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Love Again

Page 2

by Kelly Elliott

  Jonathon pressed his body into mine, sending a rush of desire through my veins. His lips were inches from mine. The wall I had built was beginning to crumble piece by piece. I needed to be stronger.

  When his lips brushed across mine, I gasped.

  His hand moved up my dress, slowly sliding it up as he pushed his hard-on into me. I gripped his strong arms to keep my legs from giving out.

  Damn it. What does this man do to me?

  “Please, don’t push me away. I want you in more ways than just fucking you against a wall. Give me—hell, give us—a chance to show you that we can make this work.”

  Electricity zapped through my body. I was about to break.

  Maybe we could fuck one more time and that would satisfy the itch I had for Jonathon Turner. His fingers brushed across my panties and I squeezed his arms.

  One. More. Time.

  I knew that wouldn’t be enough. I needed more. I wanted more.

  I opened my mouth to tell him to take me…when the perfect moment came to an immediate halt with the knock on my office door.

  I pushed Jonathon away and dragged in a deep breath as I fixed my dress.

  Jonathon walked to the other side of my desk, his hat positioned in front of his jeans to hide the bulge in his pants.

  “Come…come in.”

  Shit. My voice was shaky.

  The door opened, and Cord walked into my office. He smiled with raised eyebrows when he saw me, which made me even shakier. I was still leaning against the windowsill, trying like hell to act like my panties weren’t soaking wet from the proximity of his best friend.

  “What’s up, big sis? I saw your car parked out front and thought maybe you’d like to go to lunch?”

  My eyes darted to Jonathon.

  Cord turned. “Hey! I was hoping I’d see you here. Was I interrupting anything?”

  “No,” I said.

  “Yes,” Jonathon said.

  Cord bounced his gaze between the two of us. “No. Yes. Which is it?”

  Jonathon grinned. “I mean, no, it’s fine. I needed to find out if Waylynn had picked out which flooring she wanted.”

  My head was spinning. I had already told him that months ago. “Birch is fine,” I softly said. Jonathon nodded.

  “Listen, I know this is last minute, but a few of us are heading to Vegas tonight for the weekend. I’m taking a few days off from the bar. We’re each renting our own room in case of potential hook-ups.” Cord wiggled his brows while I looked away and I rolled my eyes.

  Jonathon looked at me. “I can’t go. I’ve got to install the light fixtures in the ballet room.”

  Our eyes met, and I knew what he was doing.

  “You can’t take the weekend off, dude? I mean, it’s Vegas. Flights are wide open so getting a ticket won’t be a problem.”

  Jonathon continued to stare at me. I regretted my next set of words before they even came out of my mouth.

  “The lights can wait, and Cord’s right. It’s the weekend and you know what they say, ‘what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas’.”

  Jonathon narrowed his eyes at me.

  Cord clapped his hands. “Awesome, then you’re free to go. What do you say?”

  The look on Jonathon’s face about killed me. He looked hurt, and I hated being the person who made him feel that way.

  Placing his hat on his head, Jonathon faced Cord. He plastered on a fake smile. “Sounds like a plan. I could use a little bit of fun. It’s been awhile since I’ve had any. Count me in.”

  My heart dropped to my stomach, and I had to grip onto the windowsill to keep myself upright. It took everything I had not to show any reaction to Jonathon’s words. They hurt more than he could know, but then again, I deserved it.

  Making his way toward the door, Jonathon cleared his throat. “I’ve got to run if I’m heading out with y’all.”

  Cord gave him a light slap on the back. “You won’t regret it.” He leaned in closer and said, “I promise.”

  Before leaving my office, Jonathon looked back, tipped his hat and said, “Waylynn.” It was meant to sound like a goodbye, but I knew what he was doing. He was giving me one more chance to stop him.

  My heart was fighting with my head. I swallowed hard, trying to convince myself I was about to do the right thing by letting him go. “Enjoy Vegas, Jonathon,” I replied, trying to keep my voice even.

  His eyes turned dark, his face cold. “I will.”

  His words felt like a knife straight into my chest.

