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Page 3

by Jodi Olson

  One by one, he checked each stall, finding all the horses bedded down and in good health. He checked the bags of feed—again. All he could do was wait. Luke was near the entrance when Lauren walked in the door.

  “Go back inside, Lauren,” he snarled. He grabbed a pitchfork so it looked like he was busy doing something.

  “Luke, what are you doing out here?”

  His back was turned to her; he couldn’t face her right now. Even though he was still angry with her, he wanted to take her to the empty stall and fuck her.

  “I’ll be out here until the person framing me is caught. Since you think it’s me doing this to my horses, maybe you should stay out here with me and watch every move I make.” Luke took a deep breath. “Lauren, how could you even think I’d do something so horrible?”

  “What—Luke… What are you accusing me of?”

  “The Sheriff told me the new vet called him advising that I was killing my own horses.” He pointed a shaking finger at her, “The new vet is you.”

  “You’re wrong, Luke. It wasn’t me. I never made any phone call to the sheriff; this is the first I’ve heard about it.”

  Luke was finished talking. He grabbed her arm, pulling her against his body. His mouth claimed hers; his tongue thrust inside, with her returning the kiss with reckless abandon.

  The hollow at the base of her throat pulsed as Luke moved his mouth slowly down, nipping with his teeth, stroking with his tongue. Her breasts were exposed when he pushed her shirt down. He bent over and suckled her right nipple, taking it in deep, flicking the tip with his tongue.

  A moan escaped Lauren’s lips and she clenched his ass with her hands pulling him closer to her most intimate place. She shivered when his erection rubbed against her stomach.

  He pushed her pants down, gliding his hand in to rub her clit. She was slick with need and Luke easily slipped two fingers inside her. Friction burned, tension built. Her hips moved in time to his fingers fucking her.

  His mouth left her breast to sweep across her lips, kissing her again. Parting her lips, she raised herself to meet his kiss. It was his turn to groan as her tongue played with his. Stroking her more quickly, he knew it wouldn’t be long until Lauren’s release.

  “Let’s move to the blanket. You can sit on me,” he implored.

  Luke had made a pallet on the floor since he planned on spending time in the barn until he caught the culprit poisoning his horses. He unbuckled his belt, unzipped his pants and pushed them down to his ankles before he sat. Once on the pallet, he pulled Lauren down to straddle his lap. Lauren slowly engulfed his length, whimpering as he filled her.

  She rode him, and Luke cupped her breasts. Even as his thumbs stroked her nipples, she moved up and down, everything else forgotten, except the fire between them.

  Their releases built as they continued the constant thrust and retreat. She came with a loud scream as her orgasm crashed over her. When her channel rippled around his cock, Luke followed with his own release. He held her in his arms as their breathing returned to normal.

  A clatter sounded outside the stable, causing Luke to go on alert. He quickly moved Lauren aside and pulled up his jeans, “Did you hear that, Lauren?”

  “I didn’t hear anything.” Lauren rasped, as she righted her shirt.

  Luke didn’t hear Lauren’s reply because he was already out the door. He tripped over the water bucket and cursed. Was it a cat I heard, or was it the snake trying to ruin my business?


  The next morning Max drove Lauren to the vet clinic. All was quiet as Lauren stared out the passenger window, then Max spoke, “Luke has a lot on his mind with his horses and being run into a ditch last night. I really don’t believe he’s upset with you or he meant what he said about all this being your fault.”

  Lauren gasped, “Wait a minute. What are you talking about? Luke never said anything to me about being run off the road. When did that happen?”

  “On his way back home, after leaving the sheriff’s office. He was really angry when I found him sitting in the kitchen. Didn’t he mention it to you?”

  Lauren turned back to the window, thinking about Luke’s situation. “Rob!” she covered her mouth when she realized she spoke aloud.

  “Lauren, what do you know about Rob? Is he the one doing all these things to Luke? You need to tell me now if you know something.”

