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The Boss Duet Box Set

Page 32

by Logan Chance

  My mind drifted to what those same hands would feel like as they glide all over my body. Would he focus on my breasts as he takes each one in each hand? Would he be gentle or rough?

  My insides were melting as I tried to imagine his hands as they would travel down past my navel and slip into my panties.

  A yearning burned deep in my core as I continued to watch.

  “Are you staring at me?” he asked, jolting me up in the seat.

  “No, not really.” I squirmed in my seat as I tried to push away my dirty thoughts.

  “It’s ok if you are. I don’t mind. About the pictures. What do you enjoy taking photos of most?” His confidence was sexy and it brought back the desire to course through me.

  “Buildings. Architecture mainly.”

  “I bet Boston was good for that.”

  “It was, but I love the modern look and feel of Miami more.”

  His eyes met mine, briefly as he drove. “Really?”

  “Yeah,” I sighed.

  A low hum left Theo’s lips as he ran a hand down his beard. Almost as if he was feeling the want and need rushing through his system as well.

  He regained his composure quicker than I and glanced in his rearview as he changed lanes.

  “I would love to see your work. Architecture is cool. Maybe I could buy some pictures and hang them up in the bar.”

  “That’s so sweet of you. But, I think you should see them before you offer something like that. What if they’re really bad?”

  “Penelope, I doubt anything with you would ever be bad,” he said in a thick, hearty voice which made my chest tighten.

  “Thank you,” I breathed, unsure of what else to say.

  “Ah, what have I said about that thanking me business?” He laughed and I joined in as we steered the conversation back to the bar and the fire the night before.


  After I had been dropped off back at home by Theo, I showered and got ready for my dinner date with Dex.

  As I was busy applying my make-up, Jasmine burst through the door to my room.

  “Fun night last night?”

  “What do you mean?” I asked as I dropped my hand with the mascara brush I’d been holding.

  “You never came home. And don’t lie to me bitch, I know you weren’t with Dex. He stopped by wondering where you were. Tell me, where were you?”

  “Calm down, hooker. I wasn’t doing anything bad. I fell asleep at Theo’s while babysitting Lucy.”

  She narrowed her eyes and then flipped her hair. “Right,” she said with so much insinuation it oozed from every pore.

  “What?” I smirked.

  Her hands flew up in mock surrender. “Hey, I’m not saying anything.”

  “Nothing happened.”

  “Alright. Where were you today?”

  “Who are you, my keeper?” I knew she would read more into Theo and I going to the Zoo, especially since I had mentioned the insane attraction I’d had toward him.

  “Hoes gotta know. Don’t hate. Were you out with Theo?”

  “Yes, fine I was. We took his daughter to the Zoo. Happy?” I crossed my arms over my chest in annoyance. She was so frustrating and I didn’t appreciate her line of questioning.

  “Do you like him?”

  I didn’t answer right away as I stared into the mirror of my vanity. My brown eyes stared back as I remembered my dream of kissing him.

  “Hey earth to Penny. It wasn't that hard of a question. ” Jasmine said, breaking my concentration.

  “Actually it is a very hard question.” I said, confused by my inability to answer her question. Jasmine was right it really wasn't that hard of a question “What are you going to do about the Sullivan brothers. I'm not sure they would be into a Sullivan sandwich?”

  “Shut up, I don't want to be in a Sullivan sandwich. I’m not sure what I'm going to do. I shouldn't be this confused but I am.” What I didn't tell her was I couldn't stop thinking that a Theo, Penny and my bed mattress was the sandwich I wouldn't turn down.

  “Don't stress about it Penny. You are always too hard on yourself. When I get home from work tonight we can discuss this in more detail,” she said as she leaned over to kiss my cheek.

  “Sure. Hey will you leave the front door unlocked. Dex should be here soon.”

  She walked from the room as I said my goodbyes.

  My phone buzzed beside me as I glanced at who was calling. Dex.

  “Hey,” I said into the phone.

