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A Very Lusty Christmas [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Cara Covington

  “Well, it’s warmer, at any rate,” Patrick said. “But I’d wager on a hot summer day, we could change your mind about that stream.”

  Kate grinned. “I bet you could, too.”

  “We never understood about the tubs when we were younger,” Gerald said. “Especially when our parents had a one built that was almost identical to the one at the Big House.”

  Kate grinned. “That must have been quite a revelation for your later years—when you discovered the reason it was so large was that so your parents could share it.”

  Patrick snickered. “Mmm, and then we decided to test out the premise ourselves. Should we spare your sensibilities, love, or should we tell you about the first time we coaxed pretty Pamela Prescott into the bath when our parents were away?”

  “Who is Pamela Prescott?”

  “Her family moved to Lusty for a few years back when we were teens. Her father worked on one of the area ranches, and he brought his family with him as he’d actually migrated down from up north. Most ranches don’t have room for the families of the ranch hands, but they rented space above the apothecary here in town. Mrs. Prescott took a job in the store.”

  Kate covered her mouth with her hand but couldn’t prevent her laughter. “And you lured their poor, innocent daughter into the bath with you? Did your mother ever find out about that?”

  “The jury is still out on that one,” Gerald said. “But ourfathersfound out, and that was certainly bad enough.”

  “And yet you prefaced the telling of this tale with the words, the ‘first time.’” Kate looked at Patrick, and then up and over her shoulder at Gerald.

  “You don’t miss much, do you?” Gerald didn’t appear to be bothered by that fact.

  Kate recalled one of their exchanges earlier and couldn’t resist. “I’m so glad you noticed.”

  “So am I,” Patrick said. “It will make life a lot more amenable for all concerned in the future if we keep that in mind, too.”

  Kate relaxed against Gerald, her smile wide—partly because of the way Patrick had just said that, but mostly just in sheer delight of the moment she was living with these men.

  “Why were you so adamant against ‘romance’?” Patrick picked up her hand and played with her fingers. Then he met her gaze. “Back in Washington, that first night we spoke. There was a fervency in your voice then. And yet, baby, you’re the most passionate woman I’ve ever known.”

  Kate sighed. She’d already had a clue as to why she’d felt that way, and even though it had only been a couple of weeks that she’d been here, in Lusty, it had been long enough for her to understand something very important about herself.

  “My parents are nothing like yours.”

  “Few are, Kate,” Gerald said.

  Kate shook her head. “I’m not talking about the fact that you have one mother and two fathers.”

  “It’s called a ménage marriage—what our parents have, what our grandparents had.”

  “Ménage marriage. I’ll remember that. But that isn’t what I meant. It’s that my parents are…” What could she say, really? How could she convey her lifetime of experience in this one, very basic facet of her life?

  “I’m an only child, as were both of my parents. Our only extended family was my father’s uncle Donald and his wife. Dinners at our house were very quiet.” There for certain had never been a dinner like the one last night at the Big House. “I’ve been trying to recall, but I don’t believe I’ve ever seen my parents kiss. Well, beyond a peck on the cheek. And my mother doesn’t smile very much.

  “I equated her with the general condition known as ‘wife,’ and I wanted no part of that. I didn’t want to live her kind of life at all.”

  “You’re not your mother, sweetheart,” Gerald said. “You’re your own unique woman—and you’re a woman of strength. When I look at you I think of my mother, and my grandmothers.”

  “Thank you. I admire the women of your family greatly. That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

  “I feel the same way,” Patrick said. “And there’s one more thing for you to consider, baby. You don’t have to live your life the way anyone tells you to. You can make your own choices and live it your way.”

  Kate knew their words would stay with her a long time, and that she’d think about them in the nights to come when she was on her own.

  The heat of the water, and the accumulated activities of the day combined to make Kate feel drowsy. She couldn’t hold back a yawn.

