Log 1 Matter | Antimatter

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Log 1 Matter | Antimatter Page 23

by Selina Brown

  “What? Not every lunch?” She looked wide-eyed at Sacha. “Is he trying to tell me something?”

  Sacha nodded sagely, exaggerating her look. “He doesn’t want you cramping his style.”

  “Style!” Pen entered, laughing, kissing him on the cheek. “He has no style.”

  Terance shook his head, his dark eyes amused. “Here we go. Where are the other men?”

  The drumming started up again and Dad moaned. “Oh damn. Let me get that.” He disappeared and was practically dragging Gralten up.

  When Gralten saw the girls all looking at him he grinned. “What?”

  Mum threw a towel at him. They laughed and teased while Dad made them lunch. Ara was excited. The opportunity had nothing to do with engineering and her counselors told her it was good for the soul. She just wanted to do it because she loved animals.

  “You kids off on another camping trip?” Dad asked, a bit too casually.

  Ara and Sacha’s eyes narrowed at the same time. Ara answered first, “Yes, but we can stay home if you want.”

  Sacha burst out laughing and placed her hand over her mouth.

  Pen said, “We’ll find something to do.” She gave Dad a wink and Ara and Sacha sniggered.

  They heard the “elephants” as her other brothers were yelling about getting their things together for their camping trip. Before leaving, Ara used one of the many boxes her guard placed her weapons in. It was a little odd receiving pretty gift boxes with sharp daggers and things inside. She didn’t think he’d mind if she used one for a purpose other than holding an instrument of death. It had taken her six attempts to get Caleb’s necklace just right. It was a blackbird, special to Saratoga. It represented deep love.

  Ara was so excited hoping he’d accept it from her and she held off giving it to him, but only because she was waiting for an addition to the intricate pendant—a special nanite chain that could change form. It would allow him to place it on anything, if he wanted it. “He’ll want it, silly.” She laughed at herself, trying to push down her nerves. She was making the first official move—wanting something much deeper, hoping he’d ask her to exchange Cupids.

  “Ara, Caleb and Terzon are coming camping with us.”

  Saratoga Beachside City

  Cobra ticked things off his list.

  Tick. Delayed apprenticeship

  Tick. Overdue Virgo

  Tick. Family member manipulated

  “What does all that have to do with an alliance?”

  He tilted his head back seeing Viper’s grinning face.

  “Relax, it’ll come later. Trust me. Things are heading in a certain direction and I’m already organizing for the meeting.”

  “And I’m priming for that?”

  Cobra handed him an EBrain. “Pick one. Just keep in mind Tarus has picked “Isolation”, I have chosen “First Love” and”—the blue eyes were amused but held a warning—“working on it already.”

  “Wow, there are three things on the list. That leaves me with, let’s see, ‘Family’?”

  “Excellent choice.”


  Ara hugged her pillow on the bed.

  The camping trip three months ago had started as usual, and had been a lot of fun. They talked of Mum’s pregnancy. Caleb and Terzon spent a few days with them but everyone noticed things were a little weird at times. Meg was alternating between bitchy and weird the whole time. Ara just didn’t understand some of the nuances as they shared experiences. After Caleb and Terzon left, Meg announced that she was no longer a virgin and then later announced she was pregnant.

  And now Ara had just returned home from school and found Dad crying. At a knock, she jumped out of bed, and flung open the door. Dad’s keys to his truck dangled in his hands. Meg ran up behind him.

  “I need you to drive me, Pen’s in hospital. Ara, we think your mum has lost the baby.”

  Meg gasped and held her own stomach.

  Ara nodded once, and grabbed the keys. “Let’s go.” She glared at Meg. “You stay here.”

  For once Meg just nodded.

  Matters of the Heart

  Love | Hate


  First Love, Family, and Isolation

  Six months after Meg announced her pregnancy they were all invited to a party at King Delario’s estates. Meg chose not to go so they piled into the new vehicles King Delario had issued them with.

  Marc leaned in and whispered in Ara’s ear, “Methinks he’s embarrassed especially if we rock up in our homely vehicles.”