  “Penny, change of plans. Theo got a sitter and I invited him to dinner with us. My mother is in town and I’d like for you to meet her. I’ll be by there in an hour to pick you up,” he said all in one breath.

  “That’s fine. See you soon.”

  He hung up with me, abruptly and I focused back to my mascara. An odd sense of panic swept through me at the thought of meeting his mother. Would she think of me as a failure like my own mother? And Theo was going to be there. I needed to get my thoughts away from him and his delicious mouth fast.

  I tried not to focus on it when visions of Theo entered my brain. The kiss that felt so real made me wiggle with anticipation as to what his lips would feel like against my skin.

  I moved over to my bed and lay there as I licked my finger, wetting it just enough. I slipped the finger under the skirt I wore and into my panties. I was soaked with just the mere thought of Theo’s lips against mine.

  My fingers circled my clit as I arched my back against the bed. My other hand raced up my body and cupped my full breast in my hand. Want and desperation flowed through my veins as my finger slipped inside me.

  “Oh,” I moaned as I rocked my hips against my hand.

  I continued pleasuring myself as thoughts of Theo ran rampant through my mind.

  Chapter Ten


  The minute I arrived home from the Zoo Sandy was in my driveway.

  “Hey, what are you doing here?” I asked as I woke Lucy up and took her car seat.

  “Don’t you remember?” She shook her head, smiling her soft smile as I carried Lucy in my arms toward her.

  “No, sorry.”

  She laughed and reached her arms out to take Lucy from me. “We made plans for me to take Lucy out tonight. You were supposed to be working, and I was going to have her stay over.”

  I’d completely forgotten. I’d explained to Sandy about the fire and how my last twenty-four hours had been thrown off track.

  After Sandy piled Lucy in her car and I watched them drive off down the street, my phone vibrated in my pocket.

  “Hi, Mom,” I said, glancing at the caller id before answering.

  “Theo, love. How’s my baby girl?” she asked in her buttery voice.

  “She’s great Mom. What’s up?” I asked.

  “I’m in town and I’m having dinner with Dex and his new girlfriend. Come and bring Lucy.”

  I explained to my mother how Lucy was with Sandy and then agreed to meet everyone out.

  We hung up after my mother let me know she would be by to see Lucy tomorrow.

  Not five seconds after the call ended, Dex called.

  “Hey,” I said as I entered my condo.

  “Theo, can you pick Penny up at her place. I’m on the other side of town and won’t make the reservation with Mom if I have to drive all the way.”

  “That shouldn’t be a problem. Text me her address.”

  After the call was ended, I went inside to get cleaned up for dinner with Mom.

  I still couldn’t get the kiss I’d shared with Penelope out of my mind. The fact that I’d kissed her while she was asleep wasn’t bad enough, Dex was introducing her to my mom.

  As I stood at Penelope’s doorstep, I knocked and knocked. Was she even home? I spotted her car and wondered if she was ok.

  I tried the lock and the door was open, so I made my way inside. I felt odd being here, and stuck my head into the kitchen.

  I continued down the hallway, feeling uncomfortable with every step.
  When I reached a cracked doorway, I peered inside. I was shocked to see Penelope on her bed with her hand inside her pink-laced panties.


  She was hot. She was touching herself and my eyes were fucking glued to her.

  Her arched back, the look of pleasure on her face, and her hand moving against her pussy made my cock come to life in an instant.

  Her other hand was massaging her tit while she bit her lower lip. She moaned and I about lost it. About fucking unzipped my pants to join her.

  I wanted deep inside her, I wanted to feel how tight her pussy was. To make her moan my name and come all over my cock while I was planted all the way inside her.

  My breathing picked up as I watched.

  She moaned again as her eyes slammed shut. She was close, I could tell. I was so hard it was painful as I rubbed along the inseam of my pants.

  The way her body moved was like magic enticing me to venture further into the room. Although I wished her body was begging for my touch, I knew better than to interrupt her.

