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Passion And Fire (Passion #4)

Page 6

by J. a Melville

  His problems with Flame momentarily forgotten Damien grinned. “Damn you’re a vampire.” He turned his smile on Lucian. “It’s about fucking time you turned her.” He walked over to slap his brother on the back when he and Arissa got to their feet and he bent to hug the tiny woman, kissing her cheek.

  “Hands off her Damien.” Lucian’s voice held a note of warning.

  “Oh lighten up bro. I’m not going to take her away from you although let’s face it, you know if I wanted her, you’d have no chance of keeping her.”

  “Fuck off Damien. Arissa’s got too much class for someone like you. Anyway you’re going to have to find someone else to piss off now as I’m moving into the house across the road. The old lady left it to Arissa so we’re going to be your neighbours from now on.”

  “Damn so little brother’s another one lost to the old ball and chain.” He joked and Lucian punched him in the arm in response.

  After a little more good natured ribbing, Damien wandered off to the other side of the room and stood watching the interaction of the vampires with the newest one to the fold. He felt a moment of sorrow that he wouldn’t have Lucian to hunt with any more.

  They’d had some great times, fucking and feeding, sharing women. Fuck they’d had some women over the years. One by one though, they were all finding women and falling for them. Well fuck that, not for him, no fucking woman was sucking him in, no matter how beautiful she was. “No matter how frustrating or desirable she is.” He muttered under his breath.

  “What is wrong my son. I sense a restlessness about you, a frustration.” Fabian surprised Damien by suddenly appearing at his side. “Is it a woman? It’s always a woman that ends up turning us upside down and inside out. Have you bedded her? Don’t become sexually frustrated. Your brother was noble with our youngest vampire but you are not as sensitive or as patient as Lucian. Just take her.”

  Damien tensed at his sire’s words. He was going to have to tell him the truth. He would have to reveal what had happened and hope Fabian didn’t respond by tearing his head off, not just figuratively but literally.

  “I met a woman tonight at the strip club. Fuck the strip club. I should never have fucking well gone there. That damn woman is going to drive me fucking crazy.” He raved on, momentarily forgetting his sire was nearby until he heard him chuckle quietly.

  “So what is it about this woman from the strip club? Was she there with another man? Is this what has you so upset?”

  “No sire. She works there. Fuck you should have seen her. She’s a pole dancer and those thighs oh fuck those thighs. She could pop a man like a bottle of the finest French champagne, you know what I mean?”

  Fabian chuckled again. “Oh yes my son. I’ve come across a few women in my time with talents that could bring a man to his knees. So tell me what is it about this woman that has you in such turmoil?”

  “She is beautiful. Stunning, an incredible mane of bright red hair and when I saw it I just wanted to see it wrapped around my…” He broke off when he suddenly realised what he was going to say. Then his expression hardened. “She is argumentative, frustrating, smart mouthed, my god she swears like a man, but it’s so hot, she’s so hot, I want her so badly.”

  “So why did you not just take her?” Fabian asked.

  “That bitch called me a loser.” Damien went on, as if he hadn’t heard the question. “Me; no woman has ever called me that before. The more she fights me, the more I want her. I will bring her to heel; I just don’t know how the fuck I’m going to do it.” Finally Fabian’s question registered. “I couldn’t just take her. I thought she was immune to mind control outside the club, but I couldn’t be sure. She left after she crushed the crap out of my balls. I was too distracted by the pain.”

  Fabian threw back his head and laughed. “This woman really does have you in a spin doesn’t she? So why do I sense there’s more to this story?”

  “I made a mistake sire. I should have just gone and found a woman unknown to me but I was so desperate, in such pain. Flame, that’s her name had left me desperately in need of her and I let my dick rule my decision. I went to see Cassie and Chloe. I figured I’d mind control them now Sirene’s lifted the spells and fuck them. Get my rocks off that way but it didn’t go according to plan.”

  Fabian’s expression was sobering, those strange pale grey/blue eyes of his studying Damien closely. “Go on son, what happened?”

