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Hot Ink: All 3 Tattoo Shop Romance Books + 2 Exclusive Bonus Stories

Page 33

by Melissa Devenport

  “If you keep that up, you’re going to have a mess on your hands. Literally.” He leveled her with a direct gaze. Her confident, sensual smile faltered just a little.

  “I don’t mind.”

  “You’re killing me here. I guess I deserve it, a little.”

  She blinked. “I guess we should talk about whether or not you want to wear protection. I’m- on the pill. I promise. And I haven’t been with anyone… in over a year.” Heather’s face turned scarlet and she dropped her gaze as she pulled her hand away.

  He missed her torturous touch almost instantly. There it was, the discussion that wasn’t a part of anyone’s fantasy. It was real. All of this was real. Real. Damn. Life.

  “Hey…” Rone sat up. He reached out and tilted Heather’s chin upwards. “Don’t be embarrassed. It’s been even longer for me. I... no one was you. Ever. It just got to the point where I didn’t want it if it couldn’t be you. With you. So I don’t think we have to worry about the condom, unless you want to be extra safe.”

  “I trust you,” Heather whispered. “I’ve been on the pill for years so I don’t think there’s a chance that it could- not work or anything.”

  He nodded slowly. She looked away uncertainty, her cheeks still stained a brilliant red. He gently turned her face back to him. “Then, before I die here and wither away from anticipation, I would like to be inside of you.”

  A small smile played over the most perfectly shaped lips he’d ever seen. “Lay back then. I wouldn’t want you to die on me just when we’re getting to the good part.”

  “I would hope it was all good,” he protested.

  Heather put her palm flat on his chest and pushed him back. One dark brow arched. “Maybe it was, but this is going to be even better.”

  He had no argument there. His entire world narrowed to Heather as she climbed over him. She was small and he was a giant, but she had no problem straddling his waist. The ache inside him grew to nearly unbearable proportions. She gripped his cock and guided him to her as she sunk down. The heat of her thighs hit him like he’d been plunged into icy water. He shivered violently as she slid over him. When he knew he was at her entrance he closed his eyes. She was so tight. So damn tight he felt like he would never fit.

  She made a noise, a heady noise of pleasure, as he slowly entered her. She sunk down, taking him inch by inch, filling herself. Her body was amazing, better than any damn fantasy he’d ever been able to muster up. She was so warm and as her inner muscles closed around him, squeezing him tight, he knew he was going to die. Maybe he already had.

  Heather took all of him. She waited, for a second, before she started to rock. She used every inch of her body, rocking and gyrating. The flames she set loose inside of him roared through him, over him, eating up every single inch of his skin.

  “Rone,” she whispered hoarsely. The sound echoed through the room.

  He let her set the pace. She was doing just fine, grinding away on him. He finally opened his eyes and took in the sight before him. She had her eyes closed, her head tipped back, her mouth slightly parted. One hand was at her throat. Her hair spilled down her back in a glorious fall of raven black. Her breasts were thrust outwards, the nipples dark little peaks. The muscles in her abdomen shifted and rippled under the skin as she swayed. Her hips ground and lifted, ground down again. She swayed to the unheard rhythm of her own internal music, and god, it was sexy as hell. She was a vision, that too so much better than anything he could ever have dreamed up.

  Her eyelids fluttered as a whisper of sound escaped her parted lips. He slammed his own eyes closed and a second later, her hands hit his chest. She shifted her position, riding him harder, speeding up the rhythm. He couldn’t help himself. His hands reached for her hips and wrapped around. His fingers dug half into her hips, half into her bottom, as he helped her set a rhythm. He thrust harder himself, filling her up, hitting every angle.

  “Fuck,” he ground out, because it was all he could say.

  “I love the way you fill me up,” Heather whispered near his ear.

  He needed her to hurry up and come, because he knew he wasn’t going to last much longer. Even though he’d probably still be hard as hell, he knew it would surprise her if he finished first. Not that he was really going to be finished finished. He could go all damn night. He just wanted her to be first.

