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Bought Page 25

by Derek Masters

  “I know you would have. I was just trying to make things easier for you. I figured we could get on the road quicker if it were done.” “Well, thank you,” I told him as I walked up and gave him a kiss. “Let me get a quick shower, and then we can be on our way.”

  “That sounds good. Mind if I join you?”

  “Not at all,” I winked.

  Nick jumped into the shower with me, soaping me up and talking about how much fun we were going to have at the cabin. I was excited about our trip, and it was really going to be the first vacation I’d ever taken as an adult.

  As I turned my back to Nick to rinse the soap off my body, he started running his hands up and down my hips, moving them up and down while trailing kisses along the back of my neck and the top of my back. I moaned and pushed my ass in his direction, his hard-on poking me.

  “Wow, I had no clue that the thought of going camping excited you so much,” I joked, giggling a bit.

  Once I was thoroughly washed off, I turned the water off and jumped out of the shower, leaving Nick and his erection standing inside.

  “Nope, that’s not happening. Not yet,” I continued to joke, refusing him of the sex he was after.

  “Oh come on,” Nick said, jumping out of the shower behind me. I could hear the lust in his voice and see the desire in his eyes.

  “Let’s save until we get there. It will be more exciting,” I announced, laughing and running into the bedroom.

  I could hear Nick sighing, but he didn’t follow me. I turned around just in time to see him looking down at his throbbing hard-on and shrugging to himself.

  Less than an hour later, we were on the road. About an hour into the drive, we lost the signal of the radio station we were listening to so I started scanning the channels, trying to find something good.

  Nick reached over and pulled me to him, wrapping his arm around me and holding me close to his body. That was one thing I loved about his truck.

  It has one long seat in the front instead of two individual seats. This allowed me to sit right next to him. It also gave me more than enough room to lie down if the mood struck me.

  As we drove further out of the city and deeper into the country, I was in awe of our surroundings. There were trees as far as the eye could see and the sun had just started setting in the sky, casting deep purple shadows in the clouds. I’d never seen a view so breathtaking.

  I placed my hand on his chest, rubbing it up and down as he drove. I loved how his muscles felt over the top of his shirt. I’d never been with somebody like him before. He was such a man, so powerful.

  He was almost more of a beast than a man. That was a pretty fun way to describe him, but it was true. He was very much beast-like. He was a big, strong guy with a raw sexuality that drove me crazy every time he touched me. I loved it, and I loved him.

  The longer we drove, the more I started to realize that we hadn’t seen another driver in ages. We were driving away from civilization and towards our cabin, which was literally in the middle of nowhere.

  We’d have all the privacy we wanted. Since there wasn’t anyone else out on the roads, I figured it would be a good time to give him a little surprise.

  I reached over and started messing with the strap of his belt, trying to get it loosened without him knowing what I was doing.

  I wasn’t nearly as slick as I thought I was because he looked down just as I had the belt out of the buckle and was unbuttoning his pants. His erection popped out at me as soon as I had his zipper time.

  “Wow, that didn’t take any time at all,” I said, looking up at him with a raised eyebrow.

  “What can I say? You just have an effect on me,” he responded while shifting his body behind the wheel so he could tug his pants down for me.

  I grabbed his dick in my hand, causing him to sharply exhale before taking a deep breath in. I started to stroke him, slowly moving my hand up and down on him. Nick’s eyes drifted away from the road and down towards me.

  “Eyes on the road, mister,” I told him as I leaned into him, kissing his neck and nibbling on his earlobes.

  I lowered my head down and started kissing all over the head of his cock. It must have had an effect on him because the hairs on his legs were standing straight up.

  Nick moaned as I opened my mouth and took his dick all the way into the back of my throat. He always complimented me on how well I could give head. I guess I was blessed with the lack of a gag reflex.

  My hand tugged on while I ran my tongue all over his head. He grabbed a handful of my hair as I took him in and out of my mouth. Nick used my hair to push me even further down onto him. I always knew he was getting close when he started to control how fast my movements were.

  I picked up the pace, knowing he was getting close. I moaned as I sucked, letting him know that going down on him was turning me on just as much as him. I loved pleasing my man.

  As I sucked faster and faster, Nick started moving his hips around. Before I knew it, I felt his hot load hit the back of my throat before I swallowed it down.

  “Fuck,” Nick said. “I love you so fucking much.”

  I looked up at him and smiled.

  “I love you too, Nick,” I said with a smile before scooting in close to him, where I would remain for the rest of the trip.



  Our trip to the cabin had been fantastic. We spent most of our time in bed. The rest of the time was filled with relaxing in the hot tub, hiking the trails that surrounded us and watching the sun rise and set.

  It was beautiful out there. It reminded me of something you’d see on a postcard or in a painting.

  Alexa decided that since we were going to be spending quite a bit of time at the cabin that summer, she was going to start a nature collection of things she found there. She found all kinds of neat things like different rocks and things of that nature.

