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Game On (Aeon Book 1)

Page 18

by Wendy Smith

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything. Thank you for being here today.”

  He shrugs. “Mom’s always happy to have Grace, and I’m just glad to be here when you need me. Besides, once we get home, that’ll be it, and I’ll have you to myself.”

  My lips twitch. “Yes, yes you will.”

  He stands, makes his way around the desk, and takes my hand in his, pulling me to my feet. “No regrets?”

  I shake my head. “Not a single one.”

  Brad slips his arms around my waist. His gaze runs across my face before he lunges at me, kissing me so hard I can’t breathe. “I love you,” he says.

  “I love you. Can we go home now?”

  A smile spreads across his face. “You bet. When’s our flight?”

  “As soon as we get to the airport.”

  He drops his head to nuzzle my neck, all the way up to that spot under my ear.

  “Do we get to join the mile-high club this time?” he whispers.

  “It is a three-hour flight.” I laugh.

  “Is that a promise?”

  “It’s a maybe.”



  “I can see your house.” I point out the window.

  “Where?” Brad leans over behind me. “Oh. It looks tiny.”

  “Give it a minute. It’ll get bigger.” I laugh.

  He nuzzles my neck. “When we land, we’re going there straight away because something else is getting bigger.”

  I laugh. “Again? Haven’t you had enough of me lately?” Leaning back in my chair, I palm his cheek.

  “I’m not sure if I’ll ever get enough of you, Molly Beckham.”

  “We’ll see how long that lasts.” I grin.

  “A lifetime.” He presses his lips to mine before looping his arm around my shoulder. I lean on his. “Are you sure about all this?”

  “You asked me that before. And the answer’s still the same. I’m more sure than I’ve ever been about anything.” He kisses me again, and I’m glad this isn’t a commercial flight.

  When we land, we take a taxi to Brad’s house and drop off our bags. Tonight, we’ll stay here, but there’s someone that we’re missing.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to stay and fool around for a while before we pick up Grace?” Brad asks as we climb into his truck.

  “There’s plenty of time for that. I think we should get a lock on your study door. You know, for if we go and play games after Grace has gone to bed.”

  He chuckles. “That’s a good idea.”

  “I need her with us. I want her to know I’m here, and I’m staying.”

  Brad nods, turning the key in the ignition and starting the truck. “She’ll be over the moon. You know that, right?”

  “I hope I can live up to her expectations.”

  He leans over and pecks me on the lips. “Just be you. That’s what she needs.” Slipping the truck into gear, he smiles. “Now, let’s go get our girl.”

  As soon as Brad parks the car in his mom’s backyard, the house door flies open, and Grace comes screaming toward us.

  She hugs Brad as I climb out.

  “Molly.” Grace runs at me, throwing her arms around my waist and burying her face in my stomach.

  “Hey.” I wrap my arms around her. I look up. Brad’s mother is right behind her. “Mrs. Matheson.”

  “Molly.” She seems to force a smile. “How long are you going to stay this time?”

  “I’m here for good.”

  Her mouth falls open. “But your business …”

  “Turns out there’s an advantage to running the type of company Molly does, Mom. We do have Internet here.” Brad slips his arm around my shoulders. “Even if we didn’t, I’m sure Molly could make it happen.”

  I stare at him. Where did that come from?

  “Bradley. Are you sure—”

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

  I blink to fight back tears.

  “Molly and I are starting a new life together. We’re leaving behind the bad stuff, and focusing on all the good.”

  “But Lane—” She shoots a furtive glance at Grace, but she still has her face buried in my stomach and doesn’t seem to be paying any attention to her grandmother.

  “Molly’s the one person Lane would want raising Grace with me. She said as much in the letter she wrote Molly.” He gives me a proud smile. “And she’s the only person I want to share everything with.”

  “Molly?” Grace tugs on my hand.

  I look down at Grace. “Yes, sweetheart?”

  “Are you coming home with us?”

