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by Michael Willrich

  Clymer, R. Swinburne

  Cochran, Anna

  Cochran, James B.

  coercion. See police power

  College of Physicians and Surgeons

  color line

  Colson, David Grant

  Columbia, South Carolina

  Commentaries on the Laws of England (Blackstone)

  Commonwealth v. Alger

  Commonwealth v. Jacobson


  decision in

  police power in

  Commonwealth v. Pear


  decision in

  police power and

  Communicable Disease Center

  Companie Générale Transatlantique


  compulsory sterilization

  compulsory vaccination

  African Americans and

  American Medical Association on

  in Birmingham outbreak

  as boon to vaccine manufacturers

  in Boston

  in California

  in Cambridge, Massachusetts

  constitutional test of. See Jacobson v. Massachusetts in Cuba

  enforcement tools for. See police power

  in England

  in Europe

  exemptions to

  federal law and

  first wave of

  goals of

  groups subjected to

  of immigrants

  laws against

  legal issues

  in Massachusetts

  as medical monopoly

  in Middlesboro outbreak

  mild type of smallpox and

  military defense as similar to

  in New York City

  New York State and

  New York Times on

  official and lay disagreement about

  for other diseases

  in the Philippines

  political issues

  public health argument for

  public opinion on

  in Puerto Rico. See Puerto Rican campaign

  quarantine compared to

  racism in

  refusers See also antivaccinationism/ antivaccinationists

  repeal of mandatory

  of schoolchildren

  socialization of risk of

  of soldiers


  of steerage passengers

  Supreme Court case. See Jacobson v. Massachusetts Taft on

  in the United States

  Wertenbaker and

  in Wilmington outbreak

  in Wisconsin

  working class and

  in workplaces

  Cone, Frank W.

  Congress, U.S.

  African Americans and

  anti-imperialists in

  Cuba and

  free speech and

  immigration laws of

  infectious disease control

  Pure Food and Drug Act

  Spanish-American war and

  spending powers of

  Supreme Court and

  U.S. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service and

  vaccine regulation laws

  conscientious objector

  Constitution, U.S. See also specific amendments

  Bill of Rights. See Bill of Rights

  Reconstruction amendments


  Cooley, Thomas

  Cope, Porter F.

  Copeman, Sydney Monckton

  Cordillera Central

  cordon sanitaire

  Corlett, William T.

  cotton mill workers

  Councilman, William T.


  antivaccinationism cases See also Jacobson v. Massachusetts


  cowpox. See vaccinia (cowpox)

  Cox, John E.

  Crimean War

  Crimes of the Cowpox Ring (Little)

  Crowley, Susan


  Americans’ first impressions of

  compulsory vaccination in

  health of

  reconcentration camps in

  sanitary campaigns in

  smallpox in

  war for independence

  withdrawal from

  yellow fever in

  Cumberland Gap

  Cummings, Thomas


  Curd, T. H.

  Curran, Edward

  Dalton, W. R. Inge

  Darling, Eugene A.

  Davis, George

  Davis, Henry H.

  Davis, William F.

  Davison, L. P.

  Deadwood, South Dakota

  death rate, smallpox

  in Boston

  of epidemics of 1898–1903

  in Europe

  mild type

  of New York City outbreak

  in the Philippines

  political challenges posed by

  in Puerto Rico

  in the United States

  variations in

  Delaware County, Pennsylvania

  De Leon, Daniel


  Denver Post, The

  Department of Agriculture, U.S.

  Deseret Evening News


  Dewey, George

  Dewey, John

  Dillingham, Frederick


  “Directions for Vaccination of Natives”

  District of Columbia

  Medical Society

  pesthouse in

  Smallpox Hospital

  doctors. See army surgeons; physicians

  Dodge, Grenville M.

  Dodge Commission

  Doe v. Bolton

  Doty, Alvah H.

  Douglas, Robert M.

  Douglas, Stephen A.

  Douglas, William O.

  Dowie, John Alexander

  Draper, Francis

  due process clause

  Duke, W. C.

  Duluth News-Tribune

  Dunham, Carroll

  Durgin, Samuel H.

  Eclectic Medical College

  Eddy, Mary Baker

  education. See also schools


  as privilege

  Eighth Amendment

  electron microscope

  Elgin, W. F.

