Champlain's Dream
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“Chouacoit R,” now Saco River, Maine, July 1605 (Voyages, 1613), 70; Library of Congress
“Mallebarre,” now Nauset harbor, Massachusetts, July 1605 (Voyages, 1613), 88; Library of Congress
“Le Beauport,” now Gloucester, Massachusetts, Sept. 1606 (Voyages, 1613), 118; Library of Congress
“Port Fortune,” now Stage Harbor, Chatham, Massachusetts, Oct. 1606 (Voyages, 1613), 11; Library of Congress
“Port-Royal,” now Annapolis Basin, Nova Scotia (Voyages, 1613), 22; Library of Congress
“Descr[i]psion des costs, p[or]ts, rades, Illes de la nouuele France …,” 1606, 1607 ms., Library of Congress, Map Division
Captain John Smith, “New England,” 1614, private collection
“Quebec,” now Quebec City, 1608 (Voyages, 1613), 176; Library of Congress
“le grand sault St. Louis,” now Lachine Rapids near Montreal (Voyages, 1615), 293; Library of Congress
“Carte geographique de la Nouelle franse en sonvraymoridia,” parts dated 1611; the map was finished the late months of 1612, before Champlain left for America; Musée Stewart / Stewart Museum
“Carte geographique de la Nouelle franse en son vraymeridien facite par le Sr. Champlain Cappine por le Roy en la marine,” 1613; Library of Congress
Brouage and the Biscay Coast: Plan of Brouage, c. 1570, manuscript, Public Record Office, London; Christophe Tassin “Plan de Brouage, 1634,” in Nathalie Fiquet et al., L’Art de se deféndre (Brouage, 1999), 26; Nathalie Fiquet and François-Yves Leblanc, Les Arsenals de Richelieu: Brouage, Brest, Le Havre, vers l’Arsenal Idéal (Brouage, 2003), 8, 18; Nathalie Fiquet and François-Yves Le Blanc, Brouage, Ville Royale et les villages du golfe de Saintonge (Chauray-Niort, 1997), 76–78; Nicholas Chereau, Visite Historique de Brouage (n.p., 2002), 31–32.
Saintonge: Marc Seguin, Histoire de l’Aunis et de la Saintonge (Ligugé, 2005), 12, 21, 52; “Le grand lexique du patois charentais,” by the editors of the journal Xaintonge, hors serie 1–6 (May 2003—December 2006); Raymonde Doussinet, “Xaintonge, L’Aire d’Expression du Patois Saintongeais,” Xaintonge (Oct.—Nov. 1996), 1.
Wars of Religion in France: Robert Knecht, The French Religious Wars (Botley, 2002), 14, 19, 42, 55; Arlette Jouanna et al., Histoire et Dictionnaire des Guerres de Religion (Paris, 1998), 368; Denis Crouzet, Les Guerriers de Dieu; La Violence au temps des troubles de religion, vers 1520—vers 1610, 2 vols. (Paris, 1990); James McDermott, Martin Frobisher, Elizabethan Privateer (New Haven, 2003), 407–23; J. S. Nolan, “English Operations Around Brest, 1594,” Mariner’s Mirror 81 (1995) 259–74.
Champlain in New Spain: Champlain, “Brief Discours,” in Works, ed. Biggar, 1:3–80; François-Marc Gagnon, “Le Brief Discours …,” Litalien and Vaugeois, eds., Champlain, 83.
Failed French Settlements in North America before Champlain: Ramsay Cook, ed., The Voyages of Jacques Cartier (Toronto, 1993), xxv—xli; Mark de Villiers and Sheila Hirtle, Sable Island (New York, 2004), 2–10, 123–33.
French Seaports and American Fisheries: Mickaël Augeron and Dominique Guillemet eds., Champlain ou les portes de Nouveau Monde (n.p., 2004), 23, passim; voyages tabulated from data in Charles De La Morandière, Histoire de la Pêche Française de la Morue dans l’Amérique Septentrionale, 3 vols. (Paris, 1962–66), 1:248, 277–315.