  “I couldn’t believe it sire. I’m cursed with bad luck. Flame shares the house with Cassie and Chloe. Again she foiled my plans to fuck and feed. I...we fought, god we fight like you wouldn’t believe. That woman gives me so much shit and sadly my charm seems to be lost on her. She drives me so crazy.”

  “Go on Damien. I’m sensing there’s more to this story.” Fabian said quietly.

  “I...I kissed her and it was explosive between us. She tried to insinuate she was gay and I had to prove she wasn’t. She isn’t gay at all. Kissing her was amazing and I wanted her but the minute I tried to take it further she completely freaked out, and ran off upstairs to her room. I know I should have gone home at that point but…but I didn’t.” He trailed off.

  “What did you do?” Fabian’s tone had lost all humour now and Damien felt a knot start to form in his stomach. His sire was not going to be happy with him.

  “I mind controlled Cassie and Chloe but fucked Chloe and fed from her. I know I shouldn’t have done that sire but I was desperate. I’d been hard for hours. I was in so much pain; I let my dick rule me. It was a bad decision I know.”

  “Why do I get the feeling this story is not going to get better?” Fabian’s pale eyes locked on his.

  “When I finished with Chloe and had cleaned her up and removed all traces of what I’d done to her, I had been about to leave when Flame confronted me. She’d come downstairs at some point and was in the kitchen. I’m sorry sire, but I suspect she saw me with Chloe.” He reluctantly met his sire’s eyes that had turned cold and hard.

  “Did you catch her watching you and Chloe?” He asked his voice soft but Damien knew that tone. Fabian was far from calm and he knew he was well and truly in the shit with his sire.

  “I didn’t, but I got hit by a notepad in the study when I was tending to Chloe and I have no idea where it came from; she must have thrown it at me. It was just some things Flame said about me being able to charm the pants of Chloe and that when it came to women I was a blood sucker. She never came out and said she’d seen anything but her comments and behaviour make me suspicious.” He dropped his head. “I’m sorry. Please don’t kill me. I’ll fix this.”

  “I have no intention of killing you....yet.” Fabian gave a tiny smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “How will you fix it? You said you couldn’t mind control her?”

  “That’s why I suspect she will not reveal what I am to anyone sire. She’s not entirely human herself if I can’t control her. She has her own secrets.”

  “God, we don’t have another witch on our hands do we?” Fabian asked, his eyes straying to Sirene. She glanced over at him and the look they gave one another was intense and hot. It nearly made Damien hard again.

  “I don’t know sire. I’m sorry. I’ll try and fix this ok?”

  “You won’t do anything. We will go and see this woman tomorrow. Find out when she finishes work. We can’t do anything tonight. It’s late, late in the humans’ world anyway. I think it would be wise if you stayed in for the rest of the night now before you allow your dick as you put it, to rule any more decisions. Sirene and I need to feed. If this woman is too much trouble, we might have to take preventative measures to keep her silent.” Fabian warned and Damien’s eyes widened. Surely he wasn’t talking about killing her? He didn’t want her to die, not because of him. She drove him crazy and he wanted her desperately; she was frustrating and annoying but he couldn’t sit by and watch the life being taken from her. Ok, he was pleased his sire wasn’t going to kill him, well, not for now at least, but he didn’t want Flame suffering
because of him. No, hopefully this could be resolved peacefully.


  I’d had trouble sleeping that night after all I’d seen and all I had to digest. So that sexy beast who was arrogant, pushy, far too cocky and disgustingly attractive was a fucking vampire? Ok, I’d heard of them before. I’d heard they really did exist and even if I hadn’t, who was I to argue one way or the other? I was in no position to pass judgement, to climb up on my soapbox and lament long and loud about it. I was a telekinetic after all. If I told that to too many people they’d either look at me funny or reach for a dictionary to see just exactly what it was, I was claiming to be.

