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Soldiers of Pearl 4: Gang of Broken Hearts (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 11

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She wanted to complain when she felt Hunter pull out his fingers. But then he licked her ass again, causing so many sensations and tiny vibrations to travel over every inch of her skin and body that she sucked Sunny harder.

  “Damn, Dee, you’re a natural. You’re so giving. Fuck, I’m going to come.”

  As he said the words, she felt the tip of Hunter’s cock push against her puckered hole. She tensed up, and Marino thrust upward.

  “Relax and let us in. Let us all make love to you. Let go,” Marino commanded. “We’ve got you.”

  She relaxed as she counter thrust against Marino and bobbed her head up and down. Then she felt Hunter’s cock slip deeper into her ass. His hands gripped her hips, and then he pushed all the way in.

  “Fuck,” Sunny yelled and then came, shocking her.

  It was wild having three men’s cocks inside of her, but even crazier to be so caught up in the sensations and the need to make them happy that she’d allowed them complete control. She came as she swallowed as fast as she could.

  Sunny said something to her as he caressed her hair, but she was so far gone as Hunter thrust harder and Marino came inside of her next.

  “Oh God. Oh!” she cried out.

  Hunter pulled her up and back, his cock still deep in her ass. She didn’t know what was happening, and she didn’t care. They moved her to their liking. Marino licked her nipple as he moved to the side. Travis took his place and Hunter lay her over him. In an instant Travis was underneath her and then inside of her. There was no hesitation, no going slowly, and she didn’t care. She wanted, needed, more of them. She wanted them to experience this together so no one was left out but, instead, sewn together, bonded like this so closely, so deeply forever.

  “Fuck, I can’t take it.” Hunter roared as he thrust three more times and came in her ass.

  Travis pulled her lower and covered her mouth with a kiss.

  Hunter eased out, and Travis rolled her to her back, lifted her legs up as high as he could, and then stroked hard and fast into her.

  “Travis!” she screamed as she came, and Travis followed.

  He hugged her to him, crushing her, and she didn’t care. She wrapped her legs tightly around his waist as she panted and tried to calm her breathing.

  He ran his hands through her hair and held her head as he slightly lifted up.

  “You’re all ours. No going back. We’re going to care for you, protect you forever. We’re yours.”

  He kissed her deeply and then hugged her again as she closed her eyes and reveled in the aftermath of their lovemaking. She didn’t want to go back. She didn’t want her life to be the same. Nothing mattered now but Sunny, Travis, Hunter, and Marino. Nothing.

  * * * *

  Sunny crossed his arms and stared at Dee. He felt frantic, desperate, and protective of her. All evening they’d made love to her and promised to take care of her and protect her, yet she still stood here giving them a hard time about moving in with them.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” she stated firmly as she stood there in Marino’s shirt, her hair damp from the shower she’d taken, and looking so petite and delicate. Her breasts filled out the top of the T-shirt, and she stared right back up at him. She acted tough, and maybe she knew some moves, but she wouldn’t stand a chance against a guy like Keller.

  “I’m only going to tell you this once, sweetheart. You’re coming home with us. Pack a bag or don’t. I really don’t give a shit. You’ll be naked the majority of the time at our place anyway. You’re our woman, and normal dating etiquette does not apply to a situation like this or in a ménage relationship. Keller knows who you are and that you’re important to us. We’re not taking any chances.”

  “But it’s not fair. This is just like back home. If I had known that I’d have to give up all my rights and independence by—”

  “Dee!” Marino cut her off in that deep voice of his that told all he meant business.

  Marino stomped toward her and pulled her into his arms.

  “You’re coming home with us so we can protect you and watch over you. This is not a biker gang or some cult. We’re not part of any organization that degrades women or forces them to comply with old-fashioned rituals and made-up laws. We’re a group of men who consider ourselves brothers, a family. We’ve served in war together, and we’ve saved one another’s lives and risked our lives for one another. You’re part of that family now, so you’ll need to give up only a little of that independence.”

