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Taming the Vampire: Over 25 All New Paranormal Alpha Male Tales of Contemporary, Military, Shifters, Billionaires, Werewolves, Magic, Fae, Witches, Dragons, Demons & More

Page 111

by Mandy M. Roth

  About the time she cleared the door and made her way down the long sidewalk, Bobby held true to his word and pulled up on his motorcycle. Her heart quickened. His biceps flexed as he held the handle grips. His white tee molded to his upper torso, giving her a hint of the taut muscles beneath. Damn, if he wasn’t the sexiest man she’d laid eyes on. Tena had no right to want more than friendship if he and Ivy were an item. Tena sighed heavily. Tell that to her heart beating double-time against her sternum. If he loved Ivy, then she’d walk away. But if he even hinted he still had feelings for her, then it was game on. She wasn’t above fighting for what she wanted.

  And she definitely wanted Bobby.

  Reaching the bike, Bobby handed her a helmet. Tena took it from his outstretched hand and placed it on her head, strapping it beneath her chin. “Why are you here?”

  “Get on.”

  Not an answer to her question, just the demand. Tena placed one tennis shoe on the foot peg on her side of the bike and stepped over the leather seat, situating herself behind him.

  “Put your arms around me and hang on.”

  She wrapped her arms around his thick, muscled middle. He didn’t have a six-pack. Hell no. The man had been blessed with a frickin’ eight-pack. There was no doubt in her mind he’d make her toes curl. Just the thought of hooking up with him sent a delicious ache straight to the V of her thighs.

  Bobby took the corner with ease. The citrus scent of his shampoo tickled her senses and had her leaning forward and tightening her hold, breathing him in. Lord, how she had missed him. Tena would gladly leave Maine and all the bad karma that had fallen upon her, but not before she got to the bottom of what was going on with Bobby. No longer willing to take what she had seen at face value, Tena wasn’t hitting the road until he came clean.

  He drove past the road that would’ve taken them to the cottage, and instead continued down the highway to the outskirts of town. Tena couldn’t help wondering where they were going. About thirty minutes ago, all she had wanted was a bed and about ten hours of sleep. Now, sitting behind Bobby on his motorcycle, a mix of anxiety and anticipation had her more awake than if she had downed five cups of espresso.

  The sun hovered just above the horizon. She had lost an entire day at the station. Not exactly the ideal way to spend a sunny vacation at the beach. Tena could certainly think of more pleasurable ways to dally about. All of them included the man seated in front of her.

  Bobby turned the bike into an empty parking lot, running parallel to the shore. White-capped waves slapped at the rocks. A cool, ocean breeze blew in off the Atlantic, cooling her overheated flesh. Pulling the bike to a stop and straddling it with his muscular thighs, he took off his helmet and hung it over the handlebar, then kicked down the side stand. Tena stepped over the seat of the bike and removed her skull cap and handed it to him. Not waiting for Bobby, she headed for the shore, keeping her footing on the large rocks leading to the water.

  Finding a large smooth rock, she sat and drew her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs and stared across the horizon. The only sound was the waves slapping against the rocks below. For a moment, she wasn’t sure Bobby followed until he silently lowered himself beside her. He stretched out his long, jean-clad legs and crossed them at the ankles, leaning back on his elbows.

  A quick glance behind proved they were completely alone and hidden from the road. “Why are we here, Preacher?”

  He sat silent, staring out across the ocean, making her wonder if he had heard her question. Finally, he turned his bright blue gaze on her and asked, “You okay?”

  “I’ve been better.”

  “I’m sure that’s an understatement.” He turned his gaze back to the Atlantic. “Why are you still here, Tena?”

  Seriously? Like she had a choice. “I think you know the answer to that. I was detained.”

  “Not today. Last night.” He looked at her again, piercing her with his icy blue eyes. “You should’ve been well on your way back to Oregon by now. You want to tell me why that’s not the case?”

  “I don’t owe you any answers, Preacher. I think you made it clear you were more interested in Ivy.” Tena squared her shoulders. “I’m not your problem.”

