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The American Terrorist

Page 15

by Ron L. Carter

When Doug woke up the next day he was refreshed and ready to seek out his next target. As he stepped out of the motor home and got some fresh air he stretched out his arms and said, “Islamtown, here I come.” He made sure his car was hooked up and everything was ready to go and then headed to the K.O.A. campground in South Carolina. It was about forty miles from his target of Islamtown. Once he got to the campground and set up his camp he spent the next few days just checking out the terrorist camp. He knew if this camp had armed guards then he would have to utilize what he had learned in his Army training years ago to root them out. He would have to take a more offensive approach while on his assault on the camp. He hid in the woods and watched the armed guards as they patrolled the perimeter of the camp. He thought this looks more like a prison to me accept they aren’t trying to keep people from getting out, they are protecting it from people coming in. That area of South Carolina is a wooded area and in order to keep from being caught he would have to wear the camouflaged uniform. He knew he could take out targets from a safe distance with his sniper rifle and it would be hard for them to spot him. His biggest concern was would he get the attention of the FBI, CIA and other law enforcement agencies?

  The next day he drove into the woods, put on his Muslim disguise and then drove to a local shopping center and parked his Mercedes. He walked about two miles to a rental company and rented a car. He gave them his fake name and soon he had the car. He drove to Islamtown camp and found his way to the main entrance. Just as he was about to enter he was stopped at the gate by an armed and uniformed guard. The guard was a big, well-built African-American man and he asked Doug what was the nature of his business in Islamtown. He told the guard he was looking for his brother from Kabul. He didn’t know if the guard believed him because he asked if he could search his car before he entered. Doug was thinking I’m sure glad I didn’t bring my Mercedes. Doug looked up at him and said sure that would be okay with him. After the guard searched his care thoroughly and was satisfied he was not a threat to the compound he let him pass. While he was driving around the camp he was stopped a few more times by armed uniformed guards. They again asked him what he was doing driving around on the compound. Each time he told them he was looking for his brother from Kabul, and they let him continue.

  Doug drove around the area for a while and had a real good idea of the size of the compound and where the guards were located. He also found where the people of the camp spent their time during the day. He knew he couldn’t get close to the high profile areas and place a bomb because they would search his car. Also because of the guards it was too risky to try and get into the compound on foot. He decided he would have to use his sniper rifle and take out some of the guards from outside the perimeter. He came up with a plan that he would set up an area outside the perimeter about two hundred yards and move in a circular clockwise pattern. He would kill as many of the armed guards as he could with his sniper rifle. He wanted to end up on the other side of the hill were he would leave his rental car and make his escape. He knew that once he started shooting the guards the woods would be full of them coming after him. He thought this would be good time to carry his pistol in case one of the guards got too close.

  Doug drove back to his Mercedes and got his rifle, pistol and ammunition and put it in the back of the rental car. He went downtown and had lunch. Later that day he headed back to the terrorist compound in the rental car. He waited until just before dark and parked the car on the other side of the hill just like he had planned. He hiked back over the hill to his first target near the front gate. Once he was comfortable with that location he got down in a prone position and zeroed in on his target. He let out his breath and slowly squeezed the trigger shooting the first guard and watched as he went down. The guard screamed out in pain and fired his weapon in the air. In just a few minutes another guard came running to his aid. As soon as he got there Doug shot him as well. Now he had two guards down near the front gate. He started following his plan and began to move in a crouched position and in the circular motion toward his car. As he made his way up and over the hill he shot four more guards that were coming after him from inside the camp. As he made it to the car he was breathing heavy from excitement and a little fear. He was just getting ready to put his rifle in the car when another guard came running over the hill toward him. He was about a hundred yards away and firing wildly in Doug’s direction with his automatic weapon. Doug quickly zeroed in on him and shot him and watched as he went down. He then threw the rifle in the car and started to speed away.

  When Doug got to the bottom of the hill he saw a black SUV about a half mile behind him and it was speeding toward him. He floored the rental car to try and get away from the SUV but it was coming after him at a pretty high rate of speed. As it got a little closer he could tell there were two guys in it and the passenger had a gun sticking out the side window firing at his car. He had to make a quick decision about what he was going to do or they would soon be on top of him. He couldn’t out run them in the rental car so he had to come up with something fast. He thought what a fine mess you got yourself into now, Doug. He saw a sharp turn in the road up ahead so he stepped on the gas to try to temporarily get away them. He was about two hundred yards ahead of the SUV when he made the sharp turn and slowed down and pulled the car over to the side of the road. He jumped out with his rifle in his hands and used the car as a support for his shooting position. When the SUV started to make the turn and was only about fifty yards from him he quickly zeroed in on the passenger and shot him in the head. The driver slammed on his brakes and the SUV came sliding to a stop as dust flew up in the air and temporarily covered the SUV. When the dust cleared Doug could tell the driver was trying frantically to get to his rifle in his hands. Doug took a shot and busted the front windshield but missed him. He quickly took aim and his second bullet hit him in the head. As the driver slumped over the steering wheel the SUV slowly drifted into the middle of the dirt road. Doug didn’t look back as he tossed his rifle in the passenger side of the car and took off down the hill. He knew there would soon be other guards trying to pursue him so he didn’t waste any time getting out of there. He kept looking back through his rear view mirror and the side mirrors to see if anyone was after him as he speeded back to town. Lucky for him he didn’t have any more encounters with the guards on the way back to town.

  Once he was back in town he drove the rental car to the shopping center where he had parked his Mercedes and transferred everything back under the back seat. He quickly put on his Muslim disguise and drove the rental car back to the rental company. He parked it in front and left the keys inside. He walked back to the shopping center where he had parked his Mercedes and before going directly to his car he went into one of the stores to purchase something just so it would look like he had been shopping. After his purchase he calmly walked over to his Mercedes, took off his Muslim disguise, put it under the seat, got in the car and left.

  When Doug got back at camp and had time to reflect on everything that had happened on this mission he was angry with himself because the guards chasing him in the SUV was not something he had planned on. He was disappointed that he had to leave the bullet casings in the woods for the law enforcements first clue as to the type of rifle he used. He was not very comfortable with the entire way he handled this attack. It could’ve backfired on him very easily. He could’ve been trapped by the guards in the SUV or by other people from the compound or by the police on his way back into town. The only thing that may have saved him this time was that they weren’t expecting this type of an attack on their compound and he caught them by surprise. Even though he had done a lot of planning he thought he may have been a little too eager to kill some of these terrorists instead of taking his time and spending a few more days checking it out. After giving it a lot more thought he decided he needed to take his time and be a little more careful before he hit his next target. He made a promise to
himself that on his next attack he would slow down and do a little more planning before he attacked.

  The next morning he reattached his vehicle to the motor home and was back on the road again. According to the CNN news reports, he had killed eight men, six at the compound and two on the little dirt road coming out of the compound. He also wounded one guard. After the mistakes he made he still felt like it still was a successful mission. He knew the FBI or the CIA and other law enforcement would come in and investigate what had happened. Maybe they would find out the people in the compound were actually armed guards carrying automatic weapons. At the very least his attack would bring attention to the suspected Islamtown terrorist compound. If Doug’s assumptions were correct it would cause a lot more of the terrorist men to arm themselves and start carrying their guns into the streets of their compound. Hopefully law enforcement officials would have to investigate why these people had weapons. Doug thought, what was so important that they had to carry guns to try and keep people out? Regardless, he had done his part and in the process killed 8 more terrorist. He was happy that he was able to get a few from this compound that originally looked like it was impossible to penetrate.

  * * *

  Chapter 16 - Dixie, Tennessee


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