  Jonathon looked at Cord. “Maybe I’ll even get lucky this weekend. Hell, maybe I’ll find myself a girlfriend. Someone to marry and have three kids with.”

  Cord laughed. “Jesus, dude, we’re going to Vegas, not church. Hey, let me walk you out, I’ll fill you in a bit more on the plans.”

  Glancing over his shoulder, Cord called out, “Be right back, Waylynn.”

  I forced a smile and nodded before I turned away from them both. Tears filled my eyes as I stared at the large pecan tree that was blowing in the wind.

  The courtyard matched the feeling in my heart.


  Chapter Two


  Cord’s returning footsteps pulled me from my trance. “Hey, you ready for lunch?” he asked.


  “You want to go down to Lilly’s?”

  “Sounds good to me,” I replied.

  I shut and locked the door to the dance studio. I knew Jonathon wouldn’t be coming back this evening so there would be no reason I would need to come back either. Especially now that he had plans to leave for Vegas with Cord.

  We walked in silence toward Lilly’s place. My mind raced. Should I call Jonathon? Ask him not to go to Vegas? How unfair would that be, especially after I had told him I wasn’t interested in a relationship.

  “What’s on your mind, sis?”

  My head snapped up to Cord.


  Cord drew his brows in. “You’re preoccupied. Everything okay?”

  “Yeah,” I answered, making sure my voice sounded even. “I’ve got a lot on my mind with the dance studio.”

  “I can understand. It takes a lot to start a business. I remember what it was like when I opened the bar. You sure it isn’t anything else?”

  We stopped walking and stared at one another. For a brief moment I wanted to tell him about Jonathon. Come clean about all of it, but I stopped myself.

  “I’m positive. Stop worrying, little brother, okay?”

  His dimpled smile made me grin. “Okay, then let’s get some food before I have to get back to the bar. I need to make sure everything is in order before I leave tonight.”

  I wrapped my arm up in Cord’s. “Who are you leaving in charge?”


  “I don’t think you have to worry. Trevor knows how to run that bar better than you.”

  Cord chuckled. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

  “I’m surprised Trevor isn’t going with y’all.”

  “Well, it’s last minute. We only decided to go earlier today. I hope Jonathon can get on the plane. I tried calling him earlier, but he must have had his phone on silent.”

  The bell on the front door of Lilly’s rang as we walked in. A quick glance around showed that Cord and I practically had the place to ourselves. In the back corner, a group of teenagers sat in a booth, laughing loudly.

  “Oh, to be young again,” I mumbled while Cord laughed.

  “Ain’t that the truth.”

  After we sat down, Lucy made her way over to us.

  “How’s it going, y’all?” she asked, setting two waters in front of us.

  “It’s going good. How are things?” Cord asked as he winked at the young woman and her cheeks pinked. Cord seemed oblivious to her reaction, leaving me to wonder if my brothers had any clue about their gifts with women.

  With a shrug, Lucy answered, “It’s been slow today.”

  “Where’s your mot
her?” I asked.

  “She took the day off and headed into San Antonio. Said she needed a spa day.”

  With a smile, I replied, “Good for her!”

  “What can I get ya?”

  Cord grabbed the small menu on the table that listed the specials. After looking it over he said, “Club sandwich for me, with a Coke.”

  After jotting down Cord’s order, Lucy glanced my way. “I’ll have the same thing.”

  “Perfect! I’ll get the sodas right out.”

  When she walked off, Cord stared me down as I took a drink of water. I wasn’t prepared for what came out of his mouth next.

  “So, when are you going to tell me who you were getting it on with when old lady Hopkins walked into your dance studio?” I choked on the water and Cord laughed. “Afraid the guy will get his ass beat?”

  Ugh. When will everyone forget that Mrs. Hopkins walked into the studio when Jonathon and I were getting it on?

  “Wh-why is it so important for everyone to know my business?”

  Cord shrugged. “I don’t know. Just trying to figure out who it is. Brother’s duty.”

  “Why? So y’all can harass him?”

  He flashed me an evil grin. “Maybe.”