  I nod. “When we get to your house, I want to see your scrapbook.”

  Grace’s eyes widen. “Mommy’s scrapbook.”

  I smile, trapping one of her curls between my fingers. “That’s right.”

  Brad squats beside us. “Hey, Gracie. What do you think of Molly coming to live with us? She might have to come and go for a bit, but we could all be together.”

  Grace’s mouth falls open and she nods. “Really?”

  I nod. “Really. I think I might keep my other house too so we can holiday there.”

  Brad laughs. “Grace’ll love that place. It’s so big. And there’s a pool.”

  “I’m a good swimmer,” Grace says.

  “Are you? I’m looking forward to seeing that.”

  Grace lets go of me and runs to her grandmother, who’s still watching us with narrowed eyes. “I need to go home with Daddy and Molly.”

  Mrs. Matheson nods. “Of course, sweetheart. Let’s go and get your things together.”

  With one last unimpressed look at me, she turns, and the two of them head into the house.

  “Sorry she’s being like that. It’ll just take some time.” Brad squeezes my shoulder.

  “I know. We’ll just have to show her how happy we are.” I snuggle into his chest as we wait for Grace.

  Everything’s as it should be.

  It feels a bit weird to unpack the bag I brought into the empty chest of drawers that at one time might have become Lane’s.

  Nestled in the drawer with my underwear is the letter Lane wrote me. I’ll keep it there safe and sound, so I can look at it from time to time.

  Thinking about it makes me miss her.

  We were joined at the hip for so long, spending every available second together. Brad was the only reason we weren’t together as much when we reached out teens, and it seems apt that we both loved him. He’s mine, but he’ll always be hers too.

  And I’m okay with that.

  I’m glad she got the years with him when they loved. I’m happy she found contentment with him.

  Now, I’m ready to pledge the rest of my life to him. And to Lane’s daughter.

  I’m not even sure what the time is, but I get up in the night to go to the bathroom, and hear a hiccup coming from Grace’s room.

  She’s facing away from the door, but in the half-light her shoulders shake as she lets out a quiet sob.

  “Grace? What’s wrong?” I cross the room as she rolls over, her lower lip wobbling.

  “I miss my mommy.” She sniffs.

  Tears fill my eyes. “I miss her too, honey. So, so much.” I lick my lips. “I loved your mommy. She was like my sister when we were your age. Oh, we got into so much trouble together.”

  “I want her to come back.”

  Nodding, I slip into bed beside Grace, and palm her cheek. “Me too. I have so much to tell her. You know you look exactly like she did when she was seven? Want me to tell you some stories about her?”

  Grace nods.

  “Well, there was the time we were playing in Lane’s back yard. Lane always wore a dress, and I was such a tomboy. She wanted to have tea parties with our dolls, and I wanted to play soccer.”

  She gives me a small smile. “I like dolls and soccer.”

  “I’d be happy to play both with you.”

  Grace snuggles in against me.

yway, we decided to play soccer first, and then have a tea party. She barely kicked the ball; it was more like tapping it. I wanted to show her how to kick, and do you know what I did?”

  “What?” Her eyes grow wide.

  “I kicked that ball so hard that I broke a window in your grandmother’s glass house. She was so mad at me.”

  Grace giggles, slapping her hand over her mouth.

  “Lane’s mom—your grandma told me I’d have to go home, and Lane wouldn’t let me go by myself. She insisted on coming with me. We had the tea party at my house.”

  I wrap my arms around Grace and hold her tight. “Your mommy loved you so much.”

  Grace nods.

  “She was such a good person, Grace. I’m so sorry your mommy isn’t here to watch you grow up.”

  “But you will be, right?”

  I nod. “I won’t miss a thing. I promise.”

  She closes her eyes, resting her head on my breast. “Love you, Molly.”

  I blink back tears. “Love you too, Grace.”

  “You can call me Gracie-boo. That’s what Daddy calls me.” She yawns, her small voice full of sleep.

