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Date with a Vampire

Page 4

by Raine English

  Definitely. Heartsick. “I—ah, did you see the good looking blond man I was talking to?”

  Sugar’s pencil-thin eyebrows lifted. “No, sweetie. I didn’t see you with anyone. But you could bet if I’d known you were with some hot guy, I’d have been right by your side.” She giggled. “Screw looking at the planes.”

  “Well, he was here.” She touched the chair next to her, where just a few moments ago he’d sat. It was as cool as his fingers. “And then he was gone.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you, except we’ve got to go.” Sugar grabbed her arm and pulled her toward the gate. “Look, sweetie, you’re bound to see him again if he’s on this flight, right?”

  “I suppose.” Melody nearly collided into the back of an elderly woman as she searched for a glimpse of curly ash-blond hair.

  “Sorry.” Wow, that guy had really tilted her world. She stepped around the old woman, handed her boarding pass to the attendant and followed Sugar onto the plane. It wasn’t until they were settled in their seats that Melody’s racing heart slowed to a normal rhythm. Whatever spell she’d been under finally began to fade and reality roared back like the growling jet engines. Sure, the romantic Romanian had been charismatic, but the men she would meet in Fiji were bound to be just as suave. And who knew, maybe one would make her heart pound even faster than had the man with the dreamy chocolate eyes.

  — : : —

  Theo arrived in Los Angeles by the only method he knew would avoid jetlag—magic. Disappearing and reappearing somewhere else was a specialty of his. As he drank in his first breath of the sultry California breeze whispering through the hotel window, he scanned the hallway to confirm no wayward maid or hotel patron had witnessed his remarkable arrival. He had half a day’s advance on his brother, thanks to his gift. The sorcery on his father’s side of the family mated with his mother’s witchcraft proved a potent combination. Not all vampires possessed his talent. Fortunately for Theo, Guystof hadn’t been so lucky. His mother had been a mere mortal with no special powers whatsoever. Though Guystof could perform a trick or two when need be, he was no match for Theo.

  Such a shame too, especially for the lovely Melody. He hoped to add her to his harem of pretty, young vampires. The thought of her sweet, soft flesh, her long graceful neck, made his fangs begin to protrude. Careful. You mustn’t get sidetracked. You’ve a job to do. She’ll be yours soon enough.

  With a deep breath, he concentrated on the task at hand—Johnny Evans, poet and philosophy professor at Berkeley, thirty years old, a bachelor on Dream Girl, and the perfect candidate to do Theo’s bidding.

  Standing in Johnny’s bedroom doorway, Theo watched him sleep. The bachelor’s chest rattled, and he let out a loud snore. Theo would have to do something about that undesirable trait. He crossed the room and stood beside the bed, placing his hand over the man’s face until his breathing came out in a soft puff.

  Moonlight poured in through the window, lighting Johnny’s features. Handsome and rugged, he had thick chestnut hair and a heavily muscled physique. Melody was sure to find him attractive, and with the personality Theo was about to give him, Johnny would be irresistible.

  He bent down and blew in the bachelor’s ear. The man twitched but did not awaken. “When you rise,” Theo whispered, “you shall exude charisma and sex appeal. And you’ll do anything to win Melody Johnson’s love.”

  He watched Johnny for a few more seconds, fighting the growing urge to sink his fangs into the man’s neck. He couldn’t give in to his hunger now. Johnny Evans’ importance as a pawn far outweighed his appeal as dinner. He was the decoy that would keep Guystof from his chosen bride.

  Though his brother’s magic didn’t rival his own, Guystof could be very charming. And with Melody’s love of dark, brooding heroes, she was bound to find him hard to resist. Precisely why Theo had to intervene.


  Melody stared out the Island Hopper’s window. The helicopter provided a fast scenic ride from the Nadi Airport on the main island of Viti Levu to Taveuni, the third largest island in Fiji. She sucked in her breath at the beauty below. The island sparkled like a magnificent gem. The beach—a golden bronze—lay in contrast to the glistening blue of the Pacific Ocean. This was a long way from her small rural hometown. She felt the need to pinch herself to prove this all wasn’t just a dream.

  Sugar squeezed her hand, her mouth open in awe. “I’ve never seen nothing like this.”