  Fuck, I moved things with my mind, he drank blood and fucked like a warrior if the way he’d worked Chloe over was any indication. I got wet just thinking about it. That could have been me. He’d wanted me first. I’d seen the size of that erection in his jeans before I’d run off and left him. I was torn over it all though. Torn over my decision to not get involved with anyone, torn over the jealousy I felt when I’d seen him fucking my roommate, and envy that it was her he ended up fucking.

  Did this mean the tables were turned now? He wasn’t human and I wasn’t entirely human. Well I was human but an enhanced one, if being able to move things with my mind could be classed as enhanced. I just saw it as a curse; it could get me into trouble, and so far, the hassles far outweighed the benefits as far as I was concerned.

  Of course having the upper hand now with Damien did have the potential for me to take advantage of the situation; to take advantage of him. Suddenly everything had changed. Maybe I could stop denying myself sex and have it with him. I’d only moved around not getting involved with anyone because of my ability and the fact that it became unpredictable when I was in the throes of passion but given what he was, he could probably handle the odd item flying through the air and maybe hitting him. I could warn him of that or not. I grinned to myself. The poor bastard had no idea just what I could do when I put my mind to it, literally.

  It was certainly tempting, to make use of him. As frustrating as he was, as much as his arrogance annoyed me; he was sexy as hell and after what I’d seen last night, I wanted a piece of that. Chloe had clearly enjoyed herself, even if he had done something to her to make her all kind of spaced out. She wasn’t so spaced out that she couldn’t have an orgasm, and she’d had more than one, even in her spaced out condition.

  I think that’s what half the attraction was; I wanted to find out if he could make me come like that too. Fuck it had been so long since I’d had a dick in me and that blood sucker sure had a fine one on him. I’d never fucked a man with piercings before, either. Yep, there was just one too many temptations with him.

  Of course I wasn’t interested in a relationship. I just wanted to take the man for a test drive and see if he really did know how to use his equipment. After that, he could fuck off. I didn’t do relationships and something told me Damien didn’t do deep and meaningful either, so this might work out quite nicely. Seriously if the man had a heart and felt anything at all; would he have tried to fuck me then move on to Chloe with no regard for her, after I turned him down?

  Then there was the mind thing he did. Whatever the fuck he’d done to them both, had them completely out of it. He wouldn’t want to try that shit on me; I wasn’t going to be pushed into sex by being hypnotised or whatever the hell he did to them. That was a fucking deal breaker in my opinion.

  Damn that man for plaguing my thoughts the way he did. Why did he have to be such a good looking asshole, why did he have to turn up at the club and why did he have to show up at the house? Thanks to him, I’d spent most of the night tossing and turning. As a result I was bleary eyed and nearly ready to take my morning coffee intravenously by the time I dragged myself downstairs.

  Cassie and Chloe were perched on the stools at the breakfast bar, hugging their own coffees like life lines and I stared at them for a moment. “Shit, you look about as lively as I feel. You got a tube so I can run a line to my arm? It’s gonna take more than a cup of coffee to bring this one back to life today.” I poked myself in the chest.

  “I feel like crap.” Chloe mumbled. “I think I’m getting an infection or something.” She suddenly looked a little embarrassed. “I’m discharging, you know, down there.” She whispered the last bit like it was classified information. My initial reaction to her comment was, ‘I didn’t need to know that.’ Then it dawned on me that it was more than likely just a case of her self-cleansing pussy trying to self-cleanse. Damien had left an overly generous deposit inside the poor woman last night. Hell I’d seen it running down her leg and if that wasn’t enough right then and there, he’d immediately gone back for seconds; really sloppy seconds in that case. He’d loaded the poor girl up, that’s for sure.

  “It’s weird because it really looks like I’ve had sex, but I haven’t had sex. I’d remember that surely.” Chloe continued vaguely. “Damien was here last night I know but…but, I’m not sure why he was here and I know I didn’t have sex with him. I’d remember that.” She smiled. “That man is sex on legs and I’d sure love to be getting some from him, but it’s you.” She turned to me. “He just wants you.” Her eyes moved over me and given how crap I felt, I knew she was probably wondering why he’d want me. “You’re so lucky. You wait until you meet his family. Fuck me, well that’s just it, I wish they would. Every damned one of them is the cream of the crop of the gene pool. It’s crazy how good looking they all are. I wish one of them would want me, but Damien’s only got eyes for you and the rest are just about all paired off now.”