  Bobby scrubbed his hand down his beard, his mouth becoming not much more than an angry slit. “What did you see last night?” he asked, ignoring her comment about Ivy altogether.

  Tena furrowed her brow. “Why?”

  “Just answer me, damn it.” His gaze flickered black. Surely, the sunset was playing tricks on her. “Why the fuck do you have to be so difficult?”

  “Me? I came out here to be with you, you ass. Only to find out you’ve already moved on. I don’t owe you a thing, leastwise answers.”

  He blew out a steady stream of air, closed his eyes, and appeared to count to ten. Did grown men even do that? He reopened his eyes. “Look, I didn’t bring you here to argue with you.”

  “Then why are we here, Preacher?” Tena jumped to her feet. “Take me back to the cottage. I’ll gather my things and be on my way.”

  Bobby followed her up and gripped her biceps, hauling her against his stern chest, so close she had to look up at him. His pupils seemed to take over his eyes, damn near swallowing the whites. This time, she was sure she hadn’t imagined it. What the fuck?

  Before she could form a question, he lowered his head and covered her lips with his.

  Chapter 9

  He hadn’t meant to kiss her. On the contrary, Bobby had meant to shut her up. But now that he was, damn if he wasn’t taking full advantage of it. Tena leaned into him, not fighting his embrace. He tightened his arms around her, leaving no space between them. Her perfect set of tits pressed against him and drove his libido off the chart.

  Bobby fought the urge to loosen his hold, to mold each hand to her breasts and test their weight. He’d bet they would be a perfect fit to his palms. No need for fake boobs. She had a perfect set.

  Jesus! She was temptation at its worst. No wonder he had allowed no more than a few stolen kisses back in Oregon. She was like a fucking drug. The more he tasted, the more he wanted. Addiction at its best.

  Her hands slipped up his tee and wrapped around his nape, her fingers sliding over the short cut hair at the base of his skull. Desire shot straight to his groin, hardening his cock and making him want to fuck her right there on the huge boulder on which they stood. He could scent her desire and knew she was just as invested.

  Waves slapped against the rocks beneath them, reminding him, even though at the moment they were completely alone, someone could easily stumble upon them. He should be the gentleman, stand down and wait for a more appropriate time. But damn if he could talk himself into backing off. All he wanted to do was bury himself, surround his cock with her heat.

  Bobby fisted the short blonde locks at her nape and titled her head for a better angle, slipping his tongue past her lips and sweeping the silky interior of her mouth. He nearly groaned when her tongue joined in the foray. Damn, but this woman could kiss. He could almost be content with the make out session had his erection not been plaguing him for release and appeasement.

  The heat in his eyes and the ache in his gums told him fucking her wasn’t going to be possible without unleashing the monster. He didn’t think Tena was quite ready for the full disclosure. Hell, it was against the Sons of Sangue MC’s rules to reveal himself. Vampires were to abstain from sex with humans for that very reason. Only donors were exempt as they were already sworn to secrecy. Should it happen with a human, then they were to hypnotize the very act from their memory, a skill he had yet to master. Even so, when he made love to Tena, he sure in the hell didn’t want her to forget it.

  Her moan brought his focus back to the fact he was damn close to his change. Bobby had no other choice than to pull away before the animal within broke free. His new vampire DNA had his libido spiking to an all-time high. Walking away was going to be damn near impossible.

  Bobby grit his teeth and took a st
ep back, setting Tena away from him. He turned and gave her his back in an attempt to get himself under control. He couldn’t let her see the black pools he knew his eyes had become. He took several deep breaths in hopes of cooling off the orbs, sending them back to their natural blue state.

  A tender touch to the center of his back seared his flesh and caused him to groan. Tena was not going to make this easy. Why the hell hadn’t he taken the time to master the hypnotism? Better yet, why the hell had the Sons of Sangue allowed him to leave Oregon without learning the skill? Because Anton had asked the MC to trust him. Because they agreed taking Ivy would help to keep him out of trouble.


  Big mistake on his part. All hell broke loose and he was at the center of all of it. Anton was going to want his fucking head.

