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Men of Valor, Books 1

Page 18

by Kiru Taye

  "If you've changed your mind about joining with me, that's not a problem. I respect your wish, you know." He kept his voice light and teasing to show her there was no need to fear.

  "I know but… it's not the problem." She raised her head, her brown eyes filled with doubt as she bit her lower lip. She blinked several times. "I know Nonye told you I'm untouched… it's not true."

  Unsure of her exact meaning, he frowned. But her eyes confirmed his fears.

  Excruciating pain lanced his gut. He stayed still, his hand frozen where it’s been caressing her back.

  Ezinne has been with another man? He knew it was unfair to be jealous considering he had a wife already. Yet a part of him had wanted Ezinne all to himself. He couldn't explain it. He only knew the rage building within him.

  "Do you mean you have another lover?" Envious, he asked the question, the words nearly choking in his throat as it constricted with pain.

  Her eyes turned cold, glittering with insubordination. "No, I don't have a lover. I was raped," she bit out before pushing off him and getting up from the sleeping pallet.

  Chapter Nine

  "You were raped? Are you sure of what you're saying?" Emeka grabbed her arm, stopping her from moving farther away from him.

  Anger already simmered within her blood that he would dare to think she had another lover. The apparent disbelief in his voice broke through the restraint she held on her temper. Ezinne swiveled around, her free hand on her bare hip, her full breasts bouncing with her movements. She didn't care that she stood fully naked with nothing but the rows of beads around her waist.

  She cared that the man she loved didn't believe her words. That the man who'd encouraged her to speak up, who'd given her hope that men could be something other than brutal, would question her motive.

  "Why would I say I was raped if I wasn't? What do I have to gain? Of course I know what I'm saying." She didn't attempt to hide the contempt in her voice.

  The years of suppressing the rage of being violated and unable to do anything about it suddenly erupted in venomous words at the one man she dared to rail against. The person who should know better. The powerful prince capable of crushing not just her body but her heart.

  Emeka released her arm. Realizing that their moment of passion was gone, Ezinne moved to pick up her discarded skirt, wrapping it around her hips once more. This kind of news she delivered to Emeka in the middle of their lovemaking was a deal breaker. She'd known she was taking a gamble revealing her past traumatic abuse to him. She could have let him claim her. That way she would keep the memory of what they shared even if he discarded her later.

  Now there was a high likelihood he would never touch her again. Rape carried a heavy stigma. Sometimes it was best to live in silence rather than admit one was a victim.

  Nonetheless, she'd wanted to be as open with Emeka in the same way that he was open with her. While there were things beyond her control, matters of her body were still within her power, especially where he was concerned. She wanted him to know her in some sense. She could only hope that what they shared was important enough for him to overlook her past.

  Emeka sat on the raised pallet, his expression schooled. A vein pulsed on his temple, his hands gripping the edge of the pallet, a sure sign of his rising anger. She glared at him in return even more aggravated that he dared to get angry, her pulse rate rising as her breathing increased.

  She was the one who'd been violated! She was the only one entitled to anger.

  "Ezinne, this is a grievous allegation. When did this happen? Who is the culprit?" His voice was heavy with the weight of her words. Emeka rose, his body’s fluid motions not lost with his haste and he took a step toward her.

  She stepped back, not wanting him to touch her, knowing she needed to keep her wits about her. She needed to show him she was strong. If he held her, she wasn't sure her restraint would not crumble or her tears flow.

  "It doesn't matter who or what. It has already happened and cannot be undone." She shook her head.

  Nothing he could do would replace her virginity. She had sworn not to talk about the incident. It had been the prize for her life.

  "Of course it matters. It matters to me. You have been violated, made unclean. This is Umunri. We do not tolerate such abuses. The culprit must be made to bear the punishment. Name him."

  There was a deathly calm to Emeka's voice. A cold shiver went through her. She looked up at his face as he towered over her, his body rigid, his clenched fists at his side. In the shadows, his angular features looked wound tight. Intimidating. There was no doubt about the gravity of his words. He meant to punish the culprit! It was impossible.

  "It didn't happen in Umunri, and it was a long time ago. Forget I mentioned it." She turned around and walked toward the door.

  The intense frustrated growl from Emeka had her frozen on the spot. She heard the rustle of clothing.

  "Ezinne, turn and face me."

  She didn't miss the commanding tone of his voice. Compelled, heart racing, she twirled around to face him. He now had his discarded clothes back on.

  "You have to tell me what happened."

  "Why do you want to know?"

  He raised his eyebrow in a silent query that dared her to defy him. She hated that he was suddenly treating her like a citizen of Umunri and not like a lover. He'd made no move to touch her or hold her.

  "An instant ago, you didn't believe me. As I already said it doesn't matter anyway."

  "Ezinne, do you not understand that a grave crime has been committed and that the culprit must be punished? What kind of prince would I be if I let people get away with such offenses?"

  This was exactly what she didn't want. Him turning it into a case to be deliberated and ruled upon by the royal court. She hadn't told him to get the offender punished. She'd told him to share a part of her past with him. To show him her true self. Now he was turning it into a campaign for justice.