  “I think we need to tuck you into bed, Kate.” Gerald scooped water over her to rinse the soap off.

  “I don’t want this day to end.” That hadn’t been very coy of her, but then she never could see the sense in putting on a false front.

  “The day has to end, but you don’t have to be alone when it does. We’ll spend the night with you, if you’ll let us.”

  She should have been shocked at Gerald’s suggestion. Instead, she felt relieved. “I’d like that very much.”

  “Are you sore, angel?”

  She turned her head so she could meet Patrick’s eyes. It never occurred to her to pretend she didn’t know what he meant. Neither did it matter that she could feel the heat of embarrassment blooming on her face.Surely to goodness I’ll get over my modesty before long.She couldn’t see that she wouldn’t, with the liberties these two handsome men kept taking with her body.

  Kate smiled and shook her head, and then responded with words to Patrick’s question. “Only a little. The cold water earlier and this bath have helped, I think.”

  “Good. There are practical reasons to indulge in bathing, besides the purely hedonistic.” Patrick leaned over and kissed her.

  When he stood and prepared to get out of the tub, her face was only inches away from his very stiff cock. Her belly clutched and her feminine bits shivered, and in that moment, as her mouth watered, Kate discovered a desire she never knew existed.

  “Can I do to you what you did to me, use my mouth on you? I mean, is it even done?”

  Patrick nearly tripped getting out of the tub. His cock became even more erect than it had been, something she wouldn’t have thought was possible.

  Beneath her, Gerald’s harshly indrawn breath and the pulsing of his cock against her bottom let her know that both men seemed to like the suggestion inherent in her question.

  “Do you want to, Katie?”

  She never would have thought so before these men had come into her life. But now she knew she hungered for so much more than the lovemaking they’d already shared, as amazing as that had been. “I want to know everything, do everything with you both—only with you both.”

  “Damn right only with us.” Gerald wrapped his arms around her and thrust his hips up, as if he would caress her with his engorged penis.

  “Come here, sweetheart.” Patrick had gotten completely out of the tub and must have dried himself very quickly. Only a bit of dampness gleamed on his skin in the light. He held out his arms to her, a towel slung over his shoulder.

  Gerald lifted her, and before she could blink, she was standing on the mat, being wrapped in that towel.

  “To answer your question, baby, yes. It is done, and if you want to give us such a wonderful gift, you can be assured that we will both very eagerly receive it.”

  Both men dried her and both were more than just aroused. She felt trembling in the hands that blotted the towel against her skin. She understood, then, her desire to explore and to learn pleased them immensely.

  Kate didn’t just want to experience every pleasure Gerald and Patrick could give her, she wanted to give them every pleasure in return. “Show me what to do.”

  Chapter 10

  Gerald carried his woman to the bed, his need for her nearly getting the better of him. Flush and warm from her bath, her heavenly woman’s scent betraying her arousal, he wanted nothing more than to immerse himself in her completely. With all that he was, he wished he could lock the door and just remain here, forever, w
ith his woman and his brother by his side. The three of them could build a paradise that would last their lifetimes—a sanctuary that would receive them always. Here, he could keep them both safe from harm, protected.

  “Shh, I’m here, my darling. It’s all right.” Kate’s arms came around him, and the strength of her embrace astounded him.

  She was a tiny woman, really, light and delicate. And yet in that moment he understood as he never had before that what sometimes appeared to be delicate could indeed be formidable.

  His heart turned over because this delicate yet strong woman had sensed his mood, his inner desperation, and reached out to him in what he knew to his core was her instinctive need to nurture.

  Patrick held himself back, giving them the moment. His brother, his best friend, had always been the only one who’d understood that part of him, the part that sought to watch over and protect and keep everyone he loved from harm.

  Yet in these times, how could he hope to do all that? It was impossible! Only Patrick knew the price this war had already exacted from his soul.

  Now here was the woman who was meant to be theirs, and she already could read him, had reached out to him and touched that part of him that needed her tender care.