  “Ladies, you’re about to enter paradise,” the pilot said with a smile.

  A few minutes later, the helicopter set down on the crosshairs of a landing pad. The huge, thumping rotors kicked up a storm of dust before they slowed enough for Melody and Sugar to hop out. A car waited at the airport. Not a limo, but a nice, clean sedan that would carry them to Malaku, the sixty-acre resort where Dream Girl would be filmed.

  They traveled a dirt road, passing a traditional Fijian village set amongst the deep vegetation of the jungle, before reaching their destination. Despite the heat, Melody shivered as her imagination conjured up images of cannibals hiding within the dark, green foliage.

  She remembered Ann telling her from the travelogue that Malaku had once been a coconut plantation and that was evidenced by the rows of lush trees they passed. Up ahead, Melody spotted a large grouping of thatched roof huts. A beautiful woman with long, straight blue-black hair waved to their car. Her grass skirt swayed around her hips as she stepped back so the sedan could park along the curb. Colorful leis made from native island flowers hung from her arms, and when Melody and Sugar stepped out of the car, she draped one around each of their necks.

  Sugar held the fragrant petals of the lei up to her nose, inhaled deeply, then sneezed. “I hope I’m not allergic,” she said between sniffles.

  Melody ran her thumb over the velvety flowers. “You probably got nectar up your nose, that’s all,” she said, not wanting to add to Sugar’s drama.

  “Ni Sa Bula.” The native woman smiled, exposing teeth as white as pearls. “Greetings.”

  “Ni Sa Bula,” Melody and Sugar replied.

  “If you’ll come with me, I’ll show you to your bures.” She must have noticed their puzzled expressions. “Your houses,” she explained.

  “Oh, oh, of course.” Melody fell in step alongside her, while Sugar tagged behind, more interested in the three young boys who’d emerged from behind a large banana tree and were now struggling to carry their luggage.

  “You must be the Dream Girl,” the native woman said, her gaze flicking over Melody.

  “Yes, I’m Melody Johnson.”

  “We’ve all been so anxious to meet you. I’m Serenie LaLe. My family owns Malaku.” There was no denying the pride in her tone or the confidence in her stride. And why not? The plantation was beautiful.

  Everywhere Melody looked, lush tropical gardens and gorgeous trees with large glossy leaves and big, round green fruit covered the fertile earth. Serenie led her to a secluded bure with an ocean view. Built on a cliff edge, it offered a panoramic view that mingled the gardens with the reef. A private path led down the cliff to a beautiful white sand bay, where palm trees overhung the aqua water.

  “That’s Dolphin Bay,” Serenie said, following Melody’s stunned gaze.

  “I’ve never seen anything more beautiful.”

  “And it’s yours alone for your entire stay.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” Melody looked out over the crystal clear blue water. A sense of peace settled on her as she leaned on the white iron railing and took a deep breath of island air. Paradise! For the first time, she got a sense of what her lottery winnings could buy. Wouldn’t it be fun to fly her friends out here too? Once Dream Girl ended, she could have Mags, Ann, and Billy join her. They’d lounge on the beach drinking coconut rum and laugh about the quirks of fate that had brought them all together.

  “May you find your future husband here,” Serenie said in her soft, sweet voice.

  A cool trade wind blew across Melody
’s skin, covering her with fresh ocean air. “I don’t believe there’s a more romantic place on earth.” Then why did she suddenly feel so homesick?

  “Let me show you the inside of your bure,” Serenie said, opening the door.

  Melody followed her into the hut. Tropical flowers in full bloom were everywhere. Vases overflowed with orchids, lotus blossoms, birds of paradise, and gardenias, perfuming the house with the scents of white ginger and other exotic spices. Fijian artwork hung on the walls. Carved bowls and pottery covered the windowsills. There was a fully stocked mini-bar on top of which sat a huge wicker basket that overflowed with bananas, pineapples, and papayas. Beside it was the traditional welcome drink of fresh iced coconut juice served in its own shell.

  Serenie led the way into the bedroom. A king-size bed covered by a white mosquito net canopy took up most of the room. French doors led the way to a private stonewalled courtyard containing an outside shower, a sundeck and spacious Jacuzzi pool. What a shame Melody wasn’t really here to meet the man of her dreams… To be surrounded by such luxury while in the arms of your lover would be heaven on earth.

