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Ashley: Little Girl - Book Two

Page 6

by Carter, Rebel

  Ashley hummed. "I'll see what I can do on the matter."

  Wendy held her hands up as she skipped away. "That's all I ask, doll."

  "That's all that you ask?" Ashley's hands went to her hips. "Are you forgetting the part where you want me to design fantastic costumes for you?"

  "Fine, I ask two things of you. Do them for me, yes?"

  "Yes," Ashley relented.

  "Perf! You're the best. I expect to hear a full report on your misadventures in romance, later this week," Wendy called out to her before she vanished off to answer her assistant's question.

  Ashley laughed, waving at her friend, and then turned back to her design table with a sigh. She had a lot of work to do and not much time to do it, which meant there was very little time to go on a reckless and potentially awkward date like Wendy wanted her to do. Unless you go with James, a voice whispered to her, and she shook her head at herself. She couldn't be thinking that. She'd lost too much sleep fantasizing about the man's rugged beauty. Now was the not the time to fall down the James rabbit hole when she had a full day of work ahead of her. Ducking her head, Ashley reached for her materials and set about laying out what she needed for the first fittings of the day. The dancers would be here any second, and she didn't want to keep them waiting. There was nothing worse than a room full of impatient dancers eager to go through their paces. It made them squirmy and the fittings nearly impossible. By the time the first dancer arrived ten minutes later, Ashley was able to focus and then, by the time she had completed her second and third fittings, she was more in control of herself, more so by the fifth and sixth and downright in control of her thoughts by the eighth. When she emerged for a break at lunch time, the hall was a bustling center of work with dancers, props masters, and lighting crew all hurrying past one another. It made Ashley happy to see the activity and she was in the best mood she could remember by far when she took her lunch. She had just snagged a bottle of water when her phone went off with a text message. Ashley pulled her phone out of her pocket and nearly choked on her first swallow of water when she saw the message waiting for her.

  Good morning, sunshine.

  It was from James. Wiping at her mouth, Ashley opened the message and stared at it. In all her mooning over the man, she hadn't thought of what to do when and if James messaged her first.

  Little one?

  Her fingers tightened on the water bottle so much that water spilled over the edges and splattered on the floor, startling nearby dancers warming up.

  "Sorry, sorry," she mumbled when they gave her less than pleased looks. Depositing her water bottle on the table beside her, she opened the text message for a moment before she trusted herself to respond.

  Good morning! How are you?

  She sighed when she hit send. It was so generic, which was safe, but it also kept her so far away from the question of asking when she could see him again that she hated it. For too long, Ashley had been safe. Her text message served as more proof of the matter.

  I'm good. Thank you for asking. Are you at Natasha's?

  No. I had to go back home.

  And home is good?

  She bit her lip at the unasked question of how she was, which she knew James was curious about. He wanted to know how she was, not her actual home, though given her living situation, she wouldn't dare tell him about home, even if he had asked her.

  Home is good.

  The little bubbles letting her know James was typing appeared for a moment and then disappeared, and everything around Ashley disappeared as she waited for his text.

  Just good? What is it?

  She sighed at herself. He saw right through her quick little response.

  I'm fine, James. I promise.

  I want to see for myself.

  Her heart sped up at the text. He wanted to see her again.


  Dinner tonight? My treat.

  Ashley's fingers flew, and before she knew what she was doing, her response sat blinking up at her.

  What time? I'm done for the day at 5.

  That's perfect. We can look around your neighborhood. Just tell me where to meet you.

  Okay. See you soon.

  Ashley shoved her phone into her pocket, and it buzzed in what she guessed was James bidding her farewell, but she didn't trust herself to check it again. She knew herself. Knew that she was so nervous about being alone with James again that she was on the edge of backing out of the date.

