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The Dead Fortress: A LitRPG Epic (World of Samar Book 3)

Page 18

by LitRPG Freaks

  They had all hit level 45 that morning, after two days of questing in the swamps, but hadn’t received any quests telling them what the next dungeon might be, or what level. During their wanderings for crafting materials, they had found an entrance to a cave, a very large cave, with no name and no indication of what it was on their map.

  “You think this is the next dungeon?” Arthur asked.

  “Nothing pops up when you reach out towards it,” Jimmy said shrugging. “Might not be the right level yet.”

  “Then let’s stay away from it for now,” Bishop said.

  Jimmy rolled his eyes, wondering what happened to his friend’s carefree attitude of late, to see Bishop looking at the cave with wide eyes and his face pale. He looked like he was going to be sick.

  “You alright, man? What’s with the scared shitless face?”

  “Nothing, I’m good,” he said, but his voice shook. “We should keep moving. The others will be waiting for us back in the village.”

  Jimmy and Arthur watched him stumble over his feet as he hurried away from the entrance to the cave and moved south, towards the largest village in the region. All it had were a few homes, a shop, an inn, and one stable, but it was better than anything else they found so far. But there were no trainers and Jimmy was ready to upgrade his next skill. So, they were meeting back up after farming for materials to use their Demon Shards. Bishop led the way, walking quickly despite the mud trying to catch him up and drag his boots off.

  The other day, when Jimmy had spotted Maverick and Calista talking, he had had a feeling it was about Bishop. Maverick finally told him last night they were worried he was hiding his issues from the guild again, but Jimmy hadn’t wanted to believe it. Bishop was in the best mood he’d been since they had started the game.

  But after seeing his reaction to that cave entrance, Jimmy’s heart sank and his gut twisted. Bishop was terrified of the Demon world. He hadn’t said he was seeing Valenastrious anymore but, obviously, something had him spooked. Jimmy wanted to tell Maverick what just happened when they reached the village, but Bishop was right there beside him. Once they had a moment alone, he’d confide in her.

  “Anything fun out your way?” Calista asked.

  “Think we found the entrance to the next dungeon,” Arthur informed them. “Not sure though. Nothing popped up when I got close and it’s not showing up on the map even though we discovered it. Weird, really.”

  “What did it look like?” Maverick asked.

  “A cave, a very large massive, ominous cave,” Jimmy said. “But you couldn’t see anything in it.”

  “Was there actually a portal?”

  “It shimmered,” Jimmy said and Bishop looked as if he’d been slapped. “You alright, fearless leader?”

  “Huh?” He started to see everyone staring at him and grinned. “Yeah, I’m good, just thinking about the next dungeon. You know, don’t want it to turn out like the last one did.”

  “Right, pretty sure no one does,” Jimmy said. “How about we head to Hillside?”

  The last thing Jimmy wanted to think was Bishop was suffering under the strain of this game and too afraid or too ashamed to tell his friends about the situation. But as he stood beside him, making ready to transport them all back to Hillside, he felt him trembling beside him as if they were getting ready to charge headfirst into battle. Bishop faced down their enemies and entered all their fights strong and with a brave face; the man beside him now was no longer their fearless leader. He was gone, replaced by this shaking and confused man.

  If they entered their next dungeon with Bishop so out of whack, Jimmy doubted they’d all make it out alive.


  Bishop stepped into the darkened room and took a few deep breaths trying to calm his out of control nerves. His stash of booze had run out last night and, this morning, when he woke, the first thing he saw was Valen’s smirking face in the mirror. He sat huddled in his room as long as he could before he forced himself to head out to see the others. He avoided the mirrors and looking in any reflective surface, terrified he’d see her again.

  Terrified she’d reach out and snatch him away.

  Once they were logged into the game, his hands shook so bad, he had to tuck them in his cloak and suggest they spend the day catching up on crafting materials and farming so he wouldn’t have to try and shoot anything. He doubted he could’ve held his bow steady enough to kill a damn rabbit, let alone a Demon charging him down.

