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Capone Page 99

by Laurence Bergreen

  Friel, Thomas, 409

  Friendly Friends, 80

  Fritchey, Clayton, 595, 601, 603

  Froelich, William, 408, 442

  Front Page, The, 374–75

  Frost, Frankie, 357

  Fuchs, Daniel, 43

  “Fusco,” 352

  Gable, Clark, 532

  Gagliano, Gaetano, 427

  Gallico, Paul, 320–21

  Gallucio, Frank, 49–51

  Galpin, Homer K., 276–77

  Gambino family, 427


  boxing and, 232, 233, 375–76

  Capone’s involvement with, 89, 100, 260–61, 301–3, 364–65, 447, 448, 464–66, 472, 480

  in Cicero, 100

  Gangbusters, 530

  Garcia, Texie, 530

  Gardner, Roy, 541

  Gardner, William, 409, 410, 411

  Garfield Boys, 40

  Garofalo, Father, 31

  Gebaldi, Angelo, 237

  Gebaldi, Vincenzo, see McGurn, “Machine-Gun” Jack

  Genna, Angelo, 129, 132, 134, 147, 307

  Genna, Jim, 129, 133, 147

  Genna, Mike, 129, 135, 147

  Genna, Pete, 129

  Genna, Sam, 129

  Genna, Tony, 129–30, 147

  Genna brothers, 129–35, 147, 156, 237, 238, 417

  Genovese family, 427

  Gentry, Budd, 473–75

  George V, King of England, 86, 220, 279–80, 524

  George White’s Scandals, 255

  Gershman, Isaac “Gersh,” 310, 311

  Gershwin, George, 235

  Gianfredo, “Chootch,” 156

  Giblin, Vincent C., 369, 373

  Gilbert, Leroy, 300–301

  Glaser, Joe, 232

  Goddard, Calvin, 316–17, 384

  Goddard, Herbert M., 353

  Goldberg, Joseph, 252

  golfing, 227–30

  Gonif, The (Rudensky), 512, 515

  gonorrhea, 511–12

  Gordon, J. F., 369

  Gorman (Coughlin), Bridget (mother-inlaw), 52

  Gorman, George, 194

  Gorman, William J., 608–9

  Gould, Chester, 529

  Gowanus Dukes, 40

  Granady, Octavius C., 281

  Granata, Sue, 588

  Graziano (pseudonym), 393, 394

  Great Train Robbery, The, 523

  Green, Dwight, 442, 444, 445, 446, 448, 454–55, 469–70, 474, 490, 491, 517

  Green, Maurice, 222

  Grossman, Jacob, 442, 447–48, 456, 460, 462, 463–64, 465–66, 476–77

  Guaranty Paper and Fidelity Check Corporation, 612

  Guinta, Joseph “Hop Toad,” 329–31, 528

  Gumm, Walter, 67, 69

  Gunther, John, 74, 319

  Gusenberg, Frank, 136, 305, 308, 309–10

  Gusenberg, Pete, 305, 308

  Gutter, Oscar, 470–71

  Guzik, Alma, 91

  Guzik, Charles, 91

  Guzik, Frank, 91

  Guzik, Harry, 90, 91, 214

  Guzik, Jack “Greasy Thumb,” 102, 112, 113, 141, 149, 154, 161, 188, 228, 229, 273, 276, 285, 299, 326, 340, 390, 405, 608, 615

