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Taming His Wolf [Dark Knights 3] (The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection)

Page 7

by Lynn Hagen

  “It’s Maverick.”

  “Kinda knew that from the name that popped up on my screen.” Kivani hadn’t meant to be short, but he was irritated and worried about Joelle.

  “I’ll let that slide,” Maverick said with a slight growl. “I called to tell you an associate of mine spotted Joelle.”

  “Wait, what? Spotted him?” He turned, looking around the apartment. Although his brain told him Joelle wasn’t here, that Kivani’s keys were missing, it wouldn’t process the fact his mate had actually left the building.

  “Jesus,” Maverick said. “You didn’t know he was gone?”


  “He’s in the business district downtown. I’ll send you the pics.” He rattled off the address. “He had a gun shoved in his side. Do you need me to head your way?”

  Heart in throat, Kivani put the call on speaker, then went to his text messages. He flipped through the pictures, his gut twisting as his anger constricted his chest.

  Fucking Ethan. Kivani was going to end him. He wished he hadn’t let his cousin go with just a warning. He also wondered what Ethan was up to. What was his game plan? Why downtown? “Thanks, but I’ll handle this.”

  “If you need me, I’m just a phone call away.” Maverick hung up.

  Kivani dialed Declan as he headed into the bedroom to get dressed. He told Declan about what was going on.

  “I have Bayne with me. We’ll meet you there.”

  Kivani gave the address. “Don’t make a move until I’m there.”

  “This is your show,” Declan said. “You just let me know how you want to run it.”

  “See you in a minute.” Kivani ended the call before stuffing his feet into his boots. Why had Joelle left? How did Ethan get his hands on him? Those were only two of the many questions he needed answers to.

  Kivani drove his car from the underground parking lot. The streetlights pulsed across his car as he thought of how he was gonna kill Ethan. Kivani had put up with a lot of shit from him over the centuries, but this? Seriously? Didn’t Ethan have any loyalty to his family? Was his heart that fucking black?

  Up until now, he’d held on to the stupid hope that Ethan would stop being so bitter, stop resenting Kivani for something Kivani wasn’t responsible for. It wasn’t Kivani’s fault that Ethan’s side of the family had mated with humans. It wasn’t their faults, either.

  Maybe Ethan’s fucked-up childhood could be factored into what he’d become, but Kivani believed that people made their own destinies. Just because Ethan’s father had died and his mother had turned to the bottle and did some horrific shit didn’t mean Ethan’s life had to turn to crap. Hell, Kivani’s parents had taken him in and given him a good life.

  But Ethan had chosen to give in to resentment, and it had apparently twisted his mind until he didn’t have an ounce of humanity left.

  Now Kivani was going to show him how a true animal dealt with this level of betrayal. He slid in behind a shiny Lincoln and spotted Declan’s Escalade parked in front of it.

  Kivani got out and headed to the driver’s window as Declan lowered it.

  “What’s the plan?” Declan asked.

  Kivani leaned his arm on the frame. “Joelle’s on the eighth floor.”

  “You know this is probably a trap,” Bayne said from the passenger seat.

  “How?” Ethan had thought about that on the drive over, but he hadn’t even known Joelle was gone. If Ethan had taken him for leverage, wouldn’t he have called Kivani with some kind of demand?

  Kivani had no idea what Ethan was up to, but he was getting his mate back, and in one piece.

  Bayne nodded toward the building. “I looked that address up on our way here. The eighth floor is Kovachi Enterprises.”

  “You’re fucking telling me Aleksei is up there with Joelle?” Kivani said. No. No fucking way. Kivani’s heart squeezed tight with fear as his wolf howled at the danger his mate was truly in. Kivani had helped kill Aleksei’s cousin. Was this payback?

  “He might not be in there,” Declan said. “Boss man might be somewhere else, but we need to be prepared in case he is.”

  If Aleksei Kovachi was in the building, shit was about to get downright bloody. Kivani had heard the rumors, and just because they were rumors didn’t mean he’d dismissed them all. There were a few things that hand held true no matter what was said—that Kovachi was a coldhearted, merciless bastard. He wouldn’t go down with one hell of a fight.

