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Page 1

by Derek Masters


  Book 1 of the Owned series

  Derek Masters

  Always Booked Publishing

  Copyright © 2017 by Derek Masters

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  For my Family


  Derek’s Dark Desires


  1. Reed

  2. Hannah

  3. Hannah

  4. Hannah

  5. Reed

  6. Reed

  7. Hannah

  8. Reed

  9. Hannah

  10. Reed

  11. Reed

  12. Hannah

  13. Reed

  14. Hannah

  15. Reed

  16. Hannah

  17. Reed

  18. Reed

  19. Hannah

  Share Me

  Derek’s Dark Desires

  1. Kayla

  2. Dillon

  3. Kayla

  4. Dillon

  5. Kayla

  6. Dillon

  7. Kayla

  8. Dillon

  9. Kayla

  10. Dillon

  11. Kayla

  12. Dillon

  13. Kayla

  14. Dillon

  15. Kayla

  16. Dillon

  17. Kayla

  18. Dillon

  19. Kayla

  20. Dillon

  21. Kayla

  22. Dillon

  23. Kayla

  24. Kayla

  25. Dillon

  26. Dillon

  27. Kayla


  Derek’s Dark Desires

  1. Nick

  2. Nick

  3. Alexa

  4. Nick

  5. Nick

  6. Nick

  7. Alexa

  8. Nick

  9. Nick

  10. Nick

  11. Nick

  12. Alexa

  13. Nick

  14. Alexa

  15. Nick

  16. Nick

  17. Nick

  18. Alexa

  19. Nick

  20. Alexa

  21. Nick

  22. Alexa

  23. Nick

  24. Alexa

  25. Nick

  26. Alexa

  27. Nick

  28. Alexa


  Derek’s Dark Desires

  About the Author

  Twisted Steel

  Derek’s Dark Desires

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14



  Derek’s Dark Desires

  1. Nick

  2. Nick

  3. Alexa

  4. Nick

  5. Nick

  6. Nick

  7. Alexa

  8. Nick

  9. Nick

  10. Nick

  11. Nick

  12. Alexa

  13. Nick

  14. Alexa

  15. Nick

  16. Nick

  17. Nick

  18. Alexa

  19. Nick

  20. Alexa

  21. Nick

  22. Alexa

  23. Nick

  24. Alexa

  25. Nick

  26. Alexa

  27. Nick

  28. Alexa


  Thank you!

  Share Me

  Derek’s Dark Desires

  1. Kayla

  2. Dillon

  3. Kayla

  4. Dillon

  5. Kayla

  6. Dillon

  7. Kayla

  8. Dillon

  9. Kayla

  10. Dillon

  11. Kayla

  12. Dillon

  13. Kayla

  14. Dillon

  15. Kayla

  16. Dillon

  17. Kayla

  18. Dillon

  19. Kayla

  20. Dillon

  21. Kayla

  22. Dillon

  23. Kayla

  24. Kayla

  25. Dillon

  26. Dillon

  27. Kayla

  Derek’s Dark Desires

  About the Author

  Also by Derek Masters

  Derek’s Dark Desires

  About the Author

  Also by Derek Masters

  Derek’s Dark Desires

  About the Author

  Also by Derek Masters

  Also by Derek Masters

  Derek’s Dark Desires

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  There are no good men, only bad ones. My past has shown this to be true and I should have learned my lesson long before now, but I thought this time would be different.

  I thought he would be different.

  Instead, I’m running as fast as I can, hoping to escape before he comes for me.

  My name is Hannah Sullivan and this is my story.



  Las Vegas. The entertainment capital of the world. Sin City. No matter what you want to call it, it’s just another shit hole cesspool filled with criminals and lowlifes.

  Vegas has always been a tourist paradise and standing on the world-famous Vegas Strip, I can see why. Colorful buildings and flashing lights as far as my eyes can see.

  Panhandlers who who call themselves street entertainers just because they’re painted silver and walk around like robots.

  It’s easy to see why people are drawn to such a place, but it didn’t do anything for me. Assholes were assholes regardless of whether or not they were surrounded by a pretty backdrop.

  I was there for one reason and one reason only: to make sure some of these assholes get what’s coming to them. I would never get along with the types of people that I’m monitoring and sometimes it makes me sick to know that I have to pretend to be one of them just so I can get close enough to take them down.

  Even being in the same room as these pieces of scum goes against my moral code, but I do it because it’s what I’ve been hired to do.

  The work I was doing in Vegas was a lot different from anything I ever thought I’d end up doing. As soon as I turned 17, I had my mother accompany me to the Army recruiting office so I could enlist.

  I was ready to drop out of high school and get my military career started right then and there, but the recruiter convinced me that it would be better to get my diploma and placed me into a Delayed Entry Pool.

  The rest of high school was spent getting through the weekdays. The weekends were what it was all about for me. That’s when I, along with all the other members of the delayed pool got together with recruiters to go over military knowledge and get us ready for what was to come.

  Two weeks after graduating, I was shipped out to Fort Jackson in Columbia, South Carolina to
begin basic training. From day one, I knew I was on a level all my own. While other cadets struggled with the initial physical fitness test, I breezed through it with flying colors.

  While others were dropping out of night training and hand-to-hand combat, I was showing them all how it was done. And when it was time for the end-of-cycle test, I had perfected everything the Army had taught me.

  I gained the attention of all the right people and was sent straight from basic into advanced training. They had me pegged as a lifer from the beginning, and to be honest, that’s where I saw myself as well.

