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Mac’s Bedside Manner

Page 16

by Marie Ferrarella

  “Five before she finally dropped off.” He’d begun to think he was doomed for all eternity, stuck in a time warp reading the same sentences over and over. “I think I can recite the damn book by heart.” To prove it, he leaned back, closed his eyes and began, “It was a big, beautiful October day—”

  “No, stop, please.” Laughing, she tugged on his shirt to get him to open his eyes and shut his mouth. “That’s torture above and beyond the call of duty—”

  Sitting up, he threaded his arms around her. The color had returned to her cheeks. He guessed he was just overreacting earlier. Other than the bandage over her eye, there was no indication of the fall she’d taken. She looked fine.

  And he wanted her.

  “You want torture, lady?” Mac gathered her to him, nuzzling her neck. “I can show you new meaning to the term sweet agony.”

  She could feel the pinpricks beginning all over her body. Her eyes held his. “I bet you can.”

  The doctor in him was afraid that he was allowing his needs to get in the way of his professional judgment. He looked at her closely.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to go to the hospital, Jolene? We can have your mother come over to watch Amanda—”

  She rolled her eyes. “That’s all my mother needs to hear, that I fell off a chair. She’ll be here in a flash, lining the floors with foam rubber in case I ever trip or fall again.”

  It would have been nice to have parents who worried about you instead of spending their time, sniping at each other. Jolene didn’t know how good she had it. “Maybe she just wants to make sure you’re safe.” He pressed a kiss to her hair. “Like I do.”

  Didn’t he have any idea what he did to her? “Don’t do that.”

  He wasn’t following her. “Do what?”

  “Be nice.” She could handle the situation when he was being flippant, or sexy. But when he was being nice, the way he had been with Amanda earlier, she could feel herself being reduced to the consistency of ice cream melting in the sun.

  “Sorry, occupational habit,” he apologized with a definite lack of contrition. “I could beat you if you’d like.”

  She pretended to fend him off, her hands before her. “No, thanks, I’ve seen you with a punching bag.”

  “That’s right, I forgot.” Ever so slowly, he began to stroke her side as he spoke. “I’m a lot better with a real live person.”

  She could feel her breath beginning to back up in her lungs. Just like last time.

  “Yes,” she said hardly above a whisper, “I know that, too.”

  Maybe he was taking unfair advantage, he cautioned himself. He gave her every chance to back away. “Do you want me to go?”

  It would have been wise to say yes. She had the perfect excuse, that she was tired and sore and needed her rest. But she didn’t feel very wise tonight. She felt a whole different range of things she didn’t want to put into words, didn’t want to examine.

  And so, her answer was, “No.”

  He kissed her very, very gently, softly as if her lips were made of flower petals that would be crushed at the slightest pressure.

  The longing that filled her was almost unbearably sweet.

  She could hardly hear her own voice above the pounding in her ears. “I won’t break, Mac.”

  “Just making sure.”

  And then he gathered her into his arms and rose from the sofa.

  She looked at him in wonder, thrilling to the feel of being in his arms like this. She felt weightless. “Now what?”

  “Now I’m taking you to your room.” He turned toward the stairs. “I feel the need for a more thorough examination coming on.”

  She laced her arms around his neck, feeling giddy and more light-headed than her fall would have made her. Her eyes danced as she asked, “How thorough?”

  He kissed her before answering, his lips brushing quickly, urgently against hers. “Not an inch of you is going to be left untouched.”

  “Sounds promising.”

  He grinned, feeling the excitement beginning to mount. “And I always keep my promises.”

  He pushed open the door to her bedroom with his shoulder, walking in. Laying her gently on the bed, he was surprised when she grabbed his shirt front and pulled him to her. She raised her head and sealed her mouth to his.

  If he meant to proceed gently with his lovemaking, his plans were doomed to go awry as she yanked them out of his hands and effectively burned them using just the heat of her mouth.

  He had no reason when it came to her. It was like his mind was an empty echo chamber, with only her name resonating in it. Had he been able to think clearly just then, the fact that she could do this to him, to reduce him to this state, would have worried him. Always before, the second time with a woman, though pleasurable, was never as exciting as the first. It was a matter of record, a given.

  Except for now.

  Now there was even more excitement, more anticipation than there had been the first time, because now he knew what to expect and in knowing, wanted more. Wanted to steep himself in the tastes, the feel, the very scent of her.

  But even as all these desires warred within him and this new terrain was uncovered, the doctor in him struggled to rise up one last time.

  “You’re sure you feel up to this?” He searched her face for an answer she might not want to admit to. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  I won’t let you, she promised him silently, but even so, she had a feeling that it was already too late for the promise to be completely true.

  Her mouth teased his as she kissed first one corner, then another. He made her feel well. The headache she’d had just minutes earlier had faded like a bad dream. “You’re the one who’s going to be hurt if you stop now.”

  She’d convinced him and Mac laughed at the threat. “Ah, a tough woman. Want to see how I handle a tough woman?”

  Jolene arched her body against his, creating delicious waves of anticipation through it. “I’m counting on it. And by the way, actions speak louder than words.”