Indian Nations, 1603–35: Daniel Clément, ed., The Algonquins (Hull, 1996); Bruce G. Trigger, Children of Aataentsic (Montreal, 1976, 1987); Conrad Heidenreich, Huronia (Toronto, 1971), map 24; Gordon K. Wright, The Neutral Nations (Rochester, N.Y., 1963); Frederick M. Wiseman, The Voice of the Dawn; An Autohistory of the Abenaki Nation; Kathleen J. Bragdon, Native People of Southern New England (Norman, 1996), 243; Howard S. Russell, Indian New England before the Mayflower (Hanover, 1980), 19–29; R. Cole Harris ed., Historical Atlas of Canada (Toronto, 1987) 1: plate 33, 35; Christian Morissoneau, in Litalien and Vaugeois, Champlain (Montreal, 2004), 162; “Le Canada faict par Sr de Champlain, 1616,” his best ethnographic map, survives only in an unfinished printer’s proof (1619) ms. John Carter Brown Library.
Explorations of Acadia: Champlain, Works, ed. Biggar, 1:234–74; Elizabeth Jones, Gentlemen and Jesuits (Toronto, 1986), xiv; Trudel, Histoire de la Nouvelle France, 3:32, 42.
Exploring the Rivers of Maine; Champlain, Works, ed. Biggar, 1:313–21; W. F. Ganong, “Kennebec River and Approaches,” in Morison, Champlain, 56–59.
Norumbega, Cruises on the Coast of Maine: Champlain, Works, ed. Biggar, 1:280–300, 311–66, 392–438.
The St. Lawrence Valley: Champlain, Works, ed. Biggar, vols. 2–4; Trudel, Histoire de la Nouvelle France, 3.1:31.
Lake Champlain and the River of the Iroquois: Champlain, Works, ed. Biggar, 2:76— 101, 122–38.
Explorations in the Ottawa Valley: Champlain, Works, 2:259–302; J. L. Morris, “Plan shewing Route Taken by Champlain through Muskrat Lake …,” Ibid., 2: 273.
Huronia and the Onondaga Country: Champlain, Works, 3:45–79, 4:239–70; Trigger, Children of Aataentsic (Montreal, 1976, 1987), 302; Conrad Heidenreich, Huronia (Toronto, 1971); R. Cole Harris, Historical Atlas of Canada (Toronto, 1987), 1:34; Trudel, Histoire de la Nouvelle France, 3.1:201.
Peopling of Quebec: Marcel Trudel, Histoire de la Nouvelle France, 2:247, 420, 427; 3.1:27, 125; 3.2 11–56; Archange Godbout, “Nos hérédités provinciales françaises” Les Archives de Folklore 1 (1946) 26–40; Hubert Charbonneau et al., Naissance d’une population, 46; Gervais Carpin, Le Réseau du Canada; Étude du mode migratoire de la France vers la Nouvelle-France (1628–1662) (Quebec and Paris, 2001); Peter N. Moogk, La Nouvelle France (East Lansing, Michigan, 2002), 87–120.
Cradle of Acadia: Geneviéve Massignon, Parlers Français d’Acadie, 2 vols. (Paris, 1962), 1:42–75; Cormier, Les Aboiteaux en Acadie (Moncton, 1990), 19; A. J. B. Johnston and W. P. Ker, Grand-Pré: Heart of Acadie (Halifax, 2004), 18.
Travels of Champlain’s Interpreters: Champlain, Works, ed. Biggar, 2:138–42; 3:36, 213; 4:213–266; 5:95, 100n, 202, 209, 6:62–63, 98–102; and [Champlain], “Relation du Voyage,” in Lucien Campeau, ed., Monumenta Novae Franciae, 2:452, 808–09; Paul Le Jeune, Relation (1633), in Jesuit Relations, 5:202, 203, 288; Harris, ed., Historical Atlas of Canada, 1: plate 36.
Cover Jan Johannes Vermeer, The Geographer, 1669 © Stadeisches Kulturinstitut, Frankfurt am Main, Germany/SuperStock Inc.