  She caught her trembling lower lip between her teeth and stared at Max for a few seconds before speaking. “I didn’t mean to say his name out loud.”

  “Do you think Rob could be behind all this, Lauren?”

  Lauren glanced at his hands on the steering wheel; his knuckles were white from holding on so tightly. “I was thinking that Rob might be the one setting me up, making it look like I placed the call to the sheriff.”

  “And you didn’t call the sheriff?”

  “No, I didn’t and I can’t believe you’d even think I would.” Max pulled in to the clinic’s parking lot and Lauren jumped out of the truck.


  Two hours had passed since Max dropped Lauren off, and the day had been extremely quiet. The office assistant was at lunch so she decided to clean the waiting room to pass some time. Her mind had been drifting to Max and Luke all morning; she wanted them so badly her pussy was aching with need. Although she doubted Luke would want her anytime soon.

  She once bent over, straightening some brochures when she saw Rob out of the corner of her eye. Turning around, she exclaimed, “Rob, what are you doing here? You need to leave, now!”

  “I’ll leave when I’m done saying what I came to say—and not before.”

  “Make it quick then.” Lauren looked around to see if anyone was there. Rob was known to have a volatile temper and she didn’t want to be alone with him. She hoped he didn’t realize they were alone in the clinic.

  “Lauren, I want us back together. I’ve changed; I’m no longer drinking and when we get back home, I’ll get a job. Things will be different, you’ll see.”

  “No, Rob, I’ve waited for years for things to change and they haven’t. I’ve moved on, and now you need to as well.”

  Rob grabbed her arms, “You belong to me, Lauren, and Luke will lose everything if you continue this threesome you have going with him and Max. And Max will be next.”

  Lauren gasped and struggled against his hold. “It was you, wasn’t it? How could you do that to Luke? He was your friend.”

  “Was being the operative word Lauren.”

  “Luke never did anything to you.” The ringing phone startled Lauren, and Rob released her. She went to the desk to answer and when she glanced back up Rob was gone. Lauren took a deep breath and answered, “Veterinarian’s Office, how may I help you?”

  “This is Ray Adams, I’ve got a sick horse and I need someone to take a look at him.”

  “Mr. Adams, this is Dr. Chandler. I’ll get my bag and be there in just a few minutes.”

  “No. I want Doc Richards to take care of my horse. Just tell the real vet I need his help.”

  “I am a real vet and you’re wasting time here. Why don’t you want me? Is it because I’m a woman, or something else?”

  “Lady, Luke told me what you did and he’s like a son to me. I don’t want you anywhere near my animals. I know Luke didn’t kill those horses.”

  “Mr. Adams, I know he didn’t either and I didn’t call the sheriff on him. I’m the only vet here today. Please let me show you, you can trust me. ”


  By the time Lauren returned to the clinic, darkness had set in and she was exhausted. All she wanted was to get home, soak in a nice hot bubble bath and get a good night’s sleep. When she pulled into the parking lot, Luke was leaning against his truck with his arms crossed. She was still upset with him for thinking she was behind the call to the Sheriff. How would she tell him it was over when she ached with need? Maybe one last night with him and Max wouldn’t hurt anyone? Hopefully Rob was long gone and would be none the wiser.

  All afternoon Luke called Lauren’s cell phone and she never answered so he thought he’d see for himself she was okay. After waiting all day, he was about to the boiling point when she pulled up. He was so upset he didn’t know whether to shake her or kiss her.

  “Why haven’t you answered any of my calls today, Lauren?” When she walked past him without saying anything, he caught up, grabbed her arm and spun her around. She was irresistible and he had to have a taste, so he kissed her.

  “We need to talk Luke.”

  “Later, much later Lauren. I have other things on my mind right now and talking isn’t one of them.” He lifted one of her legs around his hips. His cock was in perfect alignment to rub against her feminine core.