  Kivani frowned when a guy got out of the Lincoln behind them and headed right for him. “Can I help you?”

  Declan leaned forward and looked out his open window as Bayne turned and looked out the back window.

  The guy held his hands up, palms out, and stopped at the Escalade’s rear bumper. “I just want to know if you’re the men who are going to help Joelle.”

  Kivani snarled. “How the fuck do you know him?”

  “I’m the one who called Maverick,” the guy said. “Joelle’s a friend of mine, and I wanted to make sure he was being rescued before I left. I saw him being escorted into the back office on the eighth floor.”

  Could this guy be one of Kovachi’s men? But he had to be real, because how else would he know Maverick had called him? Still, Kivani didn’t trust fortuitous situations. It was a little too convenient that some guy had spotted Joelle, called the right person, and now the Knights were standing in front of the building where Kovachi’s business was located.

  Where Kovachi himself might be.

  “You are?” Declan sounded as though the guy was more of a bother than the person who might have just saved Joelle’s life.

  “Saul Capezio. I’m an attorney—”

  “Don’t care,” Declan said. “You’ve been helpful. Now you need to leave.”

  “Fucking asshole,” Saul muttered as he turned and headed back to his car. Before he got in, he added, “Just save Joelle, you inbred piece of shit.”

  Declan started to get out, his canines bared, but Kivani shoved his hand against the door, stopping him. “We got other problems to deal with.”

  “Man, fuck that,” Declan snarled. “Did you hear what he just said to me?”

  “You were rude,” Bayne said. “You didn’t have to talk to him that way after he did Kivani a solid.”

  Declan snapped his head around. “Are you seriously defending that prick?”

  The Lincoln passed them, a middle finger sticking out the back window.

  “I’m gonna snap his fucking neck when this is over,” Declan growled.

  It was time to storm Kovachi’s glass-and-chrome castle and take back what Ethan had stolen.

  Joelle had read one too many books. That had to be it. Instead of freaking out and begging to be released, he was looking at the room he was in, trying to figure a way out it. He’d counted how many men he’d seen as he was being escorted in. He actually sized them up, as if he could kung-fu his way out of here.

  Or maybe he’d seen one too many action movies. Too bad the hero of the story wasn’t gonna barge in here, guns blazing, fists swinging and rescue him. Joelle might be handling his stress in a weird, nonrealistic, totally detached way, but he wasn’t that delusional to think this would end well for him.

  Kivani didn’t even know where he was. He would, by now, know that Joelle was gone, though. What a lot of good that would do. It wasn’t like Joelle had a freaking homing beacon on him.

  Oh my fuck. Will you shut the hell up with your asinine thoughts?

  Joelle tugged at the duct tape around his wrists. Why did that henchman have to bind his hands behind his back? It wasn’t like Joelle could get free if his hands were bound in front of him.

  He jumped when the door swung open and suppressed a yelp, but his heart was beating so fast Joelle felt flushed.

  Joelle averted his gaze and stared intently at the floor, refusing to look at the person who’d just walked in.

  Seriously? What, you think they’ll let you go if you pretend you haven’t seen their faces? News fla
sh. You’ve seen them all.

  He wanted to punch his inner voice in the face.

  A pair of shiny, expensive-looking dress shoes stopped in front of him. “I hope you’ve been treated well.”

  The stranger’s voice was smooth, rich, and had a slight accent. Joelle was tempted to look up, but he dealt better with his terror if he concentrated on shoes instead of a face.

  “My arms hurt.”

  The shoes moved closer and Joelle squeezed his eyes shut, fearing the worst. But the tape was cut from his wrists. When Joelle opened his eyes, the shoes moved back a step.

  “Is there anything else I can accommodate you with?”

  After removing the tape and tossing it aside, Joelle pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and scratched his arm where an itch had tortured him for the past five minutes. “My freedom?”

  The stranger’s chuckle was just as alluring as his voice had been.

  “Nyet. But I can offer you something to drink. Perhaps a bottled water?”

  Joelle gave an undignified snort. “Like I’d trust anything you tried to give me.”