Champlain, “Deffaite des Yroquois au Lac de Champlain,” July 30, 1609, from his Voyages (1613); Library of Congress
Champlain, Detail, The Newberry Library
Map, Brouage, c. 1570, ms. British National Archives Image Library, © 2008
Brouage wall and lanterns, 2006, photo © Judith Fischer
Carved inn sign, Île d’Oléron, 1585, © Rod Jones Photography /
Henri IV, portrait bust. Musée Jacquemart-André, photo, Giraudon/Bridgeman
Henri IV with cuirass and white panache, ca. 1590, © Châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon, Réunion des Musées Nationaux/Art Resource, New York
Sauterie de Montbrison, 1562, © Roger-Viollet/The Image Works
Henri IV enters Paris, March 22, 1594, © Roger-Viollet/The Image Works
Crozon, Point des Espagnoles, 2006, photo © Judith Fischer
Battle of Crozon, sketch by John Norreys, 1594, British Library, © British National Image Library © 2008
The Treaty of Vervins, 1598, © Châteaux de Versailles et de Trianon, © Réunion des Musées Nationaux/Art Resource, NY
Blavet, now Port Louis, aerial photo © Hemis/Alamy
Blavet, now Port Louis, waterfront, 2006, photo © Judith Fischer
Spanish navigator using an astrolabe, private collection
Champlain, Guadeloupe, watercolor, ca. 1600. Courtesy of the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University
Champlain, Pearl Divers, watercolor, ca. 1600. Courtesy of the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University
of Galleons in Storm, ca. 1600, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
Banquet, Court of Henri IV, Louvre, Paris, © Réunion des Musées Nationaux / Art Resource, New York
Oronce Fine, Current and Complete Description of the World, Paris, 1536; © SuperStock, Inc.
Richard Schlecht, Basque whalers © Richard Schlecht/National Geographic Image Collection
Basque Whaleboat, photo: George Vandervlugt, Parks Canada
Auguste Lemoine, Jacques Cartier, 1895, © Musee d’histoire, Saint-Malo, photo © Michel Depuis
Maximilien de Sully, Musée Condé, Chantilly, France/© Réunion des Musées Nationaux/Art Resource, NY
Dieppe © Bibliothèque Nationale de France
Jacques Gomboust, Honfleur before 1670 © Musée de la Marine, Honfleur
Morse, “Isle Percée,” Acadiensa Nova (London, 1935), 1:35; Photo Library and Archives Canada, Acc. 1997–2–2
De Bry, Whalers at Tadoussac, 1592 © Visual Arts Library (London)/Alamy
Champlain, Des Sauvages, 1603 title page Courtesy of the John Carter Brown Library at Brown University
Franz Hals, Descartes, 1649, Louvre © Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY
Montaigne, late 16th century, Musée Condé, Chantilly, © Lauros/Giraudon/The Bridgeman Art Library International
Pierre Dugua de Mons, Bust, Annapolis Royal, photo by J. Y. Grenon © Scott Leslie/ /
“Defenses du Roi,” Henri IV’s Grant of Monopoly to de Mons, Dec. 18, 1603, Archives Nationales d’Outre Mer, France. (CIIA I fol.48–50v)
Poutrincourt or his cousin, Informations Musée Galliera
Mi’kmaq rock drawings of European vessels, History Collection, Nova Scotia Museum
Champlain’s Settlement Plan on Sainte-Croix Island, 1604, Library of Congress
Skull of Autopsied Settler, CT Scan, Mt. Desert Island Hospital; Benson, Sorg & Hunter: Multidetector Computerized Tomography (MDCT) Analysis of Skeletal Remains of Members of Samuel de Champlain’s 1604 Settlement on Isle de Ste. Croix, RSNA, 2004
Champlain, Etchemin Indian, Voyages (1619) © Rare Books Division, The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations
Champlain, Almouchiquoise woman, Carte géographique de la nouvelle Franse, 1612, detail, The Newberry Library
Champlain, fight between de Mons’ crew and Nauset Indians, 1605, Library of Congress
