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Page 56

by Michael Willrich

  resistance toSee also antivaccinationism/antivaccinationists

  in the South

  spatial strategy. See spatial strategy

  for steamships

  smallpox (variola virus)

  as African American disease

  in Cambridge. See Cambridge, Massachusetts

  in Camden. See Camden, New Jersey

  as children’s disease

  during Civil War


  control. See smallpox control

  course of

  in Cuba

  cure, lack of

  death from, reasons for

  death rate. See death rate, smallpox

  discovery of pathogen of


  duration of illness

  earliest known cases of


  as endemic in Europe

  as endemic to Spanish-American War theaters

  epidemics of 1898–1903. See epidemics of 1898–1903

  epidemiology of

  eradication of

  factors in surviving

  fever in

  first cases

  flat type

  in Franco-Prussian War

  frozen stock of

  global eradication campaign


  history of

  immunity to

  incubation period

  last U.S. case

  last U.S. outbreak

  lesions. See lesions

  as loathsome/filth disease

  methods of fighting. See smallpox control

  mild type. See mild type of smallpox

  Native Americans and

  in New Jersey. See New Jersey

  in New World

  New York City outbreak. See New York City outbreak

  origin of name

  outsiders as source of

  pathogen as unknown

  in Philadelphia. See Philadelphia

  in Puerto Rico. See Puerto Rico

  reporting of

  scars of

  as self-limited disease

  among soldiers

  in the South. See South, U.S.

  in Sweden

  symptoms of

  transmission of

  treatment for

  in the United StatesSee also epidemics of 1898–1903

  vaccination. See vaccination, smallpox

  variola major. See variola major

  variola minor. See variola minor

  virions of


  Smith, Jacob H.

  Smith, Theobald

  Smith, William H.

  Smith, William M.

  Smock, B. W.

  Smoot, A. B.

  Snodgrass, John E.

  social insurance/welfare state

  Socialist Labor Party


  infectious disease among

  U.S. See soldiers, U.S.

  soldiers, U.S.

  compulsory vaccination of

  death rate of wounded

  death toll in Philippine-American War

  infectious disease among

  number of

  smallpox among

  South, U.S. See also specific places

  camps of. See camps

  epidemics of 1898–1903 in See also specific places

  federal power in

  intractability of smallpox in

  lack of smallpox experience in

  medical beliefs in

  smallpox control in

  vaccination as lost art in

  vaccination in

  South Boston Hospital

  South CarolinaSee also specific places

  southerners, U.S. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service and

  Southern Medical Journal

  Soviet UnionSee also Russia

  Sowders, Joseph

  Spain/Spanish imperialism

  Cuba’s insurrection against

  Philippines and

  Puerto Rico and

  Spanish-American War

  assembly areas. See camps

  death rate of wounded troops

  deaths from disease

  Dodge Commission report

  last battle of

  mustering of troops

  reasons for

  smallpox as endemic to theaters of

  smallpox threat and

  spatial strategySee also specific strategies

  Spencer, E. Edwin

  Spencer, Herbert

  Spencer, William H.

  Spooner, John Coit

  state(s). See also specific states


  Middlesboro outbreak, role in

  police power and. See police power

  State v. Hay

  steamship travel

  captain’s power

  first and second class

  for Italian immigrants

  length of journey

  smallpox control for

  steerage. See steerage travel/steerage passengers

  surgeons. See ship surgeons

  steerage travel/steerage passengers

  coercion of

  compulsory vaccination of

  dangers of

  quarantine for

  Stephenson, William

  Sternberg, George Miller

  Stevens, Charles

  Stithton, Kentucky

  Stoner, George W.

  Storey, Moorfield

  Sturdevant, Homer E.

  Supreme Court, U.S.

  Allgeyer v. Louisiana

  Barron v. Baltimore

  business-friendly rhetoric of

  criteria for hearing cases

  Doe v. Bolton

  Jacobson v. Massachusetts. See Jacobson v. Massachusetts

  Lochner v. New York

  Plessy v. Ferguson

  police power rulings

  Schenck v. United States

  surgeon, as term


  Swedish Lutheranism

  Taft, William Howard

  Talladega, Alabama

  Tamany Democratic machine

  Tatham, D. H.

