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Passion And Fire (Passion #4)

Page 8

by J. a Melville

  I laughed. “You’re… a...what?”

  “I’m a witch and I can see from your expression that you doubt me. So it seems you are quite happy to be the very person you claim to despise. You don’t like being treated like a freak or for some to doubt your sanity and yet I tell you I’m a witch and you doubt me?”

  “I’m sorry; I just have never met one before.” I managed to sound contrite.

  “She’s very good aren’t you my beauty?” Fabian was smiling down at his woman, the love for her clearly evident in his eyes. “She made my life hell when we first met casting spells on me to drive me crazy but at the same time, it was her spells that saved my life, which saved our son’s life.”

  “Son?” I looked between the two of them. “You call them all your sons but they’re not really your sons are they?”

  “You are right Flame but I have a real son, Adrian is his name. He is mine and Sirene’s biological son. I can see the question in your eyes and if you decide to give my arrogant and rather cocky son, Damien a go, we might share our story with you one day.”

  I stared at them all beginning to realise there was a lot more to them than I realised. They were vampire, but they all had their stories. Sirene was a witch and a vampire. Suddenly I didn’t feel so alone. I had people who were different like I was. They were a damn good looking lot too. I couldn’t help wondering if they had always been attractive or whether being vampire made them all stunning?

  “So what did you all come here to see me for? It wasn’t just to welcome me to Hobart now was it?”

  “It was to see what your story was. Damien had told me he’d been unable to mind control you, so we knew you weren’t entirely human.”

  “You mean I can’t be controlled?” I looked at him in surprise.

  “No you can’t Flame. I tried twice last night and failed. I told Fabian about you and what I’d done. Normally what I’d done and risking exposure is punishable by death.” Damien said.

  “Death? Oh, you were worried I’d go out there and be town crier, weren’t you? That’s why you’re all here. Well, don’t worry. I have no intention of blowing your secret. I know what it’s like to be the freak, the one who doesn’t fit in but of course I expect you to respect me, and keep what I am a secret too.” I said. “If you blow my secret, I will blow yours. So are we in agreement? Can we all live with that deal?”

  Fabian shook my hand. “I think we have a deal my dear. Now, the only other issue I have is regarding Damien. I’m curious, just how long do you intend to keep him in his current condition?” He gestured to Damien’s groin and my eyes dropped to stare at it. Damned if he wasn’t still like an iron bar in his jeans and I stared at his cock, almost hypnotised by the sheer size of it. I needed to see it, touch it. I wanted to taste it and I wanted more than anything to feel it inside me.

  I raised my eyes to his emerald ones, seeing the myriad of emotions crossing his handsome features. I turned to Fabian who was also watching me intently. I said nothing for a few moments, simply studied the two of them as closely as they watched me, until finally I smiled, a sense of calm flowing through me. “I don’t know Fabian.” I said to him before shifting to meet Damien’s eyes again. “But, how about I help him with that problem now?”

  The words were barely out of my mouth when Damien moved and suddenly he was before me, his hands cupping my cheeks and with the softest of groans, his head came down and his lips closed over mine.

  Chapter Six


  He kissed her briefly before raising his head to meet her turbulent gaze. “Are you sure because you can’t change your mind. If you change your mind midway through, I’m going to go crazy.” He took her hand and pressed it to his groin, wincing in pain. “You can’t leave me like this. It’s cruel, but it’s worse to do it to a vampire. Unless you are vampire, you will never understand the importance of sex to us and how being like this for too long affects our health. It’s not a line to get in your panties either, despite me wanting in them badly. We become sick, weak, debilitated if we don’t fuck and fuck regularly. So tell me, do you still want this?”

  She squeezed him gently, grinning when he winced again. “I’m sure.”

  Suddenly they heard someone clear their throat and Damien saw Flame jump slightly as if she’d forgotten they still had a room full of vampires watching them.

  “I think it is time for us to bid you good night.” Fabian said humour visible in his expression.

  “Hey wait a minute. Can’t we watch? This is going to be hot.” Lucian protested and Arissa, hit him on the arm.

