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Page 15

by Derek Masters

  I watched as this guy enjoyed Kayla’s pussy, my pussy. I knew how good that pussy felt and I wished I was in his place right then and there.

  He started to moan and move faster, telling her that he was going to cum. My eyes widened as Kayla squeezed her tits together and looked him right in the eyes.

  “Cum for me, baby. Cum all over my tits.”

  He pulled out, maneuvered himself up my wife’s body and stroked himself as he came all over her chest. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as I started getting off again as well. What I was watching was better than the best porn ever made.

  He bent down and kissed her before she turned to the phone.

  “I love you, baby,” she told me, blowing a kiss into the phone before ending the FaceTime session.

  I was left breathless. It didn’t even seem real. It was easily the most exciting thing I had ever experienced. I officially had a hotwife.



  My brain felt like it was scrambled. It was trying to think of a million different things, but couldn’t think of anything at all. The only thought that could get through was holy fuck; I actually did it! I actually fucked another man. Not only that, but my husband got to watch the whole thing take place.

  I couldn’t believe that I’d actually gone through with it. I knew that was always the plan when I actively started seeking out men, but I always questioned whether or not I could actually do it when it came down to it.

  Calling Dillon on FaceTime wasn’t something either he or I had ever discussed. It was just a spur of the moment decision I had when I grabbed my phone to send him some photos. I wanted to find a good way to include him, even though he wasn’t there.

  Kevin left shortly after we were done, but I was still lying in bed. Each time I closed my eyes, I could see Dillon’s face as he answered the video call. His eyes got so big, and his mouth dropped open. I’d been worried that he would be mad, but when I saw him relax in his bed and whip his dick out, I knew he was probably going to be okay.

  Even though it had just happened, it still didn’t seem real. I felt so sexually liberated and was still incredibly turned on. I just laid there on the bed, rubbing my clit with my fingers, letting orgasm after orgasm take me away to bliss.

  Something was missing, though. I’d included my husband in the act of me becoming his hotwife, but now I was all alone. I always figured that if I actually had sex with another man, Dillon would be there afterward to love me and let me know that I still belonged to him. I didn’t have that, and it made me sad.

  I laid down on the bed and brought his pillows in close to me. If he couldn’t be here to cuddle me, I was going to cuddle his pillows instead. I inhaled deeply, taking in his scent which lingered behind.

  Since I couldn’t have him with me, I at least wanted to hear his voice. I wanted to know what he thought about what he saw and if it was everything he’d hoped it would be. Still holding his pillows tightly, I grabbed my phone and called my husband.



  Once the FaceTime video was turned off, I laid in bed for a few minutes attempting to process what I had just watched. There were so many feelings and emotions fighting within me that I didn’t even know what most of them were. It didn’t matter. The excitement was winning out over all of them.

  There was no way I was going to be able to sleep for the rest of the night. Not after what had just happened. I jumped out of bed, grabbed my suitcase and started throwing things into it as fast as I could. It would have driven Kayla nuts to see how I was tossing things in there unfolded and in no particular order. Having things neat and orderly was one of her quirks, and I could almost hear her nagging at me for the way things looked in my bag.

  I made one last sweep of the room and the bathroom to make sure I didn't forget anything before I wheeled my suitcase out of the room and down to the front desk.

  “Could you call me a cab to the airport?” I asked, still wiping the sleep from my eyes.

  “Absolutely, sir. If you would like some coffee, we have some in the lobby there.”

  Typically, I needed coffee to wake myself up, but it wasn’t necessary that morning. The video call was plenty to get my blood pumping and have me ready to go.

  I walked outside to wait for the cab and quickly remembered why they called Chicago the windy city. The air attempted to bite through me until I found a spot meant for smokers on the side of the front doors.

  The medical conference that I was in town for quickly became an afterthought. I loved the conference, but I didn’t care about missing this one. I’d been a speaker during previous years, but not this one, so nobody was going to miss me. People may look for me, but with the sheer number of medical professionals that would be there, it’s impossible to meet up with everyone.

  Another added plus was the fact that a recap is also posted on the internet so that doctors who weren’t able to make it can learn about anything important that happened. The recap always included new products, treatments, and medications so if there was something that interested me; I’d be able to reach out to the company directly.

  I didn’t care about the conference; I didn’t care about the fact that I’d prepaid for my room, I didn’t care about anything other than getting home to my wife.

  After what seemed like forever, the cab finally arrived to take me to the airport. I probably should have called the airport to see if there were any flights going out and if there were, if there was even a spot on one so I could get home.

  As my luck would have it, there was traffic at 3:30 am. Apparently, the city had started work on a bridge and had the four-lane highway down to one in each direction. I was tempted to get out and walk to the airport, sure that it would be faster.

  The cab finally pulled up to the airport just before 4:00 in the morning, and tossed the driver some cash, grabbed my suitcase and ran straight to the ticketing desk.

  “Hi, do you have anything going to Kansas City?”