  arrest of, 91–92

  at Atlantic City conference, 333

  background of, 90–91

  Capone’s friendship with, 92–93

  Capone’s release and (1929), 353

  Capone’s trial and, 457, 458, 466, 467, 481, 491

  federal investigations of, 304, 352, 360, 396, 399

  physical appearance of, 92

  prison term of, 495

  release of, 518

  trial and conviction of, 399, 400, 432, 452, 464

  Yale’s murder and, 286

  Guzik, Jeannette, 91

  Guzik, Mamie, 90

  Guzik, Max, 90, 91

  Guzik, Rose Lipschutz, 91

  Guzik, Sam, 482, 495

  Haaker, John, 67–68

  Hagen, Harold, 574–75

  Hamilton, Judge, 445

  Hamm, William, Jr., 555

  Hammett, Dashiell, 529

  Hampton, Lionel, 245

  Hanley, Edward, 163, 164

  Hardigan, Matthew, 457

  Harding, Warren G., 85, 87, 224

  “Hard Rock” (Alcatraz prisoner), 550

  Harper’s Monthly, 319, 401, 542

  Harrison, Carter, 80, 81

  Hart, Harry (nephew), 241, 242, 575, 576, 592, 593, 604, 618–19

  Hart, Joyce, 619

  Hart, Kathleen Winch (sister-in-law), 61, 62, 126, 242, 617

  Hart, Richard Joseph, Jr. (nephew), 62, 604

  Hart, Richard Joseph “Two-Gun” (Vincenzo Capone; James Capone) (brother), 27, 265, 567

  Chicago visited by, 124, 125–26, 577

  Coolidge guarded by, 243, 574

  death of, 617

  financial problems of, 575

  health problems of, 617

  in Midwest, 41–42, 57, 59–71, 188–189, 240–43, 411, 574–75

  Morvace’s death and, 67–71, 243

  music played by, 575–76

  Ralph Capone’s financial problems and, 616–17

  Wisconsin visited by, 591–93

  in World War I, 41–42

  Hart, Sherman (nephew), 62, 592

  Hart, William S. (Capone’s nephew), 62, 576, 592

  Hart, William S. (movie cowboy), 59–60, 63

  Hartnett, Gabby, 227

  Haskel (employer), 101

  Hawks, Howard, 526

  Hawthorne Inn, 114, 131

  attack on, 205–7

  Hayes, Howard, 90

  Hays Office, 527

  Healy, Danny, 222

  Hearst, William Randolph, 568, 569

  Hearst papers, 335, 441, 505

  Hecht, Ben, 374, 526

  Heitler, Mike “de Pike,” 89, 426

  Heitzer, J. A., 253

  Held, Milton, 469–70

  Henderson, Parker, Jr., 271, 273, 284, 286, 287, 290, 314, 454–56

  Hennessy, David C., 190

  heroin, 292

  Herrick, C. W., 451, 477

  Herrick, Genevieve Forbes, 234

  Hess, George, 567–68

  Heyer, Adam, 308

  Highball (dog), 308, 309, 311–12

  Hinton, Milt “Judge,” 245–48, 250

  Hockstein, Harry, 494

  Hoff, “Boo-Boo,” 333

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 224

  Homer Star, 61, 63, 66

  Hoover, Henry C., 152, 444, 448–50, 480–81

  Hoover, Herbert, 499, 517

  Capone investigations and, 322, 364, 368–69, 408, 425, 433, 435

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 499

  and Capone after release, 583

  Capone investigations and, 128, 323, 324, 325, 369, 396–97, 408, 415, 420–21, 433, 435

  Dillinger and, 531, 532–33

  Ness disliked by, 594–95, 600, 601, 611

  horse racing, 100, 150–51, 205, 413, 474–75

  Hotel Morrison conference, 643n Housen, Walter, 462–63

  House of Representatives, U.S., 521

  Howard, Joe, 112–13, 117, 124, 131, 136, 162, 167, 173

  How the Other Half Lives (Riis), 22

  Hughes, Howard, 526

  Hughes, Michael, 262, 264, 265–66, 279, 286, 290

  Humphreys, Murray Llewellyn “The Camel,” 428, 494, 518, 590, 608, 615, 618

  Hunt, Sam “Golf Bag,” 457–58

  Hurt, Rudolph, 108

  Hutton, Edward, 24

  ice business, 47–48

  If Christ Came to Chicago! (Stead), 79

  Illinois Association for Criminal Justice, 145

  immigration, 275, 368

  in Chicago, 72–73, 92–93, 365

  U.S. history of, 20–23

  see also specific ethnic groups

  Indians, American, Prohibition and, 66–68, 240–41, 574–75

  Insull, Samuel, 225–26, 367

  Internal Revenue Service (IRS):
  Capone investigated by, 225, 272–74, 285, 302–4, 322, 344, 360, 364–65, 373, 387–89, 391–400, 407, 413–416, 428–30, 487; see also United States vs. Alphonse Capone

