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Destiny's Temprtress

Page 5

by Janelle Taylor

  As Blane returned to the White House, thoughts of Shannon filled his mind. He had to respect her wits and courage, her resolve and cunning. She was dangerously enticing, and he craved her. He was accustomed to women pursuing him, but Shannon had behaved as if he were nothing special. Her kisses had been playful, almost childlike. Yes, he told himself, that lady was as perilous as a Texas blue norther and as highly skilled as a Comanche warrior!

  At two the next day, loner and special agent Major Blane Stevens was gaping in disbelief as Silas Manning revealed his plan and confirmed Lincoln’s agreement. “It will work, Blane. Traveling as a family, you two could get in and out of places other agents couldn’t. With her acquaintances and talents, she’ll be an asset to you. Who would suspect a husband and wife, or a brother and sister? If you use that blind or lame act again, she could be your helper. She knows important people, Blane; she’s valuable to us. She’s quick, smart, and alert, son. With those looks and charms, in one day she could get facts it might take you weeks to obtain.”

  “It’s dangerous to take her along, sir. If I’m busy protecting or teaching her, how can I get my work done? What if we’re captured? You know they would go hard on her. Worse, they could try to use her to get at me. She might not be as tough as she acts or as loyal as she pretends. Besides, she wouldn’t take orders from me. She’s bullheaded and spoiled and conceited. Mark my words, sir; facing blood and guts, her mettle would vanish. In less than a week, I’d have a helpless female or crybaby on my hands. It won’t work.”

  “Shannon’s smarter than you realize, Blane. I daresay she’ll get you out of a few scrapes. She knows how to handle danger. I read something very special in her.” He didn’t want to tell Blane he had seen the tussle on the front lawn the night before. Those two would make an exceptional team. “Why don’t we tell her you’re going along as Rebel agent Major Steven James, as her protector and assistant? That way, if you’re captured, she couldn’t expose your real secret identity, The Blade. If you recall, she didn’t lose her wits when you captured her and intimidated her last night.”

  Blane didn’t care if she discovered his Steven James role, for many people knew about it. But few knew he was the legendary Union agent, the Blade. Shaking his head, Blane declared, “No way, sir. She would be unbearable if she believed she was my boss.”

  “How about becoming partners? I’ll tell her she must follow your lead during a crisis, since you’re the more experienced one.”

  Blane resisted Silas’s plan. “I don’t like this, sir. She could get us both killed. Steven James has plenty of helpers, but the Blade always works alone. She doesn’t know what she’ll be facing soon.”

  Silas coaxed, “Will you try it for a month? If it doesn’t work out, you can leave her in a safe place or bring her back to Washington. Do this for Abe and the Union, Blane. We can use Shannon’s help, even if it’s only as a protective cover for Major Steven James. And in case you haven’t considered another point, we need to learn if her brother is a captive at Danville and if he’s there working covertly for the Rebels. You haven’t forgotten that Abe and I know about you and Corry Greenleaf?” the silver-haired man hinted pointedly. “You’ll need her to identify him. If you are right about her motives, what safer place for a clever spy than under your eye and control? Think of the challenge, Blane—unmasking a bewitching spy or proving her innocent. Surely you aren’t afraid of her allure? I had believed you capable of handling any person or event,” he cunningly goaded. “I suppose I could assign another agent to Shannon. It might not be wise to pair you two, since your personal feelings are involved; that could hamper your actions and decisions. It could make matters worse for both of you when you discover she’s for real. I just wish our other agents were as superior as you are.”

  Blane paced the length of the room. He reflected that besides the danger to their lives, there was the danger to his emotions. Shannon, with her big blue eyes and flaming hair, was far too tempting. What if she were guilty? What if she were blameless? What if she refused to follow orders? What if she were injured? What about their nights together?

  Just after Blane related his decision, there was a knock on the door and Shannon was invited into the President’s study. Blane stood with his back to her, pretending to stare out the window, his fingertips jammed into his back pockets. Silas explained his ideas to Shannon. “President Lincoln agrees with my decision, but we can’t promise to get your brother out of prison,” he concluded.