  The wall lit up when he approached, showing the abilities he would be able to upgrade. He reached for Stunning Blow, ready to increase the range on the hit, when a brush of cold air on his back made him freeze.

  “Bishop, it has been too long, my pet.”

  “No,” he gasped and whipped around, but the rest of the room remained in pitch darkness. “You can’t be in here! Just leave me alone!”

  “But I’ve missed you,” she purred. “Haven’t you missed me?”

  “Go away.” He shut his eyes tightly and backed up until he hit the wall, sinking to the floor. “Just leave me alone already!”

  “I can’t do that. You’re special, Bishop, don’t you realize that by now? I need you. All three of us need you.”

  He perked up at that, but regretted the second he did. He was no longer in the darkness of the skills room, but in a massive cavern lit by braziers boasting green flames. A throne sat before him, crafted from bones and horns. Valenastrious sat upon it, legs crossed and arms resting at her sides. The panic he expected to settle over him never came. Instead, a strange comfort settled over his shoulders.

  “Where are we?” he asked, not getting up.

  “You know where. Please, have a drink, you must be thirsty.”

  Bishop glanced at the table of refreshments nearby and spied a bottle with amber liquid in it. He licked his lips, but didn’t move. “It’s not real.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “Yes, I’m sure.”

  Her smile faltered. “I’m surprised at you, Bishop. I offer you a drink out of the kindness of my heart, as any good hostess would, and you turn me down. How rude you are for a hero.”

  “Take me back, please. I’m not anything to you, alright?”

  “Aren’t you though? You are the only one who can see what this world really is, even if you don’t realize it yet.”

  He shook his head and covered it with his arms. “You’re not really here and I’m not really here. I’m back in Hillside, working on my upgrades. That’s all. You’re not real.” He repeated the mantra over and over but, when he peeked out the gape in his arms, he was still facing down Valenastrious on her throne.

  “Sorry, but I’m not finished with you yet.”

  “I can’t do anything for you, alright? I’m a damn player in a damn beta test! I didn’t design this world or this game. I have nothing to do with anything that could help you! I’m here to play the game and defeat you and your armies!”

  Her talons tapped out a steady rhythm on her throne. “I know that is what you tell yourself, but you know the truth deep down. You were never meant to be a hero. You are meant to be with me, here, helping me take over Samar, amongst other things.”

  Bishop stiffened and somehow found his feet. “Other things? What do you mean other things?”

  When she grinned, flashing her fangs, his heart pounded in his chest. “See, you are curious.”

  He stalked towards her throne and glared fiercely at her. “All I want to know is why you’re doing this to me and my friends? Why? What did I ever do to become this so-called chosen person?”

  Uncertainty crossed her face, taking Bishop aback. “Daemyn seems to think you’re important does he not? And what Daemyn finds important, I always take an interest in. Like the Red Witch for example. Such a strong, yet delicate woman.”

  “I wouldn’t call her delicate.” He glanced around the cavernous room, feeling more comfortable by the second and, dare he say it, more at home.

  “Not now, no, n
ot after what he’s done to her.”

  “You’re saying she was different in an earlier version of the game?”

  “No, I mean she was different in real life.”

  Bishop blinked a few times and grinned. “Ah, I get it. You mean she was a normal NPC and then he changed her into the Red Witch. He needed a new character, big deal.”

  Valen growled and snapped her jaws. “You fool, are you so blind you can’t see what’s before you? Daemyn has you as fooled as the rest of them, thinking this world is only a game, that it’s safe. That he’s safe out there in his special facility.”

  “How do you know all of this?”

  Her lips stretched wide in a wicked grin. “One day soon, you will come to understand the dangerous world you have entered, Bishop. One day soon, you will realize the smart path is to choose my side and help me take Daemyn and the rest of them down for what they have done to me.”

  Bishop shook his head. “I don’t understand, what did he do to you? Did he reprogram you or something?” If she was a computer program, she shouldn’t know that, but then again, Dennis was getting into AI with this game. On some level, he guessed it was possible to be conscious of changes made to their characters.