  Lucy walked over and set our sodas on the table before heading back toward the kitchen. The interruption allowed me to compose my response to my nosey brother.

  “Well, it doesn’t matter. It was only a one-time thing.”

  Leaning forward, he said, “As long as it wasn’t Jonathon. Then I’d really have to kick some ass.”

  When he sat back in his seat, he laughed again. I prayed that my face didn’t tell all of my dirty little secrets.

  What in the hell? Did he know it was Jonathon? Was he kidding around or being serious?

  Shit! Shit! Shit!

  Cord’s phone went off, and he pulled it from his pocket. He smiled and looked back up at me. “Speak of the devil. Looks like Jonathon got the plane ticket for Vegas.”

  I forced a smile. “Y’all don’t get into trouble, Cord. You’ve got too much to lose if you do something stupid.”

  He scoffed. “Please, I’m not twenty-one, Waylynn. We’re going to have a bit of fun, that’s all. And if I happen to meet a girl who wants to hook up, then all the better.”

  Rolling my eyes, I said, “Seriously, y’all are going to hook up with random women?”

  “No. We’re going to gamble, and if we’re really lucky, we’ll hook up with a random woman…or three.”

  I snarled. “Pig.”

  “Says the girl who was caught doing the nasty by a poor old woman.”

  “That was different. It wasn’t a random guy.”

  Cord’s brows lifted. “Ahh, you’ve given me a clue.”

  I smiled. “You’d love to know, wouldn’t you?” I asked, keeping my voice calm and clear.

  He shrugged. “Like you said, sis, it’s your business. Not mine. As long as he treats you good and doesn’t hurt you. Not like that asshole you were married to.”

  “Like I told you, we’re not an item. Maybe it wasn’t a random guy, but it was a random thing.”

  “So you keep saying. By the look in your eyes right now, I’d say you’re not happy with that.”

  I swallowed hard. “What?”

  “You want something more than a one-time hook-up There’s nothing wrong with wanting a relationship, Waylynn. I’m sure you’re ready to settle down and pop out a kid or two.”

  “Well, I don’t think this guy is ready for the whole white picket fence dream of mine. There’s an age difference.”

  Cord rolled his eyes. “Who cares if he’s older or younger? As long as he makes you happy, that’s all that matters.”

  Letting out a sigh, I took a drink of my Coke. “Like I said, we’re not together, so…”

  Lucy brought our sandwiches. “Here y’all go. Anything else?”

  Glancing at the waitress, Cord flashed his dimples and another wink. “Thanks, Lucy.”

  Her cheeks heated again. “Sure thing, Cord.”

  When Cord focused back on me, he picked up his sandwich and took a bite, then started talking. “I’ll tell you the type of guy you need.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Do you always talk with your mouth full?”

  He nodded.

  “And you hope to pick up a woman—or three—with those manners? Tell me, Oh Great One, who is the type of guy I need?” I took a bite of my sandwich.

  “You need someone hard working, but not married to his job. Someone who knows how to treat a lady and won’t step out on you. A guy who wants the same things as you. Marriage and kids.”

  Nodding, I lifted my Coke to my lips. Maybe my brother did know what I wanted.

  “Someone like Jonathon.”

  The drink slipped from my hands and crashed on the table, spilling everywhere.

  Cord jumped back. “Shit, Waylynn. What happened?”

  I sat there stunned for solid seconds while Cord wiped the spilled drink. I hadn’t even noticed it had been running off the table and into my lap.

  “Damn, I’m sorry. It slipped from my hands.” I tried to help him clean up while Lucy rushed over with a rag.

  “I’m sorry, Lucy.”

  “No worries. I’ll get you another one.”

  Sitting down, I stared at Cord. “Why would you pick him as an example?”

  Cord stared like I had lost my mind. “Why Mitchell?” He shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess because he’s devoted to making Corina happy. I could have said Steed.”

  “Mitchell? You said ‘Mitchell’?”

  With a tilt of his head, he asked, “Who did you think I said?”

  I shook my head. “Um, I don’t know. I guess I didn’t hear you when I dropped the drink.”