  Before we could blink, our week was over, and it was time to come back home to the real world. We had a blast with one another but the time had gone by too quickly. I was already looking ahead to the following month when we’d get to have the adventure all over again.

  The night we got back, Alexa came to my apartment, something I’d gone out of my way to avoid.

  “Oh no, no, no,” she said. “This just isn’t going to work.”

  “I know it’s not the best babe, but it works. It’s not like I spend a lot of time here.”

  “That’s not what I mean. This apartment actually has a lot of potential, but I get the feeling you aren’t the best when it comes to interior decorating.”

  “What are you trying to say?” I joked.

  “You know exactly what I mean. I think this place could look really nice. It just needs a woman’s touch.”

  “Yeah? Well, you can do whatever you want with is just as long as I don’t come home to pink walls. At least leave a hint of a man living here.”

  “Okay, deal.”

  She didn’t have to go back to work for a couple of days, so the plan was for her to crash at my place for the night. When I went to work the next morning, she’d stay there and take care of whatever decorating she wanted to do.

  The workday was long. All I could think about all day was getting back to my apartment to see Alexa and find out what she’d done to my place.

  On my way home, I decided to drop by the store to pick up some flowers for her. It would be my way of thanking her for helping me get my place in order.

  I called Alexa’s cell phone while I was in my car to find out if she was making something for dinner or if I needed to pick up something for us to eat while I was out. It rang four times and went to voicemail.

  I waited a few minutes and tried again, only to be met with the same result. I tried again a third time and still got no answer. I found it odd that her phone would be going to voice mail.

  She always answered my calls, no matter where she was or what she was doing.

  Although it was odd that she wasn’t answering her phon
e, I was sure there was a reasonable explanation for it. When I pulled into the parking lot for my apartment building, I saw her car parked in the lot, right where it had been that morning. I was glad she was there and figured she was either taking or a shower or napping.

  I made my way into the building and walked down the hall. My door was unlocked, so I entered quietly, not wanting to disturb her if she was resting.

  After shutting the door behind me, I turned to see her sitting at the kitchen table. She was seated with her back to me with her face looking down towards the floor.

  “Honey, I’m home,” I yelled jokingly as I kicked off my shoes and went over to join her at the table. “These are for you,” I said, holding the flowers out to her.

  Alexa didn’t move a muscle. She didn’t say anything to me, and she didn’t acknowledge the flowers I was holding in my hand. Instead, she kept looking at the table, her arms crossed in front of her.

  “Babe? Is everything okay?” I asked after looking at her for a moment. Again, she didn’t reply. She appeared to be frozen in time.

  I was starting to get worried that something might be wrong with her, so I sat the flowers down on the table and went down to one knee next to her.

  I reached out and touched her shoulder, prompting her to jump up from the table, jerking away from my touch.

  “Shit,” I yelled out complete involuntarily. I wasn’t expecting the sudden movement, and she startled me.

  I stood up, studying her face, completely confused by what was happening. Finally getting a good look, I saw that her eye makeup was smeared, and her eyes appeared to be puffy and bloodshot. It looked as though she’d been crying. When I touched her, her face contorted in fear and anger.

  What in the world is happening here?

  Alexa looked like she was in the middle of a panic attack. I’d seen many people have them, but I’d never known her to have a problem with them.

  Her breathing was deep and choppy, almost like she was trying to catch her breath after running. I didn’t know what it was, but something was freaking her out. Something had her scared.

  At that point, I noticed she was shaking. I also saw that she had some kind of paper in her hand. I tried to figure out what it was, but she had it gripped so tightly, it was crinkling in her fist.

  “Alexa? You gotta talk to me. What the hell is happening? What’s wrong with you?” I asked her, taking a step in her direction.

  “Don’t come near me,” she shouted, taking a step away from me. “You just stay there and don’t come any closer to me.”

  I didn’t want to freak her out any more than she already was so I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at her, holding my hands up slightly as if to let her know that I wasn’t going to move.

  “What’s the matter?” I asked softly. “What is it that you have there?”

  “What this? You wanna know what this paper is?” she asked, holding it up in front of my face. “These are just your parole papers,” she spat out with disgusted venom.

  Her head started to shake, and her eyes began to fill up with tears. It took me a minute to realize what she’d just said to me. I felt like I was in shock.

  I felt like there was a huge weight suddenly on my chest, pushing down on me and making it hard to breathe. It felt so heavy that I felt like I could fall over.

  That was when the reality of the situation truly hit me.

  My stomach started tying itself in knots, and my heart physically began to ache.

  No, this can’t be happening. Not like this.

  I didn’t know what to do so I just stood there looking at her, studying her face with my mouth hanging open in shock. I didn’t have a clue what I was supposed to say to her.

  It wasn’t something I’d gone through in my mind. I never wanted her to find out like this. Hell, I never intended for her to find out at all. I didn’t have a plan for this situation.

  There was nothing I could do to divert her hurt or anger. There were no lies I could tell that was going to fix it. I was fucked.

  Alexa stood there in my kitchen, staring a hole right through me. Tears were streaming down her face, and she didn’t even make an attempt to hide the fact she was crying.

