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To Love a Shooting Star

Page 9

by K'Anne Meinel

  Sean wasn’t sure the boy had really understood the question. Neither of the young men wanted Elijah to overhear so Sean leaned forward and asked “but doesn’t it bother you that our moms are together as a couple?” He wondered if Peter was old enough to understand the sex part.

  Peter understood but was puzzled at the older boy’s questions “No, it doesn’t bother me. My mom’s the happiest I’ve seen her in years. Your mom seems very happy, isn’t that a good thing?”

  Sean nodded thoughtfully as he glanced at Brad. Elijah returned with a bowl of pretzels to share. It was apparent he had overheard when he said “your mom is awesome, she let me drive the golf cart and now with the bike, you know about the bike?” He looked at Sean questioningly.

  Sean shook his head at the little boy.

  “Your mom got this awesome bike for four people to ride on. She and Peter hooked up an automatic peddle to it too, it took them forever. Your mom can really swear” he said in awe, apparently impressed that a woman such as Kate knew such words “but it’s so much fun, you’ve GOT to ride with us tomorrow.”

  Something clicked into place for both Sean and Brad at that point. These boys along with their moms had a home life. It didn’t matter that it was two women together, it made them a family. That was what their mom had been doing. While they were off making new lives with their friends, she had begun a new family and by extension these boys were are part of theirs. That night as the young men got ready for bed after a marathon session of Guitar Hero with their younger new friends they discussed things and found their thoughts had been similar. Their girlfriends pointed out that they had nothing really to be upset about, their mom was the same cool woman they had always known, and nothing had really changed except that she was more open about it.

  Kate had changed since she had come into her inheritance. She was classier, not the jeans and T-Shirt mom they had known in their youth. The money had made a difference. When she had immediately invested her share her brothers had been condescending not believing that a mere woman without the educational background could know what she was doing but Kate had approached it for months before she had actually received the monies with a thorough studying of the market and a lot of questions of a stock broker. The thoroughness had paid off and increased her wealth over the years. Her brothers were astounded and perhaps a little envious, they hadn’t made as much. Once she decided to move to California this too had been met with skepticism. Her books had been treated as a ‘nice little hobby’ and Kate didn’t even try to justify this to her family. They didn’t understand her anyway, she wasn’t going to try to explain. She just quietly went about her business and quite successfully too. The boys though had always supported their mom and her decisions. They saw how hard she had worked to turn a nice little inheritance into something so much more. The books had been a happy surprise and gave their Mom some minor fame.

  Discussing things after their new friends had gone to bed the two young men realized that the boys had been right. Their Mom was happier. It had been apparent for months when they spoke to her on the phone. They had both assumed it was the climate of living in California or some more success through her books. It had never occurred to either of them that their Mom had someone in her life. She had been alone for years, or so they thought. A few minor things clicked into place as they thought over years past. While their Mom had always been discrete, apparently more than they realized or appreciated, she didn’t need to be in her own family. She shouldn’t have to hide. Apparently Erin was very important in her life that she was willing to openly share the fact of their relationship.

  The next morning the guys were surprised to find Erin making pancakes and French toast for breakfast. There was no sign of their mother. At first it was awkward but Erin soon made them feel comfortable. She was obviously at home in their mother’s kitchen. She wasn’t ‘the star’ they would have expected. She was soon laughing with them over stories of other Christmas’ they had with their Mom. They laughed that she had tied up the Christmas tree early this year, apparently a common occurrence in their household and not just from the cat. She seemed to have a knack for choosing trees that perpetually leaned until they came down with a crash. Erin now understood why Kate had insisted that Erin and the two boys bring the tree that they chose instead of the four of them going out and choosing together, that way it wasn’t Kate’s fault when it fell. The girlfriends joined them and then later Erin’s two boys. They all joined in on the nostalgic Christmas stories. Each remembered something from Christmas’ past that they contributed to the conversation. Kate was still a no show as they finished their breakfasts and decided what to do that day.

  “Where’s Mom?” Sean finally asked Erin.

