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Page 38

by Derek Masters

  I was impressed by how well he had done for himself. The house was very nice, and from what I could, he didn’t have any neighbors for miles. I hadn’t planned to be in such a private place, but I was actually grateful for it. If there weren’t anyone around, it would be tough for me to get into any sort of trouble.

  As I followed Curtis into the house, I couldn’t get over how much it looked like something you’d see on the front of a Christmas card. He shared the home with Kim, his live-in girlfriend, who I had never met since they met while I was in jail. Curtis, on the other hand, has been a friend since I was just a little kid.

  We first met when we were placed in the same foster home. We were only together for a couple of weeks before the cops raided the house for manufacturing drugs, but we became close in that time. Over the years in the foster care system, the two of us always seemed to cross paths, and we made a pact to stay in touch. We’ve been friends ever since.

  Curtis even visited me in prison when I first got there, although his girlfriend had no clue about any of that. In her mind, I was nothing more than a hard-working man from California who was making his way to Minnesota for a job opportunity with my old friend.

  The first thing I noticed upon walking through the door was that the house was full of thick, plush carpet that looked like it had never even been stepped on. I watched as Curtis removed his shoes and placed them next to the door, so I followed suit and took off my wet boots and socks. My feet were sore and achy from the cold and all the walking I’d done that day.

  “Just come with me, and I’ll show you your room. You can take a shower and get cleaned up before you meet my future wife if you’d like. Oh, and I stopped at the store a couple days ago and picked you up a few pairs of pants and some shirts. I had a feeling you’d be coming out with clothes that didn’t fit you and just by looking at you, I can see that I was right.”

  “Shit, you didn’t have to do that man. I’ve got a few bucks I could have used for that.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. Besides, I can always dock your first paycheck. That’s the beauty of being the boss,” he joked with a wink.

  The room itself was relatively small but looked huge compared to the two-person cell I shared in prison. It might as well have been a presidential suite at an expensive hotel. It had a television, which was more than I could say for where I’d been.

  “Curtis, I appreciate you letting me stay here. I promise I won’t let you down and if you need anything, I consider myself indebted to you for this.”

  “I don’t need your thanks, Nick. You and I might as well be brothers. You’ve got to remember that. Just keep yourself out of trouble so you can get your life back on track. Anyway, if you’re not going to get in the shower, you can come on out and meet Kim. I’m pretty sure Alexa is here as well.”

  Alexa was a name that I’d never heard him mention before. “Alexa? Who is that?”

  “Alexa is Kim’s best friend. You can never repeat this, and if you ever do, I will deny saying it, but she is sexy as fuck.”

  Curtis led me towards the kitchen. The closer I got, the more I could hear women talking, complete with laughter that seemed to be bouncing off the walls. One of the voices was on the deeper side, but still very feminine while the other was soft, smooth, and comforting.

  Compared to the sounds I was used to hearing inside the prison walls, the soft voice had a comfort that made me smile. I wasn’t quite sure why. Once I stepped into the kitchen, I was able to put faces to the voices. The first woman was tall, thin, tan, and had brown hair hanging just past her shoulders. She was cute and had a good figure, but she wasn’t curvy enough for my taste. The girls were so lost in their conversation that they didn’t even notice we had walked in.

  The brunette continued laughing, allowing me to see that she was the one with the deeper voice. My eyes shifted to the other woman, who had the most beautiful smile on her face as she listened to her friend telling whatever story she was telling. This woman was shorter, only about five-feet tall or so, and had a creamy, pale complexion. She had blonde hair with brown highlights that fell close to the middle of her back.

  My eyes moved from her face to her body. Even though she had a smaller frame, her curves were terrific. Her purple sweater was snug to her ample breasts, and her tight jeans showed that she had some ass to work with.

  Never in my life have I been a shy person, but this woman made me nervous for some reason. My stomach began to turn, and my chest started to become tight. It didn’t help that it had been so long since I’d been in the company of a woman and the woman I was staring at may have been the most beautiful woman I’d ever laid eyes on. As a matter of fact, I don’t think the word beautiful does her justice.

  If I had ever dreamed of what the perfect woman would like it, she would be the image in my mind. Just seeing her had me instantly aroused and I had to try to focus on something else in order to avoid a potentially awkward situation.

  Eventually, the women noticed us standing in the kitchen and broke away from their conversation, making their way towards us. The brunette led the way, holding her hand out towards me and smiling.

  “Hello, you must be the Nick I’ve heard so much about,” she said excitedly. “I’m Kim. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you!”

  I was so excited to learn that the brunette belonged to Curtis.

  “Hello,” I mumbled, unable to get anything else out as my throat had suddenly become dry.

  I turned my attention to her friend, who had joined Kim at her side. This gorgeous woman’s lips were parted ever so slightly, and I couldn’t help but think about what they would feel like against mine. I also noticed her blue eyes, which I’d always had a weakness for.

  It wasn’t hard to notice that she was checking me out as well. I watched as her eyes traveled up my chest and to my face until we locked eyes. She knew she was busted and turned away embarrassed. She had a smile on her face, which looked great on her.