  “Point taken.” He grabbed Joelle’s chin and forced him to look up. The man wasn’t what Joelle had expected. Weren’t bad guys supposed to be ugly? This one wasn’t. Not by a long shot. He had dark, rich hair that flowed in messy waves to his shoulders, piercing blue eyes, and a trimmed beard and mustache. If his hair had been a lighter color, he would have been Ben Dahlhaus’s twin.

  “I do not harm innocents,” he said before releasing Joelle’s chin. “You are safe with me.”

  Somehow Joelle doubted that. He had a feeling this guy said whatever he had to in order to get what he wanted. Hell, he probably didn’t have to open his mouth. People probably bent to his will with one smoldering look. “I’m fine.”

  He winked at Joelle. “That you are. I’m sorry. We have not been properly introduced. I am Aleksei Kovachi.”

  Joelle’s heart stopped beating. Kivani had told him about Aleksei over dinner with Maverick and Cecil. This was the head honcho, the one who had taken over the Hunters.

  No, Joelle wasn’t going to get out of this alive, no matter how badly he wanted his knight to rescue him. He would die in this office and be carried out in a body bag through some back elevator.

  “It is rude not to tell me who you are in return.”

  Joelle scowled. “Let’s not pretend here. You already know damn well who I am.”

  He wasn’t sure where his indignity and bravery were coming from, but he was truly ticked off at being brought here under duress. He just wanted to go home to Bubbles and his books.

  And Kivani. Joelle’s chest ached from just thinking about his mate. He wasn’t sure if the connection he felt to Kivani was because of fate, natural attraction, or because Joelle was so desperate not to be alone anymore. Maybe it was all three, but he didn’t care.

  He just wanted Kivani.

  Aleksei looked as though he micromanaged everything. Joelle was willing to bet his men didn’t take a piss without him hearing about it. Joelle might not know anything about running an organization full of fanatics, but he could tell Aleksei hadn’t gotten to his position without brute force and extreme intelligence.

  His smile said it all. “Let’s not pretend, then.” He backed away and stood by the window, looking out as he pulled a cigar from his suit vest.

  “Those things’ll kill you.”

  Aleksei shrugged as he lit it, then inhaled and breathed the smoke out. “We must all die one day. I think my death will be more brutal than what a cigar will do to me.”

  Joelle sure as hell hoped so. Aleksei was heartbreakingly handsome, and sadness was seeped into his features, but he was a stone-cold killer.

  Aleksei glanced at Joelle before looking back out the window. “Why have you chosen to be with an animal?”

  The question was filled with curiosity more than disgust. “I didn’t choose anything.” Joelle looked at the floor. No, he hadn’t chosen to be with Kivani. Fate had. His mate was just as handsome as Aleksei, if not more, and he’d been saddled with Joelle. If fate hadn’t been involved, would Kivani still have wanted him?

  Joelle narrowed his eyes as he raised his head. “You asked me that on purpose. You want to fuck with my head. How would you like it if I messed with yours?”

  Aleksei had the nerve to smirk. Then his gaze grew cold as he turned to look at Joelle. “You could try, but no one gets a glimpse inside of me. Not even a pretty boy like you.”

  Had this sexy god just called Joelle pretty?

  Aleksei’s phone rang. He pressed it to his ear, then nodded. “I’ll take care of the problem.” He hung up and started tapping the screen, as if sending a text message.

  After tucking his phone away, then throwing his cigar to the floor and crushing it beneath his shiny shoe, Aleksei strode from the room and closed the door.

  Joelle had no idea what button of Aleksei’s he’d just pushed, but he’d pissed the guy off, and that wasn’t a good thing when Aleksei held Joelle’s fate in his hands.

  Chapter Eight

  Declan and Bayne flanked Kivani as he reached the glass doors.

  “Are you sure the direct approach is our best option?” Bayne asked. “I mean, I give you points for being such a badass for going through the front door, but there’re innocent guards who’ll just be doing their jobs if they try to stop us. And even though it’s late, we don’t know who all is in the building. I’m all for gutting a guy who deserves it, but I’m not gonna let someone get hurt who didn’t sign up for this shit.”