  Ara laughed. “Shit—”

  “Ara. Language.”

  “Sorry, Mum.” Ara turned to Marc. “Dad could have come in the tractor and we could have torn up his nice front lawns on our bikes.”

  Marc sniggered but Dad laughed without turning around. Mum shushed them all. The driver glanced at them through the mirror. They arrived ten minutes later and the gardens were filled with people and decorations, music filtered from a portico, ducks quacked by the lake telling guests not to get too close, there was a gentle breeze bringing warmer air from the ocean.

  “We could have had a points competition too.” Marc grinned, peering out past Ara. “People, royals, ducks, servants—”

  “I would have won in my tractor. That’s enough from you two.”

  “And you, Terance. Honestly, you do encourage them.”

  Dad grumbled, twisted around, and pointed at them. “Behave.”

  “How’d we end up with Mum and Dad anyway?” Marc held up his hands to ward off their comments.

  Terance hid a grin. “You four are the worst.”

  “We didn’t say anything!” Henry grumbled from behind Marc and Ara.

  “Unusually quiet,” Pen said with annoyance. “You boys didn’t bring your games did you?”

  There was a little shuffling behind Ara as they packed up their EBrains into their rucksacks. Marc shoved at Ara’s shoulder for her to get out of the car. She placed her hand on the handle.

  “You must wait until we drive up to the arch, the attendant will open your parents’ door first.” The driver’s voice was loud and disapproving.

  Ara pulled a face at Marc who was blushing. Mum and Dad, who were both shaking their heads, had made them read the Delario Protocol Instruction and King Delario had sent a majordomo to brief them all. She checked her blue dress and used a little hand mirror Sacha gave her. There were no biscuit crumbs on her face, and her eyebrows weren’t mad.

  “Mad eyebrows under control.”

  Marc had to put his hand over his mouth to stop laughing too loudly but Ara felt pleased at him being chastised like that. He was so sensitive to criticism and conflict she worried sometimes. She looked out the window. There were hundreds of guests including several kings and queens. During the dreadful day, Ara was presented to them all and met Vinicus again. She had met him after Ike had attacked her and Ersen had saved her. One friendly face at least.

  He held her hand. “My lady.”

  “Vin, it’s good to see you.”

  He was still lean and handsome, his black hair longer now. Vin passed her along to the next person with a wink. She tried not to groan. Around they went until Ara, exhausted, had to stop conveniently by a buffet table where Caleb found her. He held out a hand.

  “It feels inappropriate now but I am presenting you with a gift, Ara.”

  His face looked strained and she thought it was because Pen had lost her baby and no one could find out why. It had been a sad time three months ago, and Meg had become reclusive, constantly fussing over her own health.

  The fanfare blaring around them told her it was an official gift from Prince Caleb to Ara Katron, an Aryan Lady who might be a queen one day. From the looks of some of the Pure-Gen males, many were already planning to request they be her province kings. Ara would ask Vin before she asked any of the others she had met today. With regret, Ara put down her half-filled plate. They walked around the side of the palace grounds, followed by the hundreds who were filling t
he castle grounds and tiers, and her eyes rested on the small space port. She had only seen it once before. Two large, sleek space vehicles rested on the pads.

  As they neared the rangers she admired the sleek lines, both cigar shaped, and was appreciative of the size. She looked around for her present when Caleb stopped her at the base of the steps. It was at least three or four decks high. She glanced at him. His face, which had looked pale and serious, suddenly broke out into a smile. He looked at the closer spacecraft. She looked again and saw a small ribbon on the side hatch, which was opening. Steps slid down.

  “That’s not—for me?”

  “It’s your Seeker, Ara, twin to mine. It’s Kulindros Engineered with two sable engines. They are already registered as the KE2AK with the SpaceCorps so all the latest HaV entry and exit coordinates are programmed in. Come on, I’ll show you.”

  But he leaned in first, and kissed her.

  Applause broke out from behind them. Ara remembered spotting a large screen in the grounds and knew they were on display. She tried to keep her smile genuine.

  “I’m still working on a special plaque.”