  “We are not watching them and if you want something hot lets….” She raised herself on her toes to whisper in his ear and his expression grew heated just before he hauled her into his arms.

  “Ok, we’re out of here.” He said and headed for the door, nearly dragging Arissa off her feet in his haste. “See you later bro and for fuck sakes, break him gently Flame. He’s about ready to explode, so show the poor bastard some mercy.” He grinned.

  “Fuck off Lucian.” Damien growled.

  “Shall we leave you to bring the ladies out of their mind control?” Sirene asked.

  “I’ll do it.” He said. “Just go. Go hunt, whatever you need to do.” His voice was filled with his impatience. He just wanted them all gone.

  “Little impatient there bro aren’t you? See you later Flame.” Lucian grinned, just before he and Arissa disappeared out the door.

  “Enjoy the rest of your evening.” Fabian’s strange eyes shifted between them before lowering to Damien’s groin. “I’m sure you will though.”

  He took Sirene’s hand and left the house. When they heard the car start up, Damien walked over to Cassie and Chloe. “I’ll lift the mind control but I don’t know what memory to give them.” He turned to look over at Flame. “I can’t spend time dealing with idle chatter now. I want you too much to waste a moment longer than I have to on them.”

  “Can’t you just make it seem like you came to see me, and I’ve decided to fuck a loser like you after all?” She smirked at him and he growled.

  “Stop calling me a fucking loser woman. You’re not going to be calling me that for much longer. I’m going to fuck you into submission. I’ll be the best fuck you’ve ever had.”

  “You are such an arrogant asshole Damien. Bold statement, but can you deliver? I don’t do quiet and submissive in bed so if you can’t handle that, tough.”

  He felt his cock jerk in his jeans at her comment. So she was the aggressor in bed? Well, he’d see about that. He’d never been the submissive one and he wasn’t about to start with her. He would break her. He would get her under him, those fucking amazingly muscled thighs around him and that was the only time he would allow her to break him, when she tightened them around his hips. Still she was going to need to hang on because he intended fucking her in ways she’d never been fucked before.

  “Dammit, help me get them upstairs. I’ll put them to bed. We can do that too. That way they will sleep and wake up in the morning with vague images of the night before, but it will seem like dreams to them.”

  “How the hell do we get them upstairs? They’re all, whatever the hell they are, kind of like dummies.” She protested.

  “They can be moved and they will do whatever I ask them to do Flame, watch.” He bent down to both ladies. “Cassie, Chloe, stand please and follow me.”

  Obediently both women stood and he slipped an arm around each of them and they all headed upstairs. Once each woman was in her bedroom, Damien and Flame quickly changed them into their nightgowns and helped them into their beds. Once they were both in bed, he told them to sleep and that when they woke in the morning, they would have no memory of the other vampires ever having been there. He told them that they would remember him being there, and that he’d been with Flame and then they left the ladies to sleep.

  “Where’s your room?” He asked her once they were finally alone.

  “Follow me.” She brushed p
ast him and his nostrils flared as he breathed in her subtle fragrance. He could smell her perfume, her blood but most of all her arousal. Oh yes, she might challenge him and act like she didn’t give a shit, but she wanted him. He could smell it and he had no doubt at all that when he finally got to touch her hot little cunt that he would find her wet and ready for him.


  When I stepped aside to let Damien into my room ahead of me, I suddenly felt an attack of nerves. This was it, I was going to have sex with him. After the fighting and challenging him every step, now I was expected to lie down and give into him. I wanted him, but I couldn’t give into him.

  As soon as we were both inside and the door shut, I took charge and watched his body slam against it, surprise flaring in his eyes. One button at a time, I opened his shirt and silently groaned when it fell open, revealing his stunning chest. I recovered and removed his shirt, leaving him standing before me in his jeans, still pinned against the door. I had done it all without laying a finger on him.

  “So this is how it’s going to be is it?” His voice was husky, his eyes narrowed to just slits as he watched me. I could see the lust burning in them, the tension around his beautiful mouth, and when I lowered my gaze that cock of his still pushed hard against the denim of his jeans.