  Shannon glanced at Blane’s back. He hadn’t moved or spoken. “Blane disagrees with you, doesn’t he, sir?” When Silas glanced away and Blane stiffened, she frowned. Why did Blane continue to doubt her words and talents? It was becoming a challenge to Shannon. Why couldn’t he take her along, the selfish brute? “I thought as much. Why?” she asked aloud. So much for her promise not to intrude on his life or see him again! she mused inwardly. Was that why he was annoyed? She was determined to change his mind.

  Blane let Silas express his feelings and doubts. “A month, Shannon, that’s all you have to prove you won’t be a hindrance or danger. Our main concern is the survival of the Union. Is that agreeable?”

  Shannon directed her reply to Blane in the form of a question. “If I promise to follow orders and stay out of trouble, will you give me a fair chance? If it doesn’t work out, you can drop me anywhere.”

  Blane turned and looked at her. “You tricked me last night. Today, I’m supposed to take your word without question or delay? You’re one of the few people who can successfully hide the truth from me. At times, my life could be in your hands. Another tumble out a window doesn’t appeal to me. If we were captured or detained, one slip from you and the Union could suffer. What if you were injured and I had to leave you some place? Would you betray me for revenge? Women can be rash or spiteful creatures. Both sides are fighting in the South. What happens when you see Southerners or friends slain or captured? What happens when you have to deceive them? This is talk; that’s reality. Would you turn against the Union? Against me? Why should I trust you?”

  Shannon rose and walked over to him. She gazed up into his skeptical expression. She sensed that his feelings had been aroused by more than just her or last night. “Please, Blane, I won’t deceive you again. I’ll do whatever you say—immediately. Take me. You won’t be sorry.”

  Blane wondered if she realized how her words sounded to him, especially when she used that stirring tone? He would like nothing better than to take her—right to his room to make love to her! As surely as her eyes were blue, this assignment would be trouble. Whatever happened, there would be no personal victory possible for him. But why not yield to Lincoln’s and Silas’s wishes? Shannon wouldn’t last a week on the trail. Maybe that was the best solution to this predicament.

  Blane shrugged and responded flippantly, “If I don’t let you tag along, you’ll only head out by yourself and get into trouble. I’m warning you now, woman. Stay close, keep your mouth shut, and obey orders. If you don’t, I’ll drop you faster than a hot branding iron.”

  Instead of insulting him or arguing, Shannon impulsively hugged him and thanked him. Blane eyed her anxiously. Trouble and temptation! “Shannon, there’s one other thing. If you’re lying to us and you turn traitor, woman or not, I’ll slay you where you stand. Understood?” He witnessed Shannon’s astonished look, then her nod of comprehension.

  The Texan escorted her to the hotel and left her at the door, reminding her of their dinner appointment to discuss their imminent journey. Shannon entered the building to be told that a man named Simon Travers and two soldiers were looking for her. Shannon’s face paled. She told the clerk she would be staying at the White House. If anyone wanted or needed her, she could be contacted through her friend and host, President Lincoln. Shannon prayed that that news would stall Travers.

  Shannon quickly packed selected items in a carpet bag. She paid the hotel clerk to have her other cases sent over to the White House before dinner. Shannon immediately went
to speak with Silas before Travers could return. If he dared to come to the White House, the President’s assistant might help her avoid or thwart him. With luck, she and Blane could be gone before Travers found the courage to seek her there.

  Upon her arrival, Shannon was taken to a private study. When Silas Manning joined her, she inquired, “I know this is presumptuous, sir, but can I stay here until Blane and I leave? There’s a man from Boston named Simon Travers following me, and I’d like to avoid him if possible.”

  “No one would harm a woman under the protection of the President. What has this Simon Travers done?” When he saw Shannon’s reaction to his query, he smiled and remarked, “Blane told me about him. There’s more to this matter with Travers than a romantic and financial pursuit, isn’t there? Blane told me that every time his name was mentioned, you went pale and shaky, as you did just then. I know you have mettle and wits, Shannon. Why does he terrify you?”

