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Capone_Rebel Guardians MC

Page 17

by Liberty Parker

  “You say that every time,” she breathlessly replies.

  “Because it’s the damn truth,” I honestly state. I don’t know why, but each time she gives me her body willingly, I feel more of a connection to her. One that I never want to lose.

  A giggle escapes her. The sound is magical to my ears. Call me a pussy if you want, but this woman owns me lock, stock and barrel. I’d do anything to hear her laugh every single day of my life. She’s the reason I want to be a better man and the reason behind me giving up contract jobs. I’ll always step up if for some reason the club needs me, but for her, I want to make her proud and any future children we may or may not have.

  “Let’s get cleaned up so we can go to bed,” I tell her.

  “Hopefully for more of the same,” she playfully says before kissing my jaw.

  “Fuck yeah. Although I’ll make sure I feed you since you’re gonna need your strength.”

  “Promises, promises.”



  Today is a good day, I walk into Church with a smile upon my face. Bridget’s gynecologist appointment was today, and the scarring that she had that made her worried isn’t as bad as what she originally thought it was. We have a good chance at becoming parents in the traditional way, but we both know it may be a long road ahead of us, but that’s okay, I’ve never been one to back down from a challenge.

  “What’s put that smile on your face?” Smokey asks me.

  “Been a good day, brother,” I respond.

  “Care to share?” he asks me.

  “Nope, none of your damn business.” I’m not trying to be rude, but this isn’t anyone’s business other than mine and hers. I want to bask in the good news without the Bobbsey twins having a say and taking the chance of them pissing me off. Axe walks into the room and we all shut up. None of us are up for paying fines, I’m financing a house and need all the extra money I can keep, especially with the add-on’s Bridget wants in the house and the furniture and appliances she’s picked out. I don’t care how much she spends, as long as she’s happy. I’m just ecstatic that she no longer freaks out if she spends more than five dollars or if I find something I want to gift her with. Speaking of, her new vehicle gets delivered today. I had them put a huge-ass bow on it and bought a year’s worth of car washing from the local detailing place that just opened up.

  Axe sits down and looks at all of us with a puzzled expression. I look back at him, brow raised but don’t say anything. “I don’t fucking believe it,” he finally says.

  “What?” Law asks.

  “Y’all aren’t yakking like a bunch of old women,” he replies, a smile on his face.

  “Our bank account took a big hit and Hannah told us we had to be good,” Smokey says with a frown on his face.

  “New baby,” Law states.

  “Pending baby,” Chief replies.

  “New house and car,” I retort.

  “Pending baby here too,” Twisted says.

  “Same,” Hatch calls out.

  “Damn, didn’t realize it would take y’all having babies and shit to create this environment,” Axe says.

  “No babies here,” Bandit replies. I know he and Smokey want a few years with just them and Hannah before they start trying, but the thought of Bridget round with my child makes me anticipate that when the day comes, I’ll always have my hands on her.

  Deciding I can afford to toss out one comment before Axe gets started, I say, “You’ll end up with triplets anyhow.”

  “Bite your motherfucking tongue,” Smokey shouts. “Wait, that would mean one pregnancy, I maybe could work with that. She could get fixed and we could have all the sex we want with no consequences.”

  “She’d be big as a house,” Law warns. “Can you deal with her complaining about that?”

  “We’ve got ways to quiet her down,” Bandit replies.

  “She may want you and Bandit to get snipped,” I say to Smokey.

  “Fuck my life,” Axe says, looking at the ceiling. “Why did I have to open up my mouth?”

  “Because you’re you,” Twisted states. “I mean, c’mon now, did you expect them to stay quiet?”

  “Fuck that, ain’t no one snipping my shit!” Smokey says, holding his junk dramatically.

  And...they’re off. I sit back in my chair to watch the show, wishing I had something to snack on at least.

  “First warning,” Axe grinds out. The room falls into complete silence and all of us are looking at him to see what happens next.