Champlain, fight between Poutrincourt’s crew and Indians at Port Fortune, 1606, Library of Congress
De Bry, English explorer Bartholomew Gosnold on the New England coast, ca. 1602, British Library, London/© HIP/Art Resource, New York
Champlain, Habitation at Port-Royal, Voyages (1613), Library of Congress
C. W. Jeffreys, The Theatre of Neptune at Port-Royal, Picture Gallery of Canadian History, 1942, Courtesy of the National Gallery of Canada
C. W. Jeffreys, Order of Good Cheer. Library and Archives Canada, acc. 1996–282–3, item 00003, C-013986
Emmanuel Nivon, Membertou’s Gourd, 1610, Stewart Museum, Montreal, Canada, acc. 1976.58.1
Fontainebleau, 2006, photo © Judith Fischer
Henri Chatelaine, Beavers, 1719, Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, image courtesy of Donald A. Heald Rare Books, Prints & Maps, New York
Abraham Bosse, Beaver Hats, 1605–1630, Library and Archives Canada, acc. 1937–043, item 00001, C-002947
Champlain, First Habitation at Quebec, 1610, Voyages, 1613, Library of Congress
Champlain, Montagnais man and woman, Library of Congress LAC-MNC 6327
Montagnais Child’s Snowshoes, © Canadian Museum of Civilization, artifact lll-C-247, photo H. Foster, 2006, image D2006–0834
Champlain, “The manner in which they armed themselves when going to war,” Voyages (1620), © Rare Book Division, The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations
Canoes of Five Indian nations, Codex Canadiensis, Gilcrease Museum
Iroquois War Club with Iron Spike, Musée du Quai Branly, photo Patrick Gries/Scala, Florence
Champlain, Huron warrior in armor, ca. 1608–1615, Library of Congress
Champlain, Indian torture, © Rare Books Division, The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations
Champlain, Battle at the Mohawk Fort. Sorel-Tracy, June 19, 1610. Library of Congress
Frans Pourbus, Young Louis XIII © 2007 Museum Associates/Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. William May Garland
Rubens, “The Felicity of the Regency of Marie de Medici,” 1625 (Louvre) © Peter Willi/SuperStock
Madame de Guercheville © Bibliothèque Nationale de France
Huron treaty belt presented to Champlain, 1611, Musée de l’Homme, Paris © 2006. Musée du quai Branly, photo Patrick Gries/Scala, Florence
Henri de Bourbon, Prince de Conde (Biggar, The Works of Champlain, ll:239). Library and Archives Canada
Champlain’s Astrolabe, 1603. Photo © Canadian Museum of Civilization, artifact 989— 56–1, image S92–7972, photo H. Foster 1992
Title Page, Les Voyages du Sieur de Champlain, Xaintongeois (1613), Library of Congress
Rouen, Entry of Henri II, 1550 © Visual Arts Library (London) / Alamy
Sagard, Le Grand Voyage du pays des Hurons (1632), title page, Library and Archives Canada, C-113480
Champlain, Assault on the Onondaga Fort, 1615, Library and Archives Canada, NL-15320
Champlain, Huron Deer Hunt, ca. 1615, Library and Archives Canada, 003360
Champlain, Young Huron Woman, © Rare Books Division, The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations
Philippe de Champaigne, Louis XIII © Prado, Madrid, Spain / The Bridgeman Art Library International
Abraham Bosse, La Galerie du Palais 1636, © Bibliothèque Nationale de France
Court Dances, Raymonde Litalien and Denis Vaugeois, Champlain, 48; Bibliothèque Nationale de France
Champlain, Voyages et Descouverture, 1619, title page © Rare Books Division, The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations
Henri, 2d duc de Montmorency, Library and Archives Canada
Van der Velde, “Ship in a Storm at Sea,” © Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
Writing set found at Champlain’s habitation. Image authorized by Les Publications du Québec
