Book Read Free

Log 1 Matter | Antimatter

Page 31

by Selina Brown

  Sub-Log XXVII


  Station: Perza

  Galactic System: Sarato (Spiral Galaxy)

  Planetary System: Saratoga

  Ara was invited—via the Wilds to Saratoga public transportal terminals—to Queen Silvia’s where Kavela wanted to meet her and then show her his life’s work. After sixty-five years and the Wilds broadcasts, she was surprised to hear that Kavela still wanted to see her for planet engineering. The last campaign was passive positive again, talking about how wonderful it would be when Earth was free, thus putting the idea into everyone’s head that it would be free. For this visit, he wanted to show her the schematics from design to actual creations, he wanted to take her to see some of the machinery on Kios. After her arrival, one of Silvia’s staff picked her up and drove her to the palace. She sat in the back of the long vehicle and listened to some music.

  Kios was in Orixa Station, a large universe with heavy elements. The station had four hundred and seventy-eight million systems so, considering there were only just over sixty billion in all of the Iota worlds, Aryans were spread pretty thin even though many worlds were uninhabited. Aryan anthropologists did not yet understand why the Eighth Race, mainly in Estancia, were often grouped in towns and cities despite land being available for all, along with effective transport. The Aryan Military had operations in all worlds too, as Ara learned, and operatives, so there was pressure to comply to the Aryan Laws and Aryan Society mores. Bel told her that Estancia may have been all but ruined by the last Regional Queen and Province Kings, and while initial anthropological findings confirmed that fact, it was also interesting to see how independent planets and their governments rallied to protect themselves while still open to free trade and Aryan Laws. They had rebelled, not against Aryan Society, but that particular queen and those kings. Upon her arrival she greeted the queen with a warm hug, a little surprised that the elegantly dressed Silvia had been waiting at the top of the steps.

  “Ara, it’s so good to see you. I’m sorry we couldn’t bring you by means of our personal terminus.”

  “It was fine. Thank you for arranging my travel, my Queen.”

  Silvia was dressed in a long, dark blue, gown. Her auburn hair was long and she smelled like roses. “You may call me ‘Silvia’, Ara.”

  When Kavela finally stepped through the shimmering arch, his eyes went immediately to Ara’s but he greeted Silvia first and bowed to her. “Queen Silvia, thank you for arranging this meeting.”

  “You are most welcome, Kavela. I hope you will be joining us for breakfast.”

  “I appreciate the offer, Your Majesty.” He looked back at Ara with a smile. “Ara, it is good to see you again. We have never had the opportunity to speak properly. Not since our little lunch date.”

  Ara was nervous but she kept her smile bright even while being annoyed at his “little” comment. “Thank you for this opportunity, Kavela.”

  He bowed his head graciously.

  Silvia smiled at Ara. “Come along.”

  Kavela stepped in line with Silvia but Ara watched in fascination as his blue plasma stream immediately searched out hers and they entwined. He glanced back now and then as they walked through the wide passages, admiring the new paintings Silvia had ordered. She suspected he couldn’t control their connection and hoped in a way he didn’t want to. Kavela turned to smile at Silvia. The queen was traditional in her beauty and elegance, soft, oval face and warm eyes, while Ara felt a bit provincial.

  “You’ve been working at Wilds, Ara?”

  She gave him an odd look. Was he playing some game with her? She was sure Karu kept him up to date on what she was doing, and if not Karu then the Cardinal Unit was fond of sending data bursts to all Pure-Gens about her. “Yes, for a hundred years now. I still work as a jeweler too. I make animal jewelry based on the species I work with.”

  “That’s right; Karu said you were managing the breeding department.”

  She gave him a withering look. “I was in the breeding department seventy years ago, now I’m managing the WRR Unit. But I have breeding on my mind.” She said with a lift to her voice, and a hopeful sound.

  “And she studies.” Silvia chuckled at Ara’s last comment.

  “Hmmmm, I’m a bit concerned over your diversion from mechanics and engineering.”

