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The American Terrorist

Page 28

by Ron L. Carter

Doug was going to stay at the Four Winds RV Park outside of Houston. The more he read about the different terrorist attacks or plots that have been foiled in America he wondered if there were any places in America that was truly safe from these terrorist organizations. When he read about the terrorist activity in Texas, he wasn’t surprised to find they had their fair share of terrorist attacks.

  A twenty year old Saudi Arabian that came to the United States in 2008 and was attending Texas Tech University was arrested in Lubbock for allegedly targeting the Dallas home of former President George W. Bush and also for planning to use chemical weapons on other targets in America. Five foreign nationals (French-Moroccans) were arrested after a failed attempt to break-in to the Bexar County Courthouse in San Antonio, Texas. The FBI has been trying to figure out why the group traveled extensively to high-level security facilities around the United States. They had maps, computers and other documents that were suspicious. A nineteen year old suspected Muslim terrorist was arrested and charged that he intended to bomb a downtown Dallas skyscraper. One of the most publicized incidents took place at Fort Hood when a thirty nine year old U.S. Army Major shot and killed thirteen people (twelve soldiers) and wounded twenty nine (soldiers and civilians) at the U.S. military base. He is an American Muslim of Palestinian descent. (23)

  Doug’s next target was a large house located in Houston, Texas. He had studied reports indicating the members of the organization that lived there supported and praised some of the terrorist attacks in America during the past. They held meetings at the house for new and old members. When Doug woke up the next morning in Houston, he stretched out his arms, took a deep breath and thought, this feels good, as he took in the warm sun and Houston air. He got in his car and headed downtown to the famous Copper Penny Restaurant that made a hearty home-style breakfast. It didn’t take long before he was seated in front of a hot plate of two eggs with ham, hash browns, biscuits and gravy and a glass of milk. He thought I haven’t had a breakfast like this in a long time.

  After he left the restaurant, he went to check out his next target. When he found the house it was in an area where there were a lot of empty commercial buildings with broken windows. The house was actually an old commercial flat top building that the Muslims had made into a house. It was located between two other buildings that were connected. It had a twenty foot concrete walkway that went right up to the front door from the main sidewalk. The place wasn’t at all what he expected to find.

  He went back to his RV campsite and relaxed for the rest of the day. That evening he put his Muslim disguise in his car and headed to a secluded place and put it on. He drove to the house and parked down the street. It was about 7:00 p.m. and people were starting to make their way into the house. To Doug it looked like they were having a pretty big meeting. He walked up to one of the men standing near the door entrance to the building and asked him in Arabic if he understood Arabic. He laughed and said, “Yes, but I would prefer English.” Doug proceeded to ask him if this is where the meeting was going to be held that talked about the Jews and Christians and the man said yes. He asked the man, “Will I be welcomed here?” He just looked at Doug in bewilderment and said, “You are a Muslim aren’t you?” Doug replied, “Yes, all my life.” The man said, “Then you are welcome here,” as they walked inside the house together.

  The main part of the building was stripped of any walls and was one big open room with folding chairs set up in rows. There was a podium in the front where the speaker stood. Doug noticed there were fliers on a fold-out table at the back of the room and they looked like the ones he had seen before. The man walked over and grabbed two of the fliers and gave him one. He followed the man to a seat, sat down and looked over the flyer. It wasn’t long before the main speaker who had been talking to a few other men in the front row got up and called the meeting to order. They had a Muslim prayer for their first item on the agenda and then new people that had never been there before had to get up and introduce themselves. When it was Doug’s turn he stood up and began to tell who he was and where he was from in Arabic.