  He tugged on her slacks and panties until they landed on the pavement; his jeans quickly followed. Her other leg wrapped around his waist as he lifted her; pushing his cock inside her slick heat. To gain leverage, he slammed her up against the side of his pickup. Lauren’s lips caressed his neck, nipping and sucking until Luke moaned his approval. He was driving into her fast and deep, his hard cock stole her breath as her orgasm washed over her causing her to tremble. Her fingers dug into his shoulders gripping him when she thought she’d fall. Finally the waves of his own release crashed through him.

  When Luke set her on her feet, her legs felt wobbly so he kept a tight hold on her. “Lauren, you said we needed to talk. I’m all ears now.”

  “I can’t keep doing this Luke; it’s too much. It’s over”

  “Like hell it is. You belong to Max and me.”

  “I don’t belong to anyone but myself.”

  “I paid a thousand dollars for you and I plan on getting my money’s worth,” annoyance hovered in his eyes.

  “For a date, for charity, that’s it! Luke Parker, you can be such an ass sometimes.”

  “You didn’t think so a few minutes ago, darlin’. Now follow me out to the ranch like a good girl. Max is waiting for us.” Luke climbed in his truck and peeled out of the parking lot.

  When he glanced in his rearview mirror, Lauren threw up her middle finger at him. Damn it, I’m such an ass! Why did I bring up the money? It was for charity and had nothing to do with sex at all. His anger got the best of him when she called it quits and it hurt more than he cared to admit. He didn’t want to lose her all over again.

  When he noticed Lauren wasn’t following, Luke turned around and headed back to the clinic. By the time he arrived, her car was gone. Something wasn’t right; he could feel it. After driving around town and not finding Lauren, he headed back to the ranch. Luke’s cell phone rang when he was a short distance from the ranch. Hoping it was Lauren, he didn’t bother to say hello, “Where are you?”

  Instead he heard Max’s voice, “Lauren called about half an hour ago and told me good-bye, Luke. What the fuck have you done now?”


  Lauren’s days were busy with her work at the clinic, which didn’t give her much time to think about Luke and Max. Sometimes she’d pick up the phone, but never dialed. After the first couple weeks, she stopped avoiding them and Luke had quit looking for her. It’s better this way for all of us.

  Rob only showed up twice after that day in the clinic; he was making sure Luke wasn’t around anymore. She told him Luke wasn’t part of her life now, or ever would be.

  Nights seemed the most difficult for Lauren to handle. She ached to be in Luke’s arms, but knew in order to keep Rob from Luke’s ranch she had to stay away.

  In the middle of one night, Lauren’s sudden craving for chocolate fudge ice cream was irresistible; it always made her feel better. Not finding any in the freezer, she grabbed her coat from the closet and put it on over her nightie. No one would see her and she didn’t feel like getting dressed.

  Once inside the store, she quickly headed for the ice cream section—no chocolate fudge ice cream, of all days the store had to be out of it. She finally decided on Luke’s favorite, Rocky Road. Now, to just pick up one last special item and check out.

  “Luke, we need to hurry. Max is waiting for us and you know how he can be sometimes.” Lauren’s back stiffened when she heard the woman speaking to Luke. She needed to get away as fast as possible but she was frozen in her tracks. Well, it didn’t take him long to move on. Lauren wiped at the tears streaming down her face. A couple of boys bumped into her and she dropped her purse and the items in her hand. For weeks now, she hadn’t felt well; she was tired and nauseous. Her mother thought she was pregnant, but Lauren thought it was the flu. Just to be sure, it wouldn’t hurt to take the test. What if I am pregnant? Who’s the father, Luke or Max?

  As Lauren bent to pick up the items and her purse, someone reached down to help her.


  Tonight, Luke felt like a third wheel. Max spent all evening dancing with his new girlfriend Trudy while he sat drowning his sorrows in whiskey. On the way back home, Max asked him to stop at the store because he was in the mood for ice cream.

  After getting the ice cream, Luke stopped suddenly when a bunch of high school boys came running down the aisle. He turned in time to see them run into a woman at the end of the aisle, knocking her items and purse to the floor.