  Silvia laughed now. “Don’t be, Kavela.” She slipped an arm under his. “Ara has technologized the entire planet, and helped design—including upgrades—all the planetary defenses. Her Robotica units are being adapted for many planets and spreading over the stations.”

  “Ah, I’d heard about those. What do you do with the old models, Ara? Do people contract for them?”

  “No, they are kept in a secured location, even used at times.” That wasn’t any of his business.

  “I wasn’t aware you’d been a major designer in that project.”

  Well, duh. “I thought it would have interested a planet engineer,” she said tartly.

  “Now, Ara.” Silvia glanced behind her again but this time with a wink. She looked back up at her guest. “Kavela, our Ara keeps low key.”

  Ara almost gave an unladylike snort. At that moment, Kavela looked behind and she smiled brightly. A small smile played over his lips, and she maintained his gaze until he broke it off with a smile.

  “Somehow, after seeing several Wilds broadcasts with our Ara sharing the ‘good news about Earth’, I doubt low key is in her vocabulary.”

  Silvia laughed gaily but Ara wasn’t fooled. After spending a few days with Saratoga’s queen, Ara was aware of several games played at court. She was having second thoughts about the whole queen thing. Silvia made it look easy but Ara knew she’d be struggling to be polite, and attentive, and a bunch of other stuff. After breakfast and chit chat, Ara grew bored and impatient. Kavela noticed and excused himself, kissing Silvia on the back of her hand. A more intimate gesture for royals was kissing on the palm. Ara wondered where he’d kiss her.

  Kavela’s Mobile Space Station - Currently in Perza

  During the tour of Kavela’s labs, and then the main space vessel he worked in which was currently docked with his mobile station, Ara stood close and hung on his every word. Wearing sensible boots, pants and a long-sleeve tunic, she was careful to listen to the safety advice, and to ask before touching. She made herself a captive audience, eager, and asked good questions that Silvia helped her prepare.

  “Don’t just ask about engineering, Ara. Think much broader than that.”

  “Like what?” She stopped chewing her meat.

  “The technology he uses, contract complexity, laws, considerations regarding the cultural needs of a species—”

  As Queen Silvia continued to teach her, Ara’s respect for the queen grew, while her own interest diminished.

  Kavela was explaining some of the contract complexities right now and she tried hard to stay focused. Still, she felt tiny next to him, which was a unique experience being tall, and found herself studying him, or his body, as much as the machine and equipment. They moved to the observation deck, watching the drones prepare a multilayered planetoid for an expansion. Ara was glued to the screen, intrigued with the work. He smiled. “Why don’t we sit down, Ara?”

  Hmmm, planetoid expansion or possible Virgo discussion? Ara struggled. But as he moved to a comfortable chair, just big enough for two, she joined him. Their legs touched as she turned to ask him questions. After a few, he volunteered some information.

  “Ara, I also feel that you should be fully initiated into Pure-Gen Society, and take your place as queen, and make your claim on a world, or worlds. It is our way.”

  He was so very appealing to her. She was aware he was watching her, waiting for something. “Pardon?”

  He sighed. “You are like an impatient orphan child; Pure-Gen life is slow, not rushed.”

  Anger replaced her infatuation. “I’m happy with my life, and I’d like to be a planet engineer.”

  “You are deserving of so much mo

  “More than a First-Gen like Caleb? More than a warm home and loving family? More than rewarding work and a satisfying life?”

  “You could have had a warm and loving Pure-Gen family in a castle with pomp and ceremony. You have many interested Pure-Gen Virgo suitors.” He seemed to work to keep his voice controlled. “You shouldn’t have even been working where you are, but the Pure-Gens had no alternative. And we aren’t set up for Pure-Gens anymore, certainly not for one left on her own.”

  She didn’t want that reminder. Her face crumpled then. “Don’t you want me for an apprentice? It’s still over thirty years … um … before you want anyone.”

  He leaned to her and took her hand. “Yes, Ara. I do. You can actually do this apprenticeship and be a queen you know. It will extend your apprenticeship out by fifty years though.”

  “Oh.” She didn’t like that idea.