  Tavera, Trinidad H. Pardo de

  Taylor, J. N.

  Teller Amendment


  Tenth Amendment. See police power


  incubation period

  postvaccination. See postvaccination tetanus


  Thirteenth Amendment

  Tiedeman, Christopher G.

  Tillman, Benjamin R.

  Tolstoy, Leo

  “Tomb of His Ancestors, The” (Kipling)

  tort law

  Treaty of Paris

  tropical medicine

  Tuskegee Institute

  Twain, Mark

  Twentieth Kansas Volunteers

  Twenty-sixth U.S. Volunteers



  Union College

  United States

  antivaccinationism in

  arrival of vaccination in

  compulsory vaccination in

  death rate from smallpox

  decentralized political structure of

  eradication of smallpox in

  freedom in

  immigration to. See immigrants/immigration

  imperialism of. See imperialism, U.S.

  last confirmed smallpox outbreak

  last variola major outbreaks

  as least vaccinated country

  smallpox inSee also epidemics of 1898–1903

  smallpox vaccination in

  vaccination in

  vaccination rate

  vaccination’s arrival in

  universal vaccination. See compulsory vaccination

  University of Pennsylvania

  U.S. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service

  authority enlarged

  epidemics of 1898–1903 and

  history of

immigrants and

  legacy of trust for

  Medical Department of the U.S. Army compared to

  National Hygienic Laboratory of. See National Hygienic Laboratory

  role of

  segregated facilities of

  smallpox control and

  smallpox reporting

  southerners and

  structure of

  surgeons of

  uniform of

  work of

  UtahSee also specific places

  antivaccinationism in

  Board of Health

  smallpox outbreak in

  Utah Anti-Compulsory Vaccination League

  Utah Supreme Court


  compulsory. See compulsory vaccination


  invention of


  public distrust of

  in Puerto Rico

  smallpox. See vaccination, smallpox

  as term


  vaccination, smallpox

  African Americans’ rate of


  arrival in the United States

  bovine. See bovine vaccine

  compulsory. See compulsory vaccination

  crisis of 1901–2. See vaccine crisis of 1901–2

  in England

  in Europe

  history of

  humanized virus

  invention of

  Kentucky, rates in

  as lost art in the South

  Middlesboro, rates in

  in New York City

  in the Philippines

  phony certificates

  postvaccination tetanus

  procedure for

  public opinion on

  regulation of. See vaccine regulation

  resistance to. See antivaccinationism/ antivaccinationists risks of See also vaccine failure

  sources of

  in the South

  technological advances in

  temporary immunity of

  in the United States

  universal. See compulsory vaccination

  Wertenbaker and

  Vaccination A Crime (Oswald)

  Vaccination a Curse (Amerige)

  Vaccination Brought Home to You (Clymer)