  Above him, she worked him hard. Her hips created a rhythm that sent a wicked burn throughout his entire body. His blood soared and his head felt like it was going to float away. His damn groin was so tight and painful it was a miracle he was even holding on. He guided her all the way, rocked her hard, thrust deep inside of her over and over until finally she cried out.

  She whispered his name, her breath right by his ear. He just made out the syllables between the cloudy haze in his head. Her inner muscles clenched around him, rippling with every single breathy cry and spasm that shook Heather’s body.

  He couldn’t help it, he lost himself completely. He bucked hard, grinding her against his cock, thrusting with abandon until finally, with one final thrust he went deep inside of her and filled her with hot jets. He felt like he was going to come forever before he was finally spent. He groaned and sweated through it and when he was done, his entire body felt rung out.

  It was another minute before he could open his eyes. Heather stared down at him, her own gaze soft and warm. She bent and gently brushed her lips over his. When she pulled away, she smiled gently.

  “Well, was that as good as you imagined?” He had to ask the question.

  “What do you think?”

  “I think, that hopefully it was.”

  She laughed softly. She was so beautiful, eyes sparkling with life, a delicate blush of pleasure on her skin, that she stole his breath. “It was better,” she admitted shyly. “What about yours?”

  “Generally, in my fantasy, we just lay together fully clothed and enjoy the moment.” Heather snorted. She swatted at him, hitting him in the shoulder. “What?” He protested helplessly. “I was going to continue and say that I then would rip off your clothes and have you in a hundred different ways.”

  “Is that even possible? A hundred?”

  “I guess we’ll have to find out.” He grinned at her. “Now that I’ve shared with you, what happens next in your fantasies?”

  “Whatever you want, Rone. I just know that I’m not letting you go. For tonight, at least, you’re mine.”

  “Sounds like the perfect fantasy,” he whispered thickly before he reached up and brought her face down to his so that he could kiss her breathless once more.

  Chapter 12

  A Confession


  Heather couldn’t remember the last time she’d ever been so nervous. Apprehension rose in her throat, choking her, cutting off her breath completely. When the cab driver, a young man with long sandy hair and a fresh growth of an equally blonde beard, looked at her in the rear view mirror, she knew she should settle it down and get herself together. No use rasping away in the backseat the entire time.

  She flashed a half smile she didn’t feel and the driver’s eyes flew back to the road. Heather forced herself to stare out the window at the passing buildings and cars. She rarely forked out money for a cab, but she knew she couldn’t take a bus. It would have meant two transfers and a hell of a lot of waiting. She couldn’t handle having any more time on her hands to think than she already had.

  Jay was waiting for her at his house on the other end of her cab ride. She’d said she wanted to talk and he made time for her. They both had the day off so it worked out perfectly.

  She didn’t know what was worse; that it had worked out or if it hadn’t and she would have had to dwell on her thoughts that much longer.

  Rone’s face flashed in front of her eyes as soon as she slammed them shut. After a passionate night, they’d greeted the morning together, waking at the same time in her bed, sunlight pouring through the window, their limbs tangled together. She was happy. Bli
ssfully happy, like everything was right in her world for the first time in her life. She wanted to keep waking up next to Rone. Seeing his perfect smile, his soft eyes, the sheet creases on his cheeks. It was perfect. Not a letdown at all, as she had feared it might be after such a lead up to it. She knew that the only way they could be together and be truly free, was if she told her brother.

  Jay could be hot-headed., especially when it came down to her well-being. Early on their mother had told them to look out for each other, to stand up for each other and protect each other. It must have struck a chord with Jay. He’d always been overprotective and now that she was an adult, it really didn’t make a difference. They didn’t really discuss their love lives with each other. He would rather not know about hers and she kept it that way, so that he didn’t feel the need to go lay a beating on whatever guy who had been unfortunate enough to take her on a few dates.