  He connected directly with her implant.

  C. It’s a secret project involving a spatial anomaly held in the materials I’m forging. A matching one will sit in my bridge

  Ara caught an odd thought from him, “She may not want to talk to him, but she could.” Why on earth wouldn’t she want to talk to him? Was Delario making him leave? Was this about her being the Mobile Unit? There was a tense undercurrent that Ara couldn’t shake.

  Ara stepped up followed by Caleb who gave her the tour. “You’ll have to learn to navigate and operate the craft, Ara. I’ve arranged for your lessons and instructors. You just need to contact them and talk of times suitable to do your ranger ratings. It’ll have to be here on Saratoga.”

  Ara hugged him tightly, realizing he’d tried to help her get off the planet. He hugged her back but she felt it was almost desperate as he buried his head in her shoulder and wouldn’t meet her eyes when they headed back down the ladder.

  “You’ll have your present soon; sorry it’s taken so long.”

  “I haven’t forgotten, Ara.”

  Her smiled faded a little. “Caleb?”

  He kissed her and then said, “Shhh.”

  It was a long, drawn out day. It was clear that everyone approved of her and Caleb, but there was almost a self-satisfied mood in the way the queens and kings spoke to them. Queen Silvia and Jon, her husband, were the only ones to be genuinely interested in the gift, and Ara’s comfort. Ara felt she had stepped over into their realm, some invisible society that Caleb was a part of. That meant First-Gens as well as Pure-Gens. In the distance, she had spotted Jadan and Bel but it was only Terzon who managed to get a dance with her.

  “Tough day?”

  Ara saw amusement and a little wariness in the brown eyes. “A little. A nice surprise, a bit overwhelming.”

  “He’s been planning it for some time.”

  Ara glanced around the estates where many eyes were trained on her and Terzon.

  “Don’t let them get to you, Ara.”

  She tried to relax in his arms but said, “There’s something odd—” She let it hang but Terzon, after an initial look of worry, saw her looking at a small group of queens and kings.

  “They feel you are close to taking your place with them. More controllable that way.”

  Ara jerked in his arms, her eyes locking on to his. “More controllable? Have I been out of control?”

  “Think about it. You are the Mobile Unit. They feel you are some kind of herald, a herald of change to their society and social mores. It’s made worse by the secretiveness of your role in their society.” He squeezed her arms then. “They may be worried that Maya intends for them all to become farmers.”

  Ara burst out laughing, grateful to Terzon. She admired how he drilled down to the heart of her worry and alleviated it with his humor. He swept her around on the dance floor.

  Finally, it was time to get into the vehicles. No one joked on the way home, and Ara was depressed despite Terzon’s attempt to cheer her.

  Over the next couple of weeks, to try to break the mood, she went into her room and tried to work on the love poem for Caleb. She was terrible at writing poetry and being romantic, but knew Caleb would love it, and love her effort. The final attachment was a special brooch, which would allow Caleb a moment to decide if he wanted to open it.

  Marc knocked on the door. “Ara, you’d better come up. Caleb’s here.”

  He sounded upset.

  But she picked up the box, having tucked everything inside. Hesitating, she decided not to put the brooch on top so that everyone could see it, but held it in her hand. It might be a good time to announce their love. When Ara entered the lounge, excitement filling her, she froze. Everyone was huddled in the room, with Caleb and Meg standing in front of the unlit fire. She frowned a little and then went to stand next to Marc.

  Caleb’s eyes fell to the box, and he looked like he wanted to cry. He had distanced himself a little in the last month, and she thought it was because he had to leave Saratoga, and Terzon had told her that she would know why. Terzon was looking pale and he and Ara locked eyes for a moment. His brown eyes settled on the box too, and he glanced at Caleb.

  Caleb tried to avoid Ara’s gaze but then took a deep breath. “I would like to announce that I am the father of Meg’s child. Our daughter will be a part of the Xoria Prime Province, registered as a Fourth-Gen.”

  Ara’s world collapsed around her.