  “What’s wrong, Preacher? Is it Ivy?”

  At the sound of the other woman’s name, Bobby whipped around, his gaze catching and holding hers. “What? No. It’s never been Ivy.”

  “Then why are you here with her?”

  Yeah, Bobby, why the hell are you here with her, alone in a cottage off the coast of Maine? Because I’m a fucking vampire and I need to feed. Ivy provides that.

  “It’s complicated.”

  “I want to understand, Preacher. But I’m having a hell of a time taking in the fact you left me behind and traveled thousands of miles with another woman on the back of your bike.” The pain in her eyes twisted his gut. “You have to give me something.”

  Tell her. Lord, he wanted to. If shit hit the fan, Anton would arrive shortly and he could erase her memory.

  “Ivy and I are just friends, Tena. Regardless of what I tried to get you to believe.”

  “Why would you do that?”

  Bobby ran a knuckle down her soft downy cheek. “You weren’t supposed to follow me.”

  “You left. You never said good-bye.”

  “I wasn’t leaving you. I was running from you.”

  Tena laughed. Her gaze held none of the humor. “Same difference.”

  “It’s not. I would’ve eventually returned. I couldn’t let you see what I’ve become.”

  Her brows knit over the straight bridge of her nose. “Become?”

  His eyes heated, the black pools taking over his gaze. His changing facial features reflected back at him from her gaze. Her almond shaped eyes widened. Her mouth rounded. Damn himself for no longer caring what his new MC thought. The Sons of Sangue could punish him for his insubordination, dole out just punishment. He needed Tena to understand, wanted her in his godforsaken life. She had been the one bright spot in the darkness that had become his norm. He craved the sunshine she brought.

  “What the hell?” Tena gasped, her hand going to her mouth.

  Fangs emerged from his gums. The razor-sharp points bit into his lower lip. His tongue swept his lower lip, swiping the tiny pinpoints of blood and healing the wounds. To Tena’s credit, she held her ground, standing in front of him immobile. He was pretty sure she couldn’t move if she wanted to as she stared at him, dumbfounded.

  “Vampires aren’t real,” she whispered, barely heard above the sound of the ocean.

  “How can you say that when I stand in front of you? We’re real, Tena.”

  Bobby waited on bated breath. If she took flight, he’d have no choice but to chase her down and hold her against her will until Anton arrived from Oregon. No question about it, Anton was in all probability furious with the mess Bobby had already created. One more thing wouldn’t matter. The Sons had been there to offer guidance and his arrogant ass had headed for the opposite side of the country.

  He’d been a fool. Once he got out of the current mess, he’d return to Oregon, and with his new MC brothers’ help, he’d learn to embrace his vampirism. No more fucking around.

  First, he needed to make sure Tena wasn’t going to freak out.

  She ran a finger across his lower lip, tugging it down slightly before touching one of his razor-sharp fangs. He scented her blood the moment she nicked her finger. Pulling her hand back, she looked at the tiny droplet of blood welling to the surface on her index finger.

  Bobby licked his lips. His nostrils flared. Taking the injured digit, he drew it between his lips. His eyes held hers as he suckled her finger, the flavor tempting him to sample more, to bite down and draw forth more of her life’s fluid. Never had he savored anything so sweet. It was like being offered a sample of the finest wines, but being denied anything further.

  Tena’s eyelids grew heavy as she moaned. The scent of her desire, mixed with the taste of her blood, further hardened his cock and his need to bury it deep inside her. She hadn’t run. In fact, she looked at him as if she were ravenous.

  He was certainly going to hell before the night was over. There was no way he was getting back onto his bike without having fucked her first. Even if a small part of his human side wanted to spare her the rudimentary surroundings, the vampire in him wouldn’t be put off. There was no denying the hunger sluicing through his veins. Not when Tena stood in front of him, need showing in her warm brown gaze, accepting the vampire before her.

  Bobby withdrew her finger, his tongue sweeping his lips. Her gaze followed the gesture.

  “Will you feed from me?” she asked.