  She wrapped her arms around Marino’s waist and held him. Sunny locked gazes with her, his hands on his hips ready to argue and Travis stood beside him as Hunter sat on the edge of her bed and kept a hand on her thigh. They were all watching her, waiting for her response.

  “I’ve been living alone for a while. I’ve never lived with a man before and definitely not four men. I gave my virginity to you, allowed four of you to make love to me, and I even had oral and anal sex. All in about two hours’ time. Now you’re ordering me to pack a bag and move in with you? I’m freaking out here, okay? I can’t go this fast. You’re making my head spin.” She eased back from Marino’s arms.

  Marino took her hand and brought it to his lips. He kissed the knuckles. “She’s right. There’s only one thing we can do to resolve this situation tonight at least.”

  “And what is that, Marino?” Sunny asked.

  Marino wrapped his arm around her waist and hoisted her up into his arms then headed to the bed.

  “We’re sleeping here tonight.”

  Sunny shook his head as Dee squealed before falling to the bed. He watched Marino and Hunter lift up her shirt and begin to explore her body with their mouths. He couldn’t help the concerned feeling he had in his gut. He looked at Travis as he joined them on the bed. This was his family. Dee was part of it, too. He might have to confront Keller himself and take him down a notch. Sunny had to ensure that Keller never got close enough to Dee to hurt her.

  Chapter 8

  Dale rubbed his chin as he looked at the computer screen. This wasn’t good, and Quaid realized the same thing.

  “These two assholes have rap sheets a mile fucking long. We got assault and battery, domestic assault, attempted rape, armed robbery. Holy fuck, this guy Reno Vale A.K.A. Ghost started committing crimes at eleven years old.” Quaid shuffled the papers around in front of him.

  “This Raven character is just as bad, and look at this guy. He’s one evil mother. That’s a given,” Dale said as he turned the screen toward Quaid.

  “She needs protection,” Quaid said. “We don’t have shit on a location on these two, and they’ve been behaving for the last year. All we got is Ghost’s last visit with his assigned parole officer on the latest assault charges from two years ago.”

  “These are lifetime criminals. They could be laying low because they’re looking for Deirdre. It could have to do with what she told Sunny and the guys about the biker gang and their new idea of securing a so-called bloodline.” Dale shook his head. Quaid just couldn’t wrap his head around their way of thinking.

  “That’s sick and downright immoral. To force women into marriages or bearing children to secure some bloodline that really doesn’t even exist? What the fuck happened to just riding Harleys together, enjoying the countryside and this great country of ours? Instead these dicks even have to corrupt that.” Quaid put the papers down and stood up. He began to pace. “We need to find out more about this gang they’re in, the others’ involvement, and where the hell these two are hiding out or shacked up.”

  “More like shacked up. They’ve served their time for their recent charges. In here there were multiple previous addresses, including this latest one a year ago in Dallas, but there isn’t any specific indication of a gang they are in or connected to. We need to talk to Deirdre and find out the name of the biker gang and anything else she can tell us. Then we’ll contact some of our buddies. Maybe get a list of other members, their hang outs and possibly track these two down,” Quaid

  “Agreed. Text Sunny now. See if he can bring Deirdre by, or if he wants, we can go see them at his place.”

  “Yeah, by his reaction yesterday, I’m sure she’s safe and secure at their place.” Dale smiled.

  “It’s kind of funny. She’s so petite and sweet, and the four of them are tattooed, badass Marines who kind of have their own gang of bikers.” Quaid smiled.

  “Yeah, but they’re not committing crimes and putting people in the hospital. They’re supporting our troops and helping out struggling families. Those gangs I don’t mind at all.”

  * * * *

  Sunny looked at the text message as he pulled on his jeans. He glanced over at the bed to see Dee snuggled up against Marino’s chest with Hunter pressed up behind her. She was lost between his two brothers, and the sight pulled at his heart. Travis was up, giving him a serious expression.

  “What’s wrong? Who was that text from?” Travis asked.