  Capone’s release and (1939), 570

  Ralph Capone investigated by, 273, 275–76, 302–4, 341–42, 616–17; see also Capone, Raffaele, indictment and conviction of

  Secret Six and, 368

  Torrio investigated by, 564–66

  Ioele, Francesco, see Yale, Frankie

  Irey, Elmer, 225, 272, 274, 364, 368, 393, 394–95, 413, 414, 429, 505, 565

  Irish-Americans, Italian-Americans’ conflicts with, 34, 35, 39–40

  IRS, see Internal Revenue Service Italian-Americans, 26–28

  Capone as viewed by, 149–50

  in Chicago Heights, 196–97

  fears and prejudices about, 21–23, 181–82, 189–91, 343

  Irish-Americans’ conflicts with, 34, 35, 39–40

  in Lansing, 177–89

  padrone system and, 26–27

  Jackson, Mahalia, 247

  Jacobs, Benjamin, 208

  Jacobs, “Hymie,” 112, 113

  Jamie, Alexander, 345, 346

  Jamie, Louise, 345

  Jamie, Mrs. Alexander, 345

  Janaway, Carl, 563–64

  Jarecki, Edmund K., 106, 109

  jazz, 75, 235–36, 244–51

  Jews, in Chicago, 92–83

  Johns Hopkins Hospital, 568, 573, 578

  Johnson, Enoch “Knuckles,” 333

  Johnson, George Emmerson Q.:

  background of, 274–76, 345

  Capone incarceration and, 499–500

  Capone investigation and, 274–76, 278–79, 300, 302, 322–26, 338, 360, 363, 364, 373, 397, 399, 400, 408, 411, 425