  Eliot, Llewellyn

  Ellis Island

  Emery, Z. Taylor


  antivaccinationism in

  compulsory vaccination in

  imperialism. See imperialism, British

  Magna Carta

  personal freedom in

  smallpox vaccination in

  variolation in

  epidemics of 1898–1903

  African Americans and

  antivaccinationism and. See antivaccinationism/ antivaccinationistsits

  Boston outbreak

  Cambridge outbreak

  Camden outbreak. See Camden vaccine crisis

  Chicago and

  Cleveland outbreak

  death rate

  diagnostic confusion over

  end of

  epidemiology of

  federal government’s response to See also U.S. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service

  first cases

  intractability of

  knowledge about smallpox during

  Laredo outbreak

  local government’s response to

  Middlesboro outbreak. See Middlesboro outbreak

  mild type of smallpox and. See mild type of smallpox

  narrative accounts of

  New Orleans outbreak

  New York City outbreak. See New York City outbreak

  North Carolina outbreak

  reporting of

  severe cases

  in the SouthSee also specific places

  spread of

  U.S. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service and

  Utah outbreak

  vaccine crisis of. See vac
cine crisis of 1901–2

  Wertenbaker and

  whites and

  Wilmington outbreak. See Wilmington outbreak

  equal protection clause



  compulsory vaccination in

  governmental control of vaccine manufacture

  immigration from

  smallpox as endemic to

  smallpox vaccination in

  vaccine manufacture in

  vaccine regulation in

  variolation in

  faith healers, as antivaccinationists

  Farnham, Edwin

  federal governmentSee also U.S. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service

  Birmingham outbreak and

  Middlesboro outbreak and

  public health system. See federal public health system

  quarantine powers of

  response to epidemics of 1898–1903

  South and

  spending powers of

  vaccine industry controls

  vaccine regulation and


  federal law, compulsory vaccination and

  federal public health system

  coerciveness of. See police power

  formation of

  local government and

  Fethers, Ogden H.

  Field, Stephen

  Fifteenth Amendment

  Fifth Amendment

  Fifth Corps

  filth, link to disease

  Finlay, Carlos

  First Amendment

  Fitzpatrick, John Glasgow

  FloridaSee also specific places

  Flower, Benjamin O.


  Foster, Frank P.

  Fourteenth Amendment

  due process clause. See due process clause

  equal protection clause. See equal protection clause


  Franco-Prussian War, smallpox in


  of belief

  of contract

  to move

  personal. See personal freedom/individual rights

  police power to curtail. See police power

  progressives’ definition of


  space needed for

  of speech

  in the United States

  U.S. imperialism and

  Freund, Ernst

  Friedrich, Martin

  Furches, David

  Gaines, F. H.

  Gallop’s Island

  Garrison, William Lloyd

  Garrison, William Lloyd, Jr.

  Gas City, Indiana

  Gaynor, William

  George, Henry


  vaccination lawsuits in

  vaccination rate

  Georgia Supreme Court


  germ theory of disease

  Gerry, Eva

  Gibson, W. M

  Glenolden, Pennsylvania

  Goldman, Emma

  Gorgas, William C.

  Gould, Ephraim

  Gould, Maggie


  as biologics manufacturer

  federal. See Congress, U.S.; federal government

  lack of liability for vaccine failure

  local. See local government

  personal freedom versus needs of

  power of See also police power

  pre-New Deal localism of

  public health authority. See public health/public health authority

  vaccine liability and

  working class and, conflict between

  Gray, Horace

  Greene County, Alabama

  Greenleaf, Charles R.

  Greenwood, Mississippi

  Griffin, E. L.

  Griffin, I. T. M.

  Griffiths, W. E.

  Griggs, J. W.

  Groff, George G.

  Gunn, Robert A.

  Hall, G. Stanley


  Hamilton, H. J.

  Hand, Learned

  Handbook for the Ship’s Medicine Chest (Stoner)

  Harge, James

  Harlan, John Marshall

  Harlingen, Arthur Van

  Harris, Charles

  Harvard University

  Hastings, Caroline E.

  Hastings, Hill

  Havemeyer & Elder

  Hay, W. E.

  H. C. Frick Coke Company

  health authority. See public health/public health authority

  Healy, Michael

  Heath, Ada

  Heiser, Victor

  Hemple, Sadie

  Henderson, Jessica L.

  Henry, Guy V.

  Heupel, William

  Hill, James J.

