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Page 30

by Shayne McClendon

  No breaks. Not a single break on this night from hell.

  Carefully, she made formal introductions and Marci wrapped her arm around Brie’s waist as she shook her parents’ hands.

  “How lovely to meet Brie’s mother and father. I’m honored.” She hugged her closer. “She absolutely saved me earlier this year with her redesign of my company graphics.”

  Her mother blinked and a small frown appeared between her eyes. “Gabriella did this?”

  With wide eyes, Marci gasped, “Her insight on our web design increased consumer interaction by more than sixty percent. You must be incredibly proud.”

  Turning, she smiled as her men approached. “Do you know Fahad and Nuri Ghonim?”

  Marci made introductions and Brie thought her mother was going to pass the hell out from the opportunity.

  “They bought a small winery in California to save a brand they love but it flounders. We usually book Brie months in advance but she’s agreed to take a look at the facility for them. The way her mind works is so refreshing.”

  Cabral smiled. “Our little mouse knows wine. When she was small, she was always covered in juice from the grapes.” He reached out to tap the tip of her nose. “She has the best sense of smell I have ever seen.”

  “Her mind is sharp as a blade but we forget the gentleness of her heart.” The compliment from her mother literally stunned her. Smiling at Marci, she said, “She did not get such a heart from her parents. My mother, I think.”

  “We are leaving, Gabriella.” She looked at her father. “Are you cleared to ride?”

  “I’m sure I’ll have to work my way back to hours in the saddle but yes. I can’t wait to ride again.”

  “Excellent. We will go together.” He kissed her cheek. In Spanish, he told her, “You hide your bright light under dark bushes. Stop that, yes?”

  She nodded with a small laugh. “I’ll call you in a few days.”

  Moments later, her parents were gone and Brie looked at Marci. “How did you know?”

  “Your mother reminds me of mine without the sociopathic genes. Such driven women rarely see past the layer of sweet to what’s really going on.”

  “Thank you, Marci.” She quirked her brow. “You realize my mother is going to blow your shit up now, right?”

  She winked. “She’s an astute businesswoman who has access to several opportunities I’ve been scoping out this way. I would have met her eventually and now she’ll be nicer to you. I love to win.”

  The rest of the evening passed quickly and Brie hugged the threesome in sincere gratitude when they prepared to leave.

  At two in the morning, she looked at Harper and Elijah. “I’m out. Whenever you’re done, I’ll be painting. I love you. Thank you for an odd but also lovely evening.”

  Smiling, she turned to leave but Harper caught her hand, bent, and kissed the corner of her mouth.

  She stared into his eyes. “You…can’t do that, Harper,” she said in a whisper.

  “On the contrary. We’ll see you soon, Gabriella. You’ve been a pleasure.” He kissed her hand and winked. “I’m proud of how you handled these assholes.”

  Nodding numbly, she made her way to the third floor where she undressed and searched the insane amount of clothing until she found leggings and a t-shirt.

  Leaving the gown laid out on the circular bench, she placed the jewelry on the table by the bed and went to her temporary studio.

  Her mind was on fire with stimulus and she needed to subdue the flames. She exhaled slowly and dropped into the canvas.

  Unknowing how much time passed, she was surprised when she turned and saw Elijah sitting on the sofa across the room. He wore nothing but sleep pants. Harper was stretched out, dressed similarly, with his head in Elijah’s lap.

  “You are a stunning creature to watch, Brie.”

  Quickly cleaning her brushes and paints, she washed her hands and walked to them. Bending, she kissed Elijah and then Harper, stroking her hands over his shoulders to wake him gently. Confused at first, his face spread into a smile.

  It would break her when she had to leave.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  For three blissful days, Elijah and Harper crawled over her body and allowed her to crawl over theirs.

  They carried her small easel to the sanctuary so she could sketch them. She instructed them to get comfortable in a position they could hold and made a couple of adjustments.

  “Normally, I take a photograph or sketch really fast but…I won’t photograph you and I want to take my time.” Sighing, she stepped back and took them in. “So lovely.”

  While they posed for her, she talked to them about anything and everything. They made her laugh and she did the same.

  After almost two hours, she said, “This one is specifically for you. I’ll never sketch you like this outside your protected sanctuary. You have my word. I really, really wanted to bring it to life though.” Pausing, she smiled and gave a small nod. “I’ll fill it out and add some color. The finished product will take me a couple of days. You can take a look.”

  Standing, they walked to her and stood at her back as they took in the charcoal drawing she’d done of them.

  Elijah leaned against the dark wood headboard with his arm around Harper who reclined against his shoulder. Shirtless, their naked lower bodies concealed by artfully placed linen, they stared from the sketch intently.

  While they watched, she filled in a few more details and shading. To herself, she murmured, “I like the rawness of the charcoal. Hmm, I’ll have to decide.”

  Leaning close, she darkened Harper’s hair and brows. “I don’t know that it needs color.” Across the canvas, she used the edge of her finger to blur and smooth lines.

  Taking a step back, she took it in from several angles, added a couple of lines, and smiled.

  “What are your thoughts?” When they didn’t answer, she glanced at them. Their eyes were locked on the sketch.