  Her moans grew louder as I leaned an arm against the doorframe.

  “Theo,” she moaned as her orgasm hit her.

  I was shocked and dumbfounded all at once. I wanted to run over there and have her finish me off. I also knew better.

  As soon as her breathing returned to normal her eyes opened and locked with mine.

  I startled as she sprang from the bed.

  “I’m sorry. I was just…” I stepped back from the doorway as her cheeks reddened.

  “What are you doing here?” she half screamed half whispered.

  “Dex sent me to pick you up. I’ll wait outside.” I backed away further down the hall.

  Penelope, however, was right behind me, rushing through the house as she grabbed her keys, phone, and purse. “Fuck,” I said as I slammed my steering wheel. I was upset I’d invaded her privacy. Embarrassing her was not on my list of things to do today.

  She was climbing into my truck right after me, and I turned the ignition and backed out of the driveway before she even closed the door.

  The ride to the restaurant was insanely quiet and tense. I cranked up the radio so we wouldn’t need to speak, but there was a burning question plaguing my mind.

  When I pulled up to the restaurant, I handed off my keys to the valet as Penelope rushed inside.

  When I stepped into the overpriced restaurant doors, Dex stood there with his regal stance as he always tried to be on edge always trying to impress. Hell, my mother wouldn't have cared if we went to a fast food joint she just wanted to spend time with her boys. Dex never seemed to understand that always wanting to one up everyone with is perfect vision of the future. A future with the girl I just watched come all over her hands with my name on her lips. The need to want her was even worse now that I realized it wasn't just me feeling this odd connection.

  I shook my head knowing I wouldn't get any answers right now so there was no need to dwell on it. I noticed Dex, my mother, and Penelope standing by the hostess stand.

  “Mom. How are you?” I asked as I hugged my mother’s tall frame. She grabbed a hold of me with everything she had.

  “Theo, I miss you.” She acted like she didn’t live half an hour away.

  Once we were inside we sat down by the window overlooking a golf course. The plush greens and blue-watered lakes were a sight to behold.

  The waiter was over in a flash taking our order and offering up the nightly features. The whole time I couldn’t take my eyes off Penelope.

  Dex was oblivious to everything which surrounded him except for the few members of the county commissioners office which were seated a few tables away.

  I didn’t care about any of that bullshit. I only cared about Penelope and the way I had just finished watching her body move and tense as her fingers fucked her. Had she said my name? Was that my imagination?

  My mother rambled on about her friend who was having a surgery, and another friend who had a book club she wanted my mother to join.

  Dex smirked to me as my phone rang. Richie.

  “I have to take this call,” I said, excusing myself from the table. With long strides, I carefully maneuvered myself across the dining room and down the hallway near the restrooms.

  “Richie, hey man what’s up?” I listened as he explained about an inventory order gone wrong and how the beer guy had brought the wrong keg. As soon as I was about to respond a movement caught my sight out of my peripheral.

  Penelope was moving down the hall, her arms swayed beside her as she gazed down to the floor. Her hair fell down in rivulets across her shoulders and I was spellbound.

  “I have to let you go, Richie.” I hung up the phone with a snap, and stalked at the quickest pace I’d ever moved being this turned on.

  She had my heart pumping all the blood straight to my cock, and I couldn’t think straight. I’d been as hard as a fucking rock from watching her earlier finger her pink pussy and the image was jammed in my head like a damn beautiful nightmare that couldn’t escape.

  I zeroed in on her lips as her eyes met mine. Her wide eyes appeared shocked to see me coming up on her so fast.

  In an instant I grabbed her arm and pulled her to a side hall. Unable to withstand her, I slammed her against the wall as my other hand covered the surprised scream sounding from the back of her throat.

  Her soft eyes hardened as I held her there. “Let go of me, Theo,” she demanded, turning her head to free her mouth from my hand covering it.

  Shaking my head, I pressed my hard cock plush against her center. “Do you feel that? You made me hard.”