  “Okay. Gracie-boo it is.” I laugh softly, placing a kiss in her hair.

  It only takes a few moments for her breathing to even out. It’s a comfort that she feels safe with me. And I’ll deliver on that promise.

  My life from now on will be very different.

  I used to wonder how I’d fit a family into my schedule, and make jokes about it. Now, the little family that Brad and I have created will come first. I’ll delegate more at work if I have to because I never want work to get in the way of being there for Grace. And I know Brad feels the same way.

  Maybe one day, we’ll have a child together.

  “You’re right, you know.”

  I look up. Brad stands in the doorway. He’s pulled on those pajama pants, the pair that sits really low on his hips, and I have to drag my eyes up to meet his.

  “Right about what?” I whisper.

  “Lane loved everyone. And so does Grace. Thank you for taking care of her. She’s got as big a heart as her mother did.”

  “Taking care of her is easy.” I wriggle from beside Grace and slip out of bed. Brad opens his arms to me, and I go to his embrace, looking back over my shoulder at the little girl who’s fast asleep.

  “Are you sure you’re ready for all this?” he murmurs in my ear.

  “For what?”

  “Grace. Me.” He plants a kiss on my temple. “Being together isn’t just a commitment to me and you. It’s a commitment to her.”

  I nod. “I’m ready. She needs me.”

  “We need you.”

  “Then we’ll all be fine.”



  “Why are we here?” Grace asks. She squeezes my hand. “Mollllyyyyy. Can’t we go and get ice cream?”

  “In a minute, Gracie-boo,” Brad calls.

  He hammers in the post and straightens up, shooting us a big grin. “Ta-da. It’s all official.”

  “The future site of Mollab LLC. Built by Matheson Construction.” I grin.

  Brad walks toward Grace and me, and wraps his arms around both of us. “I think we make a great team.”

  “Me too. I can’t believe that one day soon, we’ll have our new headquarters.”

  “I can’t believe I get to keep you.” He kisses my temple. “And yes, I think we need to go and get ice cream.”

  Tomorrow, a prefabricated office building arrives that we’ll use until the construction’s complete. Brad’s company has the retirement complex to finish as well, but we’ll have a small crew down here making a start. It’s all very exciting.

  I’ve spent the past few weeks working in the dining room. Eventually, Brad is going to extend the house and build an office for me too. Everything’s slowly falling into place.

  The Psycom due diligence is nearly done, and everything points to us moving forward with the merger. It’s a whole new phase for Mollab and Aeon, and for me.

  And I couldn’t be happier.

  “Race you,” I say to Grace.

  She beams. “I’m gonna beat you, Molly.”

  “Go on, then.”

  It’s not far, but I laugh as she takes off with me following behind. Brad grabs hold of me by the waist, pulling me back.

  “Hey. No fair,” I cry out.

  Grace runs as hard as she can, slamming into the back door of the truck. “I win.”

  “Your daddy cheated. That’s why.”

  Brad plants a kiss on the back of my neck. “Just giving her a little advantage.”

  “As if she needs it. I’m not very fit.”

  He lets me go, and slips an arm around my shoulders. “We’ll have to work on that physical fitness.”

  “I bet you have a few ideas how.”

  His eyes shine with happiness. “Always.”

  Janie greets us with a smile as we all walk into the diner together. Brad has his arm around me, and Grace is like a limpet on my leg.

  I think Grace still worries that I’ll up and leave again. But I won’t. I love these two way too much, and I’m safe and secure in that love. This is what I always needed.

  “We want three vanilla and chocolate ice creams with whipped cream and sprinkles, please,” Brad says.

  Janie stares at him. “Are you sure? It’s usually chocolate.”

  “The chocolate is for Lane, and we’re adding vanilla for Molly. I know it’s really her favorite.”

  I slap his arm. “I’m happy to have chocolate.”

  Grace stares at me. “Do you like vanilla, Molly? Me too.”

  “See? Grace approves,” Brad says.