  vaccination lawsuits

  See also specific cases

  administrative power and

  complex precedents in

  due process and

  equal protection in

  in Georgia

  in North Carolina




  vaccination scar

  forgery of

  as passport

  as signifier of American rule

  vaccine, smallpox

  dry point


  humanized virus

  introduction to New World

  as least safe vaccine

  manufacture of. See vaccine manufacture/vaccine manufacturers

  preservation and transportation of

  principal viruses used in

  quality of. See vaccine quality

  regulation of. See vaccine regulation

  vaccine court

  vaccine crisis of 1901–2

  in Atlantic City

  in Camden. See Camden vaccine crisis

  in Cleveland

  lack of governmental liability for

  liability for

  in Philadelphia

  physicians and

  in St. Louis

  vaccine failure

  in crisis of 1901–2. See vaccine crisis of 1901–2

  government’s lack of liability for

  liability for

  vaccine laws

  vaccine manufacture/vaccine manufacturers See also specific manufacturers

  advertising by

  competition among

  compulsory vaccination as boon to

  cows used in. See bovine vaccine

  emergence as commercial industry

  in Europe

  glycerin used in

  by government

  government production opposed by

  innovations in

  insulation from liability

  as interstate trade

  items necessary for

  lack of regulation of

  licensing of

  low barriers to entry

  marketing by

  by New York City Health Department

  in the Philippines

  production methods

  production standards

  profitability of

  in Puerto Rico

  regulation of. See vaccine regulation

  regulation welcomed by

  as unregulated

  vaccine quality

  antivaccinationism and

  improvement in

  research on

  vaccine refusers

  vaccine regulation

  debate over

  in Europe

  federal government and

  first glimmerings of

  lack of

  at state level

  U.S. legislation introduced

  U.S. legislation passed

  vaccinia (cowpox)



  Varieties of Religious Experience (James)

  variola, meaning of term

  variola major

  variola minorSee also mild type of smallpox

  variolation, smallpox

  variola vera

  variola virus. See smallpox (variola virus)



  virion, definition of


  Wadhams, S. H.

  Wai, Wong

  Wait, William Cushing

  Walk, H. J.

  Walker, A. J.

  Wallace, Alfred Russel

  Walsh, Ralph

  war, infectious disease and

  War of the Classes (London)

  Warren, Adeffa

  Warrington, Anna

  Wash & Company

  Washington, Booker T.

  Washington, George

  Washington Post, The

  Waterhouse, Benjamin

  Weinberger, Harry

  Welch, William

  welfare state. See social insurance/welfare state

  Wells, Heber M.

  Wertenbaker, C. C.

  Wertenbaker, C. P.

  on African Americans

  ambitions of

  appearance of

  childhood of

  Confederate background of

  death of

  death of siblings, effect on

  early career of

  education of

  epidemics of 1898–1903 and

  final years of career

  grave of

  mobility of

  politics of

  politics of smallpox control and

  procedures of

  reforms advocated by

  on segregation

  as smallpox expert

  Sons of the American Revolution and

  theatrical quality of work of

  uniforms of

  U.S. Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service career of

  vaccination and

  in Virginia Volunteers

  Wilmington outbreak and

  writings and speeches of

  Wyman and

  Wertenbaker, Mary Ella

  Wertenbaker, William

  Western New York Homeopathic Medical Society

  West Virginia

  Weyler, Valeriano

  “What Credence Should Be Given . . .” (Reed)

  Wheaton, Lloyd

  “White Man’s Burden, The” (Kipling)


  African Americans and. See race/racism

  in epidemics of 1898–1903

  epidemics of 1898–1903 and

as exempt from smallpox

  in Middlesboro outbreak

  poor, lack of medical care for

  smallpox seen as black disease by

  vaccination of blacks, opposition to

  as vaccine refusers

  White Star

  Whitman, Walt

  Willard Parker Hospital

  William, R. C.

  Williams, George Fred

  Williams, John Joseph

  Willson, Robert

  Wilmington, North Carolina

  African Americans of

  Marine-Hospital Service station

  race riots

  smallpox outbreak. See Wilmington outbreak

  Wilmington Messenger

  Wilmington outbreak

  African Americans and

  antivaccinationism in

  compulsory vaccination in

  first case


  as public health battleground

  racial issues in

  Wertenbaker and

  Winslow, C. E. A.

  Winters, Mamie


  Wisconsin Medical Journal

  Wisconsin Supreme Court

  women’s rights

  Wong Wai v. Williamson

  Wood, Leonard

  Woodward, William C.

  workers/working class

  antivaccinationism and

  compulsory vaccination and

  cotton mill

  government and, conflict between

  housing conditions for

  laws protecting


  mobility of

  workman’s compensation laws

  workplaces, compulsory vaccination in

  World Health Organization

  World’s Colombian Exposition

  World War I

  Worthington, Robert

  Wright, S. P.

  Wright Troupe

  Wyman, Walter

  management style of

  Wertenbaker and

  X rays

  Yellow Creek Valley

  yellow fever

  Young, LeGrande

  Also by Michael Willrich

  City of Courts: Socializing Justice in Progressive Era Chicago




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