  “Yes sir, we have a flight leaving in about 15 minutes. It’s all the way down at gate 19, so you’d have to hurry. We also have one leaving at 7:15 am. Which would you prefer?”

  “I’ll take the one leaving in 15 minutes.”

  I gave the ticketing agent all of my information, got my ticket and boarding pass and took off as fast as I could. I was fortunate that there wasn’t a line for security and they didn’t stop me for a random check. I was completely out of breath but made it to the terminal just as they were announcing the last call for passengers.

  The plane was not overcrowded, which I was thankful for. On the flight to Chicago, we were pinned in like sardines, so it was nice to have the row of seats to myself.

  Once I was on the flight, I was finally able to sit down and process everything that had happened. I was surprised by all of the emotions I was beginning to feel. They were all over the place, with lots of highs and lows.

  The emotion that surprised me the most was the jealousy. I was very jealous that another man had just been with my wife. It was a jealousy that I could feel deep within the pit of my stomach. The funny thing about it was that it wasn’t the typical jealousy that someone would feel. It wasn’t a bad feeling.

  I actually liked the jealous feeling that I had and know that I want the whole thing to happen again. The sense of jealousy and angst were like a drug, and I knew that all it took was one hit to become addicted.

  The best part about the experience was the fact that it was unexpected. When Kayla was going out before, I knew there was a chance that something could happen. This experience came as a total surprise. The last I knew, she was done with the whole thing. Receiving that call from her was the last thing I ever would have expected. The surprise element was definitely what turned me on the most.

  As I’m sitting in my seat, my cell phone begins to ring. It was Kayla. I had to fight with myself not to answer the call. I wanted to talk to her so bad so we could discuss what had happened. I also wanted to kn
ow how the experience was from her end. Regardless of how bad I wanted to answer the call, I allowed it to go to voicemail. I wanted the fact that I was on my way home to her to be a surprise.



  Why wasn’t Dillon answering his phone? I called him several times and each time got the same result. It would ring four times before going to his voicemail. Something wasn’t right, and I didn’t like it.

  I paced around the house wondering whether or not I’d made a mistake. I knew what room he was in, so I called the hotel and asked to be transferred. The phone just rang and rang. Dillon is an incredibly light sleeper, so there was no way he had gone back to bed and was sleeping through his phone ringing. Besides, how could he sleep after all of that? I had so much adrenaline flowing through my veins and knew he had to have the same feeling as well.

  He couldn’t be mad at me, could he? This whole thing had been his idea, so it wouldn’t be fair to me if he were pissed off that I’d gone through with it.

  There was always the possibility that he was upset because I did it behind his back. He always knew when I was out on dates and things like that, so maybe he didn’t like the fact that he wasn’t kept in the loop. If that was the case, I could understand it, but I thought that doing it the way I did would make him happy.

  I was looking directly into his eyes when we were on our FaceTime call. He didn’t look mad then. There wasn’t even a hint of anger in his eyes. I saw excitement, but there was nothing that would have told me he was mad.

  Frustration was starting to get the best of me, and I was getting worried that I’d messed everything up. I needed to talk to him, and I didn’t care how many times I had to call. I was going to blow his phone up until he answered me. If I had pissed him off, I deserved to hear him say it instead of giving me the silent treatment. I grabbed my phone and dialed his number.


  My phone was ringing as I walked into the front door. As I closed it behind me, I heard footsteps running in my direction.

  “Dillon! What the hell?” Kayla yelled as she came running towards me, throwing her arms around me and kissing me before she punched me in the arm.

  “What was that for?” I asked, playfully rubbing my arm as though the punch had hurt me.

  “Do you have any idea how many times I’ve called you?”

  “I figured you’ve probably been calling a lot. I had to turn my phone off during the flight, so I probably missed most of them.”

  “Why in the hell are you here? You have that whole conference in front of you. Are you flying back in the morning?”

  “No, I’m going to skip the conference this year.”

  “Can you do that?”

  “Of course I can do that. It’s not like there’s some requirement that says you lose your license to practice medicine unless you attend every medical conference, I laughed. “Besides, I’m right where I need to be right now.”

  Kayla wrapped her arms around me again, burying her head in my chest.

  “You know I love you, right?” she asked, looking up at me with big, beautiful puppy dog eyes.

  “I love you too. That’s why I’m here.”

  “Don’t ever make me think that you’re mad at me again, especially after something like that.”

  “I’m sorry, babe. I didn’t want you to think I was mad at you. I just didn’t want you to know I was coming home. I wanted to surprise.”

  “You surprised me after giving me anxiety all night.”

  “Come here,” I tell her as I hug her again and kiss her on her forehead. “I didn’t mean to leave you wondering. I just wanted to see the excitement on your face when I got home. I love you so very much, and I could never tell you that enough.”

  “I love you too, Dillon.”

  “I can’t believe you did it.”

  “I know, I’m still in shock myself.”