  The cab finally pulled up in front of Jay’s house. It wasn’t fancy, not as nice as Rone’s, but it was alright. It was the outside corner of a triplex, three houses jointed together. Jay’s neighbors were quiet, older than him and kept to themselves. There was never anything happening on the other side of the wall that she’d ever heard when she was visiting.

  “Thanks for the ride.” Heather whipped out her credit card and paid the cab fare. She was sure to tip well. She didn’t even bat an eye at how much more it cost than it would have if she’d taken the bus. “I need to be picked up later. Can I ask for you if you’re free?”

  The young cab driver smiled at her charmingly. “Sure. Thanks a lot. I just started a few days ago, so that would be great. Name’s Shawn.”

  “Perfect. Thanks Shawn.”

  The cab door opened with a bit of a squeal. It was the kind of company that let driver’s use their own cars, not the yellows standard ones you sometimes saw on TV. This one was a bright cherry red compact car, somehow cute and cheery. She waved goodbye to Shawn, ignoring the google eyed stares he shot her as he pulled away. She didn’t even blush. She was used to people who saw her staring at her. She knew her tattoos drew attention. Most people weren’t interested in her, they were interested in her art.

  Jay’s house was actually quite inviting. The condo board or whatever it was called, planted flowers along the dirt beds lining the sidewalk that led to the three units. It branched off at the center, going left and right. She walked down the path and up the three concrete stairs. She didn’t have to ring the bell or knock. The door pulled open and her brother stood there, a huge smile lighting up his face.

  Heather knew most women would die to be with her brother. He had that affect, that happy go lucky, never settle down vibe, that seemed to attract more people than it pushed away. Rone had the exact opposite vibe. She’d always wondered why, and now she knew.

  Like her, he was saving it all with the wild hope that one day their love and desire for each other might be realized.

  “Heather! Come in! It’s hot out already. Do you want a beer? Or I have lemonade.”

  “Seeing as it’s, what, noon? I’ll have the lemonade.”

  “Never too early for a beer on a Sunday. No one even gets a buzz off just one.”

  “I’ll still have lemonade. Unless it’s hard lemonade. Then I’ll take water.”

  Jay’s broad grin took up his entire face. “No, the lemonade isn’t spiked or anything. I promise.”

  “Good. Are you offering something to eat as well?”

  “You didn’t have breakfast already?”

  “Oh, I did. I was hoping for free lunch.”

  “That’s my sister alright. Always could eat me under the table and still is thin as a rail.”

  “Right, Jay.” Heather rolled her eyes. “Like you’re not fit as hell as well. And I’ve seen the shit you eat. At least I don’t go out for fast food four times a week.”

  “Bar food isn’t fast food.”

  ‘Yes it is. Same difference on the inside.”

  This time it was Jay who gave her an eye roll. “Come on into the kitchen then. You can sit and watch while I slave away cooking. How does eggs and bacon sound?”

  “Sounds like what I ate already.”

  “No you didn’t. I know you wouldn’t bother to cook that for yourself.”

  “You’re right. I was just kidding.” Heather followed her brother into his kitchen. His house was the typical bachelor pad on the inside. The furniture was all in good shape, but it was minimal and some of it mismatched, though there were a few expensive pieces like the massive leather sectional in the living room and the huge flat screen TV that faced it.

  The table was one of those high, bistro type sets made for small kitchens. Heather pulled out one of the tall bar stools, but she always had trouble pushing herself up to the table after. Jay ignored her struggle and started shuffling around the small, L shaped kitchen, getting out frying pans, cracking eggs, pulling bacon apart and making toast.

  Sooner than she would have thought possible, a steaming plate of food was set in front of her, complete with a tall glass of lemonade.

  “Wow. I’m impressed. It’s not even burnt.”

  “Brat.” Jay dug into his food. Heather picked at hers, not sure why she’d thought food was a good idea. Her stomach rebelled at the idea, nerves creeping up and storms of butterflies plaguing her until she was sweating.