  Her comment left him chuckling, even if she hadn’t meant it in humor. “That’s what I brought Ivy here to do. I didn’t bring her along to be my fuck buddy.”

  She drew her lower lip between her teeth before asking, “What am I here for?”

  His lips turned up. “You brought yourself here, Tena.”

  “Not Maine. Here.” She reached out, her fingers resting on his chest. Heat seared his flesh, even through the cotton shirt. “Why am I standing on this rock with you? You could’ve taken me back to the cottage. Sent me on my way.”

  Why the hell had he brought her here? Because he hadn’t wanted to share his time with her. Not with Ivy. Not with Chad. Just the two of them. Now that his changes hadn’t sent her fleeing? Bobby wanted to show her just how much he wanted … no, needed her. He had been on his own for so long, never caring or being cared for. Sure, he had fucked his way through a few biker bitches. But not once had they ever caught his attention the way Tena had.

  Hell, he had always been too damn afraid to touch her. Should he allow himself to fuck her … he knew he’d fall hard. Everything about this woman, from the way she laughed to the smile she reserved for him, made his heart swell. He loved the smell of her, the way her pink little tongue swept her lower lip when desire filled her eyes. The way she dressed, the sound of her voice… Yeah, he was pretty sure he was already a goner.

  Bobby was used to being a loner, growing up in foster homes. The only family he had ever felt part of was the first MC he had joined. But the Devils had turned their backs on him and turned out to be worthless pieces of shit. They had tried to kill every person in the cafe back in Oregon, and might have had it not been for Anton Balan.

  Instead of cursing Anton and the vampire immortality he had given Bobby, he should have been thanking the man. Without his gift, Bobby wouldn’t be standing here beside the Atlantic Ocean, contemplating making love to the most beautiful woman to ever give his sorry ass a chance.

  Tena desired him. The vampire in him did not change that.

  Reaching out, Bobby cupped the back of her head. “Fuck, you’re beautiful.”

  He leaned down and slanted his lips over hers. Tena belonged with him, to him, and if she’d have his sorry ass, he planned to keep her around for a good long time. Maybe there was something to this whole mate thing. After all, Kane, Kaleb, and Grayson didn’t seem to mind. Hell, Bobby was betting their lives were a whole lot better with their mates in them.

  Chapter 10


  The word in itself should’ve instilled fear in her. The idea that Bobby was not quite human should’ve sent her packing and heading the hell out of Maine. Yet, here she stood, wrapped within his powerful biceps and kissing him back. Lord,
she really did need her head checked. Her desire for him was off the charts. Not that she hadn’t thought him hot before, but something about him sporting fangs made him sexier, if that were indeed possible.

  Afraid of Bobby and what he had become? Not. At. All.

  On the contrary, the thought of him biting her sent an ache straight south. Yep, that alone said she wasn’t quite right in the head. Tena had grown up watching Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Lost Boys, and loved Anne Rice novels, being a bit of a closet fan of the fictional character. To her, they weren’t exactly blood seeking killers, but sexy as hell beings. Never had she thought she’d meet one in real life, let alone stand here making out with one.

  Vampires weren’t real.

  Yet, one stood in the flesh and blood in front of her. Heat radiated through his flesh, threatening to incinerate her. How he could stand in the daylight, she had no idea. Maybe the real thing was nothing like the ones in novels.

  She slid her hands up his skull, his shorn hair tickling the tips of her fingers. She loved—yes, loved—everything about the man, from his sexy style, to his menacing form, to the way he kissed. In his arms, he made her feel like the most beautiful woman on the planet. All the years of wanting acceptance and companionship slipped away. She no longer felt like the chubby girl from high school everyone bullied.

  Bobby Bourassa wanted her.

  Tena wasn’t stick thin … not even close. She had curves, and even though she had lost weight following graduation, she still wore a size ten. Bobby didn’t seem to mind. He made her feel pretty, desirable even.

  One of his hands left the small of her back, slipping beneath her oversized blouse. Goose flesh popped out along her skin at the feel of his calloused hands smoothing up the soft flesh of her side.


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