  “Oh she ate early and went out by the pool. I think she’s still out there with the animals.” Erin went to look but didn’t see Kate or the animals around the decks. “I don’t see her, maybe she is out in the orchard or gardens.”

  The guys decided to go out for a walk with their girlfriends to show them the orchards they invited Peter and Elijah. The six of them began walking and Sean was pointing out some things that Elijah corrected him on. Sean looked at him in surprise.

  “Your Mom has been showing us some of this for a while” Peter laughed.

  Conceding that the boy had a point, they practically lived here if what they had said was true, Sean relaxed. He only saw his Mom once or twice a year. This kid saw her all the time. Brad noticed his look and laughed to himself. They hadn’t been very nice to their Mom yesterday but Erin had been a surprise. She was really nice though and the conversation he had overheard his Mom have with Erin up in the lighthouse had made him feel bad. He was determined to make it up to her. She was right, if Erin made her happy who were they to judge.

  They found Kate at the back of the property digging a new raised bed putting in dirt in the already rock outlined area. She was pretty dirty, almost as though she had rolled in the bed. She looked up in surprise as C.A.T. and D.O.G. dashed off from where they were laying in the shade to greet her guests. Shading her eyes from the sun caused more dirt to get on her sweaty brow. “Hey guys, whatcha doing back here?” she asked.

  “We were taking a walk and seeing where you were.” Sean answered cordially.

  Kate was surprised at his tone. She thought the boys would stay angry longer but she was relieved that apparently that was past. She saw by where they were standing that they had accepted Erin who had also just walked up and was standing between the boys and their girlfriends and next to Erin’s boys. Kate felt a little overwhelmed but seeing as they weren’t being hostile thought perhaps it had blown over. She was relieved. “Well I wanted to get this bed in before Jose comes back or he would have done it for me.”

  The boys laughed knowing their Mom. She loved landscaping. Having to concede that there was just too much work for one woman to do with the orchards and the garden and flower beds had been a real blow for her but she raved about Jose and part of his pay was in food. Brad asked “what did you plan to do today?”

  Kate considered for a moment “well MY shopping is all finished” she kind of rubbed that in grinning at her boys and Erin “but we do need more lights.”

  At this Elijah started jumping up and down and going “yeah, we have to finish lining the topiary trees and we ran out.”

  “So I say we should all clean up” at this Kate looked down at herself and grinned, she hadn’t started out this dirty “and go into town. What do you all say?” she glanced around at her visitors.

  It was unanimous and they started to head back. Erin stayed and helped Kate pack up her tools. “What did you say to them?” Kate asked Erin quietly.

  “Not a thing. I just cooked them breakfast. Feed a hungry man...” she started to hum a well-known commercial and Kate laughed.

  Christmas was fun for all of them. Everyone made an effort and it showed. On Christmas Eve Kate surprised Erin by inviting her and the boys to a Christmas Eve service at church. Erin k
new Kate wasn’t particularly religious but this apparently was an expected ritual and Kate’s two boys and their girlfriends were going so Erin figured why not, her boys needed some culture. Their entrance into church, which Kate made sure was early was not overly noted. The minister recognized Kate sort of. She had mentioned that she was a season ticket holder to church, she went in season, when she felt like it. Christmas, Easter, or any time she wanted. It wasn’t until the church was packed full that people started noticing Erin but no one made her uncomfortable. Kate’s boys got a kick out of being in ‘her’ party.

  When they got home, everyone was ‘allowed’ to open only one package. Kate’s boys had given her a hard time over this over the years. Their tradition stated you couldn’t open even one package until Christmas DAY and only on Christmas DAY! Many was the year though that they had woke her up just after midnight to start their Christmas day. Since Erin had other traditions they all compromised to this one gift. Kate in retaliation made sure her boys opened wool socks. Living in Wisconsin they needed these socks but they didn’t find it quite as funny as Kate did.

