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A Very Lusty Christmas [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 14

by Cara Covington

  She felt parched, but she wasn’t going to let that stop her. She licked her lips and said, “No, I was talking about having one of your cocks in my cunt and the other in my ass.”

  Gerald’s eyes glittered and he nodded, his approval plain on his face. “Good girl. There’s no such thing as a taboo subject between us, woman. We will always want you to tell us what you want, or ask anything, anything at all.”

  “Is that what you want, baby? Do you want to have us both fucking you at the same time?”

  “Yes. I…I never knew that people did such a thing, but as soon as she told me about it, as soon as I began to envision the three of us…I knew that’s what I wanted. It would be the ultimate joining, wouldn’t it? It would be like we wereone.”

  “It would, love.” Naked, Gerald came to her, stretched out on her right side.

  Patrick joined them on the bed, lying close to her on her left. “It’s something we have to work toward, baby. We have to stretch your anus so that you can take our cocks, first, and fuck you that way a few times before we can both be inside you at the same time.”

  “No, I want that tonight. I want to be connected that way to you both tonight.Please.” She met each of her lovers’ gazes in turn, willing for them to see in her eyes how very serious she was.

  Gerald stroked the side of her face. She turned to him and he held her chin with his right hand. “Sweetheart, you understand that what you’re asking us to do might prove difficult for us? Even if we had the time to prepare you properly, taking a cock anally is going to hurt you. Without sufficient preparation, it may hurt you alot.” Gerald placed a sweet kiss on her lips. “Hurting you is something neither of us wants to do,ever.”

  She’d already figured that one out for herself, even before she’d asked some extremely personal questions of her new friend. Fortunately for her sense of inquisitiveness, Miranda Kendall was a very modern woman, and believed in plain speaking and complete disclosure.

  Kate would carry to her grave the fact that they had both looked like victims of sunstroke duringthatconversation.

  One thing Miranda had said that intrigued her was that in the heat of the moment, what normally might be very painful became very arousing, instead. Kate didn’t know if it would prove to be the same for her, but she was certainly willing to try.

  First, however, she had to persuade her lovers to see things her way. “We’ve talked before about the very real fact that nothing is truly normal for us. I know that orders can come at any time, foranyof us, and then we’d be separated for God knows how long. I needeverythingyou both can give me, while we’re still together.”

  Gerald and Patrick looked at each other for a long moment. Finally, Gerald said, “All right, Kate. We’re going to take care of you.” He made a sound that was almost a laugh. “You reallywon’tget much sleep tonight.”

  “Well, apparently, I have a day off tomorrow. So I don’t have to worry about arising from bed too early.”

  “Is that a fact?” Patrick leaned over and gave her a light kiss, but she’d seen the laughter sparkling in his eyes.

  “That is a fact. Mychaperonesjust told me so.”

  “Kate, you have to know that as far as they’re all concerned, you’re already a member of the family.” Gerald placed his hand on her chest, between but not touching her breasts. “We only found out tonight about what they were doing, and why. And sweetheart? We approve. Knowing the folks are watching out for you when we’re not here has lifted a burden of worry from us.”

  Kate would have to remember that these wonderful men of hers would always take seriously their role of being her protectors.

  She felt more than blessed in that regard.

  The warmth of Gerald’s hand on her chest had an amazing effect on her. Her nipples pebbled, and once more that clitoris of hers quivered.My God, I’m some sort of a sex addict or something.

  She reined her thoughts in. “Darling?”

  “Yes, Kate?”

  “Could we talk about your family later?”

  She supposed it was because Gerald could be such a serious man, that at moments like this one, when he so clearly was trying not to laugh, her heart melted more than just a little.

  “Of course, my dear. What would you rather talk about, instead?”

  “Oh, I think the time for talking is done, for now. Don’t you?” She took his hand that rested so casually on her chest, and moved it to cover her right breast.

  He cooperated by splaying his fingers over her flesh, and then squeezing. Then she reached down, picked up Patrick’s hand, and placed it on her left breast.


