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Date with a Vampire

Page 6

by Raine English

  Melody’s face heated, and she smiled. “Thank you. I owe it to Sugar.”

  Before long, they spotted the aqua water sluicing against the shore and twenty stunning bachelors standing before it. All dressed in tropical shirts and khaki pants, they fit right in with the lush island scenery.

  She wanted to pinch herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. These gorgeous men couldn’t be waiting for her, little Miss Nobody from Hope. But they were. And each one wished to win her heart.

  As she walked closer, she spotted Henry Lyons speaking with the camera crew. Her heart raced and her breath hitched in her throat. She’d forgotten about the cameras! Suddenly, feeling faint, she swayed.

  “Easy now,” Wendy whispered in her ear as she held her up. “It’s okay. Just put one foot in front of the other and keep walking.”

  Melody didn’t know if it was Wendy’s calming voice or her fear of making a complete fool of herself that kept her going, but the blood rushed back into her face and her steps grew steadier.

  She went to stand beside Henry, who said, not wasting any time, “We’re all ready if you are.”

  Melody nodded and from the corner of her eye saw the cameras begin to roll. She clasped her hands together to quell their trembling.

  “The moment we’ve been waiting for, folks, is finally here,” Henry said in his best announcer’s voice. “Your new Dream Girl, Melody Johnson.”

  She pasted a smile upon her lips and focused her gaze on the bachelors. But it was Guy LeBreque’s magnetic blue eyes that held her. She recalled his kiss, and for a second, she forgot there were nineteen other men staring at her.

  The sound of Henry’s voice brought her back to reality. “And our first bachelor is Mark Ritter from Wilmington, Delaware.”

  Bachelor number one stepped forward and shook her hand. “Nice to meet you, Melody.” He smelled of Old Spice—her father’s favorite cologne—and the scent made him appear too old for her.

  “Bachelor number two,” Henry continued, “hails from California. Johnny Evans.”

  A strikingly handsome man took Melody’s hands in his own, causing her pulse to thrum.

  “You look beautiful,” he said in a soft, sexy voice.

  This one was a keeper! She barely heard Henry announce the rest of the men, Johnny had made such an impression on her. It wasn’t until Guy’s hand encircled her waist and his mouth brushed the side of her cheek that she came back down to earth.

  He raised an ebony brow at her, as if he’d known she was in a fog, and whispered in her ear. “It’s wonderful to see you, Melody.” His breath tickled her neck, and spikes of electricity shot through her. “Again.”

  Her cheeks grew hot. She hoped her blush wasn’t visible to the camera. “Nice to meet you too,” she grumbled, shaking free of his grasp. Guy was going to be trouble. He was much too overconfident for his own good.

  The rest of the men were introduced; then Henry announced the five bachelors who’d be going on the first group date. Melody was pleased when she heard Johnny’s name called and a bit apprehensive at Guy’s, but her excitement returned when she learned she was going snorkeling at the local reefs.

  Snorkeling was something she’d always dreamed of doing, but she never imagined she’d actually be given the opportunity to experience it, especially with a group of handsome men.

  Perhaps it had worked out for the best that Johnny and Guy had been selected. She was attracted to them both, even if Guy did make her a bit edgy. Having the two bachelors together for the first date would give her the perfect opportunity to get to know them and compare their personalities.

  After all, the reason she was there was to pretend to find her soul mate. And she couldn’t think of a better way to start things off than to spend the day out on the ocean with those two hot guys.

  With a positive attitude, she headed to her bure to change her clothes, then meet the men back at the beach for an afternoon adventure.

  — : : —

  It wasn’t long after Guystof had dressed that the lali drum sounded, calling a meeting at the beach for the group date with Melody. When he arrived there, he spotted the professor leaning up against a tree talking with the other bachelors. Guystof was glad that Johnny was in the group, so that he could keep an eye on the man he believed to be his stiffest competition.

  A few minutes later, Melody arrived and the men fell silent. In a pair of cut-offs that hugged her shapely hips to perfection and a low cut tee that did little to conceal her perfectly shaped breasts, it was no wonder the golden-haired goddess knocked the breath out of them.