  There was one thing I was sure of. I wanted her in the worst possible way. I didn’t even know her, and I already knew that I had never come across a woman like her in the past and I doubted I ever would in the future. I’d never wanted anyone as much as I wanted her. I felt like I needed her.

  It didn’t matter to me what I had to do. Whatever it was going to take, that girl was going to belong to me. I knew that I was going to have one purpose in life moving forward. That purpose would be her.



  I didn’t understand what I was feeling. I’d never met the man standing in front of me, but there I was feeling like a schoolgirl standing on the playground when her crush walks up.

  “What’s your name?” the attractive man asked in a low, throaty growl. His voice was sexy as hell and made my knees weak. It was almost hypnotizing. As a matter of fact, it was so hypnotizing that I didn’t even realize he was talking to me at first.

  “Me? Oh, hi, I’m good, thanks.” I’m good? What the hell was I doing? “I mean Alexa. My name’s Alexa.”

  Yes, I was that smooth. I couldn't believe how stupid I had just sounded in front of that man. He asked me what my name was and I replied that I was doing good? What in the hell was my problem? All I could was look down at the floor, embarrassed that I’d just made a fool of myself.

  I figured I’d probably just ruined that before it even got started. Surely, he must have thought I was an idiot. Eventually, I got the nerve to look back up at him and could feel my cheeks burning with a rosy glow that only blushing could create. When our eyes met again, it felt as though he was staring directly into my soul. His eyes were dark, and his face was rough, yet still very attractive at the same time.

  His face was scruffy and looked as if he hadn’t shaved in at least a week. That wasn’t a problem as far as I was concerned because I’ve always liked a man with some facial hair. He was also big. Massive would be a word that would describe him well. He towered over me, which was another plus in my book. If there was a guy wh
o could make me feel safe and secure in his arms, I had no doubt it would be Nick. He was more than a little intimidating though, and I’d never been around someone quite like that.

  He had dark brown hair. It was thick and a little longer than I typically liked, but it seemed to work for him. It curled just over the top, giving him an unexpected dose of boyish cuteness, even though it was clear that he was all man. Before I knew what I was doing, I found my eyes scanning up and down his body again.

  Get yourself together Alexa. He’s already caught you checking him out once. You’re acting like a horny bimbo, and the only thing you know about this man is his name.

  I was trying to get a handle on what my problem was. I never acted like that around a man, especially after what I had been through. My last few relationships had ended badly, and the last thing I wanted to do was get involved in another one. Yet, there I was, drawn to this handsome stranger, which was entirely out of character for me. I had no idea what it was, but there was something about him. When my eyes returned to his face, he was still looking at me.

  What the hell am I supposed to do now?

  I was afraid of once again saying something stupid, so I held my breath so nothing could escape my lips. I don’t think Nick knew quite what to make of me, so he curled his lip slightly before looking away.

  What was that all about? Did he just smile at me? Was he grinning because I’m acting like an idiot? Nice, Alexa. Real nice.

  I glanced over in Kim’s direction in hopes that she would give me a little bit of backup and help me out of the situation I found myself in. Instead, she smiled a knowing smile in my direction. The wink that followed the smile told me that she could read my mind like a book. She knew that I knew I was making a fool of myself. She could also tell I was attracted to Nick. After all, she had seen some of the guys I’ve dated in the past.

  Not only could she tell, but she also thought it was hilarious. She was fighting back laughter, complete with tears in her eyes. If it weren’t for her being my best friend, I’d wonder why I hung out with her at all.

  I couldn’t believe how quickly my heart was beating. I could actually hear my pulse in my ears. It was ringing so loud that I didn’t have a clue what Kim and Curtis had been saying to one another. Before I knew it, Nick and Curtis were exiting the room, leaving me relieved yet disappointed.

  “What in the world was that?” Kim asked, still trying to prevent herself from breaking out in laughter.

  “What was what?” I responded, hoping that I could play dumb and make it believable enough for her not to grill me. It didn’t work.

  “Don’t even try to play that off. That was the opposite of smooth you know.”

  “I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about,” I insisted as I grabbed my purse and coat. “The only thing I know about right now is the fact that those roads look like they’re getting back out there so I should be heading home.”

  “Mm-hm, I’m sure.”

  “You stop that,” I told her, my face blushing. “Are our plans for tomorrow still on?”

  “As long as the plows get out here and do their thing on time. Do me a favor and call me when you get home, so I know you got there safe.”

  “I always do. Talk to you soon.”

  “Okay, bye you smooth stalker.”

  I made my way out into the cold winter night. The chill in the air bit through me instantly and I was surprised by how much the temperature had dropped since I arrived that afternoon. The snow was really coming down from the sky, and the visibility was easily less than a quarter mile. Everything around me was covered in white, and it was beautiful. I inhaled deeply, allowing the crisp, refreshing air to fill my lungs.

  Everyone has always thought I was weird, but I love the cold. Most people will tell you that their favorite season is spring or summer, but that just isn’t true for me. I love winter.