  All vestiges of humor left Gerald’s face. He used his other hand to turn her head toward him. He covered her mouth with his, and his kiss was ravenous.

  His heat and his flavor surrounded her, and the scent from his body rose up and enveloped her. His fingers caressed and plumped and then pinched and pulled. As his tongue stroked hers over and over, and his fingers tugged her nipple, Kate felt the flames of passion burn within her. Patrick’s hand was just as busy, and she wondered that she didn’t erupt into orgasm, so hot and high she soared.

  Gerald’s mouth left hers and traveled down the column of her neck. Patrick turned her then for his kiss and she met his lips with hers, her mouth opening, drinking, her tongue as avid as his. She loved his taste, and the combined flavor of both men at the same time thrilled her. Patrick’s lips, warm and moist, slid against hers and the friction aroused her even more.

  Gerald’s mouth continued kissing and licking a trail down her body, and he paused to suck her nipple oh, so strongly into his mouth. She felt his teeth nip and then his tongue sweep over the hardened tip.

  Kate whimpered against Patrick’s mouth even as she rolled her hips, her body’s way of seeking what it so very desperately needed.

  Patrick deserted her lips, and moved down so that he could take her left nipple into his mouth. Gerald returned to her mouth and kissed her, his lips and tongue fierce in their possession of hers.

  Then both men moved their hands down her body, to her feminine folds, and together they stroked her, their touch hot and heady as they petted her pussy. Each inserted a finger inside her, and someone stroked over her clit with his thumb.

  Kate broke her kiss with Gerald and cried out as her entire body seemed to vibrate with sizzling pleasure. She bowed her back as her rapture consumed her, and she felt her body’s nectar spill out of her cunt and onto their fingers.

  “That’s it, sweetheart. God, you’re so beautiful when you come. Come here, sweet.” Before she’d fully finished her climax, he turned her onto her side so that she faced him. He kissed her again, this kiss gentler, nearly reverent.

  She felt his hand on her hip. He slid it down to her leg. When he lifted, she followed his unspoken directions so that her leg draped his hips.

  The hot, swollen head of his penis nudged against her slit at the same instant she felt Patrick’s wet fingers brush back and forth across her anus. It felt as if they were covered by something silky and cool.

  “What is that?”

  “It’s a salve,” Patrick said. He kissed her shoulder. “Now, don’t get angry but we wondered if Miranda had told you about anal sex. We thought if she had, you might be curious. We had high hopes of being able to begin to ready you for us, and so we came prepared.”

  Kate heard the smile in his voice. “I would never get angry…Oh!” The word emerged on its own, no doubt pushed out of her by the shiver of delight that skittered down her back from his touch.

  Patrick kept working his fingers up and down over her anus, pausing every few strokes, likely to dip those fingers into the salve, and resume his delectable torture. Gerald had reached down, and was using his hand to guide his cock as he continued to tease her pussy, rubbing his hot erection up and down against her slit, and sometimes brushing her clit with it.

  She felt the wet, and knew that wetness came mostly from her—with maybe a few drops of
his pre-cum mixed in. Every time his cockhead touched her clitoris, she made tiny little needy sounds that made him smile. But she felt his tremors and knew it cost him to hold back, to tease her in this way and deny them both.

  Her arousal grew, and Kate began to move her hips in a syncopated rhythm, her thrust toward Patrick being more of a short, fast, jerking kind of motion. Her forward push was longer, more concerted, as she focused on trying to capture Gerald’s cock with her cunt.

  “Oh, God,please!” Kate didn’t think she’d ever actually begged and growled at the same time before.

  “Sweet, you flatter me,” Gerald said. “But alas, I’m only a man.”

  She fixed her gaze on his and when she judged that the moment was right, she moved, capturing his cock, and sighed as it slid into her.

  Patrick’s finger stopped stroking back and forth. His hand left her for a moment and then returned, with more of the lubricant. He centered his touch against her anus, and then began to press against that opening.

  Gerald moved inside her, his thrusts slow and deep, his gaze still locked on hers. Patrick continued to lay sweet kisses against her shoulder and the curve of her neck as he pressed his finger more and more firmly against her anus.