  "Stop playing it safe," she told herself, snatching her water bottle back up and grabbing a sandwich from the nearby spread. Seeing James was something Ashley wanted. There was no question about it, but what that meant for stepping out of her comfort zone was huge. She was absolutely out of her depth with him and the power dynamic that existed between them. He could be a good teacher. Natasha had said as much, but that didn't mean she wasn't nervous to enter into a more permanent arrangement with the man.

  "But what if you didn't have to?" She leaned against a wall and fiddled with the water bottle in her hands. Just because Natasha thought James might want something more, didn't mean that there had to be, at least not truly. Why couldn't she learn but, also, keep herself safe? There had to be a middle ground for her to explore, didn't there?"

  "What are you doing muttering to yourself?" Natasha asked, appearing at her elbow with her own lunch in hand.

  "Thinking," Ashley sighed, letting her head fall back against the wall with a thud.



  Natasha hummed. "Thought as much. What's going on?"

  Ashley looked to the side at her friend. "He's taking me to dinner after we're done for the day," she said.

  Natasha smiled. "That's wonderful news."

  "Is it?" Ashley asked. "Because it feels like I don't know what I want."

  "What do you mean?" Natasha joined her in leaning against the wall and was silent for a moment waiting for Ashley to speak, but when she didn't, Natasha nudged her friend. "Come on; let it out."

  "I want him, but I also don't want him," Ashley admitted. "I want him because he's gorgeous and just woke something up in me that I've never felt and I forget everything when I'm with him, but I-I can't trust him. I'm scared he's going to disappear again or that maybe he's going to wake up and realize he doesn't want this." She waved a hand at her body then huffed out a bitter laugh. "I feel like an insecure pre-teen and it sucks, Tash."

  Natasha's hand landed on her arm, and she rubbed it comfortingly. "He's not going to not want you. You're beautiful."

  "Not enough to be a dancer."

  The redhead sighed and looked around the room filled with dancers in possession of the lithe body-types Ashley had worked so hard to achieve but had never been able to. "It's not like that with James."

  "I know that logically, but being back here and working on the production is scary because this is my show, and then there's James and he's scary because I want something with him so badly. It's just all," she waved her hands with a frustrated groan, "it's snowballing, and I feel out of control. And I-I just want some middle ground with him."

  "Meaning?" Natasha pressed, but her friend's voice was gentle.

  "Meaning that I'm not willing to be in a relationship with James, but I am willing to enter into a sort of…" She bit her lip and searched for the words before saying, "…learning arrangement?"

  "You want him to teach you, then."

  Ashley nodded quickly and then blushed. "Yes, very much. We have a good connection in terms of chemistry, and I feel comfortable with him, but I want to guard my heart. I don't want to fall for him."

  Natasha sipped her drink and turned away to face the busy hall. "That's not a bad idea, actually."

  "It's not?" Ashley was surprised at her friend's ready agreement. She had expected more push back from Natasha, seeing as her friend didn't trust people easily and had identified James as one such person.

  Natasha shook her head, eyes still on the dancers and production crew enjoying their
lunches. "No, not if it makes you feel safe, Ash. You have to put yourself and your comfort first. Never forget that. You are giving the Dom power, but that doesn't mean that what you want doesn't apply. What you want is the basis of everything. James would tell you the same."

  "So he won't, ah, push back if I tell him what I want?"

  Natasha snorted, green eyes sliding to her friend. "That man is going to give you exactly what you want and how you want it. Just ask for it. You've got him wrapped around your little finger."

  Ashley flushed at that. It had never crossed her mind that she would wield that kind of power over the Dom.

  "You didn't even realize that, did you?" Natasha laughed.

  She shook her head and mumbled a quick "no."

  "You're going to find that you have more power than you think and that James is going to care about what you want. Talk to him. Tell him what you're thinking, but I don't see why asking for a learning dynamic, where you explore, would be anything to be nervous about asking for. If, after you learn more and you feel comfortable, the two of you can talk about a permanent relationship on more equal footing."

  "That sounds more like what I want."

