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Reginald Bones: Part One

Page 17

by Lucian Bane

“Hold up nothing!” Reginald said. “You hate women!” he reminded. “And nobody puts their dick in women they hate! Grudge fuck?” Reginald said, incredulously, indicating Bones had gone undercover.

  “Excuse me,” Winter said loudly, getting their attention. “How about we all speak publicly?”

  “Publicly?” Reginald asked.

  “As in out loud. I don’t like Bones going quiet and telling you things I can’t hear, it’s like he starts talking in another language. It’s rude.”

  Reginald’s brows rose. “Oh, she’s right.”

  “Fine,” Bones said, shrugging his shoulders. “Let’s have a public chat about fucking.”

  Winter had a feeling he’d make her pay for demanding that. Maybe if she closed her eyes and listened, it wouldn’t screw with her head so much.

  “While we’re at it,” Bones said. “We’ll need to discuss her line of work.”

  “Don’t be an ass,” Reginald bit. “You know damn well why she’s in it.”

  “Just saying,” Bones said. “Has to be discussed. I damn sure am not going for her letting any man fuck what belongs to my brother.”

  “I’m sitting right here,” Winter cut in, pissed. “You won’t need to let or not let anything, I decide that and you sure couldn’t stop me if I wanted to. Not that I would,” she said softer for Reginald.

  “I know that, Winter,” Reginald said, his tone tender.

  “This is another problem,” she said. “My pimp isn’t going to go for me riding off into the sunset living happily ever after.

  Her heart fluttered at seeing Reginald’s sexy smile. “You really feel that way about it? I mean you want to?”

  “Oh fuck,” Bones said, stealing the handsome look from Reginald’s face. “Dude can you focus on reality here? Did you not just hear her say we have a pimp issue?”

  “I did,” he said. “I was about to address that but you took care of it, Mr. Fast Hand. Don’t worry about the pimp,” Reginald said to her. “Bones will take care of it.”

  “Ah so I get all the dirty work, I see now,” Bones muttered.

  “You like the dirty work, that’s why I’m giving it to you.”

  “So you’re saying you’d do it?”

  “If I had to, yes,” Reginald assured her with wide eyes, looking slightly left again.

  “Well, little brother,” Bones said, with a grin. “I may let you share in that job for a change. Since we seem to be sharing everything else.”

  “We’re not sharing everything,” Reginald corrected.

  “Not her, no. She’s all yours.”

  Winter watched them go at it then suddenly realized something. If Bones was the actual vessel, and he’d called Reginald to help him look or be normal… that meant… it was really Bones. Just Bones. And Reginald represented the man he wanted to be or used to be?

  But how did it get so severe? How did Reginald become so… independent? Was it because he’d been doing so much of the living for Bones? She had so many notions and questions whirring in her head. Then a final thought hit her.

  Bones was the bad brother, protecting the good brother. If Reginald was his good side, something happened to split it, forced Bones to separate.

  The snuff stuff.

  “How old were you when you snuffed?” Winter asked, realizing that would be the determining factor of where the splinter may have happened. At seeing the blank look on their face, she realized she’d jumped seven tracks and landed in China. “Is that… off limits?”

  “No.” It was Reginald that answered with certainty.

  “Bones?” she asked. “Are you okay with the question?”

  “If you can tell me why you’re asking it, I’ll tell you when it started.”

  Shit. Winter felt it. The big dark, not wanting to be poked. Normally she would’ve poked away except now, every poke affected Reginald. Or Bones. “Just trying to understand… what made you call him.”

  “I don’t remember,” Bones said, his tone indicating he’d already said that.

  “Right,” Winter said. “Nothing at all?”

  “It’s not like you knowing would help anything,” Bones said.

  “Well maybe it won’t. But I think I have a right to know what kind of future I have with Reginald seeing as he’s required to share a body with another man. A man who slips out at night and does only God knows what with his body. Will I wake up one day and find him spending life in prison for one of your dirty deeds done in the wee hours that you forgot but the family of the victims didn’t?”

  “Wow. She has a very… good point,” Reginald said.

  “I’m not asking to be rude, or judgmental, I would just like to know all of what I’m getting into.”