  “What happened to not wanting to do it anymore?”

  “Oh, I came across a guy who was the exact opposite of the asshole that wouldn’t take no for an answer. He was polite and respectful and was more than willing to put on a show for you.”

  “I was so surprised when I picked up my phone.”

  “You should have seen your face. I thought your jaw was going to hit the floor.”

  “Just so you know, it was fucking hot.”

  “Yeah? You should have been on my end of it,” she laughed.

  “You know that the experience is not completely over for you, right?”

  “What do you mean?” she asked with a look of genuine confusion on her face.

  “I’m not here just because I wanted to see you. I’m here because I need to reclaim you. I’m here because I couldn’t wait to take back what’s mine. Come with me.”

  I stood up, grabbed her hand, lifted her from the couch and led her to the bedroom.



  In all the years that we’ve been married, I had never seen that look in his eyes. It was a look of hunger and desire, and while I know that he’s desired me plenty in the past, this look was different. There was a fire behind them that I don’t think I’d ever seen before then.

  When he grabbed my hand and pulled me off the couch, I could feel an electricity in his touch. As we walked to the bedroom, he pulled me in front of me and gave me a hard swat on my ass. I yelped, but I loved it. I’ve always wanted him to be more physically dominant with me, and that was one hell of a good start.

  As soon as we got into the bedroom, he grabbed me by the face and kissed me harder than he’d ever kissed me before. It was the kind of kiss you’d give someone if you’d been apart for a year and are seeing each other again for the first time.

  Releasing his lips from mine, Dillon grabbed me by the back of my head and pushed me down onto my knees. Up until that point, he wasn’t saying anything to me. He didn’t have to. He was maneuvering me into whatever position he wanted me in, and I was more than happy to follow his lead.

  Positioned where he wanted me, he slid off his pants, grabbed another handful of my hair and shoved his already stiff cock into my mouth. I started to move my mouth back and forth on it, but he stopped me. Instead, he held my head still and fucked my mouth.

  I was amazed by the aggressiveness he was showing. I didn’t think he had it in him, but it was hot. Over and over, he plunged his thick dick into the back of my throat while I fought my gag reflexes with all I had. At one point, I couldn’t help but gag, and he responded by pushing his cock even deeper into my throat.

  “Did he go down on you?”

  “What?” I asked, not sure I heard him correctly.

  Dillon pulled his dick out of my mouth.

  “Did he lick your pussy?”


  “Did he make you cum while he licked your pussy?”



  He lifted me off the floor, kissed me hard again, and then threw me down onto the bed. He raised the lace nightgown I was wearing, pulled my panties to the side and buried his head between my legs.

  My eyes rolled into the back of my head almost instantly as his tongue started lapping up all of my juices. There was something incredibly erotic about the fact that my husband had his tongue exactly where another man had been earlier in the evening.

  He used one hand to spread my lips apart while the other was used to slide two fingers inside of me. Up and down and side to side, his tongue moved in a constant motion while he slowly began to move those fingers in and out of my tight hole.

  Kevin was pretty damn good when it came to oral, but I doubted anyone would ever be able to compare to Dillon. He knew the right spots to touch and the exact ways to touch me. His tongue knew exactly how to move to make me feel good.

  I started to moan and grabbed a handful of my husband’s hair. Dillon knew exactly what that meant. He was aware that hair grab meant I was getting close. He also knew exactly what to do to put me over the edge.

  Using th
e hand that had been spreading my lips, he lubricated his middle finger with my wetness and slid it right into my ass. The new sensation brought me right to the brink, so Dillon curled his fingers inside my tight hole, pressing directly against my g-spot.

  That was all it took for me to lose control. My legs began to shake, and my moaning turned into loud screams of pleasure.

  “Fuck, Dillon! I’m going to cum all over your face.”

  The curling of his fingers continued as he pushed up against my g-spot more and more. My hips rolled involuntarily as I threw my head back and let the sensations take over my body.

  I came for what felt like forever. Every time I thought I was done, Dillon would press up with his fingers again, sending another wave of orgasms through my body. Even as I started to become sensitive, he wouldn’t stop. He only stopped when he decided I had had enough.

  Once he slid his fingers out of my pussy, he climbed on top of me and kissed me. This was a change as he never kissed me after oral and I loved it. I could smell myself on him, and I enjoyed the way I tasted on his lips and his tongue.

  From out of nowhere, he grabbed me around the outside of my thighs and yanked me forcefully to the edge of the bed.

  “Now it’s time to take back what belongs to me,” he told me in a stern tone.

  The tone of his voice was one that I had never heard him use before. It was demanding and dominating. More than anything else, it was hot as hell.

  Positioned on the edge of the bed just how he wanted me, he spread my thighs apart and pushed himself into me. I moaned out in surprise because, again, it was out of character for him. He usually did things like rubbing his head on my clit and teasing before he slowly entered me inch by inch. Instead, he pushed himself all the way into me, nearly taking my breath away.


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