  I popped the button on them and slowly eased his zip down. Damien seemed reluctant to go along with that being done by remote control and slipped a hand down the inside of his jeans, shielding his engorged shaft from potential injury.

  As soon as the zip was undone, I eased them down just enough to let that magnificent cock of his free. Holy hell, it was impressive. I’d never seen one so big, straight, so damned beautiful and with piercings. Bloody hell, he would have suffered a great deal of pain at some stage to make things incredible for the women who came and went in his life, not to mention to benefit himself. Being vampire I bet they’d been plenty of them, and with him being a real man whore, he probably would have an impressive number of notches on his bed, if he’d ever kept a tally. When I finally raised my eyes from his cock, he was still against the door, still pinned there by my powers that held him.

  “I want to touch you. Let me touch you, undress you. Dammit Flame, don’t mess with me. I need to fuck you.” He growled, his expression darkening with his mounting frustration.

  “You will, but when I’m ready. I need time to look first, check out what I’m getting into here. See what all the fuss is about.” I smirked.

  “Fuck you woman. Come a little closer so I can touch you. Please babe, I need to touch you.” He was starting to look desperate, almost unsure of himself as he stood, pinned to my bedroom door, shirt off, jeans open, cock out and straining hard towards the ceiling, the lights glinting off the assortment of metal that adorned it.

  It was time to put the poor man out of his misery, sort of. Slowly, my eyes locked on his, I hooked the waistband of my singlet top and peeled it off my body, leaving me naked from the waist up. I heard Damien groan loudly with what I suspected were need and frustration. I didn’t normally put a man through this much torture but he had to pay first. I wanted him to pay for so easily moving from me to Chloe last night, despite the vampire thing, and I wanted him to see that I meant it, when I said I wasn’t the type of woman to hand over the reins to the man in the bedroom.

  I could be submissive, occasionally and I wasn’t normally as aggressive as I was being with him, but I needed him to understand he hadn’t won. Just because I had given in and agreed to fuck him, didn’t mean he’d won. This was not my surrender. This was my acceptance that we needed to fuck, but that was all. I wasn’t going to become one of those needy little women who couldn’t function without a man. I wasn’t looking for happily ever after, and I sure wasn’t looking for it with him. I’d be a fool to think there was a chance of that with him. He was vampire and I wasn’t. I would grow old and die; he wouldn’t. I liked my life anyway, never staying in one place too long; never letting anyone get too close.

  I pulled my thoughts back to the present and saw the poor bastard was watching me, his face contorted, desperation in his eyes. I popped the button on my shorts undone and began to slip them down my hips, revealing the tiny white thong I was wearing.

  Damien groaned again and when I raised my eyes to his, he had his cock in hand and was pulling on the thing with slow, lazy strokes. I hooked my fingers in the elastic of my thong and peered at him through my lashes, my hair tumbling over one eye as I smiled at him.

  “No, NO!” He cried out, his voice hoarse. “Don’t take it all from me, please, let me touch you. Let me see if you’ve wet, if your cunt has soaked your panties, please.”

  Fuck his words, his tone were hot, and if I wasn’t already soaking my panties, I just did. I had to concede he looked licked. I could be aggressive but I couldn’t be that cruel. He wanted something from me; he wanted to touch me. Well, I could give him that, and see if the man knew what he was doing.

  I walked towards him, my eyes locked on his but when I was almost up to him, his gaze dropped to my breasts and with a hand that I could see was shaking slightly, he grabbed my nipple between his thumb and fingers, pinching it hard enough to make me gasp. Instantly it hardened and he shifted his attention to the other one, pinching it too, just hard enough to make me suck in a shaky breath.

  He bent forward and sucked first one nipple into his mouth, his tongue laving it, swirling around it, gently licking and sucking it. Each lick, each pull of his lips on the hardened peak sent a sharp stab of pleasure through my pussy, causing the muscles to clench. My body was alive with sensation, the throbbing between my legs becoming more and more intense. I was needy and desperate for that huge cock to fill me, to relieve the ache in my body.

