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Birth Of A Goddess

Page 43

by Mark T. Bacome

  “How significant?”

  “Down seventy-eight percent.”

  “How long do we have?”

  “At current rates of consumption, recycle reclamation and loss; eight Earth days, nineteen hours,” Jenai reported.

  *** “So are you planning on not talking to me for the entire flight to Mars?” Kutch asked. “It's been over sixty hours.”

  ::Sixty-three hours and thirty-eight minutes,:: Sid corrected.

  “I was thinking I might,” Alex retorted.

  Kutch sulked back into his seat. “Well, while you've been ignoring me, Sid and I have come up with a plan.”

  “A plan--”

  “Yes. You're not the only one that can think up plans,” Kutch argued.

  “YOU have a plan.”

  “Yes. I do.”

  “Oh all right. What is your plan?”

  “We're about to reach the habitation ring around Mars...”

  “That would be in three minutes at our current speed,” Alex interjected.

  “That soon?” Kutch mumbled with surprise.

  ::Alex has been abusing the propulsion system of this sled to reach Mars much sooner than at recommended safe operational procedures. She obviously has no regard for proper equipment operations,:: Sid complained.

  “Right--so the plan is, we land on the ring first, bypassing all the usual traffic protocols and security checks. There's a maintenance portal not far from my old quarters. From there we'll take a cargo-lift down to the surface. I know what you're going to say, they're not designed for personnel traffic, but Sid has calculated that if we use our environmental suits, and with a pair of oxygen generators each to replenish the suit supply, we could manage a safe drop to atmospheric levels. Now if I have calculated correctly, the closest cargo-lift to the surface will only be three hundred and eighty-two kilometers away from Corporate Home Office campus. We'll do what you always do, find transportation, and acquire a hover-sled to take us over ground, and stay completely out of contact with Corporate Security and Cain's Earth men. Once we reach the compound we can proceed to your part of the plan on the protocol nodes,” Kutch explained in detail.

  “That's your plan.”

  “Yes. I think it's a good one,” Kutch replied with confidence.

  “Stop at the ring first...”

  “Yes. In fact you should be starting your, now? Correct Sid?”

  ::Deceleration should commence in, deceleration protocols.::

  “Your idea is to stop at the Mars Habitation Ring-first?”

  “I believe I was clear on that part of the plan. You will need to decelerate--now.”

  “Why again?” Alex added sarcasm to her look of distraction.

  “Because if you don't decelerate now, we will miss our opportunity to stop at the Mars Habitation Ring. That-being the FIRST part of the plan,” Kutch assured.

  “I'm a little--fuzzy--on the overall purpose of stopping at the Mars Habitation Ring--first,” Alex stated, as she tightened her seat harness, and gave several sled operational systems a precipitous glance and


  “To avoid Corporate Security inquiries and

  transportation protocols.” Kutch tightened the restraints to his own seat out of habit.

  “Oh. You mean the Corporate Security inquiries and transportation protocols that used to be in place, BEFORE Cain wiped out most operational AIs with ridiculous, selfserving, useless protocols, leading to early terminations? The entire reason we're on our way to Mars to interrupt the protocol nodes?” Alex asked, taking a contiguous path past the Mars Habitation Ring, without slowing, all the while silencing the collision alert alarms sounding inside the sled. She guided the small two-seater sled close along the habitation ring inner structure, before diving down toward the dark side of Mars.

  “You're not going to use my plan--are you?” Kutch questioned.

  “Let me think--no.”

  “Are you still angry with me?”

  Alex rolled her eyes and took another sharp-angled turn to keep the sled from skipping across the upper levels of Mars atmosphere and out of control. “Since there are no longer any functional Corporate protocols regarding our approach, and no apparent Corporate Security inquiries to our egregious activities so far, we are going straight to a rarely-used, small-craft landing pad, just outside of the Campus area. We have only a few hours left in the window of time I allotted, to reach the central node and shutdown Cain's protocols,” Alex explained between further extreme maneuvers with the small craft.

  Kutch was feeling the first signs of gravity as they approached, and the usual tug on his stomach. “Well. You could have just told me--your plan.” Kutch tried to keep his last meal from becoming an unwanted repeat and pulled open a side compartment to be on standby.

  “You never asked.”

  “You weren't talking to me--you could have offered up your idea first,” Kutch pressed. He watched the lights on the dark side of the planet glow through some low-laying clouds with an odd sense of calm. Alex guided the ship, increasing the angle of descent, as she slowed the thrusters to keep the sled outer-skin from overheating or buckling from going beyond tolerances. “I've been a little busy, plotting our re-entry.” Alex gritted her teeth, concentrating on the task of piloting the sled through several more difficult maneuvers.

  “It was a good plan though,” Kutch sulked.

  “Sure--any other time--it would have been a good plan. Now strap in tighter, we're coming in hot!”

  *** Presley1477 put up the holographic display for everyone to see. “We've just received scanner reports

  from Nibra II Earth Observatory. Two Class C freighters are closing in and should be arriving from the East.” Damus looked over the visual specifications. “Those are flying craft? They look as though they could crush the whole canyon and ridge, landing on top of us.”

