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The Home Court Advantage

Page 12

by N. M. Silber

  “I really like that look on you,” he said thickly. “Lie down on the bed but leave the shoes on.” I was good with that plan. I hit the bed so fast I almost bounced back off. He went over to his closet and came back with a couple of silk scarves. “Purchased just for you, Gabrielle,” he said with a smile that liquefied me. And with that Braden tied my hands to his bedposts and I swear the only thing keeping me conscious at that point was the ache between my legs. Then he left the room. Where in the hell was he going?

  “While you’re out there, give Bruno a bunch of treats to keep him busy! He might find this confusing!” I called out. Silence. “Braden? Honey? You’re not leaving, are you?” He came back in with a bottle of white wine and a sexy smile.

  “What do you think?” he asked with laughter in his voice. He stopped just to look at me, laying there naked and panting in nine hundred dollar shoes and tied to a bed with Hermes scarves. We were kinky but we were stylish.

  “I think that it’s an odd moment for a toast.” He opened the bottle, knelt down beside me, and gently dripped a little wine onto one of my nipples, which got even harder when I discovered the wine was properly chilled. Then he leaned down and began licking and sucking it off. The combination of the cold wine and his hot mouth launched me into orbit and I moaned and bucked my hips like I was doing a horizontal Twerk. My nerves were lit up. My body was on fire and I knew that I was soaking wet and ready to rumble. He did the same thing on the other side and I went half out of my mind. Okay, all the way out of my mind. I was already half out of my mind.

  “Oh ga!” I panted. He dripped wine into my bellybutton and began to suck it out as my volume continued to rise and my coherence continued to dissolve. I sounded like I was speaking in Klingon at that point. Make that screaming in Klingon.

  “You know I think this is a good year,” he said, checking out the label while I tried to collect my scrambled thoughts. I needed him to understand me. And so. I forced. Myself. To enunciate. Clearly.

  “Please! Fuck! Me!” I shouted with perfect elocution in the way that a lot of people speak to foreigners and half-deaf octogenarians. He gave me a naughty smile and looked into my eyes as he peeled off his clothes.

  “Since you asked so nicely,” he said seductively. When he finally pulled off his boxers I made a very happy sound. He knelt on the bed between my legs, positioned his cock at my entrance and hooked my knees over his arms.

  “Wait,” I gasped. He looked up at me expectantly. “When it’s time, pull out.” I looked down at my boobs and then back up at him. Understanding dawned and his breath hitched a little. We had found another winner for the boob man! He nodded, pushed his hips forward and sank into me slowly and deeply, expelling a ragged breath.

  “Ah!” He groaned. “There’s my happy place.”

  Feeling him take me almost gave me an instantaneous orgasm and I felt my muscles clenching involuntarily.

  “Oh yeah!” he bit out. “I love it when you grab me like that!” He pulled back and thrust into me deeply again and again, picking up his pace as I made happy sex noises to express my joy at having him inside me. “Oh, Gabrielle! You look so sexy!” Soon we were going hard with him pounding into me and me bucking my hips back against him, my hands still secured to the bedpost. I could hear our bodies slapping together and feel the slickness of our sweat. I watched as he slid into me over and over and I even smelled sex, so this was truly an extravaganza for the senses. There was something else that I wanted too, though.

  “Tell me how good it feels,” I cried out. I loved it when he talked dirty to me.

  “So good,” he groaned. “So hot. So tight,” he ground out and I realized that he was having difficulty speaking at the moment too. That just turned me on more and I bucked my hips even harder. We were both completely covered in sweat now, and sliding against each other. I felt my orgasm beginning to build and I wanted it so badly.

  “Braden!” I whimpered. He was breathing hard and groaning loudly, flushed, gleaming and beautiful with his wet hair plastered to his forehead, his eyes glazed over with ecstasy. “Don’t stop! So close!” I pleaded. I could see that he was barely holding on, but I knew that I was almost ready too.