  He stripped his shirt off and began to undress her. “Your wish is my command.”

  If only, she thought.

  If only.

  But now wasn’t the time to have regrets, to let herself think of what wasn’t and what wouldn’t be. Now was only the time to think of what was and to enjoy it to the utmost before it was gone.

  The instant they were both freed of their clothing, she seized his mouth, determined this time to leave a burning impression on him that would last for the rest of his life.

  The way he had already done with her.

  Because in that one night of lovemaking she’d had with him, he had completely erased the nine years she’d spent with Matt, making them not only history, but a pile of smoldering ashes.

  As her body heated, an urgency strumming her loins, she pushed him back against the bed and straddled his hips. Jolene could feel his desire growing against her. It gave her a sense of power and yet at the same time, filled her with a sweetness, a generosity of spirit that took her breath away.

  She’d never felt this way before, never wanted to give of herself for the pure pleasure it created within someone else.

  Everything Rebecca had told her about MacKenzie was true. And more.

  More. She wanted more. She wanted forever.

  The thought frightened her more than she could hope to put into words. She knew she couldn’t have what she wanted—couldn’t have him. She could only hope to have the moment.

  She made the most of it.

  Slowly Jolene lowered her body to his, purposely brushing against it ever so slightly and tantalizing him with each movement. She reveled in the look in his eyes, in the feel of his hands as they slid up along her ribs and over her breasts.

  And then she carefully moved over him, taking him into her. She began to sway, first slowly, then with more and more urgency.

  Her fingers dug into his shoulders. The rhythm of lovemaking increased until it swept th
em both over the edge.

  She moaned, savoring the explosion, savoring the feel of him. And then, very slowly, she sank against Mac’s chest, her hair pooling along his torso, her body all but liquid.

  And then, when she could, she raised her head and looked at him. Mischief outlined her lips. “See? I’m fine.”

  Mac tangled his fingers in her silky hair, cupping the back of her head. Holding her in place.

  “Oh lady, you’re so much more than fine.”

  Still joined in the most basic of ways, he surprised her by reversing their positions. She was flat on her back in less than a heartbeat. He drew back, creating just the smallest pocket of space between them.

  Without a word, he began to take the inventory he’d promised, using his lips rather than his hands to examine every part of her.

  She twisted and turned beneath his hot lips, absorbing every sensation that racked her body, craving more. Afraid that more would drive her over the edge again. She climaxed so quickly, she hardly knew what was happening before she was in the midst of its grip.

  Shuddering, she had to bite her lip to keep from crying out.

  Pleasuring his partner had always heightened lovemaking for him, but he had never felt it to this extent before. Never felt the level of satisfaction as he did from bringing her to this special place where only the two of them resided.

  Hearing her moan his name as she twisted and turned beneath him filled him with awe. With an overwhelming sense of happiness.

  Scary stuff, a small voice echoed somewhere in the far recesses of his mind.

  He shut it out by sealing his mouth to hers and letting the passion overtake him.

  And when he had taken her a third time in as many hours, Mac hadn’t the strength to draw himself away from her body.

  Not the strength, nor the desire. He liked the feel of her heart hammering against his. Of remaining within her, two bodies joined in a warm feeling.

  This is how it’s supposed to be.

  He had no idea where the thought came from and was too tired to chase it down. To chase it away.

  With a sigh, he rolled off her, then gathered her to him.

  Don’t get too complacent, too comfortable, Jolene warned herself, trying to steel off the sensation permeating through her.

  She sighed softly, her breath moving the hairs on his chest. “So this is what you call a thorough examination.”

  She could feel his grin. “Yup.”

  Slowly she stroked his chest, loving the feel of it. “You do this for all your patients?”

  Mac raised his head to look at her, wondering if she was just teasing, or asking him something. And if she was, did he want to answer? He settled on the camouflage of banter.

  “Just the special ones.”

  “I see. And what do you bill this under?”

  She felt the laugh rumble through his chest, beneath her cheek. “Miscellaneous.”

  She sighed, contentment sweeping her into its arms, just as Mac had done a moment earlier. “Great word, miscellaneous.”

  It was the last thing she said before she drifted off to sleep.

  The headache woke her, an annoyingly disconcerting sensation that buzzed around on the perimeter of her head, moving here, stomping there, marking its territory with a heavy foot.

  She rose, picking up her robe from the floor where it had fallen last night. She was truly surprised that the whole bed hadn’t collapsed. They had gone at it pretty vigorously.

  The memory made her smile and nearly cut through the headache.


  Entering the bathroom, she eased the door closed behind her before opening the medicine cabinet. The bottle of aspirin was on the bottom shelf. Putting a tablet in her mouth, she cupped her hand and caught enough water to help slide down the pill. She closed her eyes and hoped it would do the trick.

  Glancing at the mirror, she shook her head. She looked like death. The least she could do was brush her hair. Grabbing a hairbrush, she pulled it through her hair, then frowned. Hopeless.

  When she emerged out of the bathroom, Mac was on his side, his head propped on his hand. He was watching her.

  “Everything okay?”