  She exhaled a deep, frustrated breath, telling herself to stay calm. Nothing would be gained by losing her temper again.

  "I'll tell you only on one condition. That you promise simply to listen and afterward do nothing about it. I cannot bear the shame of having my disgrace displayed for public viewing."

  He shook his head.

  "If you don't give me your promise now, I won't say anymore. Do I have it?"

  He stared at her for one long moment before nodding. "I promise to just listen. Please sit." He indicated the pallet.

  She walked back to it and sat down. He waited until she was seated before joining her. The wood creaked under his weight. He place his hand over hers, caressing the back with his thumb. Warmth spread through her, leaving her feeling safe. For a moment, she reveled in the entrancing sensation.

  "Tell me," he urged, his voice rich and tender. She looked up at his face. His dark eyes were concerned. She realized that he was worried about her.

  Swallowing a lump down her throat, she nodded, letting her mind roam back to the events of that inauspicious day.


  Ezinne sat in the room she shared with other handmaids in the servant quarters of the Umulari palace. She'd lived through fifteen New Yam festivals. Her mother, the only close relative she had, died a few full moons previously.

  As her mother had been a slave, no special mourning rites were accorded her. Ezinne was the only one who actively mourned her. Princess Nonye had given her a few days off work after her mother was buried.

  Today though she had a little time to herself because Nonye had been away visiting her mother's family and had taken other handmaids with her. She was grateful that her mistress had given her the impromptu break. She used the time to catch up on her chores in her own quarters, cleaning and washing her clothes.

  "Ezinne, you are summoned to the king's quarters."

  She looked up, and one of the royal guards was standing in front of her. Puzzled, she frowned. She'd never been summoned to the palace before except by Nonye.

Why?" the word spilled from her mouth.

  "Do you dare to question the king's summons?" the guard questioned her in a threatening manner.

  "No, of course not. I'm sorry." She sprang to her feet with haste, hoping not to raise the wrath of the guards and the king himself. The guard walked off, and she followed behind, jogging to keep up with his fast pace.

  When they arrived at the king's quarters, she was ushered into his obi. There was another man with him, a statesman she knew as Ichie Uwaluru. She knelt in front of the king and lowered her gaze to the ground.

  "Is this the girl?" Ichie Uwaluru asked. She could hear the leer in his voice. She wondered what was going on, but she could never ask. Her status in life was to obey orders and do other people's bidding.

  "Yes, this is the one," the king replied. "As you can see she is well endowed and ripe for picking."

  "She sure is." She heard something that sounded like the smacking of lips. From the corner of her eye, she looked at Ichie Uwaluru. He had a shameless smirk on his face. And he was old enough to be her father! Her grandfather even.

  She stayed kneeling unsure of what was transpiring between the two men, telling herself to stay strong. She could withstand whatever it was.

  "She is my gift to you to ensure I get your continued support. Kanu, take her to the palace courtesan so that she can be prepared," the king said.

  The king's guard walked forward, indicating she should stand up and follow him. Without protest she did, all the while praying that the gods would rescue her from what awaited her. She didn't fully comprehend it until she arrived at the courtesans' quarters. The ladies bathed her and dressed her up. She was then taken to a sleeping chamber. The decorations were luxurious, the bed and floor covered in soft fur and fine fabrics. She wondered who slept there. Soon enough her silent query was answered when Uwaluru arrived at the chamber.

  "My sweet," he said, smiling at her. "You look so beautiful."

  "What am I doing here?" she asked with boldness as her temper rose. She couldn't believe that the king would give her away to a man this old. She was a slave, but this was below her own expectations for her life. She had dreamed of all the things she would do. Losing her virginity to an old man was not one of them.

  "You are to be my bed mate. I hear you are still a virgin. Exactly the kind of girl I want," he said and walked to her. She stood her ground, not wanting to show the fear that was rising within her. His sweaty palm slid down her neck, and he cupped her breast.

  Bile rose from her stomach, threatening to choke her. She gritted her teeth, clenching her palms at her sides. But as his other hand clamped onto her other breast, she couldn't stop from responding. She pushed his hands away and stepped back. She didn't care if she got punished; she wasn't going to go through with this. A thousand strokes of the whip were much better than having this man touch her.

  "You like to play games, do you?" He took his clothes off very quickly for a man his age. Ezinne backed away toward the door, but he lunged at her, grabbing her by the neck. "You are going nowhere. You will feel me inside you today."

  He lifted her up, showing an agility and strength she hadn't expected from him. He pinned her down with his weight. She tried to struggle, but it was no use. He held her down with brute force. In no time he'd spread her legs with his knees, his hand shoving at her roughly.

  With a grunt he entered her, and pain rocketed through her at his violent invasion of her body. Telling herself to simply bear it until he was done, she let her body go limp hoping he would be quick. She didn't know how long he was inside her. It seemed to go on forever. She was only aware that after a while he was no longer on her body. He stood by the door, giving her one last leering look before leaving.

  In a daze, she waited a little while. When she had recovered some strength, she stood up. Her body ached. Still she walked back to her quarters, head held as high as she could. She didn't want anyone to know what had happened. It was only when she got there, when no one was around, that she finally broke down in tears.