  On Christmas morning, Elijah got everyone up at the break of dawn. As he was the only one who still believed in Santa (sorta, and just in case) he had more presents than anyone. Each of the boys had given their mother books, she had given them each a video camera. The girlfriends each got lovely framed pictures of their boyfriends, as babies with naked bottoms. The boys didn’t appreciate Kate’s sense of humor here either. Erin loved it, the camaraderie that the boys now shared with Kate and the teasing went on and on. This was how Kate had described it. Not the tense first day. Kate had given Erin a locket with pictures of her own son’s within. Her boys were in on the gift and smiled in the shared conspiracy with Kate. Kate also gave her a coffee table book on French architecture which she really looked forward to reading. Erin gave Kate a book on the history of Hollywood but she had given Kate some rather risqué negligee’s in their bedroom. Kate was still blushing over that.

  Jill and Lana found it odd that there was no snow for Christmas but they soon found advantages to being able to swim and have a bar-b-que on a holiday. It was beautiful and relaxing. Later the boys played some of the new games for the video console that Santa had brought. Eventually it ended up being girls against guys in rotation as Kate and Erin joined in. Erin won the day at Guitar Hero though and this stumped all of them. She laughed at all their surprised faces.

  Over the next week the boys, their girlfriends, Erin’s two boys, and occasionally the mom’s went sightseeing all over Santa Barbara and up and down the coast. As the girls had never been there the boys took great delight in showing them around, eating at nice restaurants on Mom’s credit card, and even Erin’s two boys showed them places they didn’t know. They met Erin’s sister Cici and her family when they came up to visit and everyone seemed to fit into this extended family.

  On New Year’s Eve they all took a long horseback ride into the hills, seeing sights that no one was familiar with but that the guide pointed out for them. As it was Elijah and Peter’s first time on horses, Erin was naturally worried but the ranch took into account their inexperience and gave them docile horses. Erin was an excellent rider, having learned for some of her films. She was pleased to see that Kate looked great in the saddle as well.

  They had decided to stay home for New Year’s but that didn’t mean they weren’t going to party. Erin and Kate had picked up some new wines they intended to try. They had even gotten sparkling apple juice for Erin’s two and the girlfriends because they didn’t drink. Kate’s sons were both of age and limited themselves anyway. Between video games, board games, and card games the time passed all too quickly and they were soon wishing everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR! No one seemed to mind when Erin gave Kate a peck on the mouth. She gave each of Kate’s boys one as well and they blushed becomingly.

  The holiday came to an end and Erin and her two boys came with Kate to wish the boys and their girlfriends off on the airplane. Peter and Elijah would really miss them, they had had so much fun together despite the age gap. Sean had made sure that they not only got footballs but knew how to throw them. Brad had taught them how to take a hit and to give as good as they got. The side lawn, the most level area was well used by the end of that holiday. Frisbee tag had been enjoyed by all and Erin had been delighted when Brad had not only tackled her but repeatedly apologized. It was all delightful family fun.

  In January Erin’s work began in earnest. All that fall she had been in and out of meetings, hiring people for the project due to begin soon. The notes she had Kate write had brought Kate on as a writer along with the original screen play writer and two others who finished the details. They treated Kate as an equal, even if she had never done this type of work before, they found her advice invaluable and she was able to see the conversations and motions in her head which helped immeasurably. Kate found the processes exhausting. The writers had to be around to explain things to the actors if they weren’t getting a scene. Kate kept herself from getting too involved there but it was fascinating to watch Erin work. She was incredibly professional and good at what she did. Neither one of them brought their work home with them and that was a good thing because once production and filming started there were long hours and very little personal time for the next four months.

  Kate worked out a deal whereby Jose’s wife came in once a week to clean her house and check on the cats she left at the estate. She only got there once a week herself if she was lucky. Fortunately she had her lap top so when she could she would work on one of her books. Erin had made room in her clothes closet and dresser for Kate but they were kinda scrunched in at her place. Kate had done the same with Erin but then she had a lot more room up in Santa Barbara. Kate had lost count of the times Erin gave her a message that the boys forgot this or forgot that and could she bring such and such. Kate didn’t mind. It felt good and it felt right. C.A.T. and D.O.G. were a familiar sight in her Rover going up to Santa Barbara or hanging out windows through the Hollywood Hills to Erin’s place. They knew the routine and enjoyed the excitement.