  “I think you’ll find your stay here most comfortable,” Serenie said with a wink.

  “How could I not?” Melody sank onto the bed. A red-and-white flower print sarong draped the headboard. She ran her hand over the soft material.

  “That’s your Sulu. You’re to wear it tomorrow when you meet the bachelors. They’ll be arriving throughout the day. So you have lots of free time today. You can relax, swim, or take a walk along the beach. But you mustn’t leave the private grounds of your bure. The producers don’t want you meeting any of the bachelors ahead of schedule. Might give someone an unfair advantage.”

  “Of course.”

  Melody followed Serenie back into the sitting room, where they nearly ran headfirst into Sugar and the three boys who’d carried their luggage.

  Sugar was eating a banana and tossing papayas from the fruit basket to each of the boys. “You don’t mind, right, Mel?”

  “No, not at all. Help yourselves.”

  Serenie scowled and yelled something in Fijian at the boys as they grabbed for some pawpaws. “Your work isn’t done. You still have more luggage to carry.” She cast her glance over to Sugar, then looked apologetically at Melody. “Sometimes my boys forget their manners.”

  Melody raised a brow. “Those are your boys?” Serenie didn’t look much older than a child herself.

  The island woman smiled, and a self-conscious blush stole up her face. “It’s times like these that make being a widow difficult. I can’t say to them, ‘Wait till your father gets home.’”

  “You have a lovely family, Serenie.”

  “Thank you, miss. If there’s anything you need, please just ask.” As she followed her boys out the door, she turned back to Melody. “I almost forgot. Tonight you’ll dine with the producers in the large bure. It’s the first one we passed.”

  “At what time?” Melody called after her.

  “The lali drum will inform you when the meal is ready.”

  Sugar took the last bite of her banana and tossed the peel into the trash. “I’m off too, hon. I’ll see you at dinner when the drum beats.”

  Alone at last, Melody could hardly wait to unpack, shower, and bask in the afternoon sun. In the bathroom, she found coconut soaps, shampoo, conditioner, a hairdryer and a plush terry robe. This was luxury. She hadn’t thanked Ann nearly enough for talking her into becoming the Dream Girl. She would make it up to her in a big way.

  She let the shower spray pummel her tired muscles until they relaxed and the exhausting thirty-one hour trip was long forgotten. She combed the tangles from her hair, pulled it up into a loose twist, then slipped into her favorite string bikini.

  The linen closet was stocked with plenty of towels, and she grabbed one to take with her to the beach. She also took a bottle of sunscreen, the coconut juice drink, and a couple of books about Fijian culture that she’d found on a table. Melody was ready for a wonderful afternoon at the beach—her very own private beach.

  She walked down the path to the bay, where the huge palm trees that lined the beach swayed in the breeze. White clouds sailed in the blue sky and the hot sun shone, sparkling the sea like turquoise glass. She spread her towel over the warm sand and lay down on her back. The heat from the sun blended with the cool southeastern breeze, creating the perfect temperature to sunbathe. She closed her eyes, and her thoughts drifted to the ash-blond stranger she’d met at JFK. If only she’d gotten his name or given him her phone number. Although that would have been a bold thing for her to do, it would have been worth it. Now she would never see him again and never know if that initial attraction might have developed into something more, but before her thoughts drifted farther down that path, common sense returned. Don’t be ridiculous. You don’t believe in love at first sight.

  Beads of perspiration rolled from her forehead onto her cheeks. She sat up, reached for her coconut juice, and took a sip. As she stared out at the ocean, she blinked quickly. Who was that in amongst the waves? He looked like a Greek god! She must be seeing things, she thought, and squeezed her eyes shut. But when she opened them, there he stood, golden and splendid, his lithe frame shimmering under the tropical sun. He prowled toward her, his spiky hair jet black and his eyes a cool pale blue.

  Her mouth went dry, and she gulped down her drink. But the juice did nothing to still the thunderous beat of her heart. This man was Heathcliff and Rhett Butler rolled into one. Okay, maybe she did believe in love at first sight after all.