  “Or something,” she repeated. “The next time you speak with your beloved Daemyn, ask him of me and the Red Witch. Ask him who we really are to him.”

  “You said three,” he pointed out. “Who else?”

  Her eyes flared green as she seethed, “Tavin.”

  “What?” But even as he said it, it only made sense, except for the part about the Red Witch. She showed no signs of being like the others and leaving her scripted part in the game. “You’re saying the three of you, Daemyn did something.”

  “You clearly are not yet ready to know the truth.”

  “Yes I am, damn it! Tell me and stop toying with my life!”

  But then he was jerked from the cavern and landed back on his feet in the dark room, the skill tree glowing behind him as if he had never left.

  Pissed at this game and Dennis for dragging him into a mess no one fully understood, he smashed his fist into the wall. Despite the pain, he did it again and again, each hit venting his frustration and his anger. He needed more to drink and soon. He’d find Dennis when he logged out today and discover a way to sneak more of the man’s booze. Bishop was surprised the old man hadn’t noticed any missing yet.

  Perhaps it was time to stop filling the flask and take a whole bottle. He wanted to drown out Valen’s words, forget how comfortable and at home he had felt in her presence and in her castle in Vorgan. He was a hero and he was going to remain a hero.


  Five days later, Jimmy was holding up his hands after spending a weekend with a very quiet Harrison. “Alright, people, we called this meeting to order to talk about Bishop,” he said to the guild, hiding in an empty room at the tavern. Zoe and Giles were keeping Bishop busy, asking him to help them craft new bows.

  “Good, so we’ve all noticed he’s not himself,” Trajan grunted. “What’s gotten into his head lately? I mean I enjoy a good intense rumble now and again, but he doesn’t seem to care anymore.”

  “It’s not only that, but he was terrified when we were at that cave,” Jimmy said.

  “You think it’s Valen?”

  “No, maybe, but he claims he hasn’t had any weird incidents in days,” Jimmy muttered. “He’s clearly hiding something and we need to find out what before he gets us all killed. We’re one level away from the next dungeon. I don’t want to walk into a massive fight with Bishop out of sorts.”

  Everyone nodded in agreement. “Do we have a plan?” Benji piped up.

  “Maverick and Calista think it’s time we speak with Dennis about what’s going on, see if he can’t pry some information out of Bishop.” Jimmy nodded towards the women. “Dennis is his friend, too and seems to confide in him a lot. If something’s bothering him, maybe he’ll confess it to him.”

  “You think he’ll spill before we enter that cave?”

  Jimmy puffed out his cheeks. “Honestly, I’m not sure what to think anymore, but I don’t want to watch him fall to pieces. He’s my friend and I want to help him, even if he thinks we can’t handle the truth of what he’s going through.”

  Calista shifted uncomfortably on her feet and avoided Jimmy’s stare.

  “Something else you want to add?” he asked, but she shook her head.

  “Not yet at least, but if that changes, I’ll let you all know.”

  “Alright then. We try to fix Bishop before the dungeon,” Jimmy said. “And if it doesn’t work, well then let’s all pray we somehow manage to get out of it in one piece.”

  Jimmy glanced down when a message blinked into his view from Giles saying they couldn’t keep Bishop any longer. He was starting to get suspicious and left the Crafting Hall to find the guild and go over their plan for the dungeon.

  “Time’s up. He’s on his way to find us,” Jimmy announced. “Remember, when we log out today, we’ll track down Dennis and see if we can get him to talk to Bishop.”

  Jimmy followed everyone out of the room and they just made it to a table and sat down when Bishop strolled in, followed by worried-looking Giles and Zoe. They sighed in relief to see the guild all clustered around a large round table, talking loudly amongst each other.

  “There they are!” Jimmy boasted and dragged Bishop closer. “We were going to start planning without you.”

  “Planning without the mastermind, that sounds like a great idea,” Bishop said, clapping him on the shoulder. “You know none of your plans ever work out well enough, and didn’t you say something about hating caves?”