  “Let go, baby.” He gasped and adjusted his angle so he was rubbing against my clit more directly. Okay, that was the spot!

  “Braden!” I screamed as I rapidly scaled Mt. Orgasm. I was fairly sure the folks in the lobby knew his name by now. I moaned loudly and went writhing and flailing over the edge, my inner muscles clenching and unclenching around him, grabbing his cock tightly in waves. My body shuddered hard and relief flooded over me like a warm bath. My muscles finally stopped pulsing and I lay there dazed as Braden kept thrusting into me.

  “Going to come,” he said hoarsely and pulled out. Kneeling over me, he stroked himself rapidly for a few seconds, his eyes fixed on my rising and falling breasts and then with a rapturous look he came hard. He just stared for a couple of minutes. I honestly think he was speechless. Finally, he said something.

  “I’ve never seen anything so hot in my entire life.” With that he collapsed next to me for a minute before he pulled himself up and untied my hands. He went into the bathroom and came back with a warm damp towel and then tenderly washed me off. He returned to bed and cuddled me into his arms, stroking my hair for a while. Eventually, we sat up and drank some more of the wine straight from the bottle and shared some very loving but sort of sloppy wine kisses. I was about to take off my shoes when he stopped me.

  “Leave them on,” he said, giving me that blue flame look I recognized. I looked down at his lap and found a happy surprise. My Energizer Bunny was still going.

  I left the shoes on. I had them on when he had me bent over with my hands flat against the wall as he held onto my hips and pounded into me fast and hard from behind. I still had them on later when he had me laying on my back on the dining room table, with my ankles on his shoulders, slowly rolling his hips while he groaned and told me how he wanted to bury himself inside me forever. In fact, it wasn’t until after he had me against the wall with my leg wrapped tightly around him, thrusting into me until we both came one last time that I finally took them off. I have to say, I definitely got a lot of wear out of those shoes.


  The next morning after showering and getting ready for our trip to his parents’ house I quickly called my parents to check in and say “hi”. My father grilled me for a while to make sure that I was remembering to triple lock my doors and carry a rape whistle, and that I knew what to do in case of a terrorist attack. And then my mother got on the phone and talked about how twenty-six was a great age to get married and reminded me that she and my dad loved Braden and would be thrilled to have grandchildren someday. I was going to need to tell them about our plans soon so that my father could stop worrying and my mother could stop hinting.

  Finally, I got them off of the phone and we left. Mark and Adam were driving together and Jess and Lily were getting a ride with Cam so we just packed our bags and our Chihuahua, (and his bag), and headed for Bryn Mawr on the Philadelphia main line where the Pierces had a gorgeous Georgian home with a large in ground swimming pool and a Jacuzzi that I was looking forward to visiting with Braden alone later.

  We got there at about eleven, greeted Drew and unpacked our stuff into Braden’s room while Drew took Bruno on a tour of the house, showed him where his food and water were, and introduced him to Theresa, the live-in housekeeper and cook, who he reportedly took to immediately. The Pierce’s property was enclosed with a large fence which meant that Bruno could run free outside. He was in doggy heaven.

  Adam and Mark arrived half an hour later and Cam, Jess, and Lily pulled in at noon. Drew showed everyone to guest rooms and while they got settled in Braden went down to ask Theresa about lunch. She put a deli buffet spread out on the patio overlooking the pool and Jacuzzi and we all met outside to eat and relax. It was a gorgeous day with not a cloud in the sky. After spending a week under florescent l
ights and in subarctic air conditioning, the warm sun felt wonderful on my skin. We all got our food and made ourselves comfortable around the tables we had pushed together. Now that our trip to Club 51 was history we were able to laugh about it.

  “I almost lost it when that barmaid came back with our drinks and Braden dove under the table,” Cam said, sitting down across from Jess and biting into a ginormous sandwich.

  “I was picking up a coaster!” Braden said defensively. “And avoiding any interaction that might have made Gabrielle unhappy.” He brought over a pitcher of fresh lemonade for us to share and settled down in a chair next to me.