  “Alright, let’s go over the numbers for the businesses. Capone is ready to open the gun range and construction companies and Jaxson has started working up bids on some projects. The truck stop is so into the green it’s ridiculous, as is the trucking company. Seems that folks appreciate a business that does things on the up-and-up.”

  Everyone’s nodding and I see the smiles. With the businesses doing so well, we’re going to have some nice paydays ahead, that’s for sure. Not that my bank account is hurting, even with the house and car. I still want to replenish it for the next thing I want to spoil my woman with though, whether it’s a new wardrobe or more hair shit. Doesn’t matter, whatever makes her happy.

  “Next, Law has petitioned to patch in Maxum. He was close anyhow, but he feels that with what he did when Cassarah went into labor, he and Jaxson went above and beyond for the brotherhood. All in favor?”

  “Ayes” are heard around the room and he bangs his gavel before telling Twisted, “Get him in here.”

  Twisted gets up to go grab Maxum and Hatch goes to the safe and grabs the patch for his cut. Once he’s in the room, looking a little bit green, Axe gives him his best president look.

  “Do you know why we called you into church?” he asks.

  “No idea,” Maxum says. Other than looking a little off, he stands there, seemingly relaxed.

  “You’ve been a prospect for a while now. However, the time has come to decide whether you’re worthy enough to be a Rebel Guardian and wear our patch.”

  He gulps and I see a sheen of sweat appear on his forehead. Is he really worried he won’t get patched in after everything he’s done?

  “You recently did something that has necessitated this meeting today.” I hold back the chuckle that wants to come out because I know he’s yanking his chain now.

  “You, along with Jaxson, were responsible for Bridget and Cassarah when they went for Bridget’s license.”

  He nods, not saying a word. Now Law is fighting his own grin. All of the brothers are staring at him, solemn looks on their faces and I know that Maxum would prefer to be anywhere but where he’s at right this second.

  “Well...thanks to your quick thinking and ability to remain calm, you were able to help while Jaxson instructed Bridget on how to help Cassarah give birth. We feel that merits you earning your patch. Congrats, brother, you’re now a Rebel Guardian.” At Axe’s words, cheers go around the table and Law gets up and man hugs Maxum, whispering something into his ear. He gives him a nod and I see the resolution set into his frame. No clue what he said, but I can see the relief on his face.

  “If there’s nothing else, let’s go party. Seems we’ve got another patch to give out as well,” Axe states, looking at me.

  “Brother?” I question. He must read what I want to say, as usual he’s always one step ahead of the rest of us.

  “We’re doing the patch ceremony for them today, brother. She definitely earned a patch as well.” I walk out of the room and am surprised to see that the room is filled to capacity with all of our family. I rush over to Bridget and capture her mouth with mine.

  “I missed you,” I tell her.

  “It’s only been an hour since you saw me last,” she responds.

  “An hour too long,” I say to her. She giggles and wraps her arms around my waist.

  “So what’s going on? Why were we summoned here?”

  “Maxum got voted in tonight, we’re having his patch ceremony.” I don’t tell he
r she’s included, because she hates the spotlight on her. We follow everyone outside and I grab a beer for me and a wine cooler for her out of the fridge on the way out the door. I pop the tops of both then hand her hers.

  “Thank you,” she says taking a drink.

  “Always,” I state taking a drink of my own. I’m parched and am a little worried about how she’ll take being the center of attention.

  Once Axe sees everyone is outside, he calls all three to the front and makes them turn around to face the rest of us. I walk up and stand behind her. I’m proud at this moment, inducting an old lady is a big deal in not only our lifestyle but to me personally.

  “So, as everyone knows, Bridget got her old lady cut already, but we never did this part due to the other news we got that day.” I see her glance back at him with wide eyes.