  “Hello, gentlemen. Are you ready to explore the sea with me?” she asked.

  The group let out a resounding whoop and followed her through the sand to where a large motorboat awaited them. Guystof hung back from the group and watched Melody climb aboard with the professor right behind, listening raptly to her every word. Guystof boarded last, content to stay in the background, at least for now. When the opportunity was right, he would make his move. Right now, he was content to just enjoy the lovely day.

  He leaned against the boat’s rail and tipped his head back to let the sun’s rays warm his face. He’d never imagined it would feel so glorious, making all the years he’d roamed the dark even more terrible. How could Theo enjoy spending centuries in the cold?

  “Where are you?” The sound of Melody’s soft voice roused him and he raised a brow at her question.

  “You looked worlds away. Were you thinking of Moldavia, Count? Are you homesick?”

  Her referring to him by his title sounded odd and much too formal for the casual setting of this tropical island.

  “Homesick? No. But I was thinking back over my life, and I can tell you it was not near as pleasant as this… As being here in paradise with you.”

  The rosy color that flooded her cheeks was endearing. Wasn’t she used to compliments or having a man flirt with her? He moved closer so he stood only inches from her. “How would you like to become a countess?”

  She stepped back. “That’s a little premature, wouldn’t you say?”

  “Perhaps. But I know what I want when I see it, and I’ll do whatever it takes to get it.”

  “Is that what I am? A prize?” She planted her hands on her hips, the corners of her mouth turned down, and stared at him. “I realized coming into this that some of the men might view this as a game, but the producers assured me all the bachelors here are looking to find love and hopefully a wife.”

  Guystof smiled. “Oh, rest assured, my dear. I most definitely am looking to find my bride. And I couldn’t have envisioned a more beautiful one than you, Melody.”

  “You’re too smooth for your own good.” She left him to join the other bachelors who were reclining on lounge chairs at the back of the boat.

  Guystof chuckled to himself as he watched her walk away in a huff. Oh, she liked him all right, even if she didn’t yet know it.

  Melody removed her shorts and tee shirt, revealing her model perfect body in a skimpy silver bikini. The men stared, slack-jawed and a spike of jealousy surged through Guystof, surprising him with its intensity. He was here to win her over, not to develop feelings for her himself.

  She donned her goggles and snorkel and jumped off the little platform at the back of the boat. The professor and two other bachelors joined her in the water. Melody seemed to be enjoying herself, especially when a school of colorful, tropical fish swam by her. She put her face in the water and floated on her stomach, a few feet from where Guystof stood on deck watching. Her silver suit reflected the water like tin foil, and he was tempted to ask if she’d remembered her sunscreen, but thought better of it.

  A fin broke the surface of the water and headed her way.

  Guystof’s heart thundered against his chest and a cold sweat broke out along his forehead. “Shark! Melody, swim.”

  The professor and two other bachelors, farther from the predator and closer to the back of the boat, swam wildly for the stairs. Melody, th
ough, just treaded water and stared, her eyes wide with fear.

  “Quick! Give me your hand.” He hung over the side of the motorboat, stretching out to her as far as he could. Still she didn’t move. And the shark rapidly approached.

  “Look at me,” he yelled. Her eyes shifted from the shark to his face, and his gaze locked with hers. “Listen to me. Reach out and give me your hand. I promise I won’t let anything happen to you. But you have to do as I ask. Now!”

  Maybe it was his tone of voice or the way he’d pleaded with her to listen that caused her to break from her shock and reach out to him. Guystof grabbed her wrist, and with every ounce of strength he possessed, hoisted her up. Just as her feet dangled over the side of the boat, the shark swam past and disappeared under the water.

  He pulled her close against him, wrapping his arms around her trembling body. “You’re safe now,” he whispered against her wet hair. Water dripped from everywhere and pooled around his feet.

  She clung to him as if he was still her lifeline. “You saved me. I don’t know how to thank you.”

