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A Little Atonement

Page 13

by Maggie Ryan

  “Do you sell corn here?” Elena asked.

  “Feed corn or popcorn?”

  “Um, both actually, unless… can you pop and eat feed corn?”

  “Oh, no. Totally different crops. We have feed corn, but you’ll need to get popcorn at the grocery store. They have a few varieties including some of the microwave kind.”

  When she saw Liam holding some sort of metal basket, Elena asked, “What is that?”

  “A popcorn basket. We can pop our corn over the fire.”

  “Really? That’s so cool!”

  Gloria agreed and as he paid for their purchases, including two large sacks of feed corn and birdseed, she reminisced about the nights her family would use the same sort of basket and then string the popcorn to hang on their Christmas tree. “We also strung cranberries. It made for a wonderful memory.”

  “We’re going to string some and hang it outside,” Elena said. “The animals can enjoy it too.”

  “That’s a wonderful idea. Do you have twine and a big needle?”

  “No, I guess I didn’t think of that.”

  Gloria was all too happy to provide them with a large ball of twine and a couple of needles.

  “I’ve never seen needles this big,” Elena said, holding one up.

  “Well, that’s not really a needle you’d use, say, to put a button on. It’s one used in upholstery, but you will need it to make your strings.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Steadman.”

  “You’re most welcome, and it was certainly a pleasure meeting you, Elena. I hope you and your fiancé make a lot of memories as you grow old together.”

  Elena only then remembered the diamond on her finger. “Thank you. I know we will.”

  After placing their bags in the car, they walked down the street to the grocery store. It wasn’t anywhere near as large as the markets in the city, but Liam purchased several fresh vegetables, fruit, and other items to restock the cabin. When they reached the aisle with the popcorn, she picked up the biggest bag.

  “That’s a lot of corn, honey.”

  “I know, but it’s not all for us, remember?”

  “It’s unlikely you’d let me forget,” he said, taking the bag and adding it to their cart. At her insistence, they added a bag of cranberries as well. “What we don’t string, I can use to make relish or chutney.” After paying for their groceries, Liam asked, “How about some lunch before we go home? There is a diner just down the road a bit. I’ve heard the food is good, and it would be nice to try it before we have to go home.”

  Elena knew he didn’t mean go back to the cabin, but back to the city. And while she wasn’t hungry, she knew that he’d prepared every meal and couldn’t deny him a chance to eat one that someone else had cooked.

  “That sounds good.”

  The diner was quaint and warm with delicious aromas greeting them as they entered. “I’ll be right back,” Elena said quietly after he’d helped her out of her coat.

  “All right. What do you want to drink? Hot chocolate?”

  “No, I’d like hot tea if they have it, please.”

  He nodded and she went into the restroom. Her stomach had begun to cramp a bit but she only urinated. Washing her hands, she prayed that her face didn’t look as pale as she thought it did. Patting her cheeks a bit, she left the restroom and slid into the booth across from her daddy. They did have tea though it wasn’t the Constant Comment brand she preferred. Still it was hot and with honey and cream, it eased her tummy after a few sips.

  When he asked what she felt like eating, she said she didn’t know. “Why don’t you pick for me? I’m not very hungry. I had a huge breakfast.”

  “You most certainly did not. You didn’t even eat a whole piece of toast.”

  “That’s because oatmeal is really filling.” She forced herself not to look away when he seemed to stare at her. “How about a hamburger and fries.”

  “That sounds good, I’ll have the same.” Though the burger was good, she just couldn’t finish even half of it. “Elena, what’s wrong? Do you feel all right? You’ve not eaten but two or three bites.”

  “Nothing, I’m just not hungry. Do you want the rest of mine?”

  “No, I want you to eat at least half of your burger. Are you sure you aren’t ill? You look a little pale.” He reached across the table and laid his palm on her forehead. “You don’t feel hot though.”