  “Now, recently, these three did something that solidified their place in the Rebel Guardians family. These two,” he says, motioning to Jaxson and Maxum, “had the task of keeping Bridget and Cassarah safe when they went to Bridget’s testing. On the way home, a certain little girl decided she was coming and she didn’t want to wait for the important things like a hospital and doctors.” At his words, everyone chuckles and the little miss in question lets out a slight chuffing sound as she snuggles closer to her daddy’s chest. “Because of their actions, Kaylee was delivered safely and today, we voted Maxum in as a fully patched member.” Cheers go up at his words and he waits for all of us to calm down before he starts again. “While Bridget already received her old lady cut, we feel she deserves a patch for her actions that day.” He hands her a patch and I hear her start giggling. When I look over her shoulder, I see a pink patch clutched in her hand that says ‘Stork’ and when I look closer, I see a fucking stork with a baby swaddled between its beak. My laughter breaks through and before I know it, everyone else is laughing as well. Before we’re done, he motions to Jaxson and says, “And Jaxson, here, knows how to google, so we got him this patch to add to his cut,” before holding up a small cellphone patch.

  “Axe?” she asks.


  “I’ll wear it with pride.” I pull her close and kiss her until she’s breathless.

  “Alright, let’s party, y’all,” Axe calls out.

  Once again cheers go around and we all get down to celebrating the newest members of the RGMC. It’s a proud day to be able to call another man brother.



  It’s been a few months since the patch-in party and life has been busy and hectic. Cassarah wasn’t kidding when she said she’d let me handle her clients while she was on maternity leave and I go from the time I hit the salon until I get home at night. Plus, I’ve managed to pick up a steady clientele of my own. Lulu has also had a steady stream of business and she’s become a very good friend of mine. She and Chef are such an amazing couple that I anticipate an announcement at any time that they’re taking the next step in their relationship. Life is so much better than I ever imagined, and I go to bed at night exhausted but happy. Then again, I think the man sleeping beside me at night has a lot to do with my overall happiness. Today, though, we’re going to celebrate Nan and Gino as they tie the knot.

  “You nearly ready, Bridge?” Kade asks as he comes into the bedroom. We just got moved in last weekend to the house. It feels good to set down some roots and if I didn’t have to work, I’d never leave it again! Kade kept telling me to pick what I wanted and then when I did, he would upgrade the shit! When I complained he was spending too much, he told me that we were living there the rest of our lives and he wanted what he wanted so we’d be happy raising a family there. He doesn’t know it, but I’ve got a secret that I plan to share with him tonight.

  “Yeah, Kade. Just gotta change my jewelry,” I reply. Yeah, we went and got our nipples pierced. Fucking hurt like hell, but I think he was the bigger baby. Not that I could share that shit with anyone, but damn, it was funny listening to a badass like him whine about his nipples hurting, that’s for sure! It took a few weeks for me to understand how they could improve our sex life since in the beginning we spent more time with ice packs than actually touching each other.

  “Baby, told you I’d do that,” he says, coming into the bathroom.

  “Uh, no, we wanna get there on time and every time you change it out, we end up on a marathon sexcapade,” I tell him. “Besides, I’m done now.”

  “Fuck, I think I like those best,” he states, looking at the gems I’ve put on. There’s a small gold chain that connects the two hoops and I know he’s already envisioning later by the look in his eyes and the tenting of his pants. “You sure we don’t have time?”

  “Patience is a virtue, Kade,” I tell him, spritzing some cologne on before I turn and face him.

  “Whatever,” he murmurs, pulling me close for a kiss that leaves me breathless.

  I apply another coat of lip gloss since he’s destroyed what I have on and say, “Okay, let’s go.”

  He grabs our bag because we’re staying at the clubhouse tonight and leads me out to his truck. We’re heading to the local church, which the other old ladies and I spent hours decorating yesterday. Nan didn’t want the fuss, but we all feel she deserves it, so we overruled her. Actually, her daughter-in-law dug her proverbial heels in and told her that she has spent a lot of time spoiling all of us, from the kids to the old ladies and their men, and it was her turn to be spoiled. Cara isn’t one to be messed with when she’s made a decision, her word was final and seeing as none of us had an issue with it, we all jumped on board and did what we could to help her out. She turned into a wedding planner and I’m shocked at what a phenomenal job she ended up doing. Trinity, Paisley and DJ did what they could despite the fact that they’ve all gotten bigger and I cannot wait to welcome a couple more babies into this crazy-ass family! Hannah started coming to therapy with me and it went a long way to healing who we are as sisters, something I’ll be forever grateful about, that’s for sure. Now if we can keep Talon and Claree from sneaking off and giving Chief a heart attack, it’ll be good.