  She reached up and brushed a few sticky strands of hair off of her damp forehead. She managed, somehow, to get her food down. After, her brother threw the dishes in the sink and invited her into the living room.

  She sat down heavily on the couch. Jay spread out on the other half of the sectional. He tucked his arms behind his head and stared up at the ceiling.

  “So, what did you want to talk about? I know mom has been hounding me to get you to fill out whatever college applications she sent you. Would it really be so hard to just get a normal job and stop getting tattooed?”


  “You know it’s killing her.”

  “No it’s not.”

  “How about coming around for Christmas this year?”

  “Stop it, Jay. I’m not here to talk about mom.”

  Her brother’s eyes swiveled to her face in surprise. One blonde brow rose up, nearly to his hairline. “But every time we talk, it’s always about mom.”

  “Yeah, well, not this time.”

  “What then?”

  Heather took a deep breath. Jay appeared calm enough. Maybe she could just talk to him and everything would be alright. Maybe their conversation could be kept casual, without him losing his tempter and going into an apeshit rage that ended badly for everyone.

  “Uh… well, you know that I haven’t really ever dated anyone. At least not seriously.”

  “Because you’re young. That’s normal.”

  “Actually- it’s- it’s not. I haven’t dated anyone for very long, because I’ve been in love with someone for a very long time.”

  That brought her brother upright. His feet hit the floor and he leaned forward, elbows on his knees, staring at her hard. “What are you talking about, Heather?”

  “I…” God, I’m making a massive mess of this already. “There is someone who I’ve wanted to be with, but we both knew it wasn’t a good time. Or a good idea. It was just- too- close to home.”

  Jay’s blue eyes widened so far they looked like they were actually going to pop out of his head. “Seriously, just say it…” Heather paused, not wanting to continue, but knowing full well that she couldn’t stop. She’d planned this out in her head and somehow it hadn’t gone at all like this. She’d been fluid and eloquent when she spoke and her brother was somehow understanding and happy for her.

  “I want to date Rone. I care about him. We’ve both felt this way for a long time and done nothing about it. Now that we’re older and- well- we want to be with each other. I know how you’re going to take this, which is why I’m here, telling you now. I don’t want to sneak around behind your back and neither does Rone.”

>   When she’d rehearsed it in her head, her brother had somehow understood. He’d shoved down his hot headed decisions and she’d been able to make him see reason. She knew now, watching the red slowly creep up from his neck to flood his face, watching his eyes go from a normal shade to such a dark blue that they looked wild and uncontrolled, that it was never going to happen.

  “I’ll fucking kill him, if he laid a hand on you.”

  Heather felt herself pale. “Jay, come on. I’m a grown woman. I’m not your kid sister anymore. You don’t need to be the one who looks out for me.”

  “You don’t get it, Heather. You don’t know half of it. Now, answer me. Did that fucker touch you? Anywhere?”

  She couldn’t stop her blush and she knew the second her brother understood. He cursed under his breath and slammed to his feet. He didn’t turn as he stalked through the living room and to the door. She was so shocked it took her a second to follow him. She tried to grab his arm when he reached for his shoes, the steel toed boots that he wore to work. The kind that were just perfect for laying down a good shit kicking.

  “Jay! Stop it! Just sit down and we’ll talk!”

  “It’s too late for that. You should have come to me before you did anything. Or Rone should have, the cowardly bastard. He needs to be put back in place. He made me a promise, that he’d be my brother. No best friend fucks their best friend’s sister. You were supposed to be like that to him, a sister too.”

  “He might be like a brother to you, Jay, but he’s not my brother. I’ve never thought of him that way. Please! I’ve loved him since I was twelve!”

  Jay’s horribly angry gaze met hers. She was alarmed at how cold and dead his eyes looked, underneath all that rage. “Don’t say that. You couldn’t have known what that even meant at twelve. You don’t know what it means now. You can’t love Rone, because you don’t even know who he truly is. I’m not going to let it happen.”

  “Where are you going?” Heather pleaded, trying to grab Jay’s arm again.


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