  “Quaid. He and Dale either want to come over to our place to talk to Dee or for us to bring her to them in town.”

  “Sounds like they may have found out some info.”

  “What’s going on?” Hunter asked as he eased out from behind Dee. He climbed up off the bed and stepped into his boxers then his jeans.

  “I’ll text Quaid back and tell him we’ll meet him in town within the hour.”


  Sunny glanced at Marino. He was caressing Dee’s hair and holding her possessively with his other hand over her ass, keeping her close against him.

  “She has work. She’ll need to call Leonard and let him know that she’ll be late.”

  Just then Dee blinked her eyes open. Sunny watched her dazed expression turn into a big smile.

  “Good morning, sweetheart,” Marino whispered and kissed her forehead.

  “Morning.” She hugged him tight.

  This was what Sunny looked forward to for years to come. Not just days, weeks, or months, but forever.

  “Dee, Quaid and Dale want to meet us in town and talk with you about those men from Dallas. I think they may have some news,” Sunny told her, and she suddenly looked so scared. She was afraid of the two men who hurt her. That was obvious, and it put them all on edge.

  “Do they know where they are?”

  “We don’t know anything. Why don’t you get ready for work, and we’ll fix some breakfast then head into town.”

  She looked unsure as she glanced at Hunter, Travis, and then Marino.

  “Okay, Sunny. I’ll do whatever you think is right.”

  He gave her a nod, but the effect that small sentence had on him was huge. She trusted him and his brothers with her life, with her protection, and was willing to take their advice. He wouldn’t fail her. None of them would.

  * * * *

  Dee covered her mouth and held in the tears as they all sat in Wyatt’s office. As she explained to Dale and Quaid exactly who Raven and Ghost were, who the Black Titans were and what their idea of community and family meant, she was embarrassed for ever having been a part of it.

  “We’ve heard of the Black Titans before,” Quaid told her. “Being in law enforcement, we know they’re as bad, violent, and notorious as some of the gangs in foreign countries. A friend of ours, Mark Santos, worked for the federal government as well. He’s had run-ins with many members of numerous biker gangs charged with criminal offenses. You were very lucky to have gotten out of there from under their thumb, not to mention alive. Mark lives here in town now, and when he heard about what was going on and how you escaped from this gang, he volunteered to help out.”

  “But does he think Raven and Ghost are still looking for me, or does he think they moved on? I mean it’s been a year, and I haven’t heard a word. I wanted to call my father and see—”

  “No. You can’t contact him. They could be waiting for that opportunity to find you,” Marino interrupted.

  She felt the tears in her eyes. “Marino, he’s my dad. The only family I have.”

  “He didn’t stop them from hurting you, from letting them think they could force you into a marriage so they could secure their positions in this gang,” Sunny said. “It was against your will, and those men would have raped you, impregnated you, and kept you prisoner if you hadn’t escaped. Your father did nothing to stop them.”

  “It’s not fair to say that. My father didn’t know that Ghost cornered me in that barn and touched me, threatening me with a knife when he told me I would be his and Raven’s. I knew my father couldn’t do a damn thing. So, instead of causing more harm to come to him and to me, I took off.”

  She felt insulted, yet she knew Sunny had a point, as did Marino, but she had to hold on to the hope that her dad loved her and was protecting her.

  “A father would lay down his life to protect his daughter from such things,” Travis added, arms crossed and glaring at her.

  She couldn’t respond to that. He had a point, and Dee hadn’t even known what it was really like to care for someone with all your heart and soul until she came to Pearl.

  “I think what we need to focus on right now is finding a location on these two men, Raven and Ghost,” Dale said. “Mark will really be an asset in that area, and he’s already working on things as we speak. As a precaution, I suggest that Dee is rarely left alone, especially coming and going to work. At least until we can confirm that Ghost and Raven are nowhere near Pearl. And, sweetie, let your men take care of you and protect you. This is a new relationship, and it’s supposed to be a happy time, filled with great memories. Don’t let the past ruin that. We protect our own here in Pearl, and we’ll protect you, just as your men will.”