  “Enough.” I cried when the pleasure started to become too much. I was eager to come but not like this, not standing before him. I wanted more, I wanted him in me.

  I reached out, needing to touch that cock, to feel it, to test the weight of his balls on my palm. I wanted to flick my nails over those piercings and see if he liked that, and when I had him right where I wanted him, then I would let him touch me again. He wanted to see if I was wet? Fuck, I was so wet it was nearly running down my legs.

  When Damien saw what my intentions were, he released his cock and pressed his palms flat against the door. I could see his body tense as I reached out, and when I finally curled my hand around him, which wasn’t easy since he was so big, he tipped his head back, his eyes closing, and let out a sound like he was in pain. With my attention focused on his expression, I slid my hand down him, so slowly, and back up again, my fingers catching on his piercings which resulted in him jerking, and his knees buckling slightly. His face twisted in reaction to my touch and as I watched, his fangs descended.

  I stared at him fascinated, trying to watch his face, trying to watch that magnificent cock in my hand; the way the skin slid marginally within my grip, the veins standing out along its length, the head red and swollen and as I watched, a bead of pre cum welled to the top, hung there for a moment and tipped over, slowly running down towards my hand. I slid back up, scooping it up as I headed towards those piercings and I felt that small trace of moisture cool and wet under my hand as I rubbed it into his skin.

  That was one of the surprising things, the lack of heat to him. Ok, he wasn’t cold, just room temperature I guess and silent. Apart from his groans, moans and the assortment of growls he made, there was no heavy breathing, nothing like that. I on the other hand was already struggling with the desire to pant, and the man had barely touched me yet.

  I slid my hand up and down him one more time, stopping to tug on the metal rod which pierced the head and I smiled when he cried out, another bead of pre cum weeping from his cock. “Damn you Flame, you’re killing me.”

  I laughed softly. “Aren’t you already dead?” I asked.

  “Yeah, you’re right but only you could kill me twice babe, now let me touch you, since you won’t release me from this fucking har
d door.”

  I stepped closer and reached up to touch my lips to his. He groaned, his hand coming up to cup the back of my head and he pulled me into him; his lips forcing mine apart before stabbing his tongue into my mouth, licking over me, caressing me, kissing me with all the pent up desire I could feel in him.

  I felt his other hand push between my legs and I shifted, widening my stance, gasping against his mouth when he pulled my thong to one side before parting my slick folds, and thrusting two fingers into me. He began to fuck me with them, driving them hard inside me. His movements were almost violent, primal and I responded to his less than gentle touch by soaking his fingers with more of my juices. Oh fuck if he kept that up I was going to come and I was going to come spectacularly.

  Damn him. A part of me wanted him to be bad at this. I wanted him to be the loser I accused him of being, but I knew he wasn’t going to be. Nothing about this stunning man was even remotely close to being a loser, but at the same time, I couldn’t let him close, I couldn’t let him in. I could let him into my body but no way in hell would I let him into my heart.

  “Oh god babe you’re so fucking wet. I want you, fuck I want you so much. I’m going to explode if I don’t get inside you soon. Will you let me off the fucking door? I can’t fuck you like this, not unless you’re prepared to let me do you up against the damned thing.”

  “Bed.” I gasped. “Get on the fucking bed.”

  “Stop trying to fucking control me.” He ground out and yanked suddenly on my thong. I heard the material tear and saw the remains of my panties tossed to the floor. He grabbed me and suddenly it was me up against the door. His lips nuzzled into my neck and I felt those magical fingers of his working away on me, rubbing over my painfully sensitive clit before plunging back inside me. He was unrelenting, building me up and up until with a loud cry, I started to come, my back bowing off the door; my fingers digging into his arms as I fought to stay on my feet. The pleasure was intense, surging through me, possessing my entire body, leaving me unable to do anything but hang onto him as I trembled and shook, my muscles clenching his fingers, drawing them into me deeper, my hips moving, grinding down on his hand.


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