  Chapter Ten

  Emeka held Ezinne's hand as calmly as he could. It was with all the reserves of control he had that he held his body rigid to stop himself from leaping up from the bed and taking decisive action. To demand punishment against the man who had committed such a heinous offense.

  For to take a woman without her consent especially outside marriage was to violate her. To make her impure. Untouchable by other men. An accursed woman. In Umunri, such a crime was punishable by banishment of the offender. The woman had to be purified by a cleansing ritual.

  By virtue of his marriage to Nonye, he could demand action against the culprit in Umulari. His wife’s hometown was essentially an annex of Umunri. If anything happened to their King, their kingdom would fall under the authority of Emeka’s father and by default, his command.

  He watched Ezinne as she told her story. She seemed to shrink, withdraw back into her mind. The bold, outspoken woman of a few moments ago lost. In its place, a shell of a woman he hardly recognized. She appeared haunted. Tormented. Her eyes glazed over with unshed tears.

  When she stopped talking, she turned her head away, pulling at her hand. He held onto her refusing to let go, afraid to lose what was left of her to the nightmare in her mind.

  How had she lived with such a thing for so long, in silence? Why didn't she want the offender punished? He needed to understand her reasoning.

  "Did you tell Nonye about this?" he asked his tone quiet.

  Ezinne looked at him with a blank expression for a moment as if he'd just roused her from her thoughts. "No," she said, shaking her head. He wasn't sure if she was just confirming her words or clearing her head. "I couldn't tell her. I couldn't let anyone else know of my shame."

  "What happened after that? I hope the man didn't come back again."

  Her gaze snapped up. Desperation swam in her eyes. "It could have been a lot worse. A whole lot worse."

  Frowning, he asked. "Why do you say that? Being raped is very bad."

  "Yes, but not as bad as being sold off to the same man who raped me in the first place."

  "What do you mean?" His tense body tightened even farther, his voice lowered a notch.

  "Apparently Ichie Uwaluru wanted to buy me from the king. I found out when Nonye returned and was told that I was being sold. She managed to persuade the king to let me stay with her. The king loves her and would do anything for her. He agreed on the condition that I was bound to her for life. She agreed, and here I am." The melancholy in Ezinne's voice tore at his heart like metal claws shredding it. She still refused to look at him.

  "When I found out I was being sold, I swore I would kill Uwaluru if he touched me again. Then kill myself. There was no way I was going to allow him to invade my body for a second time. By binding me to her, Nonye saved my life."

  This time she lifted her head. Her eyes sparkled with sadness. Determination. Tears. Despite all that she'd been through, she was a survivor, her spirit and body ready to fight against the odds.

  "Now do you understand why I can never go against Nonye's wishes? Why I cannot be disloyal to her? She offered me a lifeline when my life was at its lowest. In spite of appearances, she is the only person who has shown some kindness to me… well, that was before you. You have shown me enormous generosity. But you understand my meaning, don't you?

  "I do."

  He stared at Ezinne with sadness and admiration. Even after all she'd been through she still had a good word to say about people. In his opinion, Nonye should have protected Ezinne better. But he could see that it wasn't Nonye's fault. At the time Ezinne was raped, Nonye would have been about the same age too, unable to execute sound judgment.

  Now his ultimate ire was reserved for his father-in-law, King Agbado who treated his wards in such an appalling way. Offering a child to a man such as Uwaluru with the intention of selling her was cruel.

  Emeka wondered at what other atrocities were being committed in Umulari daily. It sickened
him to know that Umulari was considered an ally by Umunri. Yet how was it possible that they could partner with a kingdom without regard for its citizens, freeborn or otherwise?

  In the morning, he would discuss it with his father. How much of these events did the king know about? Surely he would never condone acts like rape and trading of slaves.

  "In my heart I feel the man who violated you should be punished," he said.

  Ezinne looked at him before shaking her head and frowning. With his palm, he held her head still so she could look at him directly.

  "But I promised you I'll do nothing against him. I'm a man of my word. But if you change your mind, let me know."

  "Thank you. I'll go back to my quarters now." She started to get up.

  "It is late. You can sleep on my pallet."

  For some reason he couldn't bear thinking about her being so far away. After what she had revealed tonight, he wouldn't be making love to her until the offense against her had been mollified. It wasn't because he didn't want her.

  Entrenched down he still ached to be with her. But he realized she was a woman in bondage in more ways than one. She would have to be placated and so will the gods before she could be fully healed.

  Making love to her would be taking advantage of her and making things even worse. He wanted her free. Free from her past. Free from the yoke of Nonye. Then she could become whatever she wanted to be. If she still didn't want to be his wife, he'd learn to live with it. But at least he'd have done the right thing by her.

  "Where are you going to sleep?" Her eyes widened in surprise as she asked him.

  "I'll sleep on my lounging chair."

  He wanted to know she was safe. And having her sleep next door to him would please him. Though what he'd really like would be to hold her to him all night. But he'd noticed her discomfort since her revelation and didn’t want to add to it. She probably didn't want a man lying next to her after she'd just recounted a rape.


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