  The meeting started off as any other Muslim meeting with general talk about the Qur’an and what Allah expected of his people. As the meeting progressed the true message of the speaker and the people in the meeting started to come out. The more the speaker spoke insults about the Jewish people, Israel and America, the more the group became heated and cheering with approval. He just played along with them and joined in. By the time the meeting was over, he was sure there were several men in the group that would have gladly strung him up by his heels and cut his throat if they would have known he was a Christian and there to spy on them. He thought they probably would have skinned him alive if they had known he was the “American Terrorist.” As he left the building, he thanked them for allowing him to attend the meeting and asked the man he had been sitting with when the next meeting would be. He told him the next one would be the day after tomorrow and they were having a guest speaker from out of the area that would be there. On the way to his car he thought, yep, this is definitely my target and I am going to blow them up.

  The next day Doug dressed in the cap, mustache, goatee and sunglasses after he left the campground. He went downtown and bought a 2002 Toyota Corolla that was for sale by the owner. It was a little beat up but the engine ran good and that was what mattered. He drove to the area of his next target to figure out his best plan of attack and also his escape route. He decided to use one of the remote control cars he had purchased to see how good it would work. He thought this was an ideal situation because of the flat sidewalk that went right up to the building. He looked around and saw an abandoned building across the street about eighty yards from his target. It was perfect; he had a clear view of the building and could operate the remote control car from that position. Before he got back to his campsite, he took off his disguise and parked the car in the visitor’s area of the campground. He made sure no one was in the area as he got out of the car and walked to his campsite. That night he spent some time re-charging the battery for the car and attaching a C-4 bomb and phone to it. He inserted the detonator wire into the C-4 and it was ready to go.

  Doug was up before daylight, put his Muslim disguise and the remote control car in the black bag and went to where he had parked the Toyota in the visitor parking. He put the car in the trunk, along with the controller and his extra phone. He then drove to the abandoned building and parked down the street a few blocks away. He got the car and phone out of the trunk and made sure that no one was watching as he found a place in the abandoned building to hide for the rest of the day.

  When the meeting grew near men started making their way into the building. The one thing Doug didn’t count on was a big truck that parked in front of the building where he was hiding and it completely blocked his view of his target. He knew he wouldn’t be able to control his car from where he was positioned so he had to move to a different location. He quickly changed his plans so he left the building taking everything back to his vehicle and put them in the front seat on the passenger side. He then drove to the same side of the street as the building was on and about fifty yards away. The sidewalk was clear all the way to the house and he had a good view of the sidewalk from where he was sitting in his car. He would be able to control the car from inside the vehicle to the walkway that led to the house. He waited until all the men were in the building and the sidewalk was clear and went around to the passenger side and got the remote control car out and sat it down on the sidewalk and turned on the phone. He had it headed in the direction of his target as he got back into his car and started to send it on its mission.

  Just as he started to turn the remote control car on, a kid about twelve years old showed up out of nowhere and was heading right toward the remote controlled car. The kid was skipping along like he didn’t have a care in the world until he saw the car on the sidewalk and immediately froze in his tracks. Dou
g could tell this kid thought he had just found a pot of gold. He looked around and then started to slowly head toward the car. When he got within a few feet of the car he looked over at Doug, hesitated a minute, and then grabbed it and started to run. By then Doug was already out of the car and chasing after him. He was feeling lucky when he caught the kid by the collar and told him to stop. The kid was kicking and wiggling around as he said, “Hey man, I am going to start yelling if you don’t let go of me right now and people will be all over you.” Doug figured what he was saying what probably true so he let go of the kid and said, “I’m sorry but that is my car you have in your hands and it is not a toy.” The kid looked at the car and then looked back at him and said, “Well it’s my car now and you aint getting it back.”

  Doug couldn’t believe that he was standing there arguing over his own car with a bomb attached to it and the kid wasn’t budging an inch. He looked into the kids dark brown eyes and said, “Ok here’s the deal, I really need to get that car back and if you give it back to me I will give you fifty bucks.” The kid looked at him and hesitated for a moment and then said, “No way man, make it a hundred bucks and I’ll give it back to you.” He couldn’t believe the nerve of this kid! After all he had been through on his missions and now he was being blackmailed by a twelve year old kid. He rolled his eyes and said, “It’s a deal,” as he pulled out a hundred dollar bill and held it out to the kid and told him, “I will give you another fifty bucks if you get out of here and don’t come back until tomorrow.” The kid was reluctant at first but must have figured he wasn’t going to be able to keep the car anyway so he said, “Ok.” He grabbed the money and sat the car down on the sidewalk as he took off running in the opposite direction. Doug was thinking, what ever happened to respect for your elders. Michael would never have been that disrespectful to an older person.