  Jimmy’s smile was stuck on his face. The man before him was not the same man he had seen standing white-faced and terrified outside the cave, or the man he had talked to last night. “Mines, I said I hated mines,” he corrected, sitting down with him. “But I’m sure this is going to be just as bad. What’s his name?”

  “Demon Lord Drax,” Maverick supplied. “And all we know for sure is that he likes the swamp.”

  “And he has giant Demonic insects as his guards,” Trajan added with a grimace. “I still hear that damn buzzing when I close my eyes.”

  Smirking, Zoe leaned over behind him, buzzing under her breath until he cursed and she walked away cackling. “Dead bodies and now insects. You’re a mess, Trajan.”

  “Happens to the best of us,” he mumbled. “Now then, plan. What are we thinking?”

  “Actually, I think it’s going to be some sort of underground hive,” Bishop suggested. “Make sense for all the bugs, and something tells me he’s going to look like a much larger version of said insects. Sorry, Trajan.”

  As the conversation wore on, Jimmy’s worries about Bishop losing his grip on reality started to fade. He sounded like his old self and, by the time they had to log out for the day, his urge to go find Dennis and tell him they had to have some sort of intervention faded. Part of him said it was too much of a coincidence for Bishop to suddenly be alright again, but Jimmy was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. They had a dungeon to run tomorrow morning and, at the moment, Bishop appeared to be at the top of his game and ready to take on whatever Demons came their way.

  He'd keep an eye on him and, at the first sign of trouble, Jimmy would do whatever was necessary to keep the guild alive.

  Chapter 14

  Bishop waited for his group to nod they were ready before he stepped through the portal at the cave. They had all hit level 50 that morning and were moving right into the dungeon to face off against the Demon Lord Drax.

  “Whelp, sorry Trajan,” he said. “Looks like a hive.”

  “Damn,” he muttered with a heavy sigh. “I hate bugs.”

  “Good, use that and let’s go kill them all.” Bishop hefted his bow and let the tanks take the lead.

  Maverick shifted with a roar and they proceeded into the hive-like cave. Green fire crawled up the walls in-between the hives e
mbedded into the tall walls of the cave and high up into the ceiling. A low buzzing sound grew louder the further into the cave they walked, but they had yet to see a Demon insect yet. Had he been anywhere else, Bishop would’ve assumed he was still in Samar, but the air was different here, heavy almost. However, it no longer weighed him down as it had the first few times he had visited Vorgan.

  Instead, he felt as if he was back in the cavernous throne room with Valen.

  “Up ahead,” Calista whispered. “There’s a cluster of guards and…eww, are those larvae?”

  “Ha, yeah. Oh Trajan, aren’t you excited?” Zoe teased.

  “I’ll be excited when we kill them all,” he muttered. Then, with his battle-cry, he did a Heroic Leap into the midst of the guards and the larvae, pulling them all towards him.

  Bishop fired Rain of Thorns, followed by his Explosive Fiery Arrow, picking off the larvae while the tanks and heavy hitters took care of the five insect guards. They had a mob debuff that gave those attacking a twenty percent decrease on armor, but their healers were on top of their game and kept everyone alive through the first wave of the attack.

  The corridor eventually stretched wider and they found various rooms branching off it, filled with more larvae and insectoid Demons.

  Accepted Quest: Destroy the Larvae. Kill one hundred larvae.

  Accepted Quest: Destroy the Hive from within.

  Accepted Quest: Collect Insect Wings and Legs.

  “Everyone got those quests?” Bishop asked as he accepted them all.

  “Yep, all good,” Trajan said after checking with the guild. “Looks like there’s supports inside these rooms.” He peered in the first one and nodded towards the right. “If we destroy them, the room should collapse.”

  “Want to split into two teams? Looks like there’s only about what, ten larvae and five insects?”

  “Let’s try it. The faster we get out of here, the better.”

  Bishop patted him on the shoulder and waved for Calista and the rest of their original group towards the right side of the corridor while Trajan and his people took the left. “We’ll clear a room first then move onto the supports.”


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