  “You were down there so long I thought you were involved in an interaction that would have made her very happy,” Adam joked. I felt myself blush thinking about how happy he made me down on his knees later that night.

  “There’s an idea for one of your novels,” I said to Lily. “The hero disappears under the table at a club to hide from somebody and does naughty things to the heroine while he’s down there.”

  “That doesn’t sound like a scene from a legal thriller,” Braden said suspiciously.

  “Yeah, what was that Derek was saying last night? That he likes your books because women find them stimulating?” Drew asked Lily. “I can’t see the chicks he hangs out with being John Grisham fans.” He gave her an amused but intrigued smile.

  “She also writes romance novels, erotic ones,” I explained, snapping out the lustful fantasies I had just been having about Braden doing naughty things to me secretly.

  “You’re kidding!” Adam said, looking like he didn’t believe it.

  “Her books are very popular!” Jess said. “She’s developing quite a following.”

  “Romance novels? Yeah, probably with sad lonely women who want to dream about Fabio sweeping them off their feet,” Adam joked.

  “Fabio? What decade are you living in?” I asked scornfully. “Lily’s books are seriously hot. Girlfriend here writes mommy porn.” I fanned myself as a visual aid.

  “They’re not that steamy,” Lily said dismissively, laughing and rolling her eyes.

  “Are you kidding? You need potholders to read them.” Jess laughed. I noticed that Cam was giving Jess some very interested looks. He seemed to like her literary side and I had a feeling that he might want to form a little book club of two.

  “Derek likes them,” I added, giving Lily a significant look. “That should tell you something.”

  “That scene in the last one with that you know …” Jess began, and she actually blushed. Cam was starting to look a little flushed himself. I was pretty sure that Lily had a future fan in him, as long as he could read her books with Jess.

  “I know exactly which one you mean!” I laughed. “I never really thought that was sexy until I read that scene! Now, I might want to try that myself.”

  “Wait! Try what?” Braden asked, suddenly looking extremely interested. “Maybe I need to check this out,” he said, taking out his phone. Actually, she might have a whole fan club!

  “You won’t find them online under my real name. I write those books under a pen name. One that my friends won’t disclose!” Lily said, giving Jess and I a threatening look.

  “Oh come on!” Cam said with a laugh. “You girls can’t say all that stuff and then tell us we can’t read it ourselves!”

  “Yeah!” Braden agreed. “That’s not fair.”

  “How hot could they really be?” Adam scoffed, rolling his eyes. “How do you research your naughty books, Scheherazade?” he asked with a sarcastic smile.

  “Why?” she asked, glaring at him.

  “Just curious. After all, you write books about lawyers even though you’ve never practiced law. I assume that you haven’t done all of these sexy things you supposedly write about either. How do you even know you’re getting it right then?” he asked, holding her gaze.

  “Why are you so fascinated?” I asked.

  “Maybe he wants to help her with her research,” Jess teased.

  “At least then her knowledge would be authentic,” he said in a slightly seductive tone, never taking his eyes off of Lily. Jess and I shared a surprised look and I noticed that Mark and Braden did too. Was he teasing her or was he actually flirting? I had a feeling he might not know himself.

  “What makes you think it’s not authentic now?” she asked, fixing him with a steady gaze. That stopped him. The two of them shared a look that was seriously charged and he looked away first! Wow. If they ever got together I had a feeling it would be explosive. Jess and Cam broke the tension when they started joking around about all of our attempts to thwart Derek.

  “I loved it when Drew and Mark got all defensive and started trying to be as heterosexual as possible,” Jess said with a laugh.

  “You know it’s funny, but I don’t recall ever discussing condoms with my male friends,” Cam joked and Drew sunk down in his chair and covered his eyes.

  “Yeah, well I didn’t love it when I looked over at Derek when we were dancing and he thought I was checking him out! I wanted to run and hide,” I said, feeling mortified.