  She felt the burn, nothing more than a small discomfort at first. But it grew, and spread, as Patrick’s finger began to breach her rear opening.

  His finger slid in and Kate gasped and shivered. She closed her eyes, focused on the sensations running rampant through her, and the growing urge to push against that back, foreign invasion, take more.


  She opened her eyes and understood in a heartbeat why Gerald had been watching her.

  “I can’t describe…it makes me shivery, and hotter. Anxious. Needy.”

  “Good,” Patrick whispered against her ear. “You’ll tell us if it becomes too much.”

  “Mmm, define ‘too much.’”

  “I don’t want to hurt you, baby.” Patrick laved the shell of her ear and that made Kate shiver anew.

  “All right.” She only agreed because he’d stopped moving his finger, and she very much wanted him to start up doing so again.

  “Kate, we’re serious about this,” Gerald said. “It wouldwoundus to hurt you. You’re the center of our lives. God, woman, you’re our veryheart.”

  Kate needed more, and she very nearly thought she’d just take more. But the solemnity of Gerald’s words, the fervency of them reached her.

  “I know you’re serious, my darlings. I won’t lie, there’s a bit of discomfort. But it’s as if the discomfort is reaching tiny little hot spots inside me, spots I didn’t know were there…and setting them ablaze. I’m more aroused now than I’ve ever been, and I really do needmore.”

  “The discomfort is arousing you?” Gerald asked.

  He’d stopped moving, too. Between them, they held her in limbo, and she whimpered. “Yes, damn it, now move!”

  “Well now,” Patrick said. “That’s just about perfect, isn’t it?”

  “Ah, Kate.” Gerald combed his fingers through her hair and tilted her head back. “That opens a whole new realm of experiences for us to try out.”

  Chapter 14

  Kate balanced on the knife’s edge between sanity and chaos, every fiber of her being shaking as she hung transfixed, mere inches from completion. The cock inside her pussy felt hot and heavy, and the finger in her ass just made everything…more.

  She didn’t want to think about future experiences, thank you very much. She just wanted to fully enmesh herself inthisone, right now.

  Instinct took over, and without planning to she flexed some previously unused inner muscles and squeezed Gerald’s cock from inside her body.

  “God Almighty, Kate, do that again.”

  She did, and was rewarded with Gerald’s groan, and the hard, strong thrusting of his cock as his control snapped. Kate sighed and moved her hips in counterpoint to his. The action effectively thrust her against Patrick’s finger, too, and nothing had ever felt better in her entire life than the combination of the two.

  Patrick moved that finger, not just in and out but, it felt like, from side to side.He’s stretching me, getting me ready to take his cock.The idea of his doing so—of his fucking her ass—that just moments before had inspired a combination of excitement and trepidation, now just thrilled her.

  Clearly, her men were no longer planning to forestall her pleasure. Patrick continued to move his finger in and out of her ass, finger fucking her in the same rhythm as his brother. He began to lick as well as kiss her shoulder and neck, helping to drive her closer to her peak.

  Patrick pulled his finger out of her, but almost immediately thrust into her again, and suddenly the burning was back, and the burning just shot her excitement higher.

  “You’ve got two fingers in you now, Katie.”

  “Oh, God. I’m so close!” She closed her eyes and just focused on the sensations, on the glorious pleasure these men gave her.

  Then Gerald reached down between them and found her clitoris. He pinched it and she cried out as ecstasy flooded her. The men both moved, Gerald pulling her tighter, Patrick inching flush against her back, pressing closer to cosset her more completely between them. Gerald began to thrust harder and faster. When he groaned and held himself deep inside her, Kate shivered, both in satiation and in the knowledge that she’d driven one lover beyond his control and given him this satisfaction.

  She struggled for breath, yet wanted to give her other lover the same satisfaction. “Patrick.” His name came out a mere whisper. “You didn’t…” The sentence fell off, because he withdrew his fingers from her, and shifted behind her. He eased her forward until she was lying half on top of Gerald.