  I was jealous that Kim and Curtis got to live out in the country. They had their own little spot away from anyone and anything, and it’s always so peaceful at their house. It was a stark contrast to the small apartment that I lived in. I was living on an assistant manager salary at the convenience store that I worked at, so I didn’t make nearly enough for a place like that. That would change one day.

  My job might have sucked, but there was a reason for my being there. I started as a regular cashier, but because of my work ethic, I was on the fast track that almost nobody was ever placed on. Within a few years, I’d be a general manager with multiple stores under me. That would make all the grinding more than worth it.

  I didn’t just use needing to get home as an excuse to get out of an embarrassing situation. The weather was really getting bad, and I knew it was only going to get worse. As the night wore on, the snow was just going to pile up even more. I got into my SUV and backed carefully out of the driveway, my mind still thinking about the man I’d met just moments before.

  From what Kim and Curtis had told me, it seemed like he was going to be hanging around for a while, which meant I was sure to see him again, especially when you consider how much time I spent at that house. At least, seeing him again was what I was hoping for.

  There was just one thing I was worried about. I’ve always heard that you only get one chance to ever make a first impression. If that statement was indeed true, I might be in big trouble. The only thing I could hope for was to make my second impression so good that he’d completely forget about the first. I was sure that I wouldn’t be able to do any worse.

  It took me forever to drive home in the snow, which gave me a lot of time to think, particularly about the way Nick’s eyes pierced straight into me. For the first time in ages, a man was giving me butterflies in my stomach. I couldn’t remember the last time any man made me feel that way.

  One of the things that attracted me most to him was the fact that he was so big and strong. I was sure that if you were to look up the word manly in the dictionary, Nick’s picture would be there. Just thinking about him started to make me wet. I squeezed my thighs together. I just needed to make it through the ride home. I could take care of myself once I got there.



  The room I was staying in had a view of the front driveway. I parted the blinds just far enough to be able to look out without being noticed. I felt a lump in my throat as I watched her back out of the driveway and slowly make her way up the snow-covered street.

  Be safe beautiful. I’ll be seeing you soon.

  For some reason, my mind started wondering what her home looked like. I wondered if it was something like Curtis lives in or does she live in something more like the prison I was accustomed to. I had no idea what she did for a living, so I had no idea how she lived.

  I also wondered if she was heading home to an empty house where she would spend her evening alone, perhaps reading a book or catching up on some shows on Netflix. Was it the other way around? Did she have someone to go home to?

  I realized how stupid it was that I was even thinking that way. She was a knockout. There was no way in hell she didn’t have someone waiting for her at home.

  Alexa didn’t have a ring on her finger. I know because I checked. Still, it would amaze me if she didn’t at least have a boyfriend. Even if she did, she probably also had a long line of guys banging her door down for a chance to take her out in the event her boyfriend ever fucked things up.

  If there was a list, I wanted to know how to get on it because I would love to throw my name into the hat. Of course, what kind of chance would a guy like me have with a girl like her? She wouldn’t want someone like me. I’m not educated like the guys she undoubtedly dates. Besides, when she looked at me in the kitchen, she didn’t have a desire in her eyes, did she?

  That girl seemed like one of the good ones and was almost guaranteed to be out of my league. After all, what did I have going for me? I was an ex-con who literally just got out of prison that morning. Of course, she had no clue about that and just knowing that my past was hidden
was enough to bring a smile to my face.

  As far as I was concerned, there was no reason to ever tell her about my prison sentence. Curtis was even keeping it from Kin, so I know he’d be the last person to say anything about it. If Kim didn’t need to know, why did Alexa?

  I grabbed my stuff and made my way to the bathroom. The thought of taking a hot shower sounded like a dream, and I was about to take advantage of it as much as I could. It had been years since I was last able to take a shower without having to see a bunch of swinging dicks all around me.

  As quickly as I could, I stripped out of my clothes and stretched until I couldn’t stretch anymore. The amount of tension and soreness in my body was unreal, thanks mostly to all the walking I had to endure. The fact that it was freezing outside only served to make matters worse. I turned on the hot water and watched in awe as steam started to rise from the faucet.

  Prison showers had only two settings. Hot was what you enjoyed for the first 30 seconds, but as soon as that ran out, it was like being in an Alaskan ice field. That water was cold, but it was what we had to wash off with.

  Catching a quick glimpse of myself in the mirror made me cringe. I looked like shit. Guys didn’t spend much time looking into the mirrors in prison, so it’s easy to let yourself go. My hair as a mess, my eyes had huge bags under them, and my facial hair was disastrous. I looked like the mugshot of every psychopath that’s ever been arrested.

  Even through all that, I could not get Alexa out of my mind. Even though I knew I had little to no chance with her, she was still occupying my thoughts. I highly doubted that I’d be able to land someone like her, not because I’m unattractive, but only because she deserved someone much better than me. She deserved someone who could give her a future that I couldn’t give her. As much as that realization sucked, at least I had a hot shower ahead of me.


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