  The box fell from her cold fingers, the brooch clattered on Marc’s foot. He was quick in snatching it up but everyone had looked and seen it, except Meg, who was looking at Caleb and frowning.

  It became difficult to breathe, and Marc’s steadying arm was all that helped Ara to stay upright. She was shaking and in shock, barely noticing the looks of concern as she staggered from the suffocating room and ran down to her bedroom, almost falling down the stairs to get there. She slammed the door closed and leaned on the inside door. Fourth-Gens were the lowest Gens, with genes weak but with enough markers to allow them access to Gen privileges. Why did that come to mind?

  A chill frizzed up and down her body, alternating with flushes of heat. Her ears were buzzing. Ara knew her blood pressure was up.

  Caleb and Meg.

  Meg telling them that she wasn’t going to have Virgo.

  Meg telling them she was pregnant.

  Ara had connected to the fetus during the camping trip and now she knew why it was so familiar to her, and why Caleb and Terzon left so suddenly after that. Had they exchanged Cupids? The thought made Ara sick, and she couldn’t ask them. It was personal anyway, not even registered. She thought of Caleb visiting her and then they fooled around … his desperate hug on the Seeker—she now had the irrational urge to throw the ranger at him. And her brooch! At least Meg hadn’t seen it and she knew no one would tell her of Ara’s most humiliating moment. At least it was with family. Her mind was a mess.

  Ara cried before sinking to the floor.

  After several moments, ignoring the soft knocks, she felt terrible as Mum would be worried about her. She made her way back, wiping her eyes.

  They were talking of their plans.

  He and Meg didn’t love each other, but they would raise the child. Marc and Sacha were both missing from the room now. Ersen looked frozen while Pen and Terance were visibly shaken. Pen had sat down, and Terance perched on the arm of the chair holding her hand. Poor Mum, still shocked over losing her baby. Meg had gotten all soppy over that, more concerned over her own baby than Mum. Ara went over to Mum, ignoring Caleb and Meg.

  “Mum, are you okay?”

  “Yes, Ara. Are you?”

  “I will be. It’s a shock.” She turned and started yelling but couldn’t stop herself. “A shock that could have been avoided had someone told us sooner!”

  Caleb’s face paled even more and he looked miser

  Meg was furious now. “All you think about is yourself, Ara!”

  “Did you think of Mum and all that’s she’s been through or just yourself and your baby?”

  Meg was stunned into silence.

  Ara turned back, crying. “I’m sorry, Mum.”

  But Pen stood and cradled her. “It’s alright, darling. Shhhh.” She stroked Ara’s hair.

  Ara kissed her on the cheek, wiping her nose on her sleeve. “I have to go to my room.”

  Dad gave her a bear hug before letting her leave.

  Ara passed Terzon who was looking sick. She gave him a quick hug. “Hey Terz.”

  “Ara. I’m sorry.”

  She couldn’t take it anymore, needing to sort out her own feelings. But when Caleb found her crying in her room they clung to each other. For a long time they just stood, holding each other tightly. For the first time she allowed Caleb in, past her Inner Guardian, unable to bear the pain, and he soothed her mind. Ara opened her eyes hearing footsteps and saw Sacha, Marc, and Ersen staring at them with wide eyes and mouths opened.

  Sacha screeched out, “How could you! Ara, you should be yel… Marc, let me GO!”

  But Ersen helped Marc to pull Sacha away.

  Ara knew that they would never understand why she pushed through her own pain to support Caleb. How could they when she didn’t understand it either? All she knew was that every fiber in her body told her to protect him. Protect. That word took on new meaning for her.

  She had to protect him.

  Caleb released her after the initial pain passed to put something on her desk and she saw it was the box with the gift. “Marc has the brooch.” His voice held his agony. He went to her and held her. “I’m sorry … I’m so sorry … Baby.” Caleb’s fear of loneliness was acute.

  As she saw his own fears, his hurt, his sense of loss, Ara found strength to comfort him. He wanted her to still offer the brooch, in his mind it was clear that he’d say, “Yes,” but she couldn’t. She just couldn’t. He started crying, feeling he’d ruined everything that mattered to him.


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