  — : : —

  It took Guystof no time at all to realize the gorgeous woman on the beach in the hot-pink string bikini was Melody Johnson. As he strode toward her, he couldn’t believe his good fortune. The tide must have carried him farther than he’d thought. Glancing over his shoulder at the bachelors’ huts way off in the distance, he noticed they were little more than specks set amongst the heavy vegetation of the island.

  Meeting Melody before tomorrow’s scheduled introductions might prove to be the edge he’d hoped for. Now all he had to do was charm her, and he could be well on his way to winning the heart of his future bride.

  More lovely than her photo, Melody appeared like a mirage against the miles of iridescent beach. Her peaches and cream skin was tinged with red along the edges of her bikini, the base of her neck, and the tip of her small upturned nose.

  “Looks like you need more sunblock,” Guystof said, coming across the hot sand to stand before her.

  “Excuse me?” She used her hand to shield her bluer than blue eyes from the sun as she peered up at him.

  “You’re beginning to burn.”

  “Oh!” She lifted her bathing suit strap and looked at her shoulder. “I haven’t even been out that long.” Her voice was tinged with regret, as if now she’d be forced to go inside. “No matter what I do, I always seem to burn before I tan.” Her gaze shifted back to him, lingering on his bronzed chest. “I don’t suppose you have that problem.”

  No need for her to know he was a novice in the sunbathing department. Blakesley’s insistence that he use an indoor tanning lotion seemed to have worked, giving the impression he’d spent weeks in the sun. “I’m Guy LeBreque.” Another of Blakesley’s ideas was for him to shorten his name to achieve a modern sound. “And you’re…?” he asked, feigning ignorance to her identity.

  A frown drooped the corners of her perfectly shaped lips.

  Sensing her hesitation, he held his hand out to her. “I can assure you, I don’t bite.”

  A hint of a smile brightened her face. “I’m Melody Johnson.” Her gaze flicked over the endless expanse of empty beach before she placed her small, warm hand in his.

  Two things surprised him: the firmness of her handshake and the incredible softness of her skin. Although petite, she was by no means frail. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Melody Johnson.”

  She seemed to relax some, but still appeared uneasy. Was there
something about him that made her uncomfortable? He’d taken his daily dose of the potion, so he should appear as human as she.

  “You’re one of the bachelors, aren’t you?”

  “Yes.” And you’re most definitely a Dream Girl. He dropped his gaze, letting it travel slowly over her slim body, lingering a little at where her breasts nicely filled out her bikini top, and at the rounded curve of her hips, but not too long so as to be rude. Her skin blushed to a lovely shade of rose while he openly admired her.

  “You shouldn’t be here.” Her voice rose an octave.

  He lifted a brow. “And why’s that?”

  “It’s against the rules.”

  “Really?” He reclined beside her, crowding her on the big white beach towel, the edge of his wet swim trunks brushing the side of her thigh. “And what rules are those?”

  “This beach is private. You’re not supposed to be here. Not supposed to meet me… Not until tomorrow.” She curled her toes into the sand and bit her lip, but she didn’t kick him off her towel or demand that he leave.

  Guystof propped himself up on one elbow and smiled. “Well, the damage is already done, and no harm has come to you.”

  She set the drink she’d been holding down on the towel and shook her finger at him. “I’m serious. If the producers find out…well, I don’t know what might happen. They just might boot you off the show.”

  He tried hard not to laugh. She certainly was a feisty little thing. “Don’t you think that would be a tad extreme?”

  “Not if they thought you’d gained an unfair advantage over the other men.”

  “And what do you think, Melody? Have I?” he asked in his sexiest tone.

  Her delicate brow furrowed. “What kind of question is that? I’ve only just met you and I know nothing about—”

  He leaned over and pressed his mouth against hers, cutting off her words. Her petal-soft lips parted beneath his gentle but insistent pressure, and the fragrant aroma of musk, sandalwood and amber surrounded him. Her back stiffened, he was sure from shock, but then he felt her surrender to his deepening kiss. Draping an arm across her shoulders, he pulled her nearer, so that the wild pounding of her heart mingled with his own. As she began to melt against him, he pulled back. She stared with glazed eyes into his. Her breasts rose and fell in a deep sigh beneath the deliciously skimpy bikini top.


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