  “I’ve had my reasons to delay. But you will be a good apprentice. My first. We will both have a lot to learn but I promise you it will be good for the both of us.”

  Her friends had a few unkind words to say about Kavela—that he didn’t want to share the glory—but she was sure he had good reasons. Happier now, she asked, “Kavela, about my Virgo—”


  “Yes?” She faltered a little as she grew weary.

  “I am too old.”

  “Then Caleb it is.” She tried to keep her voice light.


  She was shocked. “Why?”

  “There is a reason Pure-Gens stick with their own race, and there is the issue of Pure-Gen Matter, but more importantly it is the matter of Pure-Gen Energy.” He grinned at his play on words but quickly resumed being serious. “There is some danger in Virgo with mixed races.”

  “Like what? I’ll squash Caleb under me?”

  Kavela was struggling not to laugh but gave in, but he also noted her sudden panic. He sighed. “Has Queen Silvia not spoken to you of this?”

  “No. We don’t talk about Virgo, and I am rarely there. I’m rarely on Saratoga anymore. I live on the Wilds planet mostly.” Either he wasn’t getting the CU data updates on her or he just didn’t care.

  He cursed, surprising her, before flashing her a smile and then held up their clasped hands. “It is not the same for the Three Pleasures.” He pretended not to see her blush. “Pure-Gens can soothe each other, and, believe it or not, this is as important at a Virgo as stimulation.”

  “Ah. But the Adonis is requested for Pure-Gen Virgos.”

  “Is that who you want?”

  He watched with some amusement as she struggled to answer that.

  “I haven’t given it much thought outside of you and Caleb. My family said they’d scope out some options. Tara is rather keen on a Pure-Gen from the Planet of Law.”

  He couldn’t help it as laughter rose from inside him and burst out into the empty observation room. She took his laughter well enough, seeing he was genuinely amused. “The Adonis is a good choice; some Inferors have the ability to achieve the same levels required in Virgo. He is one of them.”

  Ara’s eyes widened as she saw Kavela actually liked Karu.

  Kavela swore and said quickly, “I’m sorry, Ara. I … that was inexcusable.” His heart was pounding. How could he be so stupid as to reveal his inner most turmoil while holding her hand?

  Ara cut off their connection as it was rude not to. Kavela was distraught and the rules dictated she cut off the link. Queen Silvia had told her about that rule as well as some other useful information she may need as she came into contact with more Pure-Gens. She considered what Kavela said though, as he tried to recover. Karu liked females, well, before seeing Jesran. Balin last told her they were dancing around each other like some tragicomedy. Funny to them, but not to Karu and Jesran.

  “Well, we both revealed something today. And I guess I don’t feel so rejected now.” She stared into his eyes for a moment and squeezed his hand, wondering if she should tell him about Jesran. No, she decided, Karu was still faithful to his female Adonis magnetism. “I should put it behind me.”

  “Have you and Caleb tried to experiment?”

  Tried? She almost laughed at him as he tried to soften his personal query but confessed to him instead. “Kavela, it was a long time ago. Let’s see, no, not try. Did. We still did other things like … um … Al’kalay and the other two.” She screwed up her face and saw his amusement.

  “Did you not like something, was he too pushy?”

  “No! He wasn’t pushy.” She accidently showed him the time he was on her after he fell.

  “Ah. It’s called ‘pressing’.” He smiled. “Ara … the Three Pleasures should have been registered. But the pressing, that too was a breach.” He squeezed her hand then. “Don’t look so worried. You could have easily stopped him. All young ones get up to mischief. I would have had I the opportunity.” Her mouth opened as she burned with curiosity and he laughed. “Not today. Enough secret sharing.”

  Yes, she decided not to tell him about the whole gagging hot chocolate, allergic reaction, and Caleb’s and her interlude. She was pretty sure she wasn’t a virgin anymore but the experience had been more than a physical connection. They had ridden that magic for some time, but the daily reminders eventually brought them back to their broken ways. Ara knew it was mostly her inability to forgive him, and she couldn’t even talk to Meg anymore.