  “Not all the time.” I muttered under my breath, my head filling with the images of him pounding the fuck out of Chloe. God, just thinking about it made my pussy clench in anticipation. Yep, fuck it. Him being a vampire changed everything. I could fuck him now. Even if I accidently smashed him in the head during an orgasm he couldn’t complain because I knew his secret. It had been so damn long since I’d had sex and B.O.B’s were great but sometimes a girl just wanted a man in their fucking her like he was trying to bust her. I really needed some of what he’d given Chloe last night. Hell, she’d enjoyed it.

  He didn’t suck at it obviously and that cock of his, damn, it was huge. That thing was going to fill me up in ways I’d never been filled before and the more I thought about it, the more I just fucking well wanted it.

  Chapter Five


  Damien felt his stomach tighten when Fabian turned the car into the driveway of Cassie’s home. He was going to see Flame again and if his heart could beat, he was sure it would be pounding in anticipation.

  Fabian had already called and found out from Chloe that she was going to be there tonight as she didn’t have to work; it was one of her nights off. Chloe being Chloe, the true romantic, happily went along with helping them out, and had assured them she would not let on that they were coming to see her.

  To try and make Flame more at ease if it was possible for that fiery argumentative woman to be more at ease, Fabian had brought Sirene, Lucian and Arissa with them. Francesca had been left at home which pleased her and everyone else. She was too outspoken and might make the situation worse than it already was.

  They all climbed out of the car and walked to the front door of Cassandra’s home. When Fabian knocked on the door, there was nothing for a moment until they heard Chloe’s voice call out in a sing song tone to hang on. Not long after that, they heard footsteps and suddenly the door was flung open and Chloe stood there smiling up at them all.

  Damien’s eyes moved down the length of her from her ponytail, her wide smile, the midriff top and barely decent skirt she wore. He smiled at her, his mind filling with the images from last night of her bent over, and his cum running like twin rivers down her legs. Life would be so much easier if he could like her, really like her, and not just find her a reliable place to bury his cock when his desperation became extreme.

  “Come in.” She stepped aside to give them room to enter and a
s each of them filed past her, they stopped to kiss her except for Arissa, who hung back, suddenly looking nervous.

  Lucian pulled her against him and turned to Chloe. “This is my girl Arissa, Chloe. She’s a little nervous so be gentle.” He grinned down at her and Chloe laughed. Her eyes moving to the pale blonde woman tucked against his side and her smile widened.

  Damien smiled to himself. Chloe was great with people and could instantly put them at ease. Of course her job as barmaid at the nightclub helped. She was one of the most popular employees there because of her friendly demeanour and she really was everyone’s little darling. She’d been his on many occasions too although she had no idea about that of course. He knew that girl’s body probably better than she knew it herself and he’d fucked it and come in nearly every orifice she possessed.

  With her typical friendly greeting, she reached out to hug and kiss Arissa who looked tense for a moment in the arms of Chloe. “Ah Arissa’s a little shy.” Lucian pulled his girl back to his side his eyes roaming over her face. She was so newly vampire and finding herself in the arms of a human with her lips right next to Chloe’s neck was probably a real test of her control. When Damien saw the relieved look pass over Arissa’s face, he knew he’d been right. They’d come to speak with Flame, not dine on Chloe.

  “She’s in her room. I’ll go get her unless you all want to go to her?” Chloe looked around at them all.

  Fabian chuckled. “I think that would scare the poor girl if we all invaded her private space like that. No, if you wouldn’t mind getting her. Thank you.”

  Damien smirked. He’d love to invade her personal space. He’d love to invade that space between her thighs, hell he’d just love to invade her. Just thinking about burying his cock in her had him hard and he cursed the lack of control he had over his body with her. It was so unlike him to be like this; she had him as horny as a school boy, and he hadn’t even laid eyes on her yet.


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