  “Actually that would not be possible,” Presley1522 assured. “Those freighters are large but not very strong, designed for the lack of gravity in space. They would collapse under their own weight if they were to land on an uneven surface. They would have to hover above, and from our sensor readings, they are not being piloted by AIs. There is no way they have any pilots with the skills required for that maneuver.”

  “Correct,” Presley1477 agreed. “Besides, Class C freighters have relatively short off-loading ramps. They will need to land somewhere flat and the only place large enough will be where the village is located.”

  “How long before they arrive?” Novia asked. “Ten, twelve hours tops,” Presley1477 surmised. “Do you think they'll know where we are?” Reed


  “Their sensor readings will be impeded by the

  frequency generators, but the trails and other signs of

  activity will likely point in the direction up the canyon,”

  Presley1477 suggested.

  “That means they'll be sending their men up the

  canyon by foot?” Damus asked.

  “Sensors scans have indicated the freighters are

  carrying Earth humans and a few supplies but nothing to

  indicate any other mass-mode of travel, once they get

  here,” Presley1522 explained.

  “Then they will have to pass through the narrow gap

  at the falls,” Novia pointed out on another holographic

  display showing the canyon down to the village. “Yes,” Damus agreed. “A perfect place for a defensive


  “A defensive--what?” Presley1522 asked.

  “Stand. A place to put something in their path to stop

  or at least slow their advance up to the main cave


  “You want to put Elvonians there with their force field

  tools?” Reed asked. “That seems a bit dangerous. Those

  Earth humans have those cutting things--Estukas!” “Oh, no. Not at al
l. We have some traps we can

  deploy,” Damus assured.

  “Traps?” Reed asked.

  “They are devices made to protect ourselves from any

  Longclaws that won't leave on their own. Basically long

  wooden spikes, lashed together on a platform and

  propelled by young trees.”

  “They won't see them?” Presley1477 asked. “No, they're hidden from sight. It would be a

  surprise,” Novia answered.

  “That sounds awful,” Presley1522 suggested. “It is meant to kill the persistent Longclaw, and would

  be very effective against Cain's men,” Damus explained. “We do need to remember, that Cain's men are

  coming here for Li and will stop at nothing to accomplish

  that goal. Including killing any, if not all of us,”

  Presley1477 said with a strange acceptance of the facts. “What if Cain's men get past the narrow gap?”

  Presley1522 asked.

  “We'll reform the next defensive line here,” Damus

  pointed on the holographic display. “This clearing along

  the river. There are high trees on either side for our

  Guardians to take positions and shoot hunting shafts.” “Hunting shafts?” Reed asked, feeling overwhelmed. Cyan stepped out from the shadows behind Novia,

  holding a long piece of wood with a strong strip of animal

  hide pulling both ends together. He pulled out a long thin

  shaft of wood from a holder on his back, tipped with a

  sharpened ceramic barb. “We use these for hunting large

  and small animals. They are as effective against men

  too,” Cyan explained.

  “Regarding the large animal, I have been witness to

  that very action with you, Cyan,” Presley1477 assured


  “What if they get past that spot?” Reed asked, still not

  certain of this whole operation.

  “Then we fall back to here,” Damus pointed again to

  the holographic display. “The main cave entrance. Here

  we'll have the Elvonians assembled in the formation we've

  been working on, that inter-locks your invisible force,

  protecting the entrance. We'll have our Guardians along

  outside edges with more hunting shafts to push back

  Cain's men as best we can.”

  “And if that doesn't work? What if they get into the

  cave entrance?” Reed questioned.

  Damus straightened up and gave a look of concern to

  everyone in the room. “If Cain's men get by that last

  defensive line--we all die.”

  “THAT, will NOT happen,” Cyan assured.

  “We are the Guardians of the NorWes clans. We will

  not allow that to happen,” Ayden affirmed. The entire

  room erupted with agreement and solidarity, Elvonian and

  clansmen alike.

  “Take as many men as you need and start on the

  traps at the falls!” Damus instructed Cyan and Ayden.

  *** A crowd of Corporate personnel surrounded the small craft platform. Finding an opening large enough for both Kutch and Alex was a chore, but they managed, pulling the hoods of their long coats up over their heads. Walking much slower than normal, the crowd moved in slow motion toward the Corporate Home Office campus, chanting various versions of the same thing, 'Praise God! Praise Cain!'

  ::This will take hours at this pace. There has to be a faster way,:: Kutch said over a secure channel to Alex.

  ::There is, But--::

  ::But what? Let's go,::Kutch pressed.

  ::They're all standing on it,:: Alex pointed ahead to the large crowd moving methodically across an inground ventilation grate. ::There are too many people walking and standing on there to lift and get through. Besides, they'd probably all follow us, if they thought there was a faster way to meet Cain.::

  ::That's a brilliant idea,:: Kutch stated. ::Tell them there is a faster way--a short-cut somewhere else, and move them away from here.::

  Alex looked around and noticed an empty path between some buildings, leading away from the grate. ::Like that way?::

  “This way is too slow. That way is a faster route to meet Cain,” Kutch suggested with excitement, taking a man by his jumper and pointing him in the direction.