  His arms enveloped her, and he used his hands to sweep her back, ass to nape, to touch and soothe and yes, take some of her sweet feminine grace into his soul, to drink from the cup of succor she held to his lips.

  He eased back from her and cupped her face. He used his thumbs to caress her cheeks as his gaze met and held hers. “Do you have any idea how rare it is for me to find someone who understands me? You can’t, I know. Trust me when I tell you there’s only ever been one other, and he’s standing right behind you.” There was more he wanted to say, but knew the time was too soon. He couldn’t expect a woman of Kate’s integrity to fully trust words of love. He knew that they hadn’t spent much time together—not more than a couple of days, if he were to tally up the hours.

  Yet he knew to the pit of his soul, this was the woman he’d spend the rest of his life loving.Hell, I’ll still be loving her into the next life, too.

  No, he couldn’t tell her he loved her—yet. But there were other words he could give her.

  “You’re special, Kate. You matter to me more than I can tell you right now. No other woman has ever touched me the way you do. No other woman has ever meant as much.”

  The blossoming joy on her face told him more than words ever could that he’d just given her an incredible gift. “You’ve turned my world upside down.” She looked over her shoulder at his brother. Clearly she wanted to include Patrick in this intimate moment, and nothing could have pleased Gerald more. “The both of you have changed me.” She grinned, that quick-witted, sassy grin of hers that he already loved. “And I’m not just talking about the state of my virginity.” Her smile softened and she reached up and stroked his face. “You’ve brought me here and shown me a world and a way of life I’d never imagined existed. I’m richer for it. And you’ve touched me, too, my heart. I don’t know what it all means, yet. But I do know I want—I need—more.” She looked down at his cock, and damned if it didn’t bob in response as if saying hello. “Now, who’s going to be the first subject of this new experiment?” And she rubbed her hands together as if in glee.

  Gerald laughed, the sound emerging unfamiliar even to his own ears. It occurred to him then that of the handful of times in recent memory that he’d laughed, it was mostly thanks to this feisty and fiery bit of goods right here in front of him.

  The feelings running through him were nearly more than he could take. He’d spent a good part of his life hiding his emotions from others. He’d been successful at it, too, appearing stoic to everyone—with the possible exception of Patrick. They weren’t twins, but they shared a connection that was, at times, uncanny.

  Patrick knew him, saw him, warts and all—and it would appear that Kate had that same talent.

  Time to turn away from the emotional and focus on the physical.“Idoseem to recall an offer you made, and a desire you expressed to use your mouth for more than talking.” Her eyes positively glittered. In her gaze he could see humor, and lust and, he thought—he hoped—love. A part of him dared to believe that she already loved them, at least a little.

  He’d focus on the lust, for now.

  “Yes, that is exactly what I want to do.” She reached down and wrapped her hand around his cock. Christ, her touch was so soft, so alluring for all that she was untutored, he damn near came right then. “I want to please you. Just show me what to do.”

  “You’re doing a damn fine job so far.”

  “I’m very happy to hear that. But I do note that it’s my hand surrounding your cock, and not my mouth.”

  Their woman was proving to be a fast learner. Gerald was pretty certain their earthy talk earlier had shocked her, and yet here she was giving it right back to them, guessing correctly that her words would inflame them.

  “Come here.” He managed to gently extricate himself from her grasp. He kept his hands on her arms as he lowered himself to the bed. Opening his legs, he pulled her closer and then urged her down on her knees before him.

  “You have no idea how much it arouses me to have you in this position, sweetheart.” He couldn’t help the way his hand shook as he stroked her hair. She’d pinned her long, silky tresses up for their bath. Now, he made quick work of taking her hair down so that the lush sunset and spun-gold strands fell around her shoulders.

  God, she looked glorious, kneeling before him, her head tilted up so that her gaze met his. He combed the fingers of his right hand through her hair until he had them splayed against her head.