  Capone’s indictment and, 429–30, 431, 433–34, 435, 436

  as Capone’s neighbor, 93

  Capone’s trial and, 442, 450, 468, 478, 479–81

  in Florida, 415–16

  J. Edgar Hoover’s jealousy of, 420–21, 594

  judgeship given to, 517

  Ness hired by, 346–47

  Johnson, George Emmerson Q., Jr., 275, 415–16

  Johnson, Hilding, 374

  Johnson, Mrs. George Emmerson Q., 279

  Johnston, Alva, 158

  Johnston, James A., 535–36, 537–38, 543–44, 551, 571

  attack on, 557–58

  Capone’s meetings with, 543–46, 548, 549

  Jolson, Al, 231, 254

  Jones, Eli S., 330

  Journal, Le, 390–91

  journalism, 266, 275, 312, 318–19, 374–76

  Juffra, Nick, 453

  Kansas City Star, 281, 489

  Karloff, Boris, 526

  Karpis, Alvin “Creepy,” 554–55, 558, 563–64

  Kashellek, Albert (James Clark), 308, 309

  Kaufman, Bertha, 289

  Kaufman, Solomon, 289

  Kearns, “Doc,” 233, 501–3

  Keefe, Harry, 70

  Keele, Polly Hamilton, 532, 533

  Kefauver, Estes, 615

  Kelleher (reporter), 311

  Keller, Henry, 463–64

  Kelly, George R. “Machine Gun,” 541, 547, 549, 550

  Kelly, Marion Hopwood, 598

  Kelly, Paul, 38

  Kelly, Ralph, 595, 598, 603

  Kelly, William, 324

  Kenna, Michael “Hinky Dink,” 80, 91, 238

  Kennedy, Robert F., 665n

  Kerin, Jeanne, 616

  Keywell, Harry, 307, 308

  Keywell, Phil, 307, 308

  Kid, the, 358–59

  King (Ness), Emma, 344–45

  King, Michael, 409, 507

  King Crime (Collins), 529

  Kinsler, James, 70

  Kipling, Rudyard, 75

  Klein, Edward S., 618

  Klein, Seymour, 565

  Klenha, Joseph Z., 108, 123, 171, 221

  Knight, John C., 371–72

  Koefed, Mrs. Jack, 320

  Koken, Dan, 347

  Koren, John, 26

  Krause, Fred, 93

  labor unions, organized crime and, 48, 81, 379, 569

  La Cava, Louis, 390

  Lahart, Martin, 349, 409, 507

  Lake, Frankie, 254, 255, 315

  Lake Shore Trust and Savings Bank, 382

  Lamberta, Jim, 200

  Lamert, Logan, 67–68

  Landesco, John, 77–78

  Landis, Kenesaw Mountain, 227

  Lang, Walter, 555–56

  Lansing, Mich., description of, 175–76

  Lansing State Journal, 185

  Lansky, Meyer, 236, 333

  La Porte, Frankie, 406, 499, 517

  background of, 197, 198–99

  after Capone’s release, 591, 615, 618

  Chicago Heights takeover and, 200, 201, 202

  power of, 181

  Larrison, Jens, 586

  laundry business, 48

  Lawson, Corinne, 611, 612, 613

  Lazia, John, 333

  Lee, Robert M., 383

  Leeson, Joseph, 409–10

  Leoncavallo, Ruggiero, 189

  Lepke, Louis, 333

  LeRoy, Mervyn, 663n

  Lewis, Joe E., 251–54

  Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary, 571–72

  Libby, Josephine, 139–40

  Liebling, A. J., 607

  Light, Samuel D., 324

  Lights of New York, 523

  Lillian (Matthew Capone’s girlfriend), 249

  Lincoln Star, 617

  Lindbergh, Charles, 503–5

  Lingle, Alfred “Jake,” 266, 355, 373–86, 387, 461, 607

  Lipschultz, Louis, 395

  Lipschutz (Guzik), Rose, 91

  Literary Digest, 210

  literature, about Capone, 527–29

  Litsinger, Edward R., 280

  Little Caesar, 524–25

  Llovd, Dr., 155

  Lodge, Henry Cabot, 21, 22, 23

  Loesch, Frank J., 293–95, 365–69, 435, 436–37

  Loftus, Thomas, 309

  Lolordo, Joseph, 307, 308

  Lolordo, Pasqualino, 295–96

  Lombardo, Antonio, 207, 214, 292–94, 296

  Lonardo, “Big Angelo,” 599

  London Daily Express, 417

  Lonergan, Anna, 157

  Lonergan, Richard “Peg-Leg,” 53, 156–57

  Lone Wolf, 66

  Long, Huey, 224

  Look, 572

  Loomis, Alfred “Sailor,” 552

  Loughran, Robert T., 335

  Lovett, “Wild Bill,” 53, 85

  Lucania, Salvatore, see Luciano, Lucky

  Lucas, Jimmy, 547, 550–52

  Lucchese family, 427

  Luce, Henry, 354

  Luciano, Lucky (Salvatore Lucania), 50, 332, 333, 427, 428, 505

  Lummus, J. Newton, 269–72, 287, 455

  Lummus family, 270

  Lundin, Fred, 219

  Lundin, Oscar, 208, 209

  Lyle, John H., 140, 151, 162, 169, 213–214, 312, 331, 383–84, 389, 391, 400, 401–2, 407

  and election of 1931, 416–18, 419

  Lynch, Thomas, 193

  McAndrews (Ness), Evaline, 599–600, 601, 602

  MacArthur, Charles, 374

  McCarthy (Torrio), Ann, 53, 56, 143, 144–45

  McCloskey, Francis, 157

  McCollough, Bob, 195

  McCormick, Robert Rutherford, 76, 322, 377, 378–83, 589

  McCormick dynasty, 76

  “McCoy,” 351–52

  McCreary, S. D., 371–72

  McErlane, Frank, 145

  McGlynn, Philip, 107

  McGurn, “Machine-Gun” Jack (Vincenzo Gebaldi), 16, 178, 183, 202, 228, 229, 231, 238, 251–53, 359, 390, 393, 437, 439, 459–60, 508, 525