  Her surprised stare bounced back and forth as she tried to see if anyone could see us. Her stance held on barely by tiptoes wavered as she brought her hand to rest on my shoulder to steady herself.

  My nose smelled the scent as I turned my head toward her long, skinny fingers.

  I let go of her, but my hips still held her captive against me as I grabbed her hand. With my eyes trained on hers, I sucked on the perfect fingers she had inside her earlier. “You taste so fucking sweet.” My eyes closed shut by desire as I took in the flavor.

  She tasted pure, like a malt Scotch with a hint of vanilla, sealed together and left to age in a musky cellar in the heart of Scotland for an eternity. My senses were on overload and I fucking lost it.

  Pinning her harder against the wall, I travelled my hand against her silky, smooth skin of her thigh under her skirt and moved north. Once I reached the lacy panties I knew she had, I pushed them aside eagerly. Enraged and driven purely by lust, I didn’t care who could see me, I needed more.

  I felt the wetness her body produced solely for me and pushed my middle finger inside her.

  “Oh God,” she moaned as her eyes squeezed shut and her head fell back against the wall. Her neck was left exposed to me, her collarbone protruding just a bit. My teeth sunk into her pliable skin as I ran them along the spot.

  Her mouth formed a solid O as I watched her enjoy my finger inside her. I moved to a rhythm only we could hear and I leaned my head against the wall beside her.

  “Your pussy feels so wet. Is this for me, Penelope?” I asked against her ear.

  “Yes,” she silently cried as her body shook.

  “I liked watching you.”

  Her head snapped up and brought my head to meet her big eyes. They twitched slightly as we held onto each other and I slipped another finger into her.

  “You watched me?” she pleaded.

  “Yeah,” I breathed against her inviting lips.

  I tilted my head toward them, and sucked the plump bottom lip into my mouth. Even her plush lips tasted like a dream.

  Her tongue met mine, and she rocked against my hand. My cock screamed for attention as I broke the kiss.

  “Penelope, I need you to touch me. I’m so fucking hard for you.”

  Her hand left my shoulder and trickled down my chest. Her fingers tracing each button along my shirt as she moved further. When
she reached my pants, I stilled. I anticipated the touch long before she finally surrendered her fingers to me. As she wrapped her tiny hand around my wild hard on, I growled against her skin.

  She moved up and down my thick cock as I pushed my fingers deeper into her soaked pussy. “Don’t stop, baby. You feel so good.”

  She tortured me as she picked up her pace to match the tempo I was using within her. I ran my thumb along her clit as her breathing sped up.

  An overwhelming need to come was present and I couldn’t stop as our ragged breaths met together against each other’s mouths.

  We were out of control as we brought each other to our climax. I couldn’t wake up from her, I couldn’t see straight as she rubbed and tugged along me.

  “That’s right, baby. Make me come.” I kept up my punishing beat inside her as she tightened around my fingers.

  “Theo, I’m coming,” she moaned.

  Our lips met as we both exploded together. My orgasm was hard as it unleashed against her soft hand.

  My fingers were still inside her as our eyes met. “Take off your panties.”

  I stepped away slightly as the after effects of my orgasm stayed on her hand. She removed them and handed them over. I brought the pink laced panties to my nose and then wiped myself and her hand off.

  “You felt so good coming on my fingers.” I stuck my fingers into my mouth and sucked her sweet taste.

  Her mouth fell open as her eyes fluttered closed. I moved my fingers to her and smeared her essence along her full lips.

  When her eyes sprang open, I raised my brow. “Do you like the way you taste?”

  She sucked my finger into her mouth as her head nodded, slowly.

  “I can’t believe that just happened,” she said as my fingers fell from her mouth.

  “I’m not.”

  “Theo, this is so wrong.” She pushed my shoulders as I stumbled back slightly.

  She took off down the hallway toward the restroom before I could even stop her. Shit.

  Chapter Eleven


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