  "Good, then he can earn the title of Daddy. You deserve the best.

  Ashley's chest bloomed with a warmth of love for her friend, and she blinked back unexpected tears. "That means a lot. Thanks for talking to me, Tash. It helps trying to get my head on straight."

  "Of course, that's what friends are for, besides, you'd do the same for me, and I couldn't have you over here talking to yourself like a bag lady while the rest of the production looked on."

  Ashley rolled her eyes and took a bite of her sandwich. "Gee, thanks."

  Natasha bumped her shoulder and grinned. "Any time, Ash."

  Chapter 6

  It was just after 5:30 when Ashley stepped out of the subway and looked up. It was a beautiful night, all light breezes and just brisk enough to be refreshing. The sort of Indian summer night that made her feel younger and more carefree than she supposed she was. She sucked in a deep breath and smiled, turning her face up and reveling in the lightness of the evening before she scanned the sidewalk.

  She'd only made it a few steps when her gaze landed on James' familiar profile, and again, she was struck by how handsome he was. If she didn't know better, she would mistake herself for a lovesick teen, which, given her recent struggle with insecurity, could be considered par for the course. That didn't mean it wasn't true, though. He was gorgeous and turning the necks of passersby, both male and female, as he waited for her.

  James' eyes were focused skyward, on the setting sun that was painting the cityscape brilliant shades of oranges and blues. His posture was easy, broad shoulders straining the long sleeved shirt he wore just so, dark-wash jeans hanging from his hips. She fought to keep her mind from thinking too hard about what was under said jeans. It was nice to see him like this, so relaxed, but even so, his back was still ramrod straight, lending him a touch of the danger Ashley supposed came along with his occupation as a fighter. She knew that he fought in the same underground circuit as Silas, but save for Natasha telling her, the man hadn't so much as said one word about it. Maybe she could ask him tonight? She bit her lip as she approached him, not wanting to pull him out of the moment of peace he seemed to be enjoying, but others did not share her apprehension at ruining James' quiet moment—a group of college coeds, all pretty and fresh faced women who looked like they would be at home in the ranks of dancers Ashley had been busy fitting that afternoon. She stopped with a jerk, watching the women approach him. There was no mistaking the hungry looks in their eyes, and Ashley felt her stomach tighten as the one closest to him came closer. She tossed her long black hair over her shoulder and fixed a brilliant smile on her face before she reached out and lightly tapped him on the shoulder.

  "Um, excuse me…" the woman's voice was sweet and cut through the night like a bell.

  James turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow. "Can I help you?" he asked, and Ashley didn't miss how he rocked back on his heels, his muscular body seeming to become smaller, folding into itself even as he crossed his arms over his chest.

  The woman stepped closer to him. "A knight in shining armor! I love that."

  James tilted his head to the side and then his eyes slid past the girl to where Ashley stood watching the interaction. "Sorry, sweetheart. My girl just showed, and I have a date to keep."

  "Wait, what?" The woman blinked in surprise, but James only gave her an easy smile and stepped past her toward Ashley.

  "Why are you just standing here like a statue, honey?" James asked when he was in front of her.

  "I didn't want to interrupt," Ashley said, glancing back over at the women who were looking their way with confused looks on their faces. Their gazes raked over her from head to toe, and she suddenly felt self-conscious of the simple shorts and tank top she was wearing, her messenger bag slung over one shoulder.

  James tilted his head to the side and shot her a curious look. "Interrupt what? I was waiting on you."

  "Well, I mean," Ashley shrugged and tugged at her shorts before turning her back on the sharp-eyed coeds who were no doubt confused at how she and James had ended up together, "nothing. I mean, it's nothing."

  He leaned close to her, one hand moving forward to cup her side. "You are beautiful, sweet girl. Don't pay attention to people with mean hearts."