  Lincoln’s minion was a gentle and wise man, and Shannon felt she could trust him and depend on him. “Simon Travers…tried to force himself on me several times, but I have no proof. When my maid tried to stop him the last time, he had her arrested for theft. He’s wicked and powerful, sir. The local authorities refused to defy him. They said I had to remain with him. The day I ran away, he had removed the lock on my bedroom door and I overheard him giving the servants the night off. I knew what he was planning. I knocked him out, bound him, and locked him in a closet. I took some of my money and escaped. I traveled westward for two days to throw him off my trail. Then I disguised myself as a man and came to seek President Lincoln’s help to find Corry. Travers would never challenge my brother.” She stopped before telling him about Hawke and his role in her life. For now, that information was too private and complex to expose.

  “You are a spunky, ingenious woman,” he complimented her. “Until that paper can be proven a forgery and your charges against him true, Abe would have no choice but to return you to his custody. It’s a shame you’ll have vanished before he can hear Travers’s claims and carry out the law,” he hinted, then laughed roughly as he winked at Shannon.

  Shannon smiled. “Thank you, sir. I’m sorry about Sally being jailed because of me, but I couldn’t help her. Can President Lincoln send word demanding her release, or a full investigation? I know I’m asking many favors, but a woman alone during these times falls prey to evil men like Simon Travers. I’m sure he’s convinced the soldiers he’s with that I stole money from him, just as he’s probably shown them that false guardianship paper. If he gets his hands on me again, everything will be lost.”

  “Relax, Miss Shannon Greenleaf, for you have three strong, smart men on your side. We won’t let him catch you. From now on, you’re our responsibility. If this Travers shows up, I’ll send him over to Mrs. Lucy’s. She’ll detain him for a spell to give you a chance to get away. I’ll see to a few matters while you get disguised.”

  “Does that mean you’re still letting me go with Blane? When?”

  “Right now, Shannon. You did say you could ride?”

  “Like a champion,” she responded happily and proudly.

  He chuckled at her expression. “Then how about slipping into pants, boots, and a shirt? I have a feeling this Travers is a persistent fellow. Let’s get you out of here quickly and safely. From now on, you’re the Flame, a notorious Union spy,” he mirthfully informed her.

  Silas left while Shannon hurriedly switched garments. She folded her gown and placed it inside the bag that she had brought with her. She exchanged her slippers for riding boots, and after braiding her hair, she donned her felt hat to conceal it. She wouldn’t be able to wait for her valises to arrive. When the jovial Silas returned, she announced eagerly, “Ready, sir.”

  He scanned her appearance. “Perfect. Only one problem,” he murmured. “I can’t locate your partner. I’m sending you out of town with one of the soldiers. He knows where to stop and wait for Blane. When he joins you, you two will ride close to the Potomac River until just before Fredericksburg. Then you’ll head for Richmond. If you two get separated for any reason, Shannon, try to make it to Miss Elizabeth Van Lew’s. She’s on our side. Take these.”

  Shannon looked at the small gun and knife he was handing her. She smiled as she placed the weapons’ belt around her waist. “I’ll be careful, sir, and I won’t let you and the President down.”

  Within ten minutes, Shannon was following a soldier’s horse as they galloped out of town. They rode hard and fast for an hour, then halted and concealed themselves. For a time, all Shannon could think about was escaping Travers and finding Corry. As two hours passed and darkness surrounded them, her thoughts shifted to the unpredictable and mysterious Blane Stevens. Her mind traveled to Hawke, with his sparkling mahogany eyes and dark sable hair, so different in looks yet so similar in prowess and character to that hazel-eyed blond.

  Around ten o’clock, Shannon tried to persuade the soldier to return to town, insisting, “Either something’s happened to Major Stevens or he’s on his way. I’ll be fine. If something’s wrong, you can return to warn me. I’ll wait here until dawn, then follow Mister Manning’s instructions. I was told where to meet Major Stevens if we got separated or if we met with trouble.” The soldier refused to leave her.