  “I won’t force you to do this, Kate. Many women would never even consider loving their men in this way. But having your mouth on my cock is going to be one of the best things I’ve ever experienced. It’s a special gift, just as your virginity was a very special gift, and it’s a gift I’ll cherish.”

  “I really want to do this. Just tell me what to do.”

  “All right. You can start by slowly licking me, and then when you’re ready, suck my cock into your mouth. Move your head up and down, and use your tongue to stroke my shaft while you suck. Whether or not I come in your mouth is up to you.”

  “That sounds easy enough.” She had her gaze riveted on his cock, and eventhatwas testing his self-control. Then she looked up and gave him a very sexy smile. “You’ll tell me if I do it wrong?”

  “Darlin’, I don’t think it’s possible to do this wrong.”

  “Will I like the taste of you?”

  Jesus, Kate really got to him. He wouldn’t be surprised if she could make him come with her words, and the look in her eyes, alone.

  Gerald swallowed and said, “Why don’t you find out?”

  * * * *

  Kate didn’t know if she should tell Gerald or not, butshecertainly liked being in this position, too—on her knees and looking up at one of her lovers. There was something sinfully thrilling about it, about the way Gerald gripped her head and exerted control over her.

  He flexed his cock, an action that made it seem as if that amazing organ was actually waving at her.

  Her gaze fastened on it, on the length and the rigidity of it, and on the way the head of it looked slightly purple. She could see his pulse in his cock. As she watched, a tiny drop of viscous liquid emerged from him, moistening the top of his cockhead, shimmering in invitation.

  Kate inhaled his scent, a musky kind of aroma that made her insides quiver and moisture gather between her legs. How extraordinary! She’d never inhaled this scent before, and yet the response of her body seemed immediate. Her body recognized that scent and craved it. She leaned in closer and nuzzled him, right at that point where his cock emerged from the nest of his pubic hair.Ah, yes, there it is.Something about that particular fragrance just ignited the flames of her passion even more.

  “Jesus, woman, enough torture. Taste me, now!”

ossy man.” She smiled because she could feel his trembling and understood in that moment that while she might appear to be the supplicant, he was the one who was needy.

  Kate used her tongue and gave him a long, slow lick from the base of his cock to the tiny little indentation just at the base of the head.

  His fingers flexed against her scalp and he moaned. No doubt about it, she was definitely the one with the power in this situation.

  He tasted of salt and something indefinable, something that urged her to lick him again. Hot and tangy, his flavor began to seep into her. She licked him a third time, and this time her tongue gathered that tiny drop that glistened on the end of his cock.

  Gerald inhaled sharply and Kate knew he liked that. Needing to please him, needing to give him the kind of thrill he and Patrick had given her with their talented tongues, she brought her lips to the head of his cock and then sucked him in.

  She closed her eyes and shivered as a new kind of delight ran through her. The sensation of his hot, hard cock inside her mouth set tiny fires ablaze within her. She sucked, and moved her head up and down in a slow, sultry rhythm. Using her tongue, she stroked his shaft as she gave tiny little sucks. He surged inside her mouth and she had to breathe deeply when his cockhead brushed the back of her throat.

  She eased her mouth almost all the way off him, and then took him as deep as she could. Then she raised her head, but sucked hard, pleased beyond measure when he groaned.

  “God, sweetheart, no one has to teach you a damn thing. Christ that feelswonderful.”

  “It looks wonderful, too.” Patrick sank down to the floor behind her. When he ran his hand down her back, she shivered. “Lean forward a bit more and spread your legs for me, baby.”

  Kate had no idea what Patrick intended to do, but she didn’t even consider denying him. As soon as she spread her knees a little, she moaned around Gerald’s cock. Patrick ran his fingers back and forth over her slit. He dipped his fingers into her and brought her nectar out and coated the lips of her pussy with it.


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