  Ashley blinked in surprise and leaned back to look up at him. The weight of his hand on her steadied her and the warmth she could feel from his touch was enough to ground her in the now. She nodded slowly and then whispered, "Yeah, okay."

  His mouth quirked up in a smile. "Yeah, okay? Simple as that?"

  "It is when you tell me," she admitted. James' smirk grew into a full-blown smile and he threw his head back and laughed. The sound warmed her through, and Ashley grinned. The infectious laughter felt just like the perfect weather all around her, refreshing and freeing. It made her heart lighter and she stepped closer to him, not caring about the group of women anymore. What did their opinions matter when James was looking at her the way he was, gray eyes all soft and lingering on her face? The world didn't exist to him outside of her, and Ashley found herself going along with it as well.

  "You don't know how happy that makes me." He held his hand out to her. "Hold my hand while we walk?"

  She slipped hers into his and felt her heart skip a beat when he threaded their fingers together. "I know a great place around the corner. Gotta say, though, I didn't think you lived in Queens."

  Ashley shrugged as they walked. "It's affordable."

  "It is. Place has changed since I was a kid, too."

  "You're from New York?" she asked, surprised that she didn't know that, but then again, little about their lives outside of their brief time together had been discussed.

  He nodded, moving close to her when a group of people came near. The closeness of his body had her leaning into him before she was aware she had done it, and James flashed her another bright smile. "Yeah, Brooklyn. Grew up there with Silas, once upon a time. How about you?"

  "Portland," she told him, enjoying the look of surprise that flashed across his face.

  "How did you end up here?" he asked.

  "Dance brought me here. I was in a company with Natasha that was based out of here when we were teens, but then I kind of left and did my own thing in Paris and Australia for a while. I guess I just started thinking of New York as home. It made sense to come back when I was done with Australia."

  "Do you like traveling?" he asked.

  "Yes and no. I had a great time, but I missed New York so much that it wasn't that much fun anymore. I'd say I'm a quick trip traveler and not in it for the long haul."

  "I can understand that. I've never really been much for travel."

  "Oh, why not?"

  He shrugged, stopping in front of a restaurant. "Why travel, when I live in the greatest city on Earth?"

  Ashley rolled her e
yes and gave his hand a tug. "That's pretty conceited," she teased, and he laughed.

  "Not if it's the truth." He nodded at the door they stood in front of and then offered her his arm. "Come on, I'm about to blow you away with the best Korean BBQ you've ever had."

  "That should be easy since I've never had Korean BBQ," she told him, taking his arm and following him inside the restaurant. She glanced around, taking in the sight of tables lining the walls and forming rows inside the restaurant. A grill sat inside each table, and the smell of savory meats cooking hit her nose and made her mouth water. All around her, servers bustled, carrying trays of meat, boiling soups, and what looked like enough side dishes to be the actual meal. Laughter and chatter from the packed tables lifted her spirits even further. This was a happy place; she could feel it, and after her welcome home and long day at work, she could use a little more happy.

  "It smells amazing," she told him, sniffing the air and stifling a moan.

  "It tastes even better," James said and motioned for her to sit at an empty table near the back of the restaurant.

  "Thank you for bringing me here. I didn't eat much today."

  He pursed his lips disapprovingly at that. "Why not? You have to take care of yourself." His voice was stern, and it made her stomach flip flop in a way that had her squeezing her thighs together.

  "I was nervous," she replied, squirming under the laser like focus James speared her with.

  "What?" He leaned closer across the table as if he hadn't heard her. "What do you mean, you were nervous?"

  "I…" She dropped her gaze to her hands and shrugged. "I was just very nervous about seeing you. I couldn't eat."

  The waiter appeared just then, and James sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose with a pinched look on his face. "We don't need menus. We need one of everything, please," he told the server.

  Ashley and the server's eyes both widened. "One of everything?" they said in unison.

  "Well, not one of everything, I guess," James sighed, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair, gray eyes steady on Ashley. "Everything I can grill and she can eat."


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