  The man turned to look, not able to see Kutch clearly, but certain of what he heard. “That way? THAT WAY IS FASTER TO CAIN! PRAISE GOD! PRAISE CAIN!” the man shouted, and headed down the other route.

  Alex took another man by the jumper and pointed him in the same direction. “Look--he found a faster way!” After a few moments several people were shouting about a new faster path to meet with their God Cain, and leading the crowd away from the grate on the ground.

  ::Quick before they realize it's not the right way,:: Alex said and darted for the grate. She formed a wedge using her PPD tool and lifted the grate just enough for Kutch, then herself, to slide through.

  “What if someone tries to follow?” Kutch asked.

  Alex pulled a small cutter’s torch from her pouch inside her long coat, and melted the grate metal to the side support, welding the two together.

  “Which way?” Kutch whispered, trying not to add to the unbearable echoes of the large tunnel. ::Best to stay on the secure channel,:: Alex replied, then pointed her portable in a direction. ::This way.::

  ::What is this?:: Kutch asked. The tunnel was unlit, except for their portables, about three meters in diameter, with flat walk surfaces on either side of a narrow water channel flowing down the middle.

  ::This is a storm drain and equipment ventilation shaft, leading from the main building complex below the campus,::Alex explained, taking one side of the water channel with Kutch following on the other side.

  ::Where did you dig up the building specs on this?::

  ::I didn't need to--::

  Kutch shined his portable at Alex with a look of skepticism. ::You've been here before?::

  ::A long time ago,:: Alex shined her light back to make Kutch squint and close the subject.

  After several hundred meters of echoed steps and the occasional blast of hot, moist air, forced through the tunneling system, Alex stopped at an intersection and shined her portable down each tunnel. There was increase of mechanical and overall droning noises, mixing with the echoes of their footsteps and water flowing in the channel.

  ::Don't tell me you're lost,::Kutch asked.

  ::Not lost--this way,:: Alex pointed to the tunnel on the right.

  After several more hundreds of meters, Kutch and Alex came to another junction, this time several meters high and square. There was an access hatch above with a ladder-fitting protruding from the bulkhead below.

  ::Stay here, I'll check the hatch first,::Alex asked. Kutch didn't argue for once, shining his portable around the large squared junction with curiosity.

  Alex held her small portable in her mouth as she climbed up the ladder rungs sticking out from the side. The hatch had a mechanical assist and opened without issue. She stepped through, then poked her head back, waving Kutch up.

  ::The primary protocols channelnode is down this way,:: Alex pointed with her portable. This new corridor was much cleaner, better maintained, and lit with maintenance lighting pods, spaced every twenty meters.

  ::How much is left to do from here?:: Kutch asked.

  ::Not much. I've already configured the remaining nodes for a power-down reset. The only one that is left-this one--requires a manual power-down, within the next ten minutes,:: Alex explained, leading the way down the new corridor.


  ::Or, all the remote node configurations will reset, and I'll have to reconfigure the remote nodes again.::

  ::Well, that shouldn't take too long right?::

  ::Last time, it took me the bulk of sixty hours while on our way here,:: Alex stopped and shined her portable
at Kutch's face, to make him squint again, accentuating her point.


  After a few more meters, she picked up her pace and turned a corner. “And--there it is,” Alex said with a tone of excitement.

  Kutch caught up in time to see Alex removing a protective outer panel, exposing a small manual control panel and very large power switch, with a long handle.

  “What now?” Kutch asked, taking a cursory glance around the area. There was large ramp that had the hint of a light source much further up, and the corridor continued past.

  “We power down the unit, insert this data cube into the slot with the generic protocols to wipe out Cain's protocols--wait at least ninety seconds to clear internal circuits, then power back up. All the nodes will reset with the new protocols in place, along with a new access code to try and keep Cain out. Done,” Alex finished.

  “Hey! Who are you?” a voice called out.

  Alex spun around in shock. “Keja!”


  *** Two large, dark shapes moved slowly from the East over the salt bays, approaching the abandoned village of the Wind Whisperers clan. The setting sun gave each ship a strange glow of gold and red on their flat surfaces. The last coordinates from this place used before leaving Earth over six solar cycles ago were used once more to return and find Li.

  “Scan reports,” K'nal Lluxi ordered.

  “There appears to be some kind of interference surrounding the local area of the landing coordinates, my K'nal,” the Trupe operating the sensor controls, announced.

  “Is there sufficient space to set down?” Lluxi asked.

  “There is a large enough area at the base of the canyon to set both ships,” the pilot Trupe reported.

  “Make it so. Upon landing send out small teams to sweep for these NorWes warriors,” Lluxi ordered.

  “Yes, Sir!”

  *** “Our scanners are showing two large Class C freighters arriving down at the bay, just over the village,” Presley1522 reported.

  Presley1477 turned to Damus. “They're here. It's time.”

  “I'll get Novia,” Damus affirmed.

  *** Li stood on the inside of her crystalline chamber entry and Novia stayed on the outside. “If only we could embrace one more time,” Novia said.


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