  background of, 237

  last years of, 589–90

  St. Valentine’s Day Massacre and, 305–9, 312, 317–18

  Yale’s murder and, 286, 289

ne guns, 141–42, 289

  McKelvie, Sam, 63

  McKinley, Old Man, 576

  McLeod, Doris, 543

  McNamara, Francis, 330–31

  McNeil Island Penitentiary, 496–98, 517, 536

  McSwain, M. A., 499

  McSwiggin, Anthony, 162, 165, 167–68, 194, 195

  McSwiggin, Elizabeth F., 162, 165, 166–67

  McSwiggin, William H., 136, 614

  death of, 162–65

  funeral of, 166–67

  Howard murder investigated by, 113–14

  investigation of murder of, 165–74, 177, 188, 191, 193, 194–96, 210, 325, 367, 384

  Madden, Arthur, 272, 364–65, 391, 397, 414, 429, 504–5

  Maddox, Claude, 307

  Madigan, Harry, 168–69

  Mafia, 24, 32, 124–25, 189, 190, 427–428, 615

  Magee, D. W., 569

  Maher, Richard, 602

  Malloy, Patrick, 136–37

  Malloy, Tommie, 569

  Malone, James “Shooey,” 336, 337, 338

  Malone, Mike (De Angelo), 391–94, 429, 487–88

  Mangano, “Dago” Lawrence, 291

  Mangano, Philip, 427

  Manhattan Melodrama, 532

  Mann (White Slave) Act (1910), 91, 140

  Man of Honor, A (Bonanno), 427

  Mano Nera, see Black Hand

  Maranzano, Salvatore, 427

  Maranzano family, 427

  marijuana, 250–51

  Marion (Capone’s mistress), 499

  Maritote, John (brother-in-law), 407

  Maritote, Mafalda Capone (sister), see Capone (Maritote), Mafalda

  Marks, Willie, 308, 309

  Marshall, Mona, 91

  Marshall Field’s, 76, 261, 461, 470

  Martin, Archie, 303

  Martin, W. E., 57

  Martino, Joseph, 199, 200, 201, 347–50

  Martino, Michael, 33

  Masseria, Giuseppe, 427

  Mastropietro, Angelo (pseudonym), 176–177, 182, 187, 188, 191

  Mastropietro, Catherine (pseudonym), 178

  Mastropietro, Grazia (pseudonym), 176, 184, 186–87, 189

  Mastropietro family (pseudonym), 177–178, 184, 185

  Mattingly, Lawrence, 365, 450, 451–52, 454, 467, 476, 477, 482, 483, 484

  May, John, 308, 309

  Medill School of Journalism, 403

  Me Gangster, 523

  Mellon, Andrew, 322

  Mencken, H. L., 577–79

  Mercer, Sid, 320

  Mercer, Wis., 532

  Merlo, Mike, 133, 135, 167

  Messner, Julian, 613

  Mezzrow, Milton “Mezz,” 249–51

  Miami Daily News, 287

  Miami Herald, 581, 605

  Miami Times, 568

  Miller, Arthur, 29

  Milo, Sophia, 31

  miniature golf, 388

  Mix, Tom, 254

  Moles, Lloyd, 185

  Molnar, Lee, 521

  Monaghan, John, 337

  Mondi, Jimmy, 236, 466

  Moneypenny, David T., 493, 495, 499–501, 5Í4

  Montgomery Ward, 74

  “moonshine,” 62

  Moore, Dan, 598

  Moore, Joseph Earle, 568, 573, 577–78, 579

  Moran, George “Bugs,” 136, 197, 208, 209, 212, 218, 222, 254, 299, 377, 508


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