  No, everything wasn’t okay. But she wasn’t about to share that. It was just a headache and it would go away. She didn’t want him making a big deal of it. There were other ways she wanted him to play doctor.

  “Can’t a woman go to the bathroom without being questioned?” she replied flippantly.

  He watched her approach, the folds of her silk robe rubbing along her body. “Got another question for you.”

  She stopped beside the bed and looked down at him. “And that is?”

  He raised his eyes to her face. “What are you wearing under that robe?”

  “Why don’t you take it off and see?”

  He was already reaching for the sash. “Is that a challenge?”

  She felt him tugging at the sash. “Is that what you like, challenges?”

  “I’ve been known to take up a few in my time.” He yanked the sash away. Her robe fell open, framing her nude body.

  She liked the way desire flared in his eyes. “And is that what I was, a challenge?”

  Rising in bed, naked as the moment he came into the world, Mac pushed the robe from her shoulders. “In the beginning.”

  Her body sizzled from just the merest touch of his lips against her skin. “And now?”

  He couldn’t tell her just how much he felt. That would bind him to her. He kept it light. “Now you are the woman who lights my fire.”

  “Big talk,” she scoffed, letting herself be drawn into the bed.

  He grinned. “Bigger action.”

  She felt herself melting, but tried to hold back a second longer. “Show me.”

  Mac pulled her into bed and onto her back. “Thought you’d never ask.”

  His body covered hers.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Rebecca Wynters had been friends with Jolene ever since they’d been in the same math class together in their freshman year at Bedford High. Older by almost six months, Rebecca had always felt protective of the more diminutive woman. So when it began to look as if Jolene was seeing the legendary Dr. Mac outside of the hospital halls, she took it upon herself to go right to the source and state her mind.

  She found Mac coming out of the E.R., about to go on a well deserved and extremely abbreviated break.

  Accustomed to having women barrel down on him, Mac smiled a greeting as Rebecca followed him to the stairwell for the one short flight down to the cafeteria and a mug of life-affirming coffee.

  “Hi, Becky, how’s it going?”

  She waited until the fire door had sealed itself shut behind them before saying anything. “You know, of course, that if you hurt her, I’m going to have to come after you and cut your heart out.”

  Mac stopped in the middle of the stairwell to look at the woman. The warning was given only half in jest. He didn’t have to ask who she was talking about. Jolene had been on his mind almost continuously, a fact that did not cease to amaze him each time he became aware of it. It had never been his style to dwell on a woman.

  Apparently styles changed.

  Rebecca looked at him, her smile fading, her expression turning serious. “She’s not like the rest of us, Mac. She’s fragile.”

  He thought of how hard it had been to get past Jolene’s guard. “Right—for a gunnery sergeant,” he quipped.

  Rebecca knew Mac better than most of the women he’d been with. Knew the kind of man he really was beneath the good looks and charm. Incredibly decent. After they’d gone their separate ways, her mother died and she fell into a depression. It was Mac who’d been there for her, Mac who had seen to it that she got help and rejoined the living. And Mac who had told her at the end to just keep everything between the two of them. He’d said if word got around, it would blow his reputation.

  “You know what I mean.” They began walking down the stairs again. “That
’s just Jolene’s facade. She got a raw deal with that guy she married. Matt Jeffrey never met a woman he didn’t want. She was so in love with him, she never saw it coming. Makes a girl think twice before handing out her heart again.”

  Reaching the basement, Mac pulled open the door for Rebecca, his interest suddenly piqued. “What makes you think Jolene’s handed out her heart?”

  Normally, just considering the possibility that a woman was becoming serious would have been a signal for him to pack up his tent and make an exit.

  But the need to flee just didn’t seem to be there. What was there, instead, was something akin to permeating sunshine, its rays reaching out in all directions. What was going on with him?

  He looked at Rebecca, curious. “Has she said anything to you?”

  The corridor leading to the cafeteria was empty this time of day. Their voices echoed.

  “It’s what she hasn’t said that gives her away.” Rebecca paused at the entrance. She was still on duty and needed to get back upstairs. “Be good to her, Mac. She’s one of a kind.”

  Rebecca would get no argument from him on that score. “I already know that.”

  She began to leave, then stopped and turned around again. “Oh, and more thing. We never had this conversation.”

  He looked at her innocently. “What conversation?”

  Rebecca laughed and quickly brushed her lips against his cheek. “That’s what I always liked about you, Mac. You always played by the rules.”

  The only problem was, Mac thought as he walked into the cafeteria, he no longer knew just what the rules were. Someone had changed them on him when he wasn’t looking.

  Pulling into the driveway, Mac yanked up the emergency hand brake as he turned off the motor. He was struggling to keep his temper in check. It wasn’t easy. He shouldn’t have to be doing this.

  Allen hadn’t brought Tommy into the hospital today as promised. They’d had a twelve-thirty appointment to discuss the boy’s next surgery. Mac had purposely arranged for the appointment during the man’s lunch hour so that Allen wouldn’t shrug it off, saying that he couldn’t take any time off.

  Fat lot of good that had done. He’d waited until one. Allen had never showed.


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