  “Sign it, Gabriella.”


  “Sign it. I want your name on it.”

  “Brie. Sign it.”

  “Okay.” Bending, she signed her first name to the bottom. “Does that mean you like…?”

  The rest of her question was lost as they all but pounced on her. They didn’t even seem to notice her hands were covered in charcoal.

  * * *

  On her fourth dawn in Washington, Brie was awakened to their hands and mouths on her body.

  They wrung pleasure from her for a solid hour and when she was limp from it, Harper told her, “We have to leave, Gabriella. We fly out in an hour.”

  Nodding, not trusting herself to speak, she kissed them deeply and hugged them as hard as she could.

  Taking a few minutes to breathe and wrap a robe around her body, she finally managed, “Be safe. I’ll be around.”

  A short while later, they came to say goodbye dressed in the suits she’d been most familiar with before joining them in Washington. She took her time kissing them and then hugged them tight.

  “I’ll miss you and I love you.”

  Then they were gone and she soaked for a long time, thinking. She didn’t know where they were going or when they’d return. Brie wasn’t about to spend the time moping.

  She had plenty of shit to keep her ass busy.

  * * *

  The first week they were gone, Brie completed every single pending project for her various clients.

  She delayed her visit to the winery but held several virtual meetings with her staff and management team to make sure they understood they were still a priority to her.

  Two small paintings she wanted to gift Hudson and Natalia were done, curing in the studio. It would be months before they were cured enough for framing. She hoped Harper wouldn’t mind her leaving them. She’d done several smaller ones as well for her other friends, her parents, and the men who took up so much space in her thoughts.

  When she realized their absence was likely to be one of the l
ong ones, she decided to start her gift for Harper.

  Dressing in jeans, a t-shirt, and trail runners, Brie pulled her hair into a bun and went to the first floor with her art bag.

  Harper’s assistant greeted her warmly in the small office she used across the hall from her boss. “How may I help you, Miss Hernandez?”

  “Phyllis, you’re gonna have to call me Brie. I’m going to bother you about the most ridiculous stuff so less syllables.”

  Laughing, the older woman said, “Alright, Brie. What can I help you with?”

  “I could really use a camera with a decent memory. I need to take photos of the house and mausoleum, the gardens, and the stables I glimpsed. I’ll need them for reference when I start the canvas.”

  “Absolutely. I know we have one. Give me just a minute.” Brie sat on her little sofa and gazed at a pretty sphere with color patterns inside it. “Here you go.”

  “You’re damn fast. Okay, not sure if I’m supposed to tell someone but I’m going to start from the furthest point in each direction and work my way back. It’s clear and pretty today.”

  Smiling slowly, Phyllis replied, “I appreciate that. Harper threatened head rolling if we lost you on the grounds.”

  “You can tell him I responded with eye rolling since I’m a grownup. I’ll pop back in later.” She turned to go and the woman saying her name made her turn back.

  “The kitchen made lunch for you. They’ll pack it up so you can work and eat.”

  Snickering, Brie nodded. “Those guys don’t think about food. Like, ever. You’re awesome.”

  With a wave, she stopped by the kitchen for a fantastic care package. Then she took a hike to discover what the Delkin estate had to offer as far as inspiration. Several men shadowed her at all times. She engaged them in conversation if possible but they took stern to a whole new level.

  The first day, she took more than two hundred photos and emailed those she needed to Phyllis to print. Positioning a huge canvas, she clipped the photos along one side.

  Elijah called just after dark and she was giddy as she answered the phone. Collapsing on the sofa in her studio, she asked about his day and he asked about hers. Harper provided commentary in the background that made her laugh.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow, Brie.”

  “I miss you guys. Remember that someone who loves you would like you back in one piece. Please and thank you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  The following day, she hiked in the opposite direction, clicking away. Her phone calls from New York were ridiculous. Wearing headphones with her phone in her back pocket, she caught up with Riya while she was consistently distracted.

  Finally giving up, her friend laughingly shouted, “Call me when you break, squirrel!”

  “Will do. Sorry, Riya!” She’d taken several photos during the call and wondered at an image in them. “Hey guys, where are we?”

  Jim was the man in charge of her personal detail and stepped forward. “East side, a mile from the main house and three-quarters from the entrance, ma’am.”

  Hand on her hip, she grinned. “You give me way too much credit. I meant are we close to working parts of the estate? Like stables and stuff?”

  He nodded. “Yes, ma’am. We’re less than a quarter of a mile from the security barracks.”

  A chill crawled up her back. “Okay.” She turned the camera and showed him the image. “Is that part of it?”

  Jim frowned. “No, ma’am. If I recall, that’s the original cold storage. Where they used to cure meat when the estate was built by the first Delkin to settle here.”

  “Thank you,” she said softly. “I’m going to get some photos.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  The security team followed as she took an overgrown trail to the wooden structure. There were no windows and the door hung at an angle. There was an old padlock on it.

  Twenty feet away, her entire body was cold. Her arms and legs felt like lead. Walking closer, she picked up a rock and paused for a moment.

  Then she busted the lock and swung the door wide.