  Picking up her burger, she took another bite, forcing herself to swallow. “I’m not feverish. I was just nervous about coming into town and my stomach got upset. I feel better now.” To hide the flinch she couldn’t contain when her stomach cramped, she took another bite, fighting not to gag, but he reached over and took it from her hand.



  “Not another word, Elena. I am too upset right now.” When he signaled for the check, she sat in silence, her hand rubbing against her belly.

  He lifted her into the car, buckling her in, all without saying a word. She felt awful and not because her stomach was cramping, and she was beginning to feel nauseated. Guilt consumed her every time she looked over to see her daddy staring straight ahead. She so wanted to apologize, but he looked so angry. They’d turned off the main road but at the first dip into one of the deeper ruts, she cried, “Daddy, stop, please!”

  Before the car fully stopped, she had unbuckled her belt and was yanking the door open.

  “Elena, wait!”

  She couldn’t; she jumped out, stumbling, but made it to the tree line before she fell to her knees and retched.

  “Easy, baby, I’ve got you.” And he did, he knelt beside her, holding her hair back and supporting her as she leaned forward and emptied her stomach. When she was dry heaving, her arms wrapped around her torso, he scooped up some snow in his fingers and pressed them to her lips, gently cleaning her mouth and chin. Then he wet his handkerchief with more snow and wiped her entire face and the back of her neck.

  “I’m sorry!” she gasped, wincing when another cramp hit.

  “I am too,” he said, picking her up and carrying her back to the car. “I trusted you, Elena, and you lied to me, didn’t you?”

  “I-I didn’t mean to!”

  “Don’t make it worse. You don’t lie by accident. Keep this on your neck. It will help,” he instructed, placing the handkerchief he’d rolled on the back of her neck.

  When they got home, she didn’t even try to get out by herself. She figured she was in deeper trouble than she’d ever been. Her daddy carried her into the house and straight up the stairs and into her room. After stripping her, he splayed his palm across her belly, which was pooching out slightly.

  “Why, Elena? Why didn’t you tell me the suppositories didn’t help?”

  “Because I don’t want an enema!” she wailed.

  “Well, young lady, you definitely need one. You’re constipated and that’s not healthy. And, if you didn’t want an enema, you’re definitely not going to like the one you’re about to receive.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Liam picked her up and carried her into the bathroom, setting her on the toilet though he had little hope she’d go on her own. She’d waited too long for that. He placed two towels on the counter and turned on the water in the sink. Opening the cabinet, he picked up a small plastic bottle and held it where she could see.

  “If you had come to me, if you’d been honest yesterday, I would have given you a Fleet enema.” Replacing the bottle, he opened a drawer beneath the cabinet and pulled out a red rubber bag and its length of tubing and nozzle.

  “No, please, Daddy. Just use the little bottle!”

  “No, Elena. That amount of fluid won’t work now. By choosing to lie to me, in choosing not to trust that I would help you, you now need a much larger enema.”

  “But can’t you use two of the little ones?”

  “No, and Elena, if you continue to argue, I can make this much more uncomfortable th
an it already will be. If you fight me, if you don’t behave as I fill your bottom, then I can add a great variety of ingredients to make it far, far more unpleasant.”

  Checking the water temperature, he began to fill the bag, the mirror allowing him to watch Elena’s eyes widen as it swelled. While he could indeed make sure she was completely miserable, that wasn’t his intention. His goal was to help her feel better, to take care of the pain she was obviously experiencing. That didn’t mean she would go unpunished for her choices, but that would only happen after he was assured she wasn’t in real pain.

  With the bag only half-full, he hung it from a hook at the edge of the mirror. He set the jar of lube by the sink and then went to pick her up, setting her on the towels. “Lie on your right side and draw this leg up,” he instructed, patting her left leg.

  “I’m sor… sorry, Daddy.”

  “Remember that the next time you think about lying to me,” Liam said, applying a generous coating of lubricant to the nozzle and then a dollop to her anus after spreading her cheeks apart. “Just relax as much as you can. This is no wider than your last plug, but it is longer.”