  He could think of any number of ways, but now was not the time to mention them. He inhaled deeply to savor this closeness with her. And smelled blood. To his horror, his mouth began to water and his fangs cut through his gums.

  How could this be happening? He’d taken the potion first thing this morning. Blakesley had told him to take it only once a day. Yet, it appeared to be not enough, for he was becoming a monster.

  With her neck just inches from him, he could almost taste her sweetness. He moved his mouth along the velvet skin of her throat. His pulse throbbed in his temple, and his desire to sink his teeth into her flesh was almost too much to bear. Oh, why was this happening? He wasn’t supposed to have these urgings. Not when he appeared human. And why in hell did he smell blood?

  A growl started deep in his belly and threatened to escape his mouth. He gritted his teeth and pressed his lips firmly shut, then took Melody by the elbows and held her out at arms’ length. Blood trickled from a cut on her shoulder.

  He swallowed hard, the saliva building up in his throat. This couldn’t be happening. Not now. Not here. He sensed they had an audience, and from the corner of his eye, he spotted the other bachelors along with the boat’s captain staring at him and Melody.

  The crowd’s noise and the sound of her voice jarred him back to reason. “Guy? What’s wrong? You look awful.”

  He kept his mouth clamped shut and waited for his fangs to recede, before speaking, then focused his gaze on her injured shoulder. “You’re hurt.”

  She looked at her cut. “Oh, that’s nothing. I must have gotten it while climbing into the boat. Could have been a whole lot worse.” Her cornflower-blue eyes sparkled with gratitude.

  “I guess the sight of blood made me realize just how close a call that really was,” Guystof said, trying to make an excuse for his bizarre behavior.

  “Well, thanks to you, I’m okay.” She leaned over and kissed his cheek with lips warm and petal soft.

  A burning desire to take her back in his arms raged through him. Before he could make a move, though, the professor came over and clapped him on the back.

  “Hey, hero. Guess what? That shark was a dolphin.” A round of laughter and applause followed Johnny’s announcement.

  Guystof’s back stiffened as he watched a playful dolphin trail their boat. When his gaze shifted back to Melody, her face had turned a vivid scarlet. It seemed he wasn’t the only one humiliated.

  “I guess I’d better go clean this cut up and put some dry clothes on. With that kind of scare, I don’t think I’ll be going back in the water anytime soon.” She glowered at him and walked away.

  — : : —

  Melody held tight to the railing as she went below deck. The dim lighting of the cabin was a sharp contract to the bright sunshine and it took a minute for her eyes to adjust. She sank onto a sofa and buried her face in her hands.

  She’d never been so frightened in her life. Just thinking she might have been eaten by a shark sent prickles of fear up her spine. And it hadn’t even been true. What a fool she was! She’d known Guy was melodramatic and would do anything to gain her attention, but she’d never imagined he’d stoop so low as to scare her with a phony shark attack. Yet, he seemed as shocked as she when Johnny pointed out the dolphin. Maybe he hadn’t been acting… Oh, she was so confused. She didn’t know what to think. But she knew she didn’t belong here. She wasn’t sophisticated, or worldly, or even brave. She was a meek little mouse who belonged back home in Hope.

  A gentle touch to the top of her head startled her, and then she was enveloped in a comforting embrace. She buried her face against Guy’s chest. A mix of emotions ran through her. Should she be angry or grateful? If he’d made an honest mistake…

  Oh Lord, she did want to give him the benefit of the doubt. Could she be falling for him? But she barely knew him? And he was a count. He could have any woman he wanted. Why her? Could it be that he just wanted to win the game?

  He held her closer, her eyes squeezed shut against his strong, muscular chest, then he tilted her chin up and pressed his mouth to hers. Melody’s eyes opened wide in horror. This kiss was different. Much different from the one she’d shared with Guy on the beach. And there was good reason for that. The man who held her was not Guy but Johnny Evans.

  She pressed her hands firmly against him and tried to push him away but was no match for his strength. His kiss deepened despite her protests. And to make matters worse, Guy stood poised at the top of the stairs. She wanted to cry out to him, “It’s not what you think,” but by the time she disentangled herself from Johnny, it was too late. Guy was gone.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” she cried.