  Winter recognized the sneer of Bones on their face. “Well, well, well,” he said, clapping slowly while keeping his burning gaze on her. “The logical mind chooses to rationalize. Imagine. That.” He sat forward. “Winter Rose Brown, choosing this day to think before she acts. Wouldn’t want to get wrapped up in the wrong life, right?”

  Winter watched his face go hard like he was suddenly straining. “Don’t’ you fucking hold me back Bones.”

  “I’ll fucking hold you back when I damn well need to.”

  Oh, Jesus. They were physically fighting!

  She stood up when the struggle got more physical, nearly throwing them out of their chair. “Stop it!” she yelled when both hands wrapped around his neck as they fell to the floor, rolling around.

  Shit! What to do? She hurried over to them. “Stop it now!” she yelled.

  She stepped back when his hand shot out to her then began to tremble and slowly return to his body. He was trying to get her? And Reginald was stopping him?

  The sudden thought brought terror slamming into her mind. What if Reginald couldn’t stop him one day? What if he wasn’t strong enough, what if Bones grew stronger?

  Despite the fear of that, she knew one thing. She was in it. She was in this with Bones and Reginald for a reason, a reason she would choose, not stupid fate. Bones thought he was in her life for a purpose too. But it was the other way around, she was sure now. She was in his life for a reason. This was her second chance. This was her chance to save, her chance to help, her chance to do something good even if it meant it would cost her everything.

  Winter watched them on the floor, her muscles locked with the need to help. Help Reginald, because Bones had lost his damn mind. But Bones was the key. Reginald was his logic and reasoning, and Bones held the darkness that broke them. That’s why Reggie didn’t know. He was hiding it, she was sure. To protect him. She needed to find that darkness. “Let him go!” she yelled. “Leave Reginald alone!”

  She dove on him, fighting to subdue the writhing Bones and Reginald. The world suddenly spun and her breath shot out when he flipped her on her back.

  His head went back and he yelled. It was Reginald’s fury, and she quickly wrapped her legs around him. “Let him go!” she screamed, grabbing the back of his head and pulling him down while shoving her forearm in his neck.

  Their eyes locked as she strained with all she had to hold him still.

  His body suddenly jolted, like he’d been hit by something big. He lay on her limp, his breathing like ragged bellows.

  He stopped. Where did he go? Where could he go?

  “Reginald?” she whispered, her heartbeat a bruising force in her chest.

  He lifted his head looked at her, his dark eyes hazed over. She tried to recognize the person before her. “He’s sleeping now,” he barely whispered.

  “Sleeping? How?”

  He dropped his head onto her. “I put him to sleep.”.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered, struggling to breathe under his heavy weight. “I know… you’re here to protect him and help him be normal, but listen to me.” She stroked his thick silky hair. “Bones needs to tell you what happened. The things he can’t remember, I think they’re making him sick, they’re making him hide.”

  “I think they�
��re making him sick, I think they’re making him hide.”

  The light mock came as he lifted his head. Bones.

  Panic exploded in her and she screamed, fighting to escape from under him. He got her arms pinned in a vicious hold above her head while Winter put his waist in a leg lock.

  He closed his eyes and pushed his cock against her. “Sorry,” he said, winded. “Fighting has always made me need to fuck. And fucking fixes everything,” he said in a perverse jingle tone.

  “Reginald is going to kick your ass,” she grit.

  He let out several winded chuckles, nodding. “That’s all fine and good. But I needed to have a one on one with you. And it’s kinda hard to do that with Reginald up my ass and down my neck twenty-four seven. So, I’ll make this quick and to the point. What I do with my body is my business, and what he does with his body I’ve deemed his business. If you can’t learn to respect that boundary he and I have established, then we have a real, fucking, problem. So, I need you to fully fucking understand. Me letting Reginald have a life by no means implies you have any control over mine.”

  Winter searched those cold dark eyes. “I can help,” she whispered, frantic for that logical thread in him. “Bones, I can help. Let me,” she begged, fighting back tears. “Let me be somebody good for once, let me do something good, you jackass,” she strained.

  He stared back at her until her heart hammered against his chest. “Good…” he barely whispered, stroking his fingers along her face. She fought back a sob at seeing it in his eyes, the brutal weight of his past, dark and devouring all in its path. “All the good in my life… Winter… died. It ran far, far, away and died. The day they stole Reggie from me…”


  I know I SUUUUUUUUUCK FOR THAT CLIFFY! But I know you still love me!

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