  She didn’t answer, but nodded, looking woebegone before she shut her eyes as he began to insert the nozzle. He watched her draw her bottom lip between her teeth, but she didn’t make a sound until the nozzle was completely in and he reached up to start the flow. The click had her whimper, but her tears didn’t start until her bottom had swallowed half of the liquid he’d filled the bag with.

  “Please, Daddy, please stop it… it’s too much!”

  “No, Elena, it might not even be enough. You will take every drop and hold it until I remove the nozzle.”

  “I can’t!”

  “Elena Michelle, I assure you that you can. All the tears and pleading are not going to stop the flow. You need this to help you go.”

  He gave it a couple more minutes and then reached around and gently rubbed her swollen belly. “Try to relax, Elena. You might feel awful right now, but by the time we’re done here, you’ll feel much, much better.”

  Her hand moved to cover his as he continued to gently rub as she suffered through the cramps. When the bag was empty, he reached up to clamp the tubing.

  “Take it out, Daddy!”

  “Not yet. You’ll lie there for ten minutes—”

  “No, please, please let me go now!”

  “We have to give it time to work. Take this opportunity to think about how you could have avoided this if you’d been honest. Lying is something I will simply not tolerate.”

  He stayed near, occasionally rubbing her tummy. He ignored every whimper, every mumbled plea, every tear. Finally, the time was up and he patted her hip. “I’m going to remove the nozzle. Clench your pucker tight until I get you on the potty.”

  Her head nodded vigorously and she held her breath as he slipped the nozzle from her bottom. Scooping her up, he set her on the toilet.

  “Please… please don’t stay, Daddy.”

  He had every right to stay to make sure she understood that she’d lost his trust the moment she’d lied about voiding her bowels yesterday. However, he knew there was no way she could deceive him again… not about this, and hopefully by the time they were finished, she’d learn it didn’t pay to lie to her daddy.

  “All right, call me when you are done.”

  “Okay, please go!”

  He left her, going downstairs to fix her a cup of tea. She’d need it to replenish the fluids she was losing. He was sipping a cup of coffee when he heard the toilet flush. Pouring the water over the teabag, he still didn’t move to take it to her as she’d yet to call for him. A few minutes later, he heard the toilet flush again and after another minute he heard her.


  He carried her mug upstairs and found her standing at the vanity, washing her hands.

  “How do you feel?”

  “Much better. Thank you for helping me. I’m really sorry, Daddy.”

  “I am too, baby. Come on, let’s get you dressed and I’ve made you some tea.” He took her hand, and once in her room, he dressed her back in her two-piece pajama set. Sitting on the bed, he held her on his lap while she drank her tea. “Drink it all, Elena. You need the fluids.”

  When she was done, she looked up at him. “Are you going to spank me?”

  “Yes, but not now. You need to get some rest.”

  She nodded, and he helped her into bed, bending to kiss her cheek. “Sleep, little one. We’ll take care of the rest after you’ve napped.”

  “Okay, Daddy.”

  He didn’t leave the room, but sat beside her, stroking her hair and her arm until she was asleep. Even then, he continued to sit, just watching her slumber. She looked so small, so innocent and he knew it would be hard to punish her, but he also knew he had to follow through. Elena needed to understand that actions had consequences, and the only way for her to learn that lesson was if he was consistent.

  The only time he left her was to go downstairs and get his book. He wanted to be close in case she woke and needed to run to the bathroom. Sitting in the rocker, he read and looked up every time she shifted in her bed.

  When she woke up three hours later, he put his book aside and went to her. “How do you feel?”

  “A whole lot better.”

  “I’m glad. Are you hungry?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. I’ll make you some toast and eggs.” He picked her up and carried her down the stairs. He was very pleased when she ate two pieces of toast and two scrambled eggs. “Do you want more?”

  “No, thank you, I’m full.”

  Liam nodded, taking her plate and glass of juice she’d emptied. When he looked up after washing them, he saw her eyes shimmering. “What’s wrong? Does your tummy hurt?”