  Johnny wore a confused look. “Consoling you? You seemed upset.”

  “I’d call it a little more than consoling.” What was it with these men? Why did they think they could kiss her whenever they pleased? Hadn’t they ever heard of asking first?

  “I’m sorry, Mel.”

  “—ody. My name is Melody.” She grabbed a cushion from the arm of the sofa and hugged it against her chest.

  “I was just trying to help, that’s all. I guess I got carried away. You’re a very attractive woman, Melody.”

  Johnny looked like a sad puppy that she’d just kicked to the curb. But she didn’t care. What concerned her was the image Guy must have of her. After attempting to save her life, not to mention being embarrassed in front of the other bachelors, he finds her locked in another man’s arms. Lord, what must he think of her? But what made her even more angry is why she cared so darn much what he thought. If she wanted to kiss every bachelor here, it was her business and no one else’s.

  She offered Johnny a weak smile. “I shouldn’t have snapped at you. I’m sorry. I guess I’m just hormonal.”

  He squeezed her hand. “Sure. I understand.”

  Melody watched Johnny leave the cabin. He was the kind of man she should be interested in. She had a lot more in common with a professor than she had with a count. Yet, her heart didn’t flutter when Johnny kissed her the way it did with Guy. Men! She was better off without them. Just let me get through Dream Girl, and then I can go home.

  — : : —

  Theo stared into the large silver goblet. Inside, the image of Melody’s lovely face faded into the thick red blood. He’d watched the events unfold in Fiji as a wizard would through his crystal ball and was pleased with what he’d seen.

  His brother’s humiliation after rescuing Melody from a dolphin had Theo dancing for joy. And then to have Guystof find Melody in the professor’s arms was brilliant. Theo couldn’t have devised a better plan himself. If that didn’t knock his brother down a peg or two, he didn’t know what would.

  He twirled around the room, his black cape billowing like wings. Theo stopped long enough to drink the entire contents of the goblet, wipe the blood from his mouth with his hand, then lick his fingers. It wouldn’t be long un
til Dragesa was his. He would rule the kingdom as never before. His father and his before that had been weak. They’d listened to their wives, taking care to spare a woman whenever possible. Well, he cared for women too. Cared that they heeded his desires. There wasn’t a city or town across the globe that didn’t hold a vampire or two that belonged to him. Soon, he could bring them all here, to Dragesa, so that they could service him whenever he pleased. The thought of those lovely, slender necks his for the piercing, made him quiver with desire.

  He’d keep a close watch on Melody. There was no way he was going to lose this battle. Theo slammed the goblet on the thick wooden table and didn’t hear the door open behind him. It wasn’t until Blakesley was beside him that he noticed the butler. The old man had been with the LeBreques for centuries but mainly served Guystof.

  “How many times have I told you not to sneak up on me like that?” Theo snapped.

  “I’m sorry, sir. I did knock. And as I’m not light footed to be sure, I felt certain you’d hear me approach.”

  “Well, I did not. Now what do you want?”

  “Your father asked me to call upon you, sir. Shall you be dining with him tonight?”

  Theo’s gaze settled on the goblet, the side rimmed with blood. “No, tell him I’ve already eaten.”

  Blakesley followed his gaze. “Will that be enough, sir? I must say it appears to be no more than an appetizer. There’s plenty of meat in the banquet hall. The animals were just freshly slaughtered.”

  Theo bit back his harsh words. The old man was just doing his job. Or was he? Theo narrowed his eyes and studied Blakesley intently. Perhaps he was spying for Guystof. If that were true, Blakesley would be sorry indeed.

  He smiled wickedly. “Thank you, but I’m fine for now. And if I get hungry, I can find someone to satisfy me.” Blakesley hated to be fed upon, but if he continued to bother Theo, he would not hesitate to teach him a lesson.

  “Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.” The old man backed out of the room, not taking his eyes off Theo. It seemed his threat had not gone unnoticed.

  After Blakesley closed the door, Theo let out a roar of laughter. He would not be coming around anytime soon.


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