  She smiled and truly felt as if he was telling the truth and that everything would be okay.

  She nodded and stood up. Wyatt, Dale, and then Quaid kissed her cheek good-bye, and then Travis took her hand and escorted her from the sheriff’s department. They waved hello to others they knew and then headed toward Sunny’s truck to talk.

  “We’ll walk you to the office,” Sunny said as he glanced at his cell phone.

  “It’s okay. I know you have to get to work, too. I can walk. It’s a block down the street.”

  “No can do. I’ll walk her,” Travis said, and Sunny nodded.

  Hunter pulled her into his arms and kissed her. He ran his hand along her ass and gave it a tap. “See you tonight.”

  Marino kissed her next and gave her hair a light tug then winked. “You’re staying at our place. No arguments.”

  Her belly tightened, and she felt aroused instead of concerned. They did that to her. They made her feel needy and aroused.

  Sunny took her hand and pulled her close.

  “You keep alert, and if you feel any concern, you call us. Immediately,” he told her firmly, and she nodded and then stood up on tiptoes to kiss him. He hugged her tightly then ran his hand along her ass in the snug black skirt she wore.

  Travis took her hand, and they headed down the street. When they got to her office, he stopped her in front and kissed her. As he pulled back, he held her gaze. “I’ll come pick you up at five. Is that good?”

  “I should be done by then. I’ll text you if I need you earlier.” She smiled.

  “You be sure to do that, baby.” He kissed her again then watched her walk into the small office building.

  After Dee greeted Leonard, who looked none too happy that she was an hour late to work, she went about catching up with her morning duties. Throughout the day, she took calls from Maggie, Cynthia, and Georgia, cutting them off when Leonard peeked out of his office to check on her. By lunchtime she wanted to head out but knew she shouldn’t. Not without one of her men.

  When the door chimed that someone had arrived, she smiled to see that it was Cynthia. She was carrying a carton with three iced teas and some containers.

  “There you are. I was wondering when you would get here. Thank you so much, Cynthia,” Leonard said as he greeted her.

  Dee was surprised that Leon
ard had ordered them lunch. Then she felt embarrassed. Had the men, Wyatt, or even Dale and Quaid told Leonard about Ghost and Raven?

  “Dee, are you okay?” Cynthia asked.

  “Yeah,” she whispered then glanced at Leonard. He gave a soft smile, and she felt so bad. But then Cynthia started carrying on a mile a minute, and soon the three of them were sitting down drinking iced tea and having lunch. Cynthia had already eaten but was enjoying a fresh-baked cookie from the local sweet shop.

  Thirty minutes later, Cynthia said good-bye, leaving Dee and Leonard alone again.

  Working for the insurance company was busy work. There were always people to call and talk to or even fix problems and file claims. She was never at a loss for work, and today was especially busy. She closed her eyes a moment to take a few breaths as she finished up a call about a car accident claim.

  Leonard joined her. “Crazy day, huh?” he asked and then leaned against her desk.

  “It’s been nonstop. But I guess that’s better than it being too slow.”

  He looked at her, and again she felt embarrassed. She didn’t want him or anyone else knowing what she came from and how Raven and Ghost wanted her in order to stake some kind of claim to the Black Titans.

  He’d opened his mouth to say something when the phone rang. He gave a small smile, and she reached for the phone, taking the call. It was one of their clients. He walked away, and Dee wondered what Leonard had wanted to say to her. But the day flew by and, before long, Travis arrived, ready to take her home.

  * * * *

  Hunter stood in the doorway watching Dee unpack some clothes. She hung her work outfit for tomorrow onto the hanger on the closet doorframe

  A sleeveless navy-blue blouse and short matching skirt. He could just imagine what her breasts would look like in it and how the material of the skirt would stretch over her firm, round ass. He thought about her working for Leonard and how the guy had to have the hots for her.


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