  “We could tie the guards up and shove them in a closet somewhere,” Declan offered.

  Bayne scowled. “Do you have any rope on you?”

  Declan patted his pockets. “Nope, all out.”

  Kivani left them at the door and made his way around the side of the building, where he spotted a maintenance entrance. The door was locked, but Kivani was pretty sure he could get inside.

  “You could’ve told us you walked away,” Bayne said as he rounded the corner.

  “And interrupt your debate?” Kivani smirked.

  “Smartass,” Declan grumbled. “Let’s just get this over with. I thawed chicken out for dinner.”

  “You cook?” Bayne’s brows furrowed. “I thought you just killed your food.”

  “Hardy har har,” Declan said. “Keep it up and I’ll roast your big ass over my pit in the backyard.”

  Kivani grabbed the doorknob and twisted it. The knob gave a little, but after a few more attempts it was lying on the ground.

  “Now how in the fuck do we open the door, genius?” Declan asked.

  Kivani spun and glared at him. “I’m really not in the mood for your shit, Declan. My mate’s inside this building having God knows what being done to him. Keep your goddamn comments to yourself or I’ll take my frustrations out on you.”

  Declan narrowed his eyes, but he didn’t say another word. He would be a formidable opponent if they fought, but Kivani wasn’t only enraged but terrified at the thought of what was happening to Joelle to stop and find out if he could beat Declan.

  “Fuck it,” Bayne said. “We go through the front door. What’s the worst that can happen?”

  “They can be waiting for us with guns when the elevator doors open,” Declan said. “Just keeping it real.”

  The maintenance door opened and a worker in a blue uniform stared at them. He was of average height, with slicked-back black hair and pretty blue eyes. The name on his uniform read Hector.

  “Can I help you guys with something?”

  The knob on the other side must’ve remained intact. Kivani grabbed the door and shoved Hector aside. “Is there a separate elevator, one that isn’t with the main ones in the lobby?”

  “I’m calling security,” Hector said.

  Bayne slapped a handful of cash in Hector’s palm. “You run your mouth when we leave and I’ll be back for my hush money.”

  Hector stared disbelieving at the
cash. “Follow me.”

  As they followed, Bayne said, “You owe me two hundred bucks.”

  Kivani snorted. “No, I don’t. I didn’t tell you to pay the guy off.”

  Hector stopped when they reached the back of the building. “This one is used for ‘other’ purposes.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?” Declan asked.

  “Got some big shot-callers in this building,” Hector said. “I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the original intention of this service elevator, but ‘service’ is what goes up and comes down.”

  “You don’t make any damn sense,” Declan complained.

  “He’s talking about hookers,” Bayne said. “They service the shot-callers.”

  “Just what kind of building are we in?” Declan asked.

  Hector used a key that dangled on a chain around his neck to call the elevator down to them, then pressed the button with the arrow pointing up. The doors slid open.

  “We gonna need that key to get out of here?” Declan asked.

  “Only way to operate it,” Hector said.

  Declan snatched the key, making the chain break, and Hector yelped as he grabbed his neck. “You could’ve just asked for it.”

  “I’m an asshole.” Declan stepped inside the elevator. “But I’ll buy you dinner when this is over to make up for it.”

  Declan’s smile couldn’t be mistaken for anything other than lust.

  Hector scowled. “I’m not gay.”

  “Your loss.” Declan shrugged as Bayne and Kivani joined him. Kivani pressed the number eight and the doors slid closed.

  “You have such a charming personality,” Bayne said.

  “Looking for a few pointers?” Declan grinned. “It’s kind of a family secret, but I could show you better than tell you.”

  Bayne shoved at Declan’s shoulder. “Not even if you were the last man on earth.”

  Kivani needed to focus, and getting himself mentally ready for what could be an epic fight was impossible with these two numbnuts. “Will you two shut the fuck up?”

  He was starting to wish he’d come alone.

  Bayne and Declan fell silent. Kivani rolled his shoulders, blew out a breath, and gave a low growl as the doors slid open.


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