  H. K. Mulford Company

  Camden vaccine crisis and

  licensing of

  production methods

  vaccine products of

  H. M. Alexander’s Vaccine Farm

  Hodge, J. W.

  Hoff, John Van Rensselaer

  Hoffman Island

  Holmes, Mary

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.

  Jacobson decision and

  Homeopathic Medical Society of New York


  Hooker, Lizzie

  Hoover, J. Edgar


  Hoyt, Henry F.

  Hughes, John

  Hull, Thomas

  human papillomavirus

  Hussein, Saddam

  Hyde, James N.

  IllinoisSee also specific places

  Iloilo, Philippines


  compulsory vaccination of

  Congress and

  excluded people

  Italian. See Italian immigrants

  medical inspection of


  to New York

  numbers of

  percent excluded

  power to exclude

  smallpox control and

  by steamship. See steamship travel

  U.S. policy

  U.S. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service and

  Immigration, Bureau, U.S.

  immunologySee also vaccination; variolation

  Imperial Health Office, German

  imperialism, British

  imperialism, U.S.

  colonial statecraft

  exceptional humanity of

  goals of



  Indian Wars

  individualism. See personal freedom/individual rights

  industrial society

  Infection and Immunity (Sternberg)

  infectious diseaseSee also specific diseases

  filth and

  military ideas about causation

  among soldiers

  war and

  as worse in tropics



  integrity, bodily



  Iredell County, North Carolina

  Italian Harlem

  Italian immigrants

  American reception of

  steamship lines for


  Jackson, Frank

  Jackson, William

  Jacobson, Hattie

  Jacobson, Henning

  appeals of

  appearance of

  argument of


  first trial of

  reasons for antivaccinationism

  representation of

  second trial of

  self-defense of

  Jacobson v. Massachusetts

  civil liberties, effect on


  due process and

  equal protection

  legacy of decision

  majority opinion

  oral arguments

  personal freedom and

  police power and

eactions to decision

  James, Henry

  James, William


  Jefferson, Thomas

  Jefferson County, Alabama

  Jenner, Edward

  Jim Crow laws

  Johnson, Flora

  Johnson, Stephen

  Johnson, Tom

  John Wyeth and Brother

  Jonesville, Mississippi

  Journal of the American Medical Association

  J. W. Compton & Son

  Kensinger, William H.


  Board of Health

  public health laws

  vaccination rate

  Kenyon, F. P.

  Kerr, James

  Kimball, Lucretia

  Kings County Supreme Court

  Kinyoun, Joseph J.

  Kipling, Rudyard

  Kirk, Mary

  Knowlton, Marcus Perrin

  Kober, George M.

  Koch, Robert

  Koch Institute

  La Follette, Robert M.

  Lancet, The

  Laredo outbreak

  Lead, South Dakota

  Leary, Timothy

  Lederle, Ernst J.

  Lederle Antitoxin Laboratories



  compulsory schooling

  compulsory vaccination. See compulsory vaccination

  dualism of

  due process of. See due process clause

  equal protection under. See equal protection clause

  federal versus state


  Jim Crow

  public health. See public health law(s)

  separate but equal


  vaccine regulation

  workmen’s compensation

  Leicester, England


  Leverson, Montague R.

  Levin, Koen

  Lewis, Richard H.

  Lexington Morning Herald

  Liberator, The

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Lincoln County, Kentucky

  Little, Kenneth

  Little, Lora

  local government. See also specific localities

  police power of. See police power

  public health system and

  response to epidemics of 1898–1903

  Lochner v. New York

  Locke, John

  Lodge, Henry Cabot

  London, Jack

  London, smallpox as endemic to

  London Times

  Long, Henry E.

  Long, John D.

  Los Angeles


  Low, Seth

  Ludwick, Pearl


  Lyndall, Helen Mary

  Lyon, Madeline

  MacArthur, Arthur

  Macartney, William

  Macaulay, Thomas

  McCabe, James

  McCall, Samuel W.

  McCollum, John H.

  McCormack, A. T.

  McCormack, J. N.

  McDaniel, Samuel W.

  Macdonald, George E.

  McFarland, Joseph

  McGuire, Hunter

  McKinley, William

  MacLean, Alexander

  McMillan, William D.

  Magna Carta

  Magruder, George M.



  Malvar, Miguel


  Manning, J. M.

  Marine-Hospital Service. See U.S. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service


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