  “I’m about to, angel. I need you to lie still and breathe deeply.”

  Kate understood immediately what he meant. He moved, edging down the bed, placing hot little kisses in a line down her spine. She moaned, the pleasure deep and seductive when she felt him kiss the globes of her ass, gain his knees, and then spread her cheeks, opening her.

  He moved again, and the heat of his body covered her back warming her—and oddly, bracing her.

  She felt the tip of his cock against her anus. Feeling dark and delicious and naughty, Kate did as he asked, and relaxed as best as she could against Gerald.

  That wasn’t easy to do.

  The heat of his cock pressing against her rosebud opening sent arousal cascading through her, tiny beads of bliss that kissed every nerve ending, every muscle, everywhere. The salve he’d used added a silky, sliding kind of sensation into the mix, and Kate wondered if she could contain all these delicious sensations.

  “I’ll be as careful as I can, baby.” He bent over her and kissed her neck just where it joined her shoulder. And then he began to press home.

  Gerald had maneuvered himself so that he lay flat on the bed. He held her, one hand caressing her back and the other her left leg that was bent and lying against his hip. Stroking and crooning, he kept her still for his brother.

  The pressure built slowly, from a push to a burn, edging toward pain. Kate’s breathing increased and she felt her flesh pebble, as if she’d become chilled.

  “Relax, sweetheart.” Gerald kissed the top of her head and stroked his fingers back and forth over her leg. “You just have to say the word and this ends. You know that.”

  “I want this. I want Patrick’s cock in my ass. And yours, too. I want your cock in my ass, too.”

  Patrick pressed harder, and she felt her anus begin to open. Now the pain became a real presence, a bitingsomethingthat narrowed all her focus to that one spot where Patrick’s hot cockhead pushed, slowly gaining entrance.

  A sly fluttering tingled at the base of her stomach, inching toward her clit. Her nipples hardened into diamond-like points and Kate could have sworn she felt a small gush of nectar seep from her cunt.

  Gerald sucked in a breath. “Youdowant this,” he said. “Your nipples are drilling holes into my
chest, and you’re soaking wet.”

  “Oh, it feels…” Kate didn’t know if she had words. Even though Patrick had told her to lie still, she couldn’t. She pushed back against him.

  “Don’t, baby. God, you already feel so damned good I don’t…I can’t…” He gasped and gripped her hip with one hand while he bowed his head, resting it against her shoulder blade as he shuddered and breathed hard.

  Kate sensed his struggle, and knew he was trying to hold on to his control. She didn’t want to make things difficult for him, but on the other hand, she neededmore.

  “Please. Don’t stop.” She could stay still, she could give him this, let him be the one to take them where she so desperately needed to be. But she needed him to just do it, and do it now.

  “All right. Just let me…” Patrick kissed her shoulder again, eased back, then pressed into her anew.

  Kate gasped as she felt her sphincter give way and the head of his cock enter her. The burning had evolved into a kind of gripping pain that hurt, yes, but it sizzled and snapped, a thousand tiny little explosions that sent fiery licks of arousal through her whole body.

  “Here, let me help.” Gerald reached down and stroked over her slit with his fingers, his light touch, back and forth, seeking her clitoris. Just the presence of that gentle caress was enough to make those licks burst into flames, flames that traveled over her, setting her completely ablaze.

  Patrick hissed out a breath, and then pulled almost all the way out of her, before surging in once more.

  She felt his cock slide into her, going deep until his balls tapped against her flesh.

  “Oh, yes, that’s…” She felt full, on fire, needing to come. But she could say none of those things.

  “Let me, Kate. This first time, just let me.” Patrick began to move in her, in and out in slow, shallow thrusts that immediately had her on the edge. He said, “You better help her, because I won’t last.Fuck, she feels wonderful, sodamnwonderful.”

  It took Kate a moment to realize that Patrick had been speaking to Gerald.

  “Give me your mouth, sweetheart.” Gerald’s words brushed her hair. She didn’t think, she just responded, tilting her head, stretching up so that she could meet his lips with her own.


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