  “Well, I’ve been ‘dry’ for over seventy years now. Does that count?”

  Ara suddenly remembered a comment Tara had made about her age fluctuating. And then there were times, to Ara, when time seemed fast and other times slow. Were they linked? Were her memory engrams affected somehow by the strange time distortion? More of a time perception distortion.

  Queen Silvia’s Palace

  Returning to the queen’s estates, they attended an evening of bathing with Silvia and Jon. It was an outside steam pool overlooking the valley and there was a stone bridge connecting the palace. There were four stone pillars holding the slated roof. Jon’s blond hair was plastered to his face as he had ducked under the water. His blue eyes twinkled in his brown face. Silvia asked her, “Did you have a good time today?”

  “Yes, thank you. We even talked of my Virgo but never finished the conversation.” She kept her tone neutral but they all knew her too well.

  “I was going to speak to you.” Silvia accepted a goblet from a tray Jon offered her. Jon leaned over and Kavela took off two other goblets. He handed one to Ara.

  “What happens when a Pure-Gen mates with a different race?” she asked first.

  “You would have to hold back and that’s not recommended. You are rated with higher matter and energy units, your energy is very strong though, and your abilities latent. You could potentially damage a lesser race or ruin your experience. The Virgo for Pure-Gens teaches you control as well so that if you mate with a lesser race you do not hurt them.”

  “Oh. But … Tricia’s—” She flushed as she looked at Jon, realizing he was lesser in matter and energy than Silvia.

  “She had a higher race teaching her.” Silvia smiled at her kindly.

  Ara was confused, not because her family had been lax, but because Ara didn’t often listen to things she wasn’t interested in. She seemed to recall Pen often talking about something to do with Virgo and control. Sacha had been glued to the lectures while—what had she been doing? Thinking about the next climb, the next robot, the next riveting episode with Trickster. Anything but listen to the conversations that probably applied more to her than her sibling.

  Jon lifted his goblet. “And once mated for a while, a lesser race becomes inured to the greater being.”

  Silvia’s eyes twinkled. “He means enamored enough to handle more.”

  Jon rolled his eyes.

  “I see.” Ara was trying not to chuckle. She looked at Kavela. “You said soothing was important in the Virgo. I don’t understand.”

  He put down his goblet and held out his hand. She
frowned and gave him her goblet. He laughed with Silvia and Jon. “Your arm, please.”

  Kavela kept smiling at her until she returned a smile. He kept hold of her hand with one hand and ran his other along her arm. He connected to her mind, and energy. “Pleasure.”

  Her eyes were heavy lidded and her lips parted. Her breathing had increased.

  “Soothing.” He slid his hand in the reverse direction.

  Her eyes widened as the pleasure receded.

  He said quietly. “Many feel agitated, particularly Pure-Gens, and the Virgo partner must be able to detect it, soothe without killing passion. Like this.”

  He ran his hand up and then down, but this time there was both lust and soothing. He called on his years of control to keep it at her level.

  “You try, Ara.” He smiled as she took hold of his arm.

  She wasn’t completely successful in soothing but that was the way of those inexperienced and it made her more aware of the damage she might do. Poor Caleb! “And I’ll learn that during the Virgo?”

  “Yes. It’s not just a sexual act for Pure-Gens but a rite of passage carefully structured and delivered with training. Your minds will link and you each learn through the other. It’s extremely intimate, which is why your chosen partner must be someone you trust.”

  Ara was overthinking the process but she couldn’t help it. “I didn’t really think it was so … technical.”

  Kavela burst out laughing again and she dug her elbow in his side. As Silvia and Jon were talking quietly, she turned to him. “Kavela, will you be my Virgo partner?”

  That caught him by surprise after thinking he’d put her off no doubt, and the longer he hesitated the more humiliated she was.

  “It’s okay. You don’t have to—”

  “Ara, I am to be your Doyen. I don’t think it is appropriate for me to be your partner in Virgo.”

  Ara felt some relief hearing his reason but was still bothered that he refused. “I didn’t think about that.”


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