  “I know, but wasn’t the chocolate Lane’s tradition?”

  Brad plants a kiss on my shoulder. “It was, but I think we need to make our own traditions now. For our family.”

  I lean my head against his. He’s so sweet.

  Janie smiles. “Of course. Take a seat.”

  We sit in the usual booth, but instead of me sitting with Grace, this time Brad pulls me onto his side.

  “What are you doing?” I ask.

  “Changing things around. Do you like having the extra space, Grace?” he asks.

  She laughs, holding her arms out. “I have the whole seat to myself.”

  “Maybe this can be our new tradition too.” Brad nuzzles my neck.

  “Better stop that, Bradley Matheson, or I’ll tell your mother you’ve been misbehaving.”

  He chuckles. “She already knows I’m bad.”

  The door chimes, and I look up and smile. “Speak of the devil.”

  Brad’s mother walks toward us.

  “Mom? What are you doing here?” Brad asks.

  She looks around the table at us all. “I felt like something sweet.”

  “Join us for ice cream,” Brad says.

  Grace pats the seat. “There’s room here.”

  Brad’s mother sits as Brad calls over me, “Janie, can you make that four special ice creams?”

  “Special ice creams?” his mom asks.

  “Mommy used to get chocolate ice cream with whipped cream and sprinkles. Now Daddy’s changed it to vanilla and chocolate, because Molly likes vanilla.”

  She meets my gaze. “I like vanilla too. Molly has good taste.”

  “We just put the signs up for Molly’s new corporate headquarters, so we’re celebrating,” Brad says. He’s so proud, and it shows.

  “That’s fantastic. Where is it?” she asks.

  “Top of Cedar Street. Just off Main, by the school,” I say. “It had to be central to get the Internet connected that I need.”

  “Molly can walk to pick up Grace from school.” Brad laughs. “No more having to get there an hour early to get good parking.”

  “Here you go.” Janie appears and places a plate of ice cream in front of each of us.

  “It’s so nice to see all of you. I think I’m going to enjoy this.” Brad’s mother
scoops up a spoonful of ice cream.

  Brad’s done his best to keep us apart since I got back three weeks ago. I think he figures I had enough to deal with, what with the buyout of Psycom, the merging of my teams, and the new premises. It seems the time apart has done Mrs. Matheson good.

  “It’s good to see you too, Mrs. Matheson.”

  She gives me the first genuine smile I think I’ve seen from her since I came back. “Please, Molly. Call me Nancy.”

  I nod. “Okay, Nancy.”

  Brad reaches for my hand under the table and squeezes it.

  This is my home now.

  This is my family.

  When we get back to the house, Grace and I collapse on the couch, clutching our stomachs.

  “What’s wrong with the two of you?” Brad laughs.

  “We’re so full, Daddy,” Grace says.

  “I guess I should wait before cooking dinner.”

  I nod. “I think that’d be a good idea.”

  “Can we get pizza?” Grace asks.

  Brad nods. “Maybe.” He sits next to me on the couch, and I lean on him. “Let’s keep the celebration going.”

  “Might as well before all the hard work begins.” I raise my face, and he kisses my cheek.

  “It’ll all be worth it,” he says.

  After pizza, we watch Zootopia on television. Grace loves this movie, but she falls asleep in my arms.

  “I’ll take her,” Brad says. She’s not in her pajamas yet, but it doesn’t matter. She’s happy, and she hasn’t had any late-night weeping sessions for a while.

  We talk about Lane a lot. I share my stories from our childhood, and we visit her every second day. There are always fresh flowers there, and I’ll keep that going for as long as I can. I’ll never be able to fill the gap in my heart that her loss brought, and I’ll never forget her.

  I shake my arm out when Brad lifts Grace’s weight off me.

  When he’s gone from the room, I stand and walk out the French doors and onto the deck. I love the sky at night here. There are so many stars, and it calms my soul to see them.

  I’m lost in my own thoughts when Brad wraps his arms around my waist and buries his face in my neck.


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