  I felt crushed, wanting nothing more than to hold her and comfort her. I wished I could tell her that it was all a misunderstanding, that the paper she was holding was some kind of a mix-up, but I knew I couldn’t do that because there was no mix-up.

  There was no misunderstanding. We were at a stalemate, with me staring at her and her staring right back.

  “So you were in prison?” Alexa finally asked, mercifully breaking the silence in the room. Her ordinarily sweet voice was nowhere to be found. It was instead replaced with the sound of disgust.

  “Yes,” I murmured as I exhaled and closed my eyes, not being able to handle the look on her face.”

  “What did you do, Nick? What did you do to get sent to prison? This wasn’t even jail. You were in the penitentiary. You gotta do some fucked up shit to get put in the pen.”

  I didn’t reply.

  “Maybe I shouldn’t even be asking you this,” she continued. “I mean, you didn’t tell me in the first place so I’m sure you’d just feed me some line of bullshit, wouldn’t you? And what about your family, Nick? You’ve told me so many different things that none of them are adding up anymore. Was any of that the truth?” she added, putting things together right there in front of me.

  I should have known that she would have figured it all out eventually. She’s a brilliant woman. She’s always been a lot smarter than me.

  She was college educated, and I didn’t even finish high school. I’d known from the start that she was too good for me, but I held on because I loved her so much. I should have seen all of this coming. It was inevitable.

  “Nick, answer me! You at least owe me that much,” she yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts.

  Her words had so much anger in them. They were filled with hate and loathing. I’d never seen her act like that before.

  “Yes, Alexa. Yes, I was in prison, but it was for something idiotic. It was just a fight.”

  “Just a fight? I’ve known lots of guys who have gotten into fights. None of them were ever sent to prison for fighting. I call bullshit on that one. Try again.”

  “It was a fight. It was a fight that ended up very badly. The guy I was fighting hit his head and was in terrible shape for a while. I was brought up on attempted murder charges.”

  “Attempted murder?” she gasped, her face suddenly going flush. “I’ve been with someone who was convicted of attempted murder? Holy shit.”

  “It’s not like that, Alexa. It’s not like that at all. I didn’t go looking for a fight. The other guy did. I didn’t go out trying to murder someone. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before. I couldn’t bring myself to tell you about it. I love you, and I didn’t want to lose you over a stupid mistake.

  “Uh-huh. And what about your family? What about everything you told me about them?”

  “I don’t have a family,” I said coldly, looking across the room past her. I knew she was gone. I knew I had already lost the woman I loved.

  “So let me get this straight. You lied about where you were before you moved here. Apparently, you’ve always lived here. You were just in prison. In fucking prison, Nick! Then you lied about your family. Has there been anything real about you? Have you told me anything in our entire relationship that wasn’t complete and utter bullshit?”

  I watched her as tears streamed quickly down her cheeks. Her face was contorted in pain. I could actually feel what she was feeling, and it was heartbreaking.

  “I love you. That part has never been a lie,” I told her.

  I knew that those words weren’t going to do any good, but I wanted to say them anyway. I wanted her to know that no matter how badly I screwed up, my love for her was the one thing that was always real.

  Alexa laughed a short, involuntary laugh. It was as though she couldn’t
believe what I was saying. Her lips sneered in disgust and anger.

  It was a side of her I’d never seen before. She shook her head and started to say something, but she stopped herself. Instead, she tossed the parole papers onto the table in front of me, looked at me with pain in her eyes, and grabbed her purse on the way towards the door.

  I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. I was frozen in shock of what had just gone done. I couldn’t say or do anything. The only thing I could do was stand in the kitchen and watch her walk out of my life forever.

  She was opening my front door when I knew I had to stop her. I couldn’t lose her. Not like that. Not without at least doing everything I could to convince her that I’m not that man anymore.

  I run up behind her, close the door in front of her before she had a chance to leave. She jumped at my unexpected arrival. She may have even been a little frightened, but my intention wasn’t to scare her.

  I would never do her any harm. Even though I’d hurt her emotionally, there was no way I’d ever hurt her physically.

  I’d hoped that she’d turn around to talk to me. At the very least, I just wanted her to hear me out. Instead, she remained facing the door, her hand firmly gripping the knob.

  “I want to leave, Nick,” she mumbled. I hated the shakiness that she had in her voice. She was scared of me. That was the last thing I wanted.

  “Alexa, please don’t do this,” I begged of her with my hand still pressed against the door, preventing her from opening it until I at least tried to talk to her. “I love you more than anything in the world, Alexa. I’ve been waiting my entire life for you. I don’t want to lose you. I can’t lose you. Please don’t walk out on me.”

  There was so much pressure building within my chest. I had a fear and panic in me that I never knew existed. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes and fought them off the best I could.

  I’d always been told that crying was a form of weakness, so I never did it. I certainly didn’t want to cry in front of her, but the tears were coming, and I didn’t know if I had it in me to choke them back.


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