  As the movie was filming Kate tried very hard not to be on the set when Erin was filming her love scenes with Ethan Drummings, it disturbed her even if they were just ‘working’. He was younger than Erin but then Erin didn’t look her age. He was Irish, good looking, and extremely charming. They were seen in public together for publicity and to give some speculation to the tabloids. Kate didn’t feel her best though to watch HER girlfriend making love to a man, any man. She was surprised at how possessive she felt towards Erin and tried to hide it. Erin expected professionalism and realism in her movies. As the one calling the shots though she would rush to watch a playback and if it wasn’t what she had envisioned would require retakes over and again until they got it right. Ethan joked that it was the hardest ‘job’ he had ever had making love to Erin Ingram! Erin didn’t mind nudity in her films and she demanded authenticity, it made Kate uncomfortable and she made herself absent when those were being filmed. The scenes showed something good, something so very wonderful, everyone could see something special coming from this. As hard as everyone was working showed in the class of the film. They were doing something right.

  Once the movie was ‘in the can’ now came the arduous task of editing and this called for late nights for Erin. She often didn’t come home until her boys were well in bed and she’d look in on them, giving them a kiss and smoothing their hair. She knew how lucky she was having Kate there to help her. Kate had finally met Sandy and that had gone as well as Erin had expected. Sandy had been condescending, self-righteous, defending her ‘turf’ as the boys ‘other’ mom, and downright rude. Kate had risen to the occasion marvelously. She treated Sandy with a mixture of respect and firmness, not letting Sandy get to her she wouldn’t let her turn everything into an argument, how can you argue with someone who agrees with you? Sandy hadn’t realized it until it was too late that Kate had been amused and had been laughing at her, this
made her angrier but there was nothing she could do without making herself look like a fool.

  Kate had even gone so far as to arrange Peter’s 13th party for Erin who had absolutely no time and would have farmed it out to her secretary otherwise. Kate made it very personal and invited everyone Peter wanted including Sandy and Ceci and family as well as Kate’s two boys who sent presents and their regards but could not attend because of school. A typical teenager’s party they held it at the Fun Center. The kids could roller skate, play video games, eat pizza to their heart’s content, and make more noise than an adult was sure they didn’t want to hear. Sandy had wanted something quiet and at her home but Erin told her this was what Peter had wanted so that ended that but it didn’t help Sandy’s relationship with Kate who handled all the details. Ceci even told Sandy off at the party when she said some snide remark about Kate. Ceci thought Kate was a good helpmate to Erin and had heard all about the work that she had done on Erin’s movie. Erin and she had gotten together a couple of times for lunch and Erin couldn’t sing Kate’s praises high enough, even Ceci could see for herself how happy Kate made Erin without really seeming to try. The care, the love, the respect was so apparent in their relationship.

  Kate got news that Sean was getting his Master’s in June and he wanted to be sure that not only Kate but Erin and family would be attending. He wanted to move back to California and had been sending out resumes in that area. Could he live at home for a while? Kate was delighted at the prospect, having not lived with her son in six years.

  Erin wasn’t sure that she could attend the graduation but seeing how disappointed Kate was had made the time. They flew in on a commercial jet to Minneapolis on that Friday and drove over to the college that night staying in a Holiday Inn Express. Kate apologized to Erin that it wasn’t a five star hotel but Erin laughed at her saying it was fine. The ceremony wasn’t until 2 in the afternoon so the four of them had plenty of time to kill that Saturday. Kate and Erin shopped for a car to give as a present to Sean from his Mom. She found him a nice economical Toyota and had a big red bow put around it. Kate drove it up on the lawn of his frat house and walked to the door with a large envelope in hand. None of his frat brothers knew her so she looked like a process server or something when she asked to speak to Sean McCall, immediately. Blurry eyed he answered the door.


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