Champlain’s second habitation at Quebec, stone foundation, ca. 1624; from Lapointe, Aux Origines de la vie quebecoise (Quebec, 1994), 29. Copy authorized by Les Publications du Québec
Richelieu, engraving, after Philippe de Champaigne’s 1636 portrait, © Musée Condé, Chantilly, France, Lauros/Giraudon/The Bridgeman Art Library International
Francis Back, “Cap Tourmente Farm in 1627” (1996?) Photo © Canadian Museum of Civilization, Francis Back Collection, image S96–25076, photo H. Foster, 1996
Seal of the Company of Hundred Associates, 1627, Archives du Monastère des Ursulines de Quebec
Van Dyck, “Charles I as Knight of the Garter,” 1632, Dresden Gemaldegalerie, © Lebrecht Music and Arts Photo Library/Alamy
Van Dyck, “Henrietta Maria with her pet dwarf Sir Jeffrey Hudson,” National Gallery of Art, ©Visual Arts Library (London)/ Alamy
Seal with David Kirke’s arms, University of Newfoundland, photo courtesy of the Colony of Avalon Foundation
Champlain’s Surrender, July 19, 1636 © Humanities and Social Sciences Library/Print Collection, Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs/The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations
Champlain, Voyages de la Nouvelle France Occidentale, dicte Canada (1632), title page
Map Seller, porcelain figurine, Giles Rivest photo/Stewart Museum, Montreal, Canada, acc. 1980.10.10
Champlain’s Second Habitation, Reconstruction. Copy authorized by Les Publications du Québec
Jesuit Ring marked IHS, given to Indians after Catechism, circa 1648, Museum of Anthropology, University of Missouri
Paul Le Jeune, Relation (Pa
ris, 1637), Annenberg Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania
Quebec capitale du pays de Canada, Habitans de Canada, Library and Archives Canada, acc. R9266–1978 Peter Winkworth Collection of Canadiana, item 01978, e0012101322
Canadienne, Archives of the City of Montréal, Coll. Philéas Gagnon (BM7)
Stone house, photo Michel Lessard and Hugette Marquid, Encyclopedie de la Maison, Québeçoise (Montreal, 1972), 35, © Jean-Pierre Huard/ALT-6/First Light
Acadian houses, reproduced with permission from: Jean Daigle, Acadia of the Maritimes, 1995, Chaire d’etudes acadiennes, Université de Moncton, Moncton, NB, Canada
The Aboiteau System, reproduced with permission from Jean Daigle, Acadia of the Maritimes, 1995, Chaire d’études acadiennes, Université de Moncton, Moncton, NB, Canada
Franz Fohrback, “Jean Nicollet Lands at Green Bay,” 1910, Brown County Court House, Green Bay, Wisconsin © Wisconsin Historical Society (WHS Image ID 1870)
Portrait of Black Hawk, Library of Congress
Champlain as Philosophe, anonymous sanguine, n.d.; Bibliothèque et Archives nationale du Québec, Centre d’Archives de Québec, P600, S5, PSA1
Champlain as a Son of the Church; the Morin-Ducornet Lithograph, 1854, Library and Archives Canada/D-014305 © Corbis
Champlain as a Plebian figure, the Eugene Ronjat engraving, 1882–1884, Maine Historical Society, ©
Champlain as a Colonial Leader, the Paul Chevré sculpture, Quebec City, 1898 ©
Champlain as a Soldier, the Carl Heber sculpture, Plattsburgh, New York, 1912 ©
Champlain as a Navigator, the Hamilton McCarthey sculpture, Ottawa ©
Champlain among the Indians, John Henryca de Rinzy painting, n.d., Library and Archives of Canada, acc. 1993–343–3
Arquebuse à rouet © Musée de l’Armée/Réunion des Musées Nationaux/Art Resource, New York
Arquebusier using a fork, engraving by J. J. von Walhausen, Art militaire au cheval, Frankfurt-am-Main, 1616 © Musée de l’Armée/ Réunion des Musées Nationaux /Art Resource, New York
Spanish Galleon, ca. 1590, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich