleasure.

  “You like that, don't you?”

  She could only nod, not understanding why. It just was.

  He stepped up close and she felt his hard cock bump against her. She bent down and pressed the side of her face against the wall and waited for him to impale her. His cock slipped inside, making her groan. It wasn't a large cock, but it felt very good nonetheless. He began to stroke and his hands slapped her pale ass, first one side, then the other. She came again at once.

  “Oh god! Oh god! Dave!”

  He sped up and within seconds, she felt him erupt inside her. Her knees weakened and she sank down until she was kneeling against the narrow bench, her body spent. She felt his seed seep from her pussy.

  “Thanks, Marti. That was great.”

  She nodded, not really sure what had just happened to her. Was it rape? Or...? “What's happening to me?”

  “The Stunners make you sexier, that's all. And all women want to be sexier.”

  “But ... but I feel sluttier, not sexier.”

  Dave shrugged as he pulled his pants into place and zipped up. “I guess it's all a matter of semantics.” He bent down. “Listen, you are still the same woman you were before. You're not a slut. You're just more ready to experience life.”

  He stood again and helped her to her feet. She looked down at herself, the red bra, the shaved pussy, the red marks on her knees. “So your design ... encourages my change in behavior...” She was now starting to get it.

  “Subtly, yes. But they don't change you for the worst. They just bring out the real woman in you.”


  He smiled. “It's a secret, but I'll give you a hint: Nano-technology.”


  Dave shook his head. “I've said too much already. Just believe that my design is harmless and that it only helps a woman live a more sensual existence.” He bent down and picked up the discarded red panties. “Here, let me help you.” He held the panties out for her leg and Marti froze.

  “I'm not sure I want to wear them!”

  He looked up, surprised. “Really? Well, you don't have to. You can always put on your other undergarments.”

  “I think I will,” she said and grabbed her cotton panties from the bench. She slipped them on and tried to ignore the disappointment her body felt. She shrugged off her Stunners bra, not caring that Dave was right there, staring at her naked breasts. She quickly put on her other bra and got dressed.

  “I hope you're not mad,” he said as she grabbed her purse.

  “I don't know. I have to think about it!” She started to leave.

  “Wait, let me wrap these up for you.” He went to the counter to put her red bra and panties into a bag.

  Marti wanted to storm out in a huff, but she realized she really wanted the Stunners—she had earned them! So she waited while he tucked them away and handed them over. He followed her to the door and unlocked it.

  “Come by anytime and see me,” he said pleasantly.

  Marti had no response to that so she left, shaking her head.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  * * *

  Chapter Five

  Safely back in her apartment, Marti was angry with herself for letting Dave rape her. Well, she thought, that might be overstating things. Maybe it was just a good fucking. It had been a long time and she had been very horny today—maybe she wanted him as much as he wanted her. She shook her head, her thoughts jumbled. She decided to think about it later, when her mind was clearer.

  Marti collected all her Stunners and piled them up by the door. She was determined to get rid of them, and yet ... she couldn't quite bear it. So she just left them by the door and went to fix herself some dinner. She had two glasses of wine and felt a little better. She watched TV for a while, one eye occasionally straying to the pile of bras and panties.

  At one point, she stood up, ready to take the underwear down to the trash chute and get rid of them, but she didn't follow through. They were just too damn comfortable and she'd paid too much for them.

  She felt used by Dave and yet ... when he had slapped her breast and ass, it was just what she had wanted him to do. In fact, she had wanted a lot more. Like the women in those web sites. It scared her and excited her at the same time.


  She turned off the TV and went into her bedroom and flopped down on her bed with the laptop. Now that she was wearing her regular underwear, she felt it was safe to explore the web. She Googled “nano-technology” and began to read.

  She learned it was the use and manipulation of molecule-sized structures that can perform a variety of tasks. How that fit into bra technology, she had no idea. Perhaps that's what made it possible for a lightweight bra to hold up so well. But it certainly did not explain her change in behavior!

  Marti decided to avoid her new bras and panties for a while and see if she returned to normal. Then she could decide if she should toss them or not.

  Having made that decision, she went to bed, naked under her nightshirt. She tossed and turned and slept poorly, but she did not give in to the siren call of her Stunners. She woke up Sunday morning cranky and tired but felt as if she had a bit more control over her life.

  She fixed some coffee and ate some toast and jam while she stared at the little pile of colorful clothes by the door. She still wasn't ready to throw away more than four hundred dollars worth of underwear.

  She showered and got dressed—in ordinary bra and panties under her jeans and T-shirt. She spent the day looking at museums, taking a break for lunch at a hot dog stand outside. Her bra pulled at her and seemed ill-fitting, but she did her best to ignore it. Her panties did nothing to tease her clit and she found she missed it. Having that small sense of arousal was like having a secret the world didn't know about.

  She returned to her apartment at six, exhausted and immediately pulled off her clothes, including her underwear. She walked naked into the bathroom and took a long hot shower. Afterward, she felt better. Rather than put on any clothes, Marti slipped into a silk robe and went to make dinner and watch a little TV.

  Her mind was a jumble of thoughts while her body was alive with sensations. It was like a withdrawal, she realized. But not really. She never felt she had to wear her Stunners. They had simply made her feel good. Very good, in fact. As drugs go, they were pretty wimpy. She could quit anytime.

  With that in mind, Marti went to bed.

  * * * *

  Monday morning, she had still not made up her mind. Knowing she still had control over her body whether she wore the undergarments or not kept her from throwing out the Stunners. She put on an ordinary bra and panties under a nice tan skirt and white camisole and went to work.

  When Steve came in, he smiled and said hi, and tipped his head.

  “You look different today.” His puzzled look told her it wasn't for the better.

  “Really?” She said, her heart lurching. Could he tell she wasn't wearing her Stunners?

  “Yes, I'm not sure what it is.” He shook his head slightly and headed into his office.

  Marti turned and followed him with her gaze, feeling let down. Were things going to return to before, when she was the dull drone wasting her life away? She shuddered at the thought. Turning to her work, she found it tedious and boring—how could she have ever found it interesting before?

  She knew the answer to that. When a girl's pussy and breasts are being gently caressed, everything seems more interesting. Especially her, to her boss. Marti realized she faced a choice. She could go back to wearing her Stunners and perhaps risk losing more of herself, or she could get rid of them and risk a very dull and drab existence.

  Maybe I could wear them just some of the time, she thought.

  Tuesday, she stood looking at the untidy pile of clothes by the door and finally collected them. It wouldn't hurt to wear one of the bras, she decided. Tuesdays and Thursdays, she could wear her Stunners, keep Steve's interest. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, she'd wear her regular clothes.

  Problem solved.

  As soon as she put on her white Stunners, she felt more alive, sexier. She tried to ride herd on her emotions, telling herself it was simply the nano-technology doing a number on her somehow. Might as well enjoy it a little.

  As she passed Dave's shop, she was startled to see a small knot of women waiting out front and peering into the windows. His sign was still up: “Closed for restocking.” The women were grumbling.

  “Why didn't Dave plan better?” said one woman to another. “I was ready for another set today!”

  Business had improved because women were becoming subtly addicted to the affect Stunners had on them. And she was one of them! This was probably illegal. Perhaps the FDA or FTC should be contacted.

  But when she sat down at her desk and saw Steve's face when he came in, her thoughts of turning Dave over to the feds evaporated. His face lit up and he came by and put his hand on her shoulder and said, “You look really good today, Marti!”

  She smiled. “Thanks, Mr. Harris. You look good too.”

  He went into his office, whistling.

  Fuck, she thought, how could I give this up?

  Clearly, just wearing her Stunners did something to her appearance. Maybe the nano-bots or whatever made her appear sexier? Or maybe they made her give off more pheromones? She would have ask Dave, if it would do any good.

  Eight years he'd been working on his design. Plenty of time to concoct something diabolically stimulating. And probably illegal. Marti began to wonder if Stunners would prove to be psychologically addictive, or worse, physically addictive. Already she could feel herself wavering, wanting to wear them more often. After all, she could quit anytime, right?
br />   Her intercom buzzed. “Marti? Can you come in here please?”

  She jumped up and grabbed her steno pad, more for the benefit of the other secretaries than because she thought she'd need it. She went inside and closed the door behind her.

  “Yes, Mr. Harris?”

  “Please, come sit.”

  She sat in the chair, her legs demurely together in front of her. Her panties and bra gave her a low-level buzz, like a teenager in love for the first time. It was quite pleasant.

  “You seem so much different today than yesterday, I'm trying to figure it out.”

  She pretended to look puzzled. “Really?”

  “Yes. Yesterday, you seemed sad and today ... well, you look great today.”

  “Thank you. Maybe I was just suffering from the Blue Mondays.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, maybe that's it. Well, if there's anything I can do to help you get out of your sad mood, let me know. Hate to have my favorite secretary—uh, excuse me, administrative assistant—in a bad mood!”

  God she wanted to kiss him!

  Suddenly, she decided to share her secret and she didn't know why. “It may be my new, uh, underwear,” she said quickly, before she could change her mind.

  He seemed startled. “What?”

  “I've been wearing a new kind of bra and panties and they're much more comfortable.”

  Now he seemed uncomfortable. “Oh, uh, really?”

  “Yes, and when a girl finds a bra that really works for her, why, it just lifts her spirits all around, if you know what I mean.”

  “Uh, yes ... Well, that must be it, then. It really makes a difference. Must be a tremendous bra!” His expression changed from unease to interest and it was clear to Marti he was dying to ask her if he could see it. But that was well over the sexual harassment line.

  Marti realized she was in control. If she took the next step, she could easily seduce Steve. But did she really want to? He was allegedly happily married. Hmm, she thought. Maybe I can have it both ways.

  “You really should tell your wife about them,” she went on, standing up as she spoke and walking around the edge of his desk. He seemed to be confused about what to do—his mind was telling him one thing, but the growing erection visible in his pants said something else.


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