  At midnight, Shannon encouraged his departure again. He hesitated. He was hungry, weary, and nervous. Major Stevens was to bring the supplies, and the soldier was confident that Stevens was invincible. Surely he would be along shortly. If not, who would know? He didn’t like hanging around this ravishing beauty who was under Lincoln’s protection, and who inspired severe hunger pains in his groin. And that rich widow he was seeing could become annoyed at his tardiness and drop him. He didn’t want to risk losing any of her favors—in or out of bed.

  Shannon was delighted when the soldier mounted and left. Now she felt she could relax while she waited for Blane. She didn’t require a bodyguard, especially one who kept rubbing his protruding crotch whenever he thought she didn’t notice. She wondered if most men were consumed by the urgency to bed any available woman whenever they were afflicted by uncontrollable swellings and pains in that private region. She knew her brothers had often assuaged such desires, for she had secretly witnessed a few of those wanton encounters and startling pleasures, but she had never been tempted to experience them—at least she hadn’t until Blane!

  Shannon yanked her mind from such forbidden thoughts. She was concealed, and she had a gun and a knife. And she was certain that the soldier had been anxious to depart. As another hour passed, Shannon fretted over Blane’s delay. Traveling and working with him was going to be stimulating, if he ever arrived. She wondered if this were some sort of test of her courage and obedience. Perhaps he was observing her at this very minute.

  Shannon leaned back against a tree and closed her eyes to rest them. Rising early this morning had added to her lack of sleep the night before and her weariness was beginning to reveal itself. She listened to the night sounds and began to doze.

  Suddenly a stirring sensation flooded her as Blane’s lips nibbled at hers before he kissed her soundly. She yielded to his arms and mouth, then a peaceful sigh escaped her lips as she nestled her head against his shoulder. “I was worried about you, Blane,” she said unknowingly.

  “I can tell you were,” he teased, shaking her to arouse her. He didn’t know why he had felt compelled to kiss her, but he had enjoyed it. “What the hell are you doing here alone? Where’s your escort? I’ll have him hanged for desertion. And why are you sleeping, woman? Enemy scouts could be working in this area.” Blane wondered if she had forced her escort to leave her alone for some devious reason. He still hadn’t decided which approach to take with her tonight or in the future.

  Shannon was awake by then. She explained her solitude and fatigue. “Where have you been? I’ve been waiting for hours.”

  “I didn’t know you were missing until I went to the hotel to fetch you for dinner. When I got to the White House, Sil
as was in a meeting. The man he left on duty to inform me of the change in plans had an accident. By the time I learned what was happening, it was late. I packed and here I am. You shouldn’t have been left alone. You’re my responsibility, woman.”

  Blane realized how easily those words had left his mouth. He did feel a curious possessiveness, he rationalized. She owed him! Until he finished with her, he wasn’t about to let any man take Shannon Greenleaf, especially not the slimy-fingered Travers. It disturbed him to know she had been honest about this, for he knew about Travers’s visits to the hotel and White House, and he knew about Shannon’s explanation to Silas this afternoon. He had viewed the papers in Travers’s possession; he had heard Travers’s allegations and claims. More vexingly, he had observed the predatory gleam in that devil’s eyes. Lord, what would he do if he discovered she was being totally honest?

  “We’re too close to town to camp here. Travers is putting on the pressure to locate you. Your little ruse in Boston really annoyed him. It’s my guess he’s out for blood, if he can’t have you.” When she looked alarmed, he caressed her cheek and coaxed, “Don’t worry about him. If he shows up again, I’ll take good care of Simon Travers for you. Demons and charmers rile my temper and boil my blood.”

  Shannon recognized the intimidating tone in his voice and the look on his face. Was he being serious? Would he be her bodyguard? Maybe she had judged him too harshly, too rapidly. She smiled. “With you, Silas, and the President on my side, I’m not worried.” She stretched and yawned.

  Blane eyed her. He knew she would need time to adjust to the demands of the trail. Should he allow it? If he hadn’t met Travers today…

  “You’ll ride with me for a few hours and get some sleep,” announced Blane. “You’re no good to either of us in this condition,” he added somewhat harshly to hide his rankling feelings. He would find another place to deposit this bag of fluff, out of Travers’s reach.


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