  Luke decided the least he could do was help her gather her things. “Ma’am, let me help you.” As he bent down to help her their eyes met, and it was if time stood still. “Lauren, what are you doing here?”

  “Getting ice cream, same as you it seems,” she jumped to her feet.

  Luke picked up the last of her items from the floor, noticing what it was. His eyes widened in surprise. Could Lauren be pregnant? Is it mine, or Max’s?

  “Is this yours too, Lauren?” He clenched his mouth even tighter if that was possible.

  “Yes, it’s mine.” She grabbed the pregnancy test kit.

  “Am I the father?” Luke was unsure what answer he was looking for from her.

  Lauren sighed, “Luke, I don’t even know if I am pregnant yet.”

  “How soon will you know?”

  “The box says you’ll see the results in five minutes.”

  “I’m going with you back to your place. We need to talk and this ice cream is already melting.” Luke smiled, “Let me go tell Max and Trudy to go on home.”

  “You can’t go home with me. What if Rob finds you there?”

  “He won’t.”

  “How do you know that? He told me if I didn’t want you hurt, or any more horse’s dead, I had to stay away from you.” Her hand flew to her mouth. She paused, “Rob told me not to say anything, and now I’m afraid for you.”

  Luke took her hands in his. “Darlin’, don’t worry, it’s all over. Rob won’t be doing anything to you or my ranch again. He was caught last night by the sheriff and confessed to everything. He even paid a woman to pretend to be you, to call the authorities on me.” I-I should have believed you. Please, Lauren, can we go back to your place now?”

  “Luke, are you sure Rob won’t come after you?”

  “I’m positive, I watched the Sheriff cart him away. Max and I set a trap for him and it worked.”


  Once they arrived at Lauren’s house, she had to ask the question that had been on her mind since meeting Luke at the convenience store. “Luke, who was the woman you were with?” She began to unbutton her coat, then realized she only had her nightie on underneath. She quickly buttoned the coat only to have Luke in front of her, pushing her hands away.

  “Take it off, Lauren.”

  “Not until you tell me who the woman was.”

  “Trudy? She’s Max’s new girlfriend. Now drop the coat, or I’ll take it off for you.”

  “Are you sharing her with Max?”

  “No, there hasn’t been anyone else. There’ll never be anyone else for me but you, Lauren. I love only you and always will. I never should’ve shared you with Max at all; should’ve kept you all to myself when you came back.”

  “I love
you too cowboy, ever since we were teenagers, and I’ve never stopped.” A sob wrenched from deep in her chest.

  Before she could catch her next breath, Lauren was gloriously naked, her coat and nightie pooled on the living room floor.

  Luke brushed a gentle kiss across her lips before licking until her lips parted for his tongue. His arms surrounded her until there was no space between their bodies.

  Lauren raised her arms around his neck, deepening their kiss. The two of them together felt so right, she never wanted it to end.

  He broke the kiss off long enough to slip out of his shirt. She moaned when he lifted her into his arms, carrying her to the kitchen counter. He reached for the container of ice cream, opened it, and scooped some out with his hand.

  “Luke, what are you doing?” Lauren shivered as he spread ice cream across her left breast.

  “Hmmm?” His tongue lapped up the ice cream on her swollen nipple before circling the globe of her full firm breast. Not forgetting to pay attention to her other breast, he finger painted it with the same amount of ice cream.

  “Luke,” she whimpered. “Do you plan on fucking me soon, or do I have to use my fingers? I can’t take much more of this.”

  A snicker came from around her breast, “Darlin’ we have all night, and I plan on enjoying every inch of my dessert.” Another handful of ice cream landed on her mound after he pushed her thighs apart, his mouth taking a long swipe of her swollen sex.

  Lauren gasped when his tongue lapped over her hot, swollen flesh, “Oh, Luke.” Her fingers grasped his hair, holding his mouth in place while she undulated against his face. Luke’s tongue speared deep inside her when he spread her moist folds. Her eyes drifted closed and she bit her lower lip to keep from screaming his name.


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