  “Who’s on Talon and Claree watch today?” I ask as he navigates us toward the church.

  He chuckles before replying, “The two new prospects, Samson and Merrick.”

  “Oh, that should be fun,” I laugh, the new prospects are young guns and probably are turning a blind eye to their antics. I bet one of us finds them in a compromising position before the end of the night.

  The wedding was beautiful, and I shed a tear or two during their vows. The love and devotion those two have for each other is heart-warming and makes me look forward to the years to come with Kade. When Axe walked her in and then switched her over to Stephan to take her the rest of the way, I heard the quiet sobs of the other women. That small action showed how fully he had accepted Gino into his family and seeing how that young man’s shoulders straightened was an awesome sight. The staff at the Barn House are catering the reception as their gift to the newlyweds and I have laughed a few times at how Gino wants to check things and they shoo him away. They’ve done all the important things and we’re now waiting on them to have their first dance. Even cooler, we got to meet Nan’s brother, Pete, his daughter, Gracie, and her son, Max. Seeing him and Maysen was fucking adorable, although I thought Hatch was going to pull his hair out. Between DJ catching Claree and Talon making out and then seeing how attentive Max was to Maysen, I think he’s wanting to lock his daughter up and buy a gun or three. Well, maybe Chief wants more guns since it’s his daughter, after all.

  “You look beautiful,” Kade whispers.

  “You look mighty dashing yourself,” I reply. All of the guys wore suits that I swear were tailor-made because they fit them perfectly.

  “Wanna hit the dance floor?” he asks me.

  “Aren’t we supposed to wait for Nan and Gino to dance first?”

  “They snuck off, didn’t you watch them rush into the clubhouse?” I ask her.

  “No! Those two a
re worse than us, they haven’t stopped looking at each other all night. I swear they were giving each other signals to sneak off, at least they waited this long to do it.”

  “As honor bound as Gino is, I expect that they’ve waited, if you know what I mean.”

  “At their age? What a waste,” I respond, if Kade looks anything like Gino when he hits his age I know I wouldn’t have the self-restraint to wait.

  “They come from a different generation,” he replies. Well, he has a point there, I guess.

  “Are you sure it’ll be okay if we dance?”

  “Um, just saying but Axe and Cara are dancing already,” he states.

  “Then yes, I want to be held in your arms fully clothed.”

  As he leads me over to the dance floor, I hear “A Thousand Years” start up. Fuck, I love this song! He pulls me close and starts singing along in my ear and I can’t help the full body shivers he evokes in me. “Love you, Bridge,” he says, kissing my forehead before he drops down to one knee.

  “Kade? What are you doing?” I ask. All of our family and friends are now surrounding us and I’m looking at him like he’s crazy. He knows how much I hate having all of the attention focused on myself.

  “Bridget, a thousand years with you won’t be enough. I want an eternity. Will you marry me?” he asks.

  I can’t help the tears that overflow, likely making me look like a raccoon. This man...this man wanted me when all I was was a shattered human. He stood by me and helped me heal, one agonizing piece at a time, loving me through it all. I close my eyes and take a deep breath because I’m staring at forever. “Yes,” I murmur. When he doesn’t move, I reach down to pull him up and repeat myself. “Kade, I’d be honored to be your wife. The answer’s yes.”

  Apparently, the others heard me and as he slips the most gorgeous ring on my finger, the cheers go up from our family and friends. What a difference my life has become since tracking down my sister. I not only have a great relationship with her, but I’ve got a whole new family who has shown me what family is truly about. It isn’t about shared DNA and blood ties, it’s about honesty, loyalty and trust. I have a man that I never pictured entering my life, but I’m eternally grateful that he never gave up on me. And now, I have an announcement of my own, I’m hoping that he’s just as excited as I was when I found out.


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