  “What in the Hell was that dance you were doing with him, Gabrielle?!” Jess asked, shaking her head in disbelief.

  “It wasn’t a dance!” I said emphatically. “I slipped and my foot flew out from under me and shot into the air. I lost my balance and fell backward.”

  “The next time you go out you might want to wear, uh, more layers,” Lily said tactfully.

  “That high kick didn’t leave a whole lot to the imagination,” Jess added.

  “Oh my God,” Braden said, burying his face in his hands.

  “Oh shit,” Drew said with a laugh and winced. Adam and Mark completely lost it. To his credit, Cameron managed to contain himself, although I could see that it was difficult.

  “Thanks for sharing, girls,” I said in a deadly tone of voice, feeling my face turn Harvard crimson and accidentally stabbing my hand with a fork. Luckily, it didn’t break the skin.

  “Braden didn’t love seeing crazy stalker girl again,” Adam noted, wiping tears from his eyes. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she were the one who was following you.”

  “No, the guy following me didn’t have boobs like watermelons,” I pointed out.

  “Are you really sure there’s somebody following you?” Mark asked. “I mean, you saw somebody outside in a crowd at night who may have been looking at you and you saw somebody for a couple of seconds on a busy sidewalk. Other than that it’s just weird feelings you’ve been having. And there’s a lot of power behind suggestion when it comes to this stuff, as we all know.”

  “I’m not sure,” I admitted with a sigh. “Maybe Felicity did leave the notes for whatever reason and when I said someone was following me for real it just freaked her out. Maybe this really is nothing.”

  “Well, she might be easy to freak out right now,” Jess said. “She’s probably got a lot on her mind lately with her mom being busted for running sex parties and all.”

  “Oh, I heard something about that,” Adam offered. “Looks like all three of your friends are going to get off, no pun intended, with a slap on the wrist. Probation deals and misdemeanor charges all around, even for the Main Line Madame.”

  “I knew it,” Braden said cynically. “In another year nobody will even remember it.”

  “I would think that Cole’s political career might be somewhat shortened though,” I said.

  “He’s got business investments on the side. I’m sure he’ll be able to survive,” Cam put in. “In fact, they all do, I think. I heard them discussing it at the fundraiser before Marla got expelled.”

  “If she had business investments why was she a call girl?” I asked.

  “Who knows?” Braden said scathingly. “Probably because she can never have enough money. If Cole also had an inheritance, she would probably be after him.”


  After lunch we all headed toward our rooms to get ready to hang out by the swimm
ing pool. Braden looked yummy in his swimsuit. More importantly, though, he looked relaxed and content. We didn’t make it downstairs immediately.

  “Braden, you’re looking mighty happy lately,” Mark said knowingly when we eventually arrived down at the pool.

  “I am happy,” he said, giving me a warm look and lightly brushing a thumb over my lips. In fact, my lips had just made him very happy.

  I grabbed his hand and kissed it and then went off to join Lily who was enjoying the water. She and I hung out together and chatted and eventually Drew came in and joined us. He spent some time joking around with us for a little while and then went off to swim a couple of laps. I glanced up at Braden and smiled.

  He and Adam were involved in some kind of animated discussion. The two of them really did make a nice contrast aesthetically. Braden was all blonde beach boy and Adam was all tall dark and handsome. Not that I was looking, but he was built pretty nicely too. He was about six two himself and he obviously worked out. I wouldn’t blame Lily for being attracted to him, and something told me that deep down she was.

  “So what was that with Adam earlier?” I asked her quietly, returning my attention to her.

  “What was what?” she asked innocently.

  “Him saying that if he helped you research, your books would be authentic? That almost sounded like an offer.” She looked away and turned a little red.

  “It sounded like his usual brand of arrogance to me,” she said dismissively. She wasn’t going to admit it. Either that or she didn’t realize that the feeling was probably mutual.

  “Where does all this animosity between you two come from anyway? I know that you grew up together but did he pull your braids or steal your bike or something?”


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