  “No… my heart does. I feel so awful. I’ve felt awful since yesterday. You trusted me and I-I lied to you.”

  Moving around the counter, he picked her up and carried her to an armchair. “Yes, you did, and I’m not going to lie and say that didn’t hurt me. It did, very much, Elena. Trust is a very important thing, a fragile thing.”

  She nodded, a tear slipping down her cheek.

  Wiping it away with his fingertip, he continued. “But we all make mistakes. The important thing is that we learn from them.”

  “Do you still love me?”

  “Oh, Elena, of course I do. Baby, I will always love you. Don’t you ever think for a single second that I’ll stop loving you. You are my heart, my soul.” He bent to kiss her cheek. “That doesn’t mean that I’m not going to punish you. That’s part of my job as your daddy.”

  “I know, Daddy. I… I deserve a spanking.”

  “Yes, you do, and you’ve also earned a whipping.”

  She blanched a bit but then nodded. “I… I know. Can we get it over with, Daddy? I want to feel good in my heart again.”

  “All right.” He set her off his lap to stand between his legs. “Tell me why Daddy is going to punish you.”

  “Because I lied to you and didn’t trust you when I really needed to. Because I hurt you and broke your trust.”

  “You didn’t break it, Elena. You bent it, but it’s not broken.” Once he’d lowered her pants and panties, he pulled her over his knee.

  He didn’t go lightly. She’d earned a spanking and more with her choices. Though he knew it hurt as he watched her bottom redden with his swats, and she was crying, she didn’t attempt to cover her bottom or kick her legs up.

  He squeezed her cheeks, satisfied they had been warmed enough to make her whipping easier to tolerate. He pulled off her pants and panties. “All right. Go bend over the arm of your chair. Put your face down on the seat and push your bottom out.”

  Lifting her off his lap, he watched as she walked the short distance, noticing that her legs were really shaking. “Wait, honey.” After pulling the ottoman into position, he continued. “All right, Elena. Lie d
own on your back.” Her look of confusion had him adding, “Your legs are trembling and I don’t want you collapsing. Go ahead, on your back, your bottom at the edge.”

  “Ye… yes, si… sir.” She lay down, and once she had, he saw her flinch a bit when he pulled his belt free, but he knew that it was more of a nervous reflex than true fear. He’d whipped her before when she’d been his submissive and with more than just his belt. He also knew he’d warmed her bottom well. She was going to be in pain, but it would fade and she’d know that her daddy meant what he said.

  Doubling the leather, holding the buckle in his fist, he said, “Lift your legs up.” Taking her ankles in one hand, he lifted her higher, in what was referred to as the diaper position, her bottom off the ottoman. “Let these remind you that lying will earn you a whipping every time. After each of these, I want you to say, ‘I will not lie to my daddy.’”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He lifted his arm and struck her against the middle of her bottom. She bucked and cried out but immediately said, “I will not lie to my daddy.”

  Each stroke made a loud thwack, followed by her cry and her repeating the words. After ten, he said. “For these I want you to say, ‘I will trust my daddy.’”

  She nodded, her tears sliding off her cheeks into her hair, her fingers clutching the edge of the ottoman. He gave her ten more and though it took her longer and she stuttered a bit through her tears, she didn’t attempt to pull her legs free from his hold and obediently said the words. He lowered her legs down, her hiss audible as her bottom hit the leather. He stepped back and threaded his belt back through their loops. When she’d quieted a bit, he said, “All right. Go to the corner and think about how all of this could have been avoided.”

  She stood and padded toward the corner.

  “Elena, if you don’t think your legs are steady enough to stand, I’ll go get your little stool.”

  “I-I can stand, Daddy.”

  He didn’t have to give her further instructions because once she got there, she put her nose to the wall and pushed her bottom out. He took her place on the ottoman, sorry to hear her soft crying, but knowing that every stripe that crossed her two little cheeks had been earned. He had her stand until she’d stopped crying, her breathing regulating.


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