  “Ma’am. You shouldn’t explore it. The structural safety of that building is unknown.”

  “I’m going in, Jim. I’ll be fine and please wait here.” When he started to follow her, she added more forcefully, “I insist.”

  Then she shoved the panel wide, lit the flashlight on her phone, and stepped across the threshold.

  It took thirty seconds to confirm her suspicions.

  She’d stumbled on the scene of Elijah’s childhood torture. What was horrifically referred to as his training.

  Up one panel on the inside of the door was a record of his growth. The first entry was when he was two years old. The last was when he would have been about seventeen.

  She trailed her fingers over the heights carved into the wood and cried silently. Further inspection of the room made it clear that he’d been chained to the wall, the ceiling, the floor, as well as a heavy rack once used to cure animal hides.

  On a table that stretched down one wall were horse whips, chains, and canes. Several switches still had thorns on them.

  At the small fireplace, she knelt and felt fury unlike anything she’d ever known. The upper scroll and tuning pegs of a violin were all that remained of an instrument that had been incinerated deliberately. Also among the ash were pages of books and corners of photos.

  Running her light over the ceiling, she found what she hoped for and yelled for Jim. He was through the door in under two seconds.

  “I need all of those please.”

  Frowning, he raised his arm and took down several lanterns that hung from a center beam.

  “Thank you for your help. I’ll be right out. Please call down to the security barracks and ask them to bring fire containment gear immediately.”

  “I’m sorry, ma’am. What did you say?”

  “This shack is getting burned to the ground in the next two minutes. We will not put out the fire until all that’s left are the stones from the chimney. Understand that it’s going to burn. Please make arrangements so it doesn’t spread. Thank you.”

  Then she proceeded to upend each of the lanterns that still contained kerosene in the tanks.

  Jim scrambled to the door, talking urgently on his radio.

  The wood was old and it didn’t look like anyone had been inside the building in a very long time. It was dry and it was going to go up quickly.

  She hoped the man who used it to torture a little boy had gotten what he deserved. Either way, she wasn’t leaving the goddamn building standing where he’d whipped Elijah bloody for years.

  Fuck that shit.

  When every lantern was empty, she walked to the exit and opened her art bag. From one of the pockets, she removed a box of matches she always carried to soften her pencils.

  Without turning around, she called, “Jim, tell me safety measures are in place.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Are you…”

  Then she lit a match and flicked it inside. Backing slowly from the vicinity, she watched as the building was engulfed in less than a minute.

  Absolutely livid, she put both her middle fingers up at it and murmured, “You didn’t win, motherfucker. I hope you’re rotting in hell.”

  The flames were so hot that it blew like a breeze in her direction but she refused to move until it was leveled.

  Only then did she give the signal that the team could check for stray embers.

  “Do you have a bobcat on this property?” Jim nodded, clearly in shock at her actions. “Every fucking piece needs to be removed. Every stone, every stick. Today. I mean it. I’ll help. All of it needs to be put in a truck and hauled off this property. I’ll pay whatever it takes to make it happen.” She ground out, “Are we clear, Jim? Off the goddamn property. Every scrap.”

  “Y-yes, ma’am.”

  When there was no movement beside her, she looked at the poor man who probably thought she was out of her fucking mind. “Now. Right now, Ji
m. Make this shit happen. Get me gloves and let’s get to work.”

  Several hours later, the sun was setting when one of the security team insisted on driving her back to the estate in the Kubota. She was approaching the front of the main house when a limousine barreled down the drive at top speed.

  The man driving her pulled a huge gun from beneath the seat and barked, “Get down!”

  Skidding to a halt, the headlights flashed in a signal and her assigned protection lowered the weapon.

  Then Elijah and Harper stepped out of the interior and stormed in her direction.

  Brie climbed out and set her feet, ready to rage like a fucking lunatic. Elijah grabbed her roughly and claimed her mouth until she felt faint.

  All the fight went right out of her.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Without speaking a word, Elijah carried Brie through the house to his space on the top floor. Harper followed with an expression on his face she couldn’t translate.

  In the bathroom, they stripped her down roughly. Then they each held her tightly while the other pulled away suits that were probably ruined from the soot and mud she’d been covered in.

  Under the water, they used soft cloths to wipe the skin of her face. It was tender to the touch. Scrubbing her head to toe, they washed themselves fast and tensely.

  They dried her carefully and applied lotion over every inch. Another cream was applied to her face. Together, they dried her hair. In the mirror, she noticed her face seemed a little red.

  Taking her hand, Elijah pulled her quickly to the sanctuary.

  She was a little nervous that they hadn’t said anything in the thirty minutes since getting out of the limo.

  Expecting to be strung up and interrogated, she was shocked when Elijah followed her down to the bed and drove his cock deep in a single stroke.

  He took her hard and fast, never taking his eyes off hers. The first climax happened embarrassingly quick but she didn’t care because she’d missed them touching her.

  Planting himself as far inside her as he could get, he stilled and stroked her hair away from her face as it turned her loose.

  She was afraid to speak because she was angry, hurt for him, and horrified that the scene of his torture hadn’t been obliterated from the face of the planet.


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