  He immediately gathered up his precious car, went back to his vehicle and collected his thoughts for a minute. After he composed himself he decided to put the car back on the sidewalk and finish the mission. He made sure the phone was on as he started it in the direction of his target. It was working great as it got to the sidewalk leading into the building. He turned the car in an L shape toward the house and slowed it down to a crawl because he couldn’t see it once it started toward the house. He wanted it to touch the house very gently and not disturb the meeting. He wasn’t positive it was against the building but after a minute or so thought it might be in position. He quickly made a U turn in the road and headed in the opposite direction as he dialed the number on the phone and detonated the bomb. There was a huge explosion and as he looked back in his rear view mirror he could see the flames and debris shooting up about twenty to thirty feet into the dark sky.

  On his way back into town he thought, that kid almost ruined my whole day and maybe my entire mission. That was way too close for comfort once again. He thought the car idea was maybe just a little too risky for taking out his targets. He decided to never use that type of attack again. The next day he just relaxed at the campground and reflected on some of the good memories he had with Michael, Shirley and Jenifer. As he sat there he whispered, hey Michael, I got another target for you so I have them on the run now.

  Later that day the news reported that a Muslim gathering place had been hit by the “American Terrorist,” and twelve men were killed and sixteen injured. Once again there was protesting from the Muslim community and the clashes between Muslims and Christians were becoming more frequent and violent.

  The following morning on Good Morning America they interviewed the liaison for Homeland Security that was a retired FBI agent. He said, I’m surprised that the Houston area had been attacked since there weren’t supposed to be any suspected terrorist buildings in the area. According to his information the suspected terrorist training camp in Houston was shut down several years earlier after it was disclosed the terrorist organization had weapons and were training in the camp. He went on to say, they didn’t know about this Muslim meeting house so “Maybe the American Terrorist” knew something we didn’t know.” The CNN reporter asked if he thought the FBI had any new leads in the case. He said, “I can’t tell you any detailed information about the case because it is an ongoing investigation. The reporter asked, “So do you think this is an individual or a group that is doing these terrorist bombings in America?” He replied, “I can’t even speculate on that, I don’t think we know yet.” He did say they were doing the most extensive investigation they could do on all the attacks in America. Doug knew they didn’t have anything on him yet or they would’ve had his picture all over the news and looking for him.

  The news reporter went on to ask the Liaison what he thought about all the support the “American Terrorist” was getting from people all over America. He said, “We shouldn’t be supporting any kind of terrorist activity in America. We are fighting against terrorism all over the world right now and we shouldn’t tolerate it in America.” She replied by saying, “By the looks of all the protestors and supporters of this individual or group, the people of America think we should start cleaning up our act here at home against the radical Muslim terrorist organizations.” He said, “We have known about a lot of possible sleeper cells in America for years but we haven’t been able to touch them until a plot is uncovered or until they are moved into action by hitting their planned targets. The one thing that the “American Terrorist” has done is hit some of the areas that have been under close security watch by the government agencies for some time but we hadn’t been able to prove they had weapons and other information until they were exposed. The attacks have allowed the law enforcement agencies to go in and shut down those sites that were attacked by the American Terrorist.” The reporter said, “Are you saying the “American Terrorist” is a good thing based on that?” The Liaison just said, “No comment.”

  When Doug watched the news he was pleased with himself that he played a part in shutting down a lot of the terrorist camps and other targets he had hit so far. He was happy the government agencies were shutting the terrorist camps down. He couldn’t have asked for a better reward except for the personal satisfaction of killing the terrorists he was getting for his revenge of Michael’s death.

  * * *

  Chapter 29 - “The Alamo” - Texas


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