  “You sure you’re okay?”

  Putting on the fake smile I had mastered long ago, I replied, “I think I need a spa day myself!”

  We both laughed. The rest of lunch was filled with small talk. My heart had finally settled to a normal pace by the time we stood and walked outside.

  “Thanks for lunch, Cord.”

  Leaning over, he kissed me on the forehead. “My pleasure. We need to do it more often, especially with the dance studio across the square now. I better run. Love you, sis.”

  I nodded. “Let me know when y’all get to Vegas…and stay out of trouble! Love you too!”

  “What’s that you say? I can’t hear you, Waylynn.”

  Laughing, Cord turned and started toward his bar, Cord’s Place. Right as he crossed the street, I cried out, “Be good!”

  He spun around and shouted, “Where’s the fun in that?”

  * * *

  Dropping the car keys on the kitchen island, I let out a long groan, opened the refrigerator, and reached in for a bottle of Great Northern beer. Amelia had turned me on to it after her little fling with Liam in New York. Finding the beer outside of the bright lights and big city of New York was a pain in the ass, but well worth it.

  I twisted the cap off and leaned against the counter, looking around the guest house that I now called home. It was quiet. Too quiet.

  Pulling out my phone, I hit Amelia’s number.

  She answered on the first ring. “Hey, Waylynn. What’s up?”

  “I’m bored and it’s too quiet in my house.”

  Amelia chuckled. “Get a pet.”

  “I don’t like cats or dogs.”

  “Get a turtle.”

  I laughed. “A turtle?”

  “Yeah, you’re always pulling over on the highway to save them. Next time just bring Michelangelo home.”

  “Michelangelo?” What the hell was she talking about?

  “You know, the ninja turtles,” she said, laughing like it was the funniest thing ever.

  Pursing my lips, I looked up at the ceiling. “Maybe I will get a turtle. I’ve always wanted one.”

  “See, there ya go.”

  “Yeah, but that’s not going to bring life into this place.” />
  “Then get a pig.”

  “A pig? Can you be serious? I have a real problem here.”

  Amelia sighed. “Your problem is not being able to admit that you want to be with Jonathon. If you let things flow naturally between you two, you’d be having him in your place right now, and he’d probably be making you cry out his name in every room of your house.”

  I closed my eyes and sighed. “Nope. He’s on his way to Vegas with Cord. Their plan is to gamble, drink, and hook up with random women.”

  “What? I mean, Cord I get, but Jonathon was down for that?”

  I stayed silent longer than I should have as I made my way into the living room.

  “What did you do, Waylynn?”

  A groaned as I flopped onto the sofa. “I might have twisted his arm and forced him to go.”

  “Oh, no! What happened?”

  Leaning my head back, I closed my eyes. “I don’t know what I’m doing, Meli. I want to try this with him, but I’m sure it wouldn’t work. I want a family, and he’s younger than me. And there are already rumors flying around town about me. I don’t think I can handle more gossip.”

  “First off, screw the rumors. The people in this town are either bored or jealous. And how do you know he isn’t ready to settle down? Cord mentioned Jonathon dated a girl from Uvalda for a couple of years. He was ready to get serious, but she wasn’t. He broke things off with her about a year ago.”

  My heart dropped at the idea of Jonathon wanting that with another woman. “Really? What was her name?”

  “I don’t know. Some girl he met at Cord’s place. She still shows up every now and then, Trevor said.”

  “And why were you and Trevor talking about Jonathon?”

  “It was a few nights back, Jonathon was at Cord’s Place and I casually brought him up to Trevor.”

  “Ugh! Amelia, I don’t want anyone to put two and two together.”

  She let out a frustrated sigh. “Jesus, Waylynn. I doubt it would make a difference. They already know you bumped uglies with someone. Might as well let them know who.”

  “Cord asked me earlier today. I nearly told him.”

  “What made you stop?”

  “Do you not remember our brothers beating up Wade?”

  Amelia chuckled. “They didn’t exactly beat him up, but I get what you’re saying. Listen, I was worried about what Trevor might do, and that actually turned out better than I thought it would.”


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