  Promotions were easy for me and I rose the ranks quickly. I spent six years as a paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne Division. The only problem I had was with teamwork, but I subscribed to the fake it until you make it philosophy. I was always there for those who counted on me.

  But In reality, I was, and still am, very much a loner. There are only a handful of people in this world that I consider to be friends, and those few were soldiers I met when I was a paratrooper.

  After six years and three deployments, I was ready to get out. I saw what war was all about and I was done with it. The Army did everything they could to entice me to stay. They offered promotions at first, but I wasn’t interested in the added responsibilities and the headaches that were sure to come with it.

  They offered me a position behind a desk, but there was no way in hell I was going to accept that. I still wanted action, just not in the middle of a war.

  Despite their best efforts, I left the Army. Shortly after, I was contacted by a private government agency and was brought on board. For the next 12 years of my life, I was what most people would refer to as a mercenary. The only difference was that I was workingon American soil and sniffing out those who wished to do harm to the country.

  The money was great, far better than anything else would have paid, but after putting my life on the line for 18 straight years, I was ready for something different. I wanted to finally feel like I was making a difference, so I made a phone call to a contact I had in the FBI.

  Because my mercenary work with the government was off the books and not in any way official, the FBI wasn’t able to bring me in as an agent. They were able to, however, bring me in as a contractor, which was perfect for me. I’ve never been the type to deal with all the red tape anyway.

  Never did I imagine that the contract would bring me to Vegas, yet there I was, my new home for the foreseeable future. I was there to search out and eventually shut down the activities of the Heartwell Organization.

  The organization was the lowest of the low. They are licensed as a non-profit organization, but that’s just their cover. They’re the center of one of the deepest human trafficking rings in the history of human trafficking. Just thinking about what they do makes me want to puke.

  I’ve tried to settle in the best I can, but the scenery doesn’t really do it for me. When I was doing my mercenary work, I operated out of Tampa, Florida, which is the same place I grew up. Iwas used to seeing beautiful women on the beaches nearly every day and while there are some attractive women, it just wasn’t the same.

  There is one woman, however, that has caught my eye. I’m not one to believe in fate, but I’ve literally been seeing her everywhere. That’s not an easy thing to accomplish in a city as busyas Vegas.

  It almost seems as though she’s there every time I turn around. I’ve seen her at the coffee shop. I’ve seen her out for morning runs. I’ve seen her at the same restaurants I frequent. She’s unmistakable with her thick, long red hair and the most beautiful clear blue eyes I’ve ever seen.

  She is curvy with the kind of hips you just want to grab onto and never let go. She has a full, lush ass that I just want to smack again and again. She’s got perfect breasts with nipples thatI just bet are waiting to be put into clamps. She’s even got flawless, smooth alabaster skin.

  Every time I see her, I want to approach her, but I can tell that she’s the good girl. She’s exactly the type of girl that should be staying far, far away from a guy like me. I would corrupt her so badly that she wouldn’t remember who she was before I sank my claws into her.

  Still, there was something about her that I couldn’t get past. There was something about her that was calling out to me. I followed her to her car one afternoon and wrote down her license plate number. A quick search revealed pretty much everything there was to know about her.

  And it was fucking darker than I could have imagined.



  The time I’d been waiting for had arrived. All of my hard work was about to pay off. At last I was going to have something to show for all those sleepless nights spent studying with only coffee and Monster energy drinks to keep me going.

  Although it felt like the day was never going to come, I was finally sitting among my University of Nevada, Las Vegas classmates inside the Thomas & Mack Center as we waited for graduation to begin.

  It felt a little strange to be sitting in a chair on the floor, looking around at the 18,000 chairs that I’ve sat in for so many basketball and hockey games, and concerts.

  The day had been bittersweet for me. On one hand, I was so excited to be putting my education behind me and moving onto the next chapter in my life. I was graduating near the top of my class.My future certainly looked bright, but I didn’t really have anyone to share it with. While I am a very friendly person, there are very few people in life that I consider to be actual friends. It’s always been hard for me to get close to people.

  Getting close to people has never worked out for me. If there is one thing I’ve learned in my life it’s that everyone leaves eventually. It doesn’t matter if they promise they’ll be there forever, they always leave. It’s been easier to hide my feelings and avoid the closeness all together.

  I’ve always been more of a loner, and a lot of that can be attributed to the fact that I am the very definition of a Type-A personality. I don’t consider myself to be OCD, but others may disagree with that. While my private personal space is an organized mess, it’s very important to me that I keep everything that can be seen publicly organized and uncluttered.

  My private personal space is the bubble where I allow chaos to rule. Outside of that, the chaos has to stay away.

  My entire life has been filled with heartache and pain. My childhood is essentially a blur. While most kids remember things like birthday parties and events at school, my first memory is from when I was five-years-old. I see it almost every time I close my eyes: my mother lying dead at the bottom of the stairs.

  Everyone leaves eventually. That’s been my motto ever since that day. Yes, even as a child, I knew it to be true and it’s been proven over and over again by everyone who has entered my life.

  I can’t afford to focus on things like that, so instead, I focus on what I can handle: running. I like to go on long runs to burn off all this extra energy I have. More importantly, it does a great job of keeping my mind quiet.

  Since then, it’s just been me and my father. He stepped up in a big way after my mom died and he’s easily the person I’m closest to. He played the role of mother and father the best he could and he made it clear that he would always be around for me, which was why I was upset when I looked around the gathering audience and didn’t see him anywhere.

  He had made such a big deal about how excited he was to finally see his only daughter graduate from college, so it was worrying me not to see him there, especially since the ceremony